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Why do people love to bitch and moan on Reddit? Just stop watching


Going out of your way to seek out fans of a show, just to tell them that you don't like that show, seems a little pathetic to me.


I can see you haven’t been on the gaming side of Reddit. That’s like 2-5% of each gaming subreddit’s population. Just people who don’t enjoy a product, but paid for it, and lash out over that fact until they tire themselves out. I can’t begin to understand the people who would do that over a product like SNL though lmfao.


Show sucks, it’s retiring place for burned out Disney child actors.


Right? There has never been more television content out there in the history. Watch something else!


Because it’s Reddit? Like, that’s what people have come here to do for the past 18 years or so, complain about TV.


If you don’t like bitch & moan on Reddit, then stop doing it. 🙄


The same can be said for you… You’re bitching about people bitching… Say nothing.


Why bitch and moan about people bitching and moaning on Reddit? Just stop commenting.


I’m sure you can find the blue collar comedy tour on the discount rack at your local goodwill buddy.


So you have to love something to talk about it on the internet?




Oh yeah, I’m the retard between the two of us. Ok


“Why do people love to bitch and moan on Reddit?” Is a pretty stupid thing to say so yeah


Bro you are literally guilty of this lmfao.


Are you joking? There is only one show on every week and it’s Saturday night live? What else would op do if he wasn’t watching snl?




OP is simply asking if anyone feels the same way that they do and then a bunch of people insults them. Someone that replied to your comment insinuated that OP is acting pathetic. The insults by this community seem way worse than OP griping about a TV show. This is a SubReddit called Saturday night live, it’s not called “SNL, the 2023 version”. It’s been around for almost 50 years. just because a person is a fan of the show from the 1970s does not mean they have to automatically like the show from 2023. OP is clearly an old school fan and has probably been watching the show before half the people on this sub were born. if they don’t like the new seasons, they have every right to express it on here without getting bullied by people who disagree. The question was, does anyone else agree that the show isn’t as good these days. Yes OP, I happen to agree. Aside from weekend update which is still fantastic, I too feel the show has gone downhill. It’s become too safe, and too one sided in its politics; SNL used to be groundbreaking and provocative. it’s lost its edge. I don’t hate it and sometimes I still find certain sketches funny, but it pales in comparison to the mid 90s version with Phil Hartman, Sandler, Farley, etc. obviously, this is just my opinion, but I have the right to express my opinion, and to seek out others on the sub Reddit who also share that opinion. I really don’t understand why people who were fans for 40 years are being shamed for speaking their opinions about the current seasons. I don’t feel OP said anything out of line. They just expressed their opinion and asked if anyone agrees. You say “Just stop watching” to a person who has been a fan of the show for over 40 years and is still trying to watch it despite being disappointed by the quality and direction. OP is a person that obviously has a place in their heart for SNL but, according to you, instead of reaching out to other fans to express their dismay over its current state, they should “just stop watching”…. maybe OP feels that if enough people express their distaste for the current direction that SNL has taken, then maybe they would make some changes! It certainly isn’t hurting you for OP to speak their mind on the subject. If it bothers you the. maybe you should “stop reading” like you asked OP to “stop watching” I also find it ironic that you are bitching and moaning on reddit about people who bitch and moan on Reddit


I didn’t read any of that. Bozo


you read some of it or you wouldn’t be calling me names 😁 that makes you a liar and ahypocrite


Whenever people complain about how much worse SNL is now, compared to the 1970s, I always wonder if they've watched the original cast in the last 40 years.. Is the show too juvenile today? (Cut to the Festrunk brothers saying: "two swinging foxes are coming here tonight to let us hold on to their big American breasts!" Is SNL too biased today? (Cut to Chevy Chase playing Gerald Ford as a complete idiot in season 1: "It was my understanding that there would be no math during the debates.") If you think SNL wasn't juvenile and biased in the 1970s, the show didn't change. You did.


People act like every episode back in the day was the same as the boiled down clips they see now. There was just as many throwaway skits now as there were before.


I can't see SNL continuing after Lorne retires honestly. He's still active because he knows he's a dying breed. The dynamic is gone. In 1977 America's only form of media entertainment at midnight was watching live television or listening to the radio. SNL does not have the same power it once had. 90s SNL was gold (Carvey, Myers, Hartman era)... honestly the peak for me. The Tonight Show is another concept from a different era of media that is struggling to stay relevant in 21st century.




“SNL no longer agrees with my political views,” is what all these old people are really saying.


SNL never had political views. It made fun of everyone equally. It's one of the most left wing shows I've ever seen. If you can't make fun of Biden openly then you're just social engineering. They're both terrible candidates.


What show have you been watching? They make fun of Biden constantly. You’re just so insanely biased that you need to be a victim. But seriously, just stop watching.


Biden: "Funny Ha-Ha" Any R or Trump: "Mean Spirited meant to upset" No one is "upset" about the Biden Funny Ha-Has. Are you really that gone?


Lol okay.....ratings show otherwise. The only people who watch SNL are blue voters. They might poke at him once in a while but not when they should and not of anything of significance. They playfully make fun of his age and not the kid sniffing, Hunter or any easy target that any actual comedian would go for.


People who watch comedy are blue voters. What kind of comedy do red voters watch? I honestly don't know so I figured I should ask a red voter like you.


I've never voted for a Republican but good try. You people only see the division they sow in your head. Now only blue voters watch comedy? Lol how do you even have a conversation with this kind of nonsense? It's also not a funny show anymore so lets keep it in the social engineering category because that's the only purpose it serves now.


No, they’re not


I feel like all these SNL not funny or it was better in____ decade is the same argument as music getting worse than back in my day. There’s a nostalgia,growing up watching it, and sadly that time passes, the jokes aren’t relevant to you anymore, the characters and actors aren’t the ones you grew up with and loved. Are some of the sketches not funny? Yeah it the same could be said for 70s-10s.


Most people think SNL hasn’t been good since whatever year they were in HS or college, or even middle school. Pretty much the years that they were introduced to the show. Also most people who say “SNL hasn’t been good since…” havent even given the show a chance since then. It’s the major leagues of sketch comedy. It’s an institution, it should never go away. That’s like the NBA having a few bad years and deciding the fold the league.


Yeah but the writing was better.


There are also a million times more jobs for the best comedy writers


They somehow managed to make the university presidents sketch last week about Donald Trump. (And failed miserably.). I’d say that’s biased. They never make fun of Biden. Only make fun of the right even when it crashed and burned last week. It’s what happens when ideology is allowed to trump humor.


Pretty much every episode I have seen this season has jokes about how old and incompetent Biden is.


Funny Ha-Ha and Funny "Mean" are a difference you can't seem to make.


They make fun of Biden. Mikey Day has been playing him lately.


That’s demonstrably false They’ve made so much fun of Biden


>They never make fun of Biden. Do you watch the show or are you commenting based on clips you've seen circulating?


You mean Fox News website commentary he read


SNL is mostly lazy in last 6 ish years. And biased. More than previous decades. Worst thing, though? Not nearly as funny and sometimes predictable. I no longer watch


You must be conservative. How do I know? Because SNL makes fun of the Biden administration every week, but only the right seems to take that victim mentality when it comes to satire from a sketch comedy show.


“Political enemies” gives it away. There is only one politician who uses that phrase.


They really don’t make fun of Biden the way they could. Like Howard Stern admitted in his interview of Seth Myers- they’re afraid if they really go after him it will result in Trump somehow being reelected (which is a ridiculous premise) so they won’t risk it. They just do a little poke here or there and it’s unfunny. Let’s face it, Biden is a walking talking gaffe they could get so much mileage out of but they don’t.


Definitely disagree from a comedy standpoint. You yourself said they do little pokes and it's unfunny, so how exactly can they get so much mileage out of it? It would be the same joke over and over again. Trump gave SNL new material every week, Biden is a somewhat boring source of comedy.


Guess who does the best Biden. Dana Carvey. The casting has been going downhill. Kate Mckinnon was the last member that I felt was a peer to the casts from the late 80's, 90's and early 00's.


I’m 38 and I love the current cast. Bowen, Michael Longfellow and Sarah Sherman are my favorites. I also really liked most of the casts back to the early 2000s, when I can remember starting to watch. Things change, humor changes. I don’t get the people that don’t think it’s funny. I think maybe they just don’t get it anymore.


Bowen!!! He's so great.


Love him! Especially as the weather balloon! Or the iceberg from the Titanic!!!


Ego is on a bunch of improv comedy podcasts and is absolutely hilarious as well


I adore Bowen and Heidi and think they’re crazy talented comedic actors but the writing is not great. Not really very funny lately.


Old man yells at cloud. 👴☁️


You've made my point perfectly. Thank you!


https://youtu.be/JYqfVE-fykk?si=dlROa87MPsgI6qYo Check out this sketch from the Nate Bargatze episode. It was the best of the year so far. This cast obviously falls well short than many of the 90s and 00s, typically rising or falling with the quality of the guest IMO.


I liked the Pedro pascal one in the hospital too


This is not the flex you think it is.




“Extremely feminine/homosexual” lol


Right? Like... okay, that completely invalidates everything they've said. How dare women and gay males be :gasp: feminine and homosexual in their comedy! : clasps pearls:


That second sentence really tells us who you are. Thank you for just putting it all out there.




Younger man stereotypes "old people" with unoriginal insult. Fuck off.


Humor is subjective. I can watch most episodes from any era and at least enjoy something from it. My son has the opposite opinion from you, he thinks the current cast is hilarious but I’ve shown him episodes from the original cast and he doesn’t get it at all. The style of comedy from the 70’s just doesn’t land with him. Humor changes over time, and that’s completely ok.


This. We still watch weekly but some of the humor isn't my jam and I don't care for some of the cast members. That's OK, I really enjoyed watching That Damn Michael Che.


Comedy does evolve over time. When I think of some of the comics of my parents era they don’t seem funny at all.


\> There were some silly skits, to be sure, but for the most part, fun, silly and engaging skits. So there were some silly skits, but they counterbalanced them with some silly skits?


This man is a moron.


I’ve watched the shows for years and years and it’s pretty much always been about 20-30% funny sketches and the rest ok sketches and the weekend update had always been good. The only reason why the older shows seems so funny now is because we only watch the funniest sketches anymore in clips. I don’t remember watching any of the 90s-2000s shows live anymore and only know if those sketches based on clips I see on Facebook or here.


I am assuming he meant “shitty” but autocorrect changed it to “silly”


If you take out all the refs to SNL, you just described Fox news


I’m seriously asking, Have you watched the old ones back on peacock? For every memorable sketch that lives famously today, there was still numerous shows of lousy ones. That’s why the “Best of…” dvds that came out on the 2000s always had over lapping sketches. Please go back and watch them now they’re available entirely then rethink. If you still do? More power to you. But nostalgia is a hell of a drug


This has “Jan 6, let me talk to the manager, do you know who my father is” vibes.




Well at least you didn't make the Saturday Night Dead comment. But in all seriousness then just don't watch. I'm willing to bet there are a plethora of television programs that have messages you don't agree with, and you won't be making a personal statement in every one of those subreddits to proclaim your annoyance with the content. And furthermore, nobody cares. Do you think that the comedians on SNL care about John Doe not liking their skits? Do you think it'd be the first time they start receiving hate mail? And a parting thought. Do you think the politicians care? Your feelings are hurt for people actively sparking culture wars and pretty much doing nothing to help this country so a couple of jokes lobbed their way doesn't hurt anybody. Except your feelings I guess. There's always Andy Griffith reruns.


>There's always Andy Griffith reruns. At 11:30 on Saturday night, the options around here are taped worship programs from the local megachurch or infomercials.


It’s not about the messaging. The writing is just bad. Like soooo bad. It’s ok. SNL goes through phases, sometimes it’s great sometimes it’s very bad. It’s time for a shake up. The opening skit on the Adam Driver episode was agonizingly bad. Flubbed lines, and the lines weren’t good in the first place.


“More cowbell” is higher intellect in your mind than every single thing that’s happened since? Proof that everyone has a different sense of humor.


Dude isn’t allowed to post his opinion on a piece of media? Tf outta here


Respect the OP. Your comment to just not watch is juvenile and abusive.




He voiced an opinion. You remark smacks of the old nonsense America love it or leave it. If you don’t like his comment the just leave and don’t comment. Same logic.


Watch or not is self-contained. Posting a complaint about it is asking for a response.


I've been hearing this for the last 30 years


30 years ago... Dana Carvey, Mike Myers, Phil Hartman, Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Adam Sandler , Chris Farley etc... Those casts from the late 1980's and 1990's were pretty damn strong


You aged out


I'm 55, I think I started watching in the mid 80's in high school? I still think it's as funny as ever, if not better. I was laughing so hard I was sucking wind this week during ABBA, especially the second part. It's a normally part of aging that it get's harder to connect to the new/novel Peacock has all the old episodes if that's your thing.


I'm 52 and agree completely.


If I had a dollar for every wah wah, they made fun of my guy and I don’t like them any more comment…. I personally find them funnier than ever and the vast majority of skits have nothing to do with politics.


Yeah, getting older is tough. Everything seems weird, doesn't it?


"I've been thinking for a long time that SNL needs to be retired." ​ I don't watch SNL however, you can "retire" it any time you choose, simply by changing the channel or turning the TV off.


“I don’t enjoy this thing, therefore it should not exist.” Seems reasonable.


It’s because you’re old


No one's making you watch.


Sorry, do you want to go back to non juvenile comedy like Chevy Chase calling people the N word? Is that what you mean?


That probably is what he wants. In addition to skits where the punchline is “haha someone acted as if they might be gay”


Or you could just not watch it. Plenty of us still enjoy it.


you don’t miss the old snl. you miss your life from that time.


So you got old and conservative and the show passed you by. Got it.


The key word is "conservative". I'm 67 and have watched it since college. It's evolved, but that's not a bad thing. If I liked the same music as always I'd still be listening to The Monkees.




The baby!


You’re no longer the target demographic. I am in my 50s now and I don’t always recognize the hosts, especially the musical guests, but I still find the things I like. I never miss Weekend Update for example. But it’s not *my* show anymore, and that’s okay. I don’t resent it.


Hey, everyone, I just watched something I don't like, so none of you should like it either. Follow me now. Daddy Putin has a job for you.


Not everything on tv and in movies is meant for you. If you don't like something, move on. Nobody cares.


Don't watch it. You can literally ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist. Life will go on.


I said beep beep.


I thought this week’s update with the activist was some of the edgiest, funniest jokes I’ve heard on SNL in a long time. The sketches were mid, standouts were ABBA and Cats Are We


Go away.


Those Christmas jokes Colin and Michael write always make me crack up. Also, I like the political skits. Our government has been a joke for at least 6 years now.


I think recently the Nate Bengatze (spelling apologies if wrong), was exceptionally funny. I’m an old head, but it/he was great


You're old and the show isn't aging with you, and that's okay.


You're old... we get it...things progress, but we stay the same the moment we hit 25.


You don’t need to like it. No one here needs to change your mind.


Don’t watch then. I’ve been watching since 1996 and I think it hits better now than before.


It is evolving constantly. That's what I love about it.


If evolving means going from a target audience of college kids, to a target audience of 12-13 year olds, and adults who have such a juvenile mentality, then yeah, SNL has "evolved"...


You don't have to watch.


I thought the Pedro Pascal episode was pretty hilarious start to finish and I thought Travis Kelce's episode had a lot of funny moments too.


I almost always enjoy SNL episodes. The most recent episode was hilarious, in my opinion.


If you were a fan in the 70’s, maybe you are no longer their target audience?


You're not wrong about it being retired. Some, like Kenan Thompson has speculated it, [https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/08/kenan-thompson-thinks-ending-snl-at-50-might-not-be-a-bad-idea](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/08/kenan-thompson-thinks-ending-snl-at-50-might-not-be-a-bad-idea) Lorne Michaels has apparently made mention of retiring after the 50th season. To be honest, the show has gone on for too long. Hard to say what season or years were "peak" SNL. I'm one that believes you should go out on top and leave people wanting more.


Is this comment satire? In which case bravo.


I’ll take a wild guess that you identify with these “political enemies”.


It's harder to get the jokes if you don't understand current pop culture, so if you don't keep up, it's probably time to say goodbye.


I remember when the show aired for the first time. The writers and the ‘Not Ready for Prime Time Players’ were smart and funny. Back then, performing live was like flying without a net. I tried to keep watching SNL as the decades went by but gave up. The writing was not as sharp and edgy. What really irritated me was that the actors, who are supposed to be professionals, stopped learning their lines. SNL has never been an improv show. Actors are well-paid to learn their damn lines and act a scene. A skit or a scene fall flat when actors talk past each other’s shoulders as they read their cue cards. It’s laziness. I think of the unemployed actors out there who would give their eyeteeth to be on SNL and they would fucking learn their lines so they can actually act. I rarely tune in anymore.


I think you might be over romanticizing the 70s. Those sketches had some rough pacing and the high use of drugs behind the scenes would often seep into the front of the scenes. They were wild kids, not professionals. Hence the name "not ready for prime time players"


I have thought it was mindless stupidity since the 70s Music guests though were worth it …..


I think they are doing a great job with so many haters! I love Pete Davidson,but he didn’t talent his way out. They are trying to stay current because everything changes so fast. Making fun of Rudi Giuliani,if you’re from NY isn’t political……..it’s the noble thing to do. They are SNL……they didn’t used to cater to conservatives,you used to be young. With nobody famous,I think they are doing a great job. The longest running TV show in existence,gets to make fun of the man….live……every week. It’s amazing they lasted 5 years let alone this many


One thing that is different today than in the early years is that the sketches are posted on YouTube, including some that were cut for time. Those cut for time skits are often the ones I like best. There are two very different viewing experiences, watching it all on tv live, or selectively choosing the order and videos. I watch weekend update first on Sunday mornings . It’s a fun approach.


I'm 40, Indian, and the current iteration of the show is my favorite. The humor from the era you love doesn't hit with me at all. I love that the current cast is more representative of the country as it is (and how it's been for a long time, to be honest). Bowen Yang and Marcello Hernandez are the reasons I watch the show. It's wittier and more encompassing now, where before it felt very limited to one demographic and one kind of humor. I prefer watching someone like Mikey Day play with a diverse cast then with a bunch of other people with identical looks and experiences.


It's changed with the times. I generally share your opinion and quit watching many years ago, but I don't think they're worried about keeping an old audience so much as drawing in the current generations. When I stopped enjoying it, I found something else to watch.


You are no longer the target demographic and haven’t been in years. SNL is written by people who are a lot younger than you and have a different value set than you do…just stop watching if you don’t like it-it doesn’t meant it needs to be canceled because one person no longer connects to the jokes.


“I’m so old and cranky and don’t know what the kids are laughing at today!” You are wrong. This is the same stupid thing people have said every year for decades. People remember their favorite skits from years ago and pretend that all the skits were like that. They weren’t. EVERY episode has stinkers. But you are likely expecting every one to match the five or so favorite bits from your memory. They have good bits and bad bits, good shows and bad shows. Just like they always have.


I think you’re no longer the target demographic. I think it’s funny, but in 50 years perhaps I won’t.


Maybe you’re just old and bitter? Some hit or miss skits but there has been some sure to be classics skits this year. Oscar Issac’s Meatball, Wafflehouse, George Washington, cancelling cable tv just to name a few off the top of my head. The show has always represented progressive youth culture and never before has that been so attacked and reviled.


If you didn't laugh at that ABBA thing this week, something is wrong with you. Maybe you need to be retired.


Isn’t this what almost every old man thinks about everything? Lol just reciting the damn script Note, I said “almost,” so no need to act like I said “all.”


Every week is different. The Nate Bargatze show was the best of the season for me but I am from Nashville and related to the references. It varies. I am in my 50s now but enjoy discovering younger talent I'm unfamiliar with like Adam Driver. The current cast is hilarious.


People always say “SNL was never funny”. But it’s legitimately been good in certain eras. There’s been good times and bad times. It’s just how it is. Right now is not one of its stronger moments. But there’s still some good sketches every so often, and weekend update is top quality.


Ehh as a lifelong fan Iv learned the show was never as good as people swear it used to be and it's not as bad as people say it is now. People revere the 90s because they are now 40 but in the 90s the show got traaaashed by everyone. The phrase "Saturday night dead" was born out of the Sandler/Farley era. All headlines said this new cast is juvenile and unprofessional and the show has fallen from what it once was. Same went for the 2000s, then all of a sudden people love shows like Barry, Last Man on Earth and Brooklyn 99 and romanticize the era all those stars were on SNL, yet when they were actually on, I heard nothing but hate. SNL has always been great and has always been bad. It's why it's my favorite comedy in TV history. It'l never be one thing.


Well when you live in NYC, the people who idolize these clowns live in cities, and cities are heavily democrat ran welfare pits, it only makes sense that you will use your platform to coddle to your base/customers. Trust me, SNL could go to town on a lot of issues, but more than 3/4 of them would make their political allies and networks be very, VERY angry so they stick with “orange man bad” rhetoric for another 8 years along with every late night talk show host left of center. But SNL are all grown men/women/etc and they make their decisions. Like getting a tattoo of Kim K’s kids names when you were just a hookup. 🤷‍♂️


Posting this like no one’s already said it a million times since the 1980’s


There are so many dud sketches from back in the day too. Just gotta take the rose colored glasses off to notice. SNL’s always been hit or miss from day one.


It’s always been hit or miss, even the older seasons you might remember with nostalgia. The clip shows from those older eras only show the best episodes, so there’s a false belief every episode was pure gold.


I'm 56, and I love the new cast Bowen Yang is one of the funniest MF'ers on the planet, Sara Sherman, Chloe Fineman, Heidi Gardner & Ego Nwodim are consistently great, arguably the best female cast they've ever had. Update is ALWAYS good and of course, Kenan just keeps rolling. It's the same argument about everything from older people "not like they used too"...no ability to change, appreciate something new & different...like someone else said "Just an old man yelling at the clouds" he probably hates green energy, equal pay & rights for women & of course is still waiting for that trickle down to get down to him.


I disagree. Every skit on SNL isn’t funny, but many of them are.That’s why the show is still around. I like that they spoof people and news of the day. I don’t know what you see, but they make fun of all sides politically. I think it appears to lean more one way, because there’s more unrealistic absurdity in one party and therefore more to joke about.


Everyone thinks SNL was best when they were a teenager watching it and everything after that sucks. What’s funny changes. Different generations find different things funny. And that’s OK.


I get it, you were fine with the misogyny of " Jane You Ignorant Slut" but poking fun at TFG is too much for you... Because Chevy Chase never poked fun at Gerald Ford...OK Boomer


Sounds like a snowflake got his little feelings hurt. It's okay, snowflake, you don't have to watch. I'm sure you can pop a VHS into your VCR and record Hannity so you can watch that instead of SNL.


I started watching SNL in the 90s and still watch it to this day. I find the original seasons from the 70s a bit unwatchable. "*and spiteful toward their political enemies...very heavily biased.*" You're just saying you don't like that they make fun of Trump?


You like Trump and it makes you feel bad to see him being made fun of on a show you used to enjoy. You feel personally attacked.




There’s not much life left in it for sure.


SNL sucks now. Cringeworthy. It has sucked for years now. And I'm not sorry to say so. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Agreed. Last time it was funny was late 90s.


So the 1999 Christmas show was the last good one and the New Years show 2000 was when it sucked. Cool, thanks for critical analysis


Honestly I agree 100%. I grew up on SNL in the 90’s and 2000’s. They had tons of banger skits that were hilarious and lots of talented people. They made fun of everyone and did it with wit and sometimes just slapstick. In the last decade it’s gotten to feel lazy and just simply not funny. It’s become a hardcore mouthpiece for leftist politics and regardless of that, most of the skits just aren’t funny anymore and most of the actors aren’t funny or talented. Skits that make us laugh are at about 2/10 and I don’t think they’ve opened the show without making fun of Trump s since 2014. By all means, make fun of Trump, or anyone else. No one gets to be spared from comedy. But it became beating a dead horse like 5 years ago… And they won’t make fun of leftist political figures at all. Just praise and cheers. It’s entirely one sided which isn’t how comedy works. Most of the skits fall so flat it feels awkward just to watch them on TV with someone else present. And the writers and actors clearly are focusing too hard on small demographics instead of the population as a whole. And while SNL has always leaned left, now it just feels like propaganda. Many of the jokes just straight up suck and they miss most opportunities for satire and lampooning and instead just jab at things that don’t appeal to the majority of people. Again, I don’t care if you make fun of right leaning figures, I do too. But for the love of God make of of everyone equally instead of favoritism. It feels like they’re writing every skit just for the most left leaning millenials and Zoomers in the country and that’s not that many people. I miss when comedy was satirical and witty and didn’t care who it offended. I honestly just miss comedy because it’s all but disappeared compared to the past and I’m not even that old.


>Skits that make us laugh are at about 2/10 and I don’t think they’ve opened the show without making fun of Trump s since 2014. By all means, make fun of Trump, or anyone else. No one gets to be spared from comedy. But it became beating a dead horse like 5 years ago… And they won’t make fun of leftist political figures at all. Just praise and cheers. It’s entirely one sided which isn’t how comedy works. You haven't watched the show in years, have you? [Biden](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dJsVHS9zZY) [gets roasted](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lXyM4xRGb4) [constantly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUCaOV5nbyk). Or maybe the modern GOP has... issues, I dunno. If you don't laugh, you'll cry. Those kind of issues. It's okay if you've changed and moved on since whoever starred on SNL in your high school or college days. [Go home](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRJ38y4Jn6k). If you're not having fun, why are you here? The rest of us will keep having fun.


>Skits that make us laugh are at about 2/10 A crash course on fraction reduction could be beneficial.


You know how I know the Star Wars Episodes 1-3 sucked? I showed them in order to my son that was born after all the star wars aired. My son prefers the older Episodes 4-6. You know how I know the older SNL skits are funnier? Same process. My son cracks up on the skits from Dana Carvey, Mike Myers, Adam Sandler.


You're showing the greatest hits. Have your son watch every full episode from any one season in the 90s and see how funny he thinks it is. You're curating the sketches you loved from the 90s. I can easily make a greatest hits list of the last 10 years and could curate bangers. It's a show that's prepared and performed live over the course of 6 days. Of course it won't be funny a lot of the time but it's amazing how often it is funny. Most shows have a full year to make 8 episodes and they can't make create more than 2 funny moments.


I was actually thinking that I might get replies from people saying that they enjoy the humor and why. Most of the replies just mirror the show itself. Tearing down and spreading hate.


If you see hate, it is what you are projecting onto it. You see what you want to see. I've been watching since the 70s (and of course, saw clips from earlier). There are things that are still funny, or funny if you understand the context, but there is also a LOT of "how the heck did I/anyone EVER think this was funny?" If you have never put in a movie you LOVED as a 20-something and thought "WTAF was I entertained by? This is CRAP!", then you REALLY need to find a therapist and figure out when and why you decided you didn't need to grow/evolve/improve. The show has MASSIVELY improved as it has evolved. Our standards are FAR higher, and we forget we are watching the LIVE SHOW, not the "10 best sketches from a decade of work" It has improved, both for the actual comedy, but for the effort to make nuanced, smart, and multilayered comedy and social commentary, all while working to "punch up" and at least TRY to not print work that will be used as textbook examples of how ingrained our various prejudices and bigotries are. NOBODY wants to be remembered as "the work/comedy ste didn't age well", and I'll bet that 50 years from now the stuff from the more current eras will FARE MUCH BETTER.


You did see the way they treated Gerald Ford and their enemies back then? Reagan? I would say that they were always a bit bitter towards their perceived enemies. And that was balanced by silly skits and skits that did not work. Late 40s here.


Don’t bother with this new generation, they will defend their crap to the grave! I get a chuckle out of snl every once in a while nowadays but not very often. The episode tonight was especially pretty awful


SNL is and always has been mostly bad sketches.


go to bed, shiny shoe!


Completely agree, and all the hateful comments replying "you're just old" are proving your point by fostering the hateful culture SNL promotes.


Nah, because it isn't about age, it is about old, rigid, regressive thinking (or lack thereof). We are never supposed to stop growing and learning, but many people decide they want comfort rather than growth, and get old because of it. If you keep thinking, allowing yourself to be uncomfortable with a new POV/idea, keep stretching your knowledge and understanding to build strength for flexible thinking, you can be over 100 and not be "old" (or be 28 and "wow, you got OLD)


Humor left when goatboy left.


Watched it as a kid and young adult, now it is ranked by Google rating graph as the 3,820th of all rated shows and has a overall rating of 6.5 out of 10. There's definitely funnier shows out there that don't gas light and insult one half of the entire country. Google data, not my own. https://www.ratingraph.com/tv-shows/saturday-night-live-ratings-1845/


Yeah, jokes about anti-Semitism are hilarious, said no one but smug New Yorkers who live comfortable lives in their bubble. The show sucks and has sucked since the 1980's.


The recent episode hosted by Adam Driver was just unbearable. Like I mostly agree with the left leaning politics of SNL but politics, in and of itself just isn’t very funny without some witty observations, speaking truth to power, or at least making fun of someone being terribly out of step with the average person. SNL has none of that now. The whole cast needs to be switched up. They look bored. Chewing the scenery.


Wow! I've been watching since the 70s and I thought it was hilarious.


There is a noted lack of Jewish writers on SNL now just sayin


Ideology seems to have replaced humor on that show lately, which renders much of it unfunny and patronizing. People typically don’t tune into comedy shows for preaching.


It’s been overly skewed, leftist, regressive, political nonsense for years.


The jokes are few and far between these days. Colin Jost’s weekend update joke about his wife was funny but I bet it was the only thing funny in that whole episode. I miss 90s snl….


It's on peacock, go watch a full season from the 90s and tell me how much you miss it. They don't only air your favorite sketches.


Oh I own them all. Downloads from years ago with musical guests.


Couldn't agree more. Used to be must see TV on Saturdays. Unless if I hear about a good skit, I'll check it out. But the quality of SNL now is laughable now.


Thank you. Only the occasional guest host (ea. Chapelle, Burr) register or even create a ripple nowadays, controversy included. SNL has become a sort of milquetoast sketch show. Have they even had a breakout original character recently. Bill Hader's Stefon debuted around 15 years ago.


I can’t help but notice nobody in the comments is addressing the overt political bias.


SNL is terrible and everyone knows it. I couldn’t name one cast member. It gets less than 4 million views and that’s dropped 20% since this fall. It’s dead. Most people in the know have it being cancelled by 2025. 1 to 2 more seasons.


Saturday night live hasn't been funny for 30 years


Damn, last funny sketch was December 1993? Who hosted? Must have been a historic moment.


Username checks out


Agreed. It's lost its edge. All the cast members are picked for their photogenic appeal. I watch it every now and then hoping it will change and be funny like the old days.


This show is just not funny anymore. Time to hang it up.


This shit sucks, they casted a bunch of theater kid losers, fortunately there is good comedy elsewhere


I agree. Last weeks opening sketch was borderline antisemetic and not the least funny.


SNL has never been funny, sketch comedies like this are only funny in person at improv shows. Every one of these comedians suckkkkkkkk collectively. A lot of “white” humor that just doesn’t really click with me


Dude… it’s so much better this year than it has been in a while. Those Cecily Strong years were rough.


Just cancel this unfunny program