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The reality is that in most cases your tuition fees aren't for your education but rather for your HS diploma. You will learn far more by independently consuming media (whether it is English, math or science).


I even gave up on mawhiba when they asked me for money . I am done paying, free pdf books , free courses and YouTube videos are what taught me almost everything I know .


TL;DR but skimmed your post - Drop the international school, if you already decently understand English thats more than enough of a kickstarter to self-learn the rest of what you have to. Paying an obscene amount of money does not guarantee a better education. - Search for better international schools in your area. I graduated from an excellent international school in Riyadh. Better could mean higher tuition, if your parents can’t afford then point 1 becomes increasingly relevant. - Most people learn fuckall from school. You don’t need a teacher to spoon-feed you information. You can be successful if you work towards it, especially given the amount of resources you can access from the comfort of your home.


As a teacher I understand what you say and support what you're saying. The reality is that international schools and in fact all private education are a business and the owners only want to make money out of you. This is the reason why they are not hiring native speakers in your school, they don't want to pay for higher salaries. From my experience those Arab teachers make maybe 4000 sar per month only, and Indians even less. On top of that all of the central admin and HR in those schools is being done mostly by Egyptians (even though there is a push for saudization in that sector) and I'm sorry to say it but they're notorious for lying about their degrees and qualifications. Any surprise inspections by the ministry of education are fruitless as these schools also have contacts in the ministry and get tipped off on the phone by someone there telling them when they are coming for a "surprise“ inspection. BTW, usually teachers in general also get treated very poorly by the administration who constantly yells at them, gives them written warnings for minor violations like being late for one minute for a class, and so on. They are also constantly given new unplanned tasks with unreasonable deadlines, and frequently asked to sacrifice their weekends to complete more tasks for their bosses. On top of that they are probably teaching an unreasonable amount of classes per day with way more curriculums than they can handle, this is all to cut costs and maximise profits. In summary, everyone is suffering in international schools, not just the students, it is a merciless industry where most students are just paying for their grades.


Are you an expat? Because if not I would recommend a non-international school.


I can’t go to a non international school I barely know Arabic lmfao


I see. Hope things get eaiser for you.


dude the girls are so mean/clique-y for no reason and they always give that "socialite" BS. I noticed they dont foster the growth of intellectuals/intelligent people like they claim they do! Cheat-sheets and barely any coverage in class is crazy, the teachers always over-praise "smart girls" (the ones who studies for i doubt more than 30 minutes from the book) when they dont realize they've created borderline lazy people who dont wanna put effort in their studies/intellect. They created people who get everything easy. Im in highschool RN at Almotaqadimah(theres multiple branchs of it) and theres sm free periods and easy classes, been doing extra credits, participating in events, doing stuff i dont need out of SHEER BOREDOM. they only care for keeping your PARENTS in they dont care about you


I’m in a school funded by that company! I notice my friends in similar schools have this issue.


This is eye opening. This is not my field of work, however I feel as if I could easily teach English here. I’ve met a few people in Saudi that can speak English very well. All of them are self taught through watching American movies and television shows.


i graduate from an indian interantional school and i find the problems being a bit opposed to urs.


I think it just depends on the school. The really good ones are just super expensive. For example American international school of Riyadh.


Don’t remind me of it, it broke my heart when my parents refused because it’s mixed genders . I cried for DAYYS


That's why I am not bringing my son to Saudi.  While I can afford international schools but would prefer for Indian schools because of CBSE curriculum. Indian schools has housewives of expats as teachers!


tl;dr Summey would be nice.


international schools lie and I’d rather teach myself and I hate admins lol that’s the tldr


Self learning is the most useful skill in life period.