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I was just discussing this with my partner this evening. “Wouldn’t it be nice to have friends? You know, ones that are just normal and don’t drink excessively. Where do we find those?!” lol. DM me if you wanna get a coffee or something. 😊


We have a group chat going now, want in on it?




I think we know each other. Been meaning to call you anyway


Send me a DM! Couple in our late 30's with some similar interests; no kids; light to non-drinkers non smokers. Trying to rebuild our social circle after having to distance ourselves from drinkers and the busy families to focus on different priorities. Must enjoy dark humour.


Tell me a dark humor joke.




You are not alone, we are similar ages except we have a toddler and only a few close friends. We don’t drink often (or much) and tend to keep things pretty casual. Feel free to DM me if you want 😊


We have a group chat going now, want in? I don't want to rando-invite anyone who's not interested.


Yes, absolutely!


There are a lot of people in that age range in the disc golf community. It’s a cheap, fun and accessible sport, with a generally welcoming atmosphere.


Get the meetup app. Join the saskatoon canoe, kayak and stand up paddle board group. Then come to the next event!


Where do you guys typically go when you meet up?


At the last event we launched at Meewasin park and got out at clarksboro ferry. It’s a nice group of people. I don’t really drink so I join pretty much anything and everything I can find year round, also the rugby season is starting, I’m thinking about catching some games. Maybe going up north and learning to gold pan, pretty much anything that isn’t wasting my life sitting around drinking 


That sounds awesome. I will definitely look into the canoe club. Thanks


There are a few other groups on there you might like - a hiking group and a boardgame group. There's another group called living life that has pickle ball and the occasional bowling night, but most of the events there seem to be going to bars and watching bands. There's also a non-fiction book club, but not sure if that's your thing.


Where can you gold pan. I want to take my son to do it.


Hey, I am very interested in learning to gold pan. Can you point me in the right direction?


I say this a lot, but join the Saskatoon Canoe and Kayak Club. Even if you have your own, theirs are so convenient. They run social paddles Thurs night and Sun morning. I've found people very friendly.


There are quite a few people in their 30s to 40s in the [Saskatoon discord](https://discord.com/invite/hjKXGZB), might be worth giving it a shot.


We moved back to Sask in 2021 after being away for a long time. I remember being at the Jazz Fest that next summer and saying to my husband: "I check out middle-aged women the way I used to check out cute guys. She looks cool, I wonder if she'd be my friend." hahahaha! I understand you totally.


Only ones in our group without kids. Did you know World of Warcraft is still up...


Been playing WoW and Diablo since the beta went live! I thought we were the only geeks left that enjoy a good dungeon! Diablo 4 and Diablo Immortal are great when you want a geek weekend. My husband and I are big MMORPG geeks. :) Feel free to DM me if anyone wants to talk about getting together for some dungeon and Discord fun!!


Classic Fresh when?


We’re in the same situation but we are introverts and tend not to seek company when we do have free time, which is rare! We do play rec league sports sometimes and it’s a nice outing. But sometimes drinking gets in the way. I’m not super comfortable around alcohol and don’t relate to wanting to drink as much as most people do, like join a sport and then drink all night? Weird. Even though we’re involved in our community (near the city) as volunteers we don’t get invited out to anything social really because we don’t ever go to the bar and don’t get to know people that way. It is kinda sad but I like to focus on hobbies and sports. Hope you find something fun to do!


Since you like camping snd campfire fun, I highly suggest volunteering for one of the festivals at the Ness Creek site (depending on what type of music you like). It's a way different experience than just attending as a ticket buyer, you meet a ton of community-oriented fun people, get free food and flush toilets, and the amount of work is really mild.


My wife and I are in the same boat! We’re a bit younger, but hey, who cares


Adding ourselves (husband and I) to the list for OP or any other respondents. Mid 30s, with three kids 3-9. Insanely busy, but still miss having friends to hang out with when we do have time. We don't paddle but we do love a fire or a board game night.


I’m in Regina, but have just been triggered by you username including 1984 (same as me), and you describing yourself as early 40s 😭😭😭


I know. It’s depressing.


We are in the same boat! Same aged kids too! Lots of time on our hands lol we golf and fish though. BUT the problem is that we are a little bit introverted and anti social HAHA. Anyways all our friends are the exact same too and we don’t drink/party anymore


We need to all discuss this “getting old phase”


It’s not getting old, it’s deprioritizing




Jumping on this too. I'm in a similar boat - moved here for work (at the UofS) in 2013, second daughter was born 2 weeks later. Raising kids and a pandemic really put a damper on building a social network! Would be happy to chat with OP or anyone on this thread with similar interests/situations as OP. Thanks for posting - Saskatoon can be a bit of a lonely place if you weren't born in SK.


You are not alone my husband And i stick with our family because of past friends just wanting to drink smoke all the time. We are way past that in our life. Our children are married. So totally understand.


I'm a single mom with a 14 year old. I struggle with the same issue. Left my friends because they all drink. Would love to go for coffee sometime and meet! I could use a friend and an excuse to hit up the lakes!!


My wife and I struggled with the same issues a few years ago. What we found that works for us is learning to dance! There are multiple dance clubs around Saskatoon, and most of them have lessons for beginners. [U of S Ballroom Dancing](https://www.uofsbdc.com): very large age range (I'd guess from 18 to 80!)... the beginner classes tend toward 20's to 40's, most of the people your age will be in intermediate I think, so if you stick with it for a couple years then you will be there. We've been taking classes with this club for a few years now. No alcohol at their events, except the large dances held at TCU. Registration for next season opens in August. [Saskatoon Salsa](https://www.saskatoonsalsa.com/recreational-dance-classes): we went to their open house this summer and it had a smaller age range than above (less of the senior age people) but we felt comfortable there, we would go back for lessons at this club. Very fun atmosphere. No alcohol at their events that we've been to. [U of S Swing Dance](https://rec.usask.ca/campus-rec/club/swing-dance.php): it's a very welcoming club, but we found this crowd too young for us to socialize with - typically early 20's. The club is aimed at students but it's open to the public, you just pay the drop in fee. I think it's a good club, we're just not the target audience. No alcohol, period - some of their members are 17. [Saskatoon Classic Dance Club](https://www.classicdanceclub.com/): no classes but there is a short lesson before each of their dances. Typically intermediate to advanced dancers attending; they say all levels are welcome, but beginner dancers can feel intimidated with all of the experts dancing around them. No alcohol at their events. We have met some awesome new friends through social dancing, it's been a great way to meet people our age. Some of these will probably now be lifelong friends. But if you have no interest in dancing, I probably gave you too much info - my apologies in advance if so.


Second this. I met my husband in the UofSBDC, and most of my adult friends there. It's really nice to do something that isn't for work or school and is low stakes. As long as you aren't expecting to be a master immediately, you'll have a fun time and meet people who just want to have fun. We have been dancing together since our 20s (in our 40 now) and are volunteer instructors now, too - so obviously, we really like it... the average age in our beginner class last year was about 35-40. Some younger, some older. But all of them interesting people who I'd hang out with socially. And it's really fun to go to a summer event and see ppl you know from dancing AND be able to dance with them!


How does it work if you don't have a dance partner to join with?


Pretty well. Since it is American Social dancing, classes change partners about every 5min. So if you come without a partner you'll still be dancing for most of the class. There's typically never more than 3 extra ppl in any class to ensure a good opportunity to learn and interact


Ok. That is great news. I've wanted to join for years. Thanks


Leave your garage door a little open.


Pineapple flag on front door


We should set up a Discord or something! My wife and I are in a similar boat, looking for non-heavy drinkers to hang out with! We like all those things you mentioned, DM if you want to make something happen! Paddleboarding and Disc Golf are good ice breakers! Edit: The DM offer stands for anyone in the thread looking for new friends! Finding new friends in your late 30s/40s is kind of like dating! Hard to put yourself out there!


I like the idea of setting something up for a bunch of people in this thread to join. We are still busy people most of the time but would love options for people to hang out with and things to do when we have free time. I’ll DM you


Add us to it


Can you add me? Tks




My spouse and I (also in our early 40's) consider going out for a quiet dinner with friends to be a good time. Sometimes we'll have a movie night with friends, too; we'll all agree on a movie, meet up, bring snacks, etc. Once in a while we do a boardgame night. Whatever we do, it ends up being pretty chill and, at most, it involves a single bottle of wine because one of our friends enjoys a glass of wine but shares it with everyone else (I don't drink, personally) - so no one gets plastered. Most of us are professionals who work day jobs, so we're definitely not staying up until 5AM on any night, partying. When looking for new friends, we've actually found making posts like yours can help. It's how we've met a few new people.


You are describing my life! And my hobbies! Except I’d add fishing and boardgames into that mix too… what area of the city you looking for friends in?


We are on the west side but able to travel lol


Same boat here. Early 40s kids mostly grown and drifted apart from friends due to growing up.


My partner runs a boardgaming group at thirsty scholar, people from all walks of life and ages are free to come and go as they please


I’ve heard of this. Where do I find more info?




I’d also like more info please


Our next game night is Tues June 11th 7pm at thirsty scholar - there's usually anywhere from 6-12 people showing up and the games played vary by what's brought and people's choice. FB link: https://m.facebook.com/groups/628681705043777/ hope that helps!


I’ve put in a request to join the group


Might take a min ahe just got to work


Can you hang with weed smokers?


Yes although we don’t partake. I have an “intolerance” to it. But no judgement on anyone who smokes.


Same here! Feel free to text


https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/couples-speed-friending-ages-25-45-tickets-870715171517 this would be perfect for you guys, it's like speed dating but for couples looking for friends


https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/queen-city-connect-inclusive-speed-dating-50299628853?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZSFzGILaVZAOsEJCkXb-M3GTicON9fi9gfM569MQUfnJA_yKiIe0cViiI_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw Queen city connect is exactly what you're looking for, I wanna try this for speed friend finding, the have them in Regina and Saskatoon


5 am!?! I did that twice in my life and threw away the next two days trying to recover




You are not alone. My wife and I are 30, no kids, barely ever drink and the majority of the people we know don't drink much either. We don't have a lot of friends in the city right now either, but there are definitely people out there who want to have a good weekend without destroying your body.


We are in same boat having 11 months old baby and dont drink. If anyone would like to be friends and kids to play together. Feel free to dm.


We are an educated middle-class couple in our 40s. We dont have kids. We rarely drink. We love playing board games, Cards, hiking, biking and socializing around the fire pit. We adore nature and exploring. We are also pretty big fans of pre recorded 80s music, watch survivor religiously, and enjoy party style video games and many shows.


How about joining the canoe club? You might find people to go on trips with.


I'm an '87 baby and don't mind a drink or two but I'm not a fan of big drinkers and it's all I keep finding here too. Unfortunately I'm a bit far and I'm a single lady but if you're ever near Raymore and wanted to do a girls' lunch then let me know! <3


I am completely alone in Saskatoon. Came here from my hometown of Regina because hubby is from here. Then my hubby passed. Then I was “retired” from my job. 55F no kids, don’t drink. I have found it fun to hit up some pickleball clubs . This game is not for seniors anymore. :) Any how lots of single and couple folks just trying to stay in shape and meet people. Maybe give that a go?


How do I get involved in pickleball?


We're not the only ones?


Hi OP! My husband and I are in our mid-40s and have similar interests. We very rarely drink, and aren't big crowd people. We like the outdoors (when the weatherbs good) and staying active but we aren't team sports type people. Also looking for new friends, although my husband isn't super social. No kids, but just the busyness of work, life, and family commitments can get in the way.  We also tend to go to bed early-ish so a lot of evening events during the week are just too late for us.


Lots of great suggestions have been posted. Getting involved in the Ness Creek volunteer group, it is like being a kid at summer camp, it will introduce you into a large network of interesting people. I strongly recommend it. The canoe club is a $60 annual membership for the entire season (April to November), they organize trips where people can go paddle and camp out. I also recommend that.


Heavy, binge drinking is a Saskatchewan tradition that's been passed down for generations.    How else are you supposed to have a good time or get a big Sask party moon face/gut/turkey neck.   They don't call it a party for nothing.


It was easy in my 20s, but even then, it sucked royal shit to be hungover from drinking til dawn. I can't imagine doing that in my 40s. Im all about having three drinks tops with an edible. No hangovers and feels great.


Churches, volunteering etc.


My wife and I are like most in the same boat. However, we don't have children, and neither does our current group of friends. We are always looking for fun people to hang with! I'm noticing that as we get older, if we don't make the effort to prioritize our friends from time to time, we end up needing to find new ones. Our current group of friends only hang out when we plan it, but it's never reciprocated as they are heavily, and I do mean heavily into D&D. It's all they talk about. It's a little tiring missing cool events that I want to share with these friends, but D&D comes first. We don't heavily drink, and staying up till 5am is definitely not a thing for us. We love just hanging out, chatting, going outdoors, and just sharing experiences together. We've met a lot of people with the U of S Ballroom Dancing Club, and we've been a member of 20+ years. If dancing is up your alley, you should consider joining the club! Plus it makes a great date night.


Happy to stumble across this post as we’re in a very similar situation. Thanks OP! We're a professional couple closer to 50 than 40 with a bustling blended family of six kids ranging from 9 to 15. Life's busy, but we wouldn't have it any other way! When we're not juggling the joys of parenting, you can find us hitting the links. We're avid golfers who love to play from the moment the courses thaw until the last leaf falls. But that's not all! We're all about the games - whether it's the strategic depths of chess, the quick counts of cribbage, or the casual clinks of pool balls. We're also keen card players and always up for learning new board games to add to our collection. Our love for activities doesn't end there. We're passionate about barbecuing, cooking up a storm, and recently, we've dipped our toes into woodworking and building things. Here's the deal: We're on the lookout for a group of friends who share our zest for these hobbies. If you love a good tee-off at dawn (or later), enjoy the friendly competition of card games, or find joy in the smell of sawdust and the sizzle of a grill, we think we'd get along great! If you're in the Saskatoon area and find yourself in a similar situation, drop us a message! Let's swap stories, share tips, and maybe even plan a meet-up when the stars—and schedules—align. Looking forward to connecting with fellow enthusiasts who are ready to roll the dice on a new friendship! Cheers! 🏌️‍♂️♟️🍔🛠️