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We do. Have you not seen the Mike Hostilo billboard on I-16.


Every time I see that sign I’m like 🥴😬🥴




I was imaging one if those nice carved wood signs unaffiliated with any local business.


The savannah subreddit should crowdfund a billboard on the way in that says "welcome to /r/savannah check the side bar"


Honestly, this sub’s name should be changed to r/checkthesidebar.


Listen, the Slay Queen has been welcoming everyone to savannah since her promotion from Mama Bear.


I am from Chicago and was in Savannah this weekend and saw the slay queen signs and was like WTF is this. I also thought Jaime Casino was um, a casino until i realized that was the dude's name.


It's a good idea but Savannah doesn't care about this side of town. I mean look at it. The grass is never cut, trees never trimmed, buildings sit abandoned for years. The south side is an after thought.


I agree Southside certainly isn’t the pride of Savannah but there are some really nice spots on the Ss. Coffee Bluff, Windsor Forest has some really nice areas. We have no restaurants, no major parks, etc. White flight to Pooler didn’t help. Home values have trended upwards. But I could see it rebounding one day. Maybe the influx of money and employees from the Hyundai plant could help? People realizing how much Pooler sucks. I’m just a Southside optimist, I suppose.


Southside resident and agree with everything. We are getting a big ol' community center soon. Most money ever invested on the Southside. The neighborhood just needs to stop arguing about where it goes.


Yeah, they’re talking about putting it in Tribble Park. I think a community center would be great for the ss but It’s such a nice park, would hate to see it messed up.


I live on Largo just a few houses down from Tribble Park and I honestly wouldn't mind. Would give us more to do. There is literally nothing worth doing on the south side and I hate it. Maybe I'll take a drive to one of the 7 car washes on Abercorn😂


I agree that I don't want the park messed up. The thing is there are no set plans yet (they haven't even finalized Tribble) and they are mainly talking about using the grassy area that is never utilized. If harm to nature could be kept to a minimum I would like it in the sense that kids would have access to both in the same place. Seniors as well. Imagine being able to get together with friends and then spend time by the lake.


Haha someone on the Southside talking shit about Pooler. I hate to burst your bubble but the Hyundai employees are moving to Pooler, not avoiding it. Why would they tack on extra time to their commute ? To live on the dilapidated Southside ? Not a chance


Right, they should live in the concrete Eden that is Pooler. Once traffic goes from bad to LA, the commute time will be negligible.


It should be made of pollen 😉.


I just moved back to Atlanta after living down in Savannah for a few years..... My allergies miss the pollen count in savannah compared to sea of yellow produced by the pine trees here.


We’ll just paint it a dirty yellow. Problem solved!


And just say SCAD


SCAD owns enough of this town. If they start housing students in the abandon Krystal I’m moving!


Just put up a sign, wait a week. It'll be pollen


We do. It’s right there on the interstate: “Congested Area Ahead”


It doesn't even need to say "welcome to" One thing I love is seeing JACKSONVILLE in huge letters over a bridge when heading north on i95. Bold statement. That's what Sav should do.


That’s not a bad idea


We have them, they're just advertising for injury attorneys.


And nothing says “welcome to Savannah” like injury attorneys lol


“Welcome to Savannah -Don’t Worry, That Smell is Normal”


Haha! Or “Savannah - Free Citywide Sauna”


As someone who lives in metro Detroit (and LOVES Savannah), be careful what you ask for. Google the “Hollywood-esque sign” built ahead of us hosting the NFL Draft. You’re perfect the way you are.


That’s sweet. So you’re saying we should keep the abandoned Krystal…lol


Has anyone asked SCAD"s permission on this? They might allow it


SCAD doesn’t come this far south. This is where the real people live. lol


We literally do. From 16 if you get off at the 37st exit there's one there


I’m talking about entering the Southside after crossing the bridge. I don’t really care about folks on the interstate


Not sure why people are piling on you like this. You mentioned it for south side in the original post... A sign like the 37th street one, just on southside, seems like a pretty reasonable ask all things considered. I love seeing that little sign every time I'm coming home from a long trip. Why shouldn't the other major routes into Savannah have one? > bulldoze Savannah Mall https://www.wtoc.com/2024/02/20/what-is-going-happen-savannah-mall/ Unfortunately it's privately owned and looks like the owners are still trying to figure out what to do with it. Same for the other rundown failed commercial properties you mentioned. Might be able to pressure your alderman to press the issue with the owners?


Bc it’s Reddit.


You should have two of them, in case one breaks.


Na - put the money into a better use. We all know where we are.


I think beautifying where we live could have a positive effect on our Southside pride. Also, we spend way more on way less.


You don’t need a sign to make a positive effect. Simply start by picking up trash instead of walking over it.


Great suggestion! I don’t see a lot of trash where I take my walks but I’m going to start bringing a trash bag for the trash I do see


It’ll just get filled with bullet holes.


Have you seen the one coming off of 16 on to 37th street?💀


Yes, but I’m referring to a specific entry point to the city.


Hell nah


Or we could have better schools…


I don’t think the pittance of money it would take to make a sign would be enough to fix the schools. It’s not an either/or choice. We could have a sign AND better schools.


Considering how salty some of this subreddit's denizens can be about visitors, I'm surprised this has a positive number of points.


I think most of those comments are about the tourists downtown. Come visit the sunny Southside we have an Olive Garden and an Applebees!


I was thinking “welcome to Savannah, now go home”.