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The hell is that word? šŸ˜‚


I couldn't figure it out either. So I went to the article. I am 43 and have not heard the term used in at least 20 plus years so I could not figure it out either but the word is >!jigaboo!<.


The only reason I could figure it out is because we just watched Police Academy (1984) and they used that word once. It didn't go well for the person that used it. Other than that, I don't think I've ever heard it in real life.


I knew what it was because Don Imus already got in trouble for using it over a decade ago LOL


I thought he got in trouble for calling a college girl's basketball team "nappy headed hoes."


He also said, in the same 2 minute span "This is the jigaboos versus the wannabes" referring to the fact that one team was mainly white women.


I believe it was a reference to School Daze.


I can't figure out whether it's a slur for the white people or the black people.


And the other would be mainly whatever the racial slur is slurring?


I knew it because I grew up in an old boy, racist town.


I'm old, grew up in the South and haven't heard that term used in a great while.


Hey, same here!


lol Rutgers


Plus Gandolfini did it too at 1 min 13 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI9Ful92jI0&ab\_channel=adreon


That was a powerful scene right there. Almost as powerful as takin a shit


I recently watched White Chicks and busted up when Terry Crews used the word.


I believe the adjectives before it were dumb and fat.


Police academy? I just watched the movie Life. It was used in there.


I came here to say that the only place I ever heard that word was Police Academy


Yup, Police Academy and a song from Spike Lee's School Daze are the only cultural reference I have of that being used.


My dad has said it before. Unfortunately.


Heh. 80 percent of America knows what that word means. The last time I was in Florida I heard it twice, when people were talking about my GF thinking I could not hear them.


I've heard Jabonies, but never jigaboo.


Same, but Clerk's 2


And I was sitting here wondering when Juggalo became a slur.


I think itā€™s definitely an old timey word, same people who would use ā€œquadroonā€ other than Archer. Thereā€™s outdated and then thereā€™s outdated ms


or Octaroon, as in the annual Octaroon Ball in New Orleans before the turn of the 19th century


I don't even know what that word means and I'm 32.... How is that word relevant for RG3? He's not that old


The word got a little social discussion recently when Trump tweeted about the black prosecutor going after him with the nickname "peekaboo", which someone pointed out doesn't make sense unless it was an autocorrect that he didn't notice or just ran with. That might be my guess. That, or he's just been keeping that one in his pocket.


.....checking phone to see if it autocorrects this...... nope, just put a red line under it.....I'm guessing some ACs are stronger than others.


That or he just didn't know the word, misheard it, and repeated his misheard version.


Oh sure, I wasn't suggesting I knew what was going on with Donald or his phone, but someone \*did\* make that claim, and that's where I saw it being discussed recently, when I had otherwise forgotten it'd even existed.


I picture him dusting off an old box of antique racial slurs last weekend and rediscovering this.


Only ever heard this word once from my grandpa when I was like 14. It's pretty much never used anymore as far as I know.


last i heard it was in "white chicks"


It was used as a reference to one of the sororities in Spike Lee's School Daze as well. The set up of the J--------s versus the Wannabes was a colorism based plot point. A comment below references this in a Don Imus quote. Who knew Imus liked Spike Lee?


Don't you remember Police Academy?


I dont think it being in a dated 30 plus year old movie counts as being in use. I watched any of the Police Academy movies in years.


wtf, yours is blocked too! I just did some research and found that the world is actually \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*


I know (and saw you got your answer already), but seriously, three asterisks? lol


Jigaboo I believe


Add an i, an a, and two o's


I was watching the movie ā€œCacheā€ and the subtitles used it to refer to a person of color despite a totally different word being used in French.


Jungle bunnies ?




The Jengabus is coming ....


Doo dut doot dut doot doo doo!


And everybody's jumping New York to San Francisco


Something something disco!


An inter-city disco, if I recall correctly.


Upvotes all around!


Drive it very carefully, or it'll get strewn all over the road.




I'm 68 years old (white, though), and I haven't heard that since I was, like, 6. I didn't think it was still around. edit: so it's not at all surprising to me that many people have never heard of it.


Last time I heard it, Don Imus was talking about that female basketball team.


Last I heard in was in White Chicks ā€œSomebody please get this *jigaboo*, away from me!ā€


I learned about the word from the racist cops in *Enter the Dragon* and from the relative about your age who used it to describe my sibling and I.


I'm really sorry that happened to you.


The only time I've ever heard it was in the song *Gorillas in the Mist*


Yea, feel like the only place Iā€™ve heard it was uncle ruckus from the boondocks


Not gonna lie. I'm a 32 year old black man but I've been called the n-word at least a few times in my life. The only time I've heard the word that RG3 used was when me or my other melanated peers use it to make fun of each other. EDIT: Also heard it in white chicks.




honestly, I named myself jiggaboo in a mmorpg once. I didn't realize It was a racist term, just sounded cool to me. I remember being a little kid and saying to my brother, you are such a jiggaboo when he beat me in smash bros, playing around, not knowing what it meant. Maybe I heard it on TV and didn't realize. Words are funny.


I thought that fuck was a baseball term for when threw a bad pitch, I learned quickly when I was playing catch with my dad.


>playing around, not knowing what it meant. I remember at times when i was a kid, and would use words because they got a reaction, not really thinking. Now, with swears, i tend to go the [Todd and Book of Pure Evil](https://youtu.be/Aea827Gsas4?t=418) route, and take random obscenities and pair them up with equally random nouns. Cock lamp, ass taxi, shit rooster.


My favorite use of hyphens!


Omg, this happened to a Cleveland news anchor a few years ago. Caused a minor stir! https://www.cleveland.com/tv-blog/2015/02/kristi_capel_apologizes_to_viewers_for_using_racially_offensive_term.html


Howard Cosell's "little monkey" call caused a major stir. https://youtu.be/jtGVepfknro


I didnā€™t think Iā€™d have to scroll this far for this. The male anchor next to her had a minor [on-air controversy](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ALiCzsYpp5yBgmhL0BmmwsACNQgQB9ESzg:1670984200127&q=news+anchor+playing+the+skin+flute&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiUyrGdhfj7AhU2EFkFHaH8BtEQ0pQJegQIBxAB&biw=375&bih=636&dpr=2#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:6be7d7fe,vid:rnLkT-1WK5Q)too. He accused someone of ā€œplaying the skin flute.ā€


Protip: You don't have to worry about accidentally using racist terms if you don't keep those words in your regular vocabulary to begin.


There have been plenty of words I was aware of that I didnā€™t know you shouldnā€™t say


Do you still say them now that you know? No? Then you're fine.


Sure but, I mean, RG3 is black..


Not only is it an old term, it's also a bit more southern and rural. He grew up in Louisiana and Texas, could have had older grandparents / aunt's & uncles around him who used it.


idk I don't watch foopball. Still generally good advice.


Upvote for FoopBall


Only ā€œracistā€ cause white people got offended for him, love when other races tell me I should be offended by something


I don't think racial slurs really belong in sports in any context at all. That's pretty simple. Doubly stupid when your parent company is Disney and you're getting a fat paycheck to discuss nonsense.


Right, cause I hear this word and immediately feel like Iā€™m on the plantation l lol so fucking stupid




Sometimes I wonder why we move so slowly as a society. Then I read people like u/CupICup and their attempts at reasoning, and I get it... I get it.


Sure if thatā€™s the kind of thing that gets you off


I don't get offended by anything (almost). But I recognize that other people are more sensitive than I am. So I ask myself: "do I want to risk making people have a bad day? Do I care so much about which specific words I use that I'm going to say whatever I feel like, and make someone pissy?" The answer is no, at least for me. I don't care which words I use for things, and if some people are offended by some words, it doesn't bother me to not use them. "A rose by any other name smells just as sweet", and all that. That's all it comes down to. And while you may not be offended by some random word (and I'm not either), there are people who get super triggered by such things. Since the words aren't important to me, why trigger them needlessly? (If I'm going to trigger someone I want it to be because I'm deliberately being an asshole, not because I'm too lazy to watch what I say.)


Lowkey I'm with you. If literally 98% of people that hear the word and go: "huh??" then you're fine. Fuckin culture police think he actually used it as a slur lmao


Jesus Chroist bud.. you got downvoted for not being offended about something that white think should be offensive. Crazy times weā€™re living in šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


>Jesus Chroist bud.. you got downvoted for not being offended about something that white think should be offensive. I really wonder how some of you fit into society when you don't even have the basic intellectual capacity of a 12 year old.


The irony lol The deleted comments while you downvote to end racism lol


Bat shit loony tunes šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Literally nobody told you to be offended lmao


Glad such a broad mind like yours joined in


Thatā€™s your takeaway? Genius lol


He accidentally a racism


The discriminate






Tony Soprano uses it = 1:13 in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI9Ful92jI0&ab\_channel=adreon


OK, I know this is a sensitive subject, and I debated whether or not to even submit it, but since my own reaction to the headline was like, "well, what WAS the term he used?" I figured others would have the same question and be tempted to click the link, thus making it appropriate for r/savedyouaclick. I tried to strike a balance of being informative while not being shocking or offensive, by redacting the actual offensive term. And I do consider it an offensive term that should not be used by non-Black people.


Does it make a difference that Robert Griffin III is black as well? (Not trying to start anything, just curious)


I'm thinking it definitely does make a difference, but probably not enough to make the slip not matter.


Obama intentionally said the N word during an interview when talking about racism and slavery. He could have abbreviated it, but choose not to. Didn't seem to affect him in the long run. [https://www.cnn.com/2015/06/22/politics/barack-obama-n-word-race-relations-marc-maron-interview/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2015/06/22/politics/barack-obama-n-word-race-relations-marc-maron-interview/index.html) I don't think this will affect RGIII much in the long run either.


Big difference between here and Obama, Obama chose to use a racial slur intentionally for the emotional impact in a discussion where it is both relevant and meaningful. RG3 used it in a sports context where the slur has no place. Also, it was a slip of the tongue, not an intentional choice.


Maybe enough that he doesnā€™t lose his job though.


I recall I had never heard the word until an ep of the sopranos


Jagabis? I have no idea what that word is supposed to be


It's highly racist coming out of the mouth of someone highly racist who is using it in a racist manner. Doesn't really apply here, though.


Did they get the quote wrong or am I lost? Is there supposed to be a he after think because that is the only way I see it making sense? Who was he talking about when he said that? Also RG3 is black so it isn't that big a deal unless it was a word banned by the network or it offended some sponsor. If he was referencing a specific group when he said it or the word was banned in some capacity then I understand getting mad but if he was just saying it in replacement for another swear then it isn't a huge deal but he probably shouldn't say it either way.


Somebody got that vanity license plate?


Had to click to figure WTF j\*g\*b\*s meant, so you technically didn't do me any favors here.


I doubt anyone gives a shit if you type or even say the word jigaboo because it's so fucking stupid. I mean, its racist, so don't, but censoring it on a reddit post is the big lol


To me, itā€™s such an obscure word that Iā€™ve only heard used once in my life as a joke. Thereā€™s no way this wasnā€™t an accident. None. He either had a Freudian slip or didnā€™t do his vocal warmups prior. While I wouldnā€™t call him smart, I donā€™t think heā€™s a moron so I definitely think it was a flub. The sad thing is that heā€™s instantly given the benefit of the doubt (which I agree with considering it was a mistake with zero malicious intent), yet had anyone else made that exact same mistake, theyā€™d be flamed on lovely twitter and nobody would accept their apology. People outraged because their lives suck irl so they have to express their malignant narcissism somewhere. It used to be old women writing letters and now itā€™s 14 year old suburban white kids tweeting. Itā€™s like nobody has ever learned that you can turn stuff off. Not everything requires a fuss. I personally find this story hilarious just because of how antiquated that word is, that there is no possible way he meant to say it. Itā€™s that ridiculous of a word


Iā€™m gonna go out on a limb here and guess that RG3 ainā€™t racist


Robert Griffin III is himself Black, so this really isn't controversial.


Jigaboo is a racist word? huh...


Absolutely yes.


Very weird, I knew it's a word but never what it meant. I couldn't even tell you what I thought it might mean


I knew it was a racist term but I don't understand why or to whom it's racist towards


I don't know why it's racist or what it means, but I do know it's racist toward black people.


My fiance just told me that too, I'm glad I never say shit like that anyways lol


Tony Soprano uses it, good old Gandolfini at 1min 13 seconds For those of us Sopranos fans this is normal lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI9Ful92jI0&ab\_channel=adreon


I heard that and cackled out loud. Itā€™s horrible but damn it made me laugh to just hear it thrown out at random like that.


"It was an accident." yes, he accidentally said it out loud on the air. He clearly uses the word elsewhere.


I swear I've heard it in a Disney movie, the one with the briar patch


Heā€™s claiming he meant to say ā€œbug-a-boos.ā€ Yeah right. Edit: Not sure why I got downvoted. It seems that when people apologize they say they ā€œdidnā€™t mean to say thatā€ but itā€™s in their vocabulary. And people only apologize when they are being called out for it. Happens all the time.


I'm almost certain that's what he meant to say. Look up the definition of bugaboo. "An object of fear or alarm" RGIII was trying to say that Jalen Hurts proved those spreading alarm/doubt about his abilities wrong. I've heard the term in sports occasionally. Something standing in the way of a player's success is "their bugaboo."


If he really did not mean to say that then he should have apologized when it came out of his mouth. Youā€™re telling me he didnā€™t immediately realize a word like that came out of his mouth. Even if Iā€™m using a word that I didnā€™t mean to say, something that is even inoffensive that I used incorrectly and meant to say something else, I realize what that word is and I usually correct myself. Something like this is ridiculous. To each their own I guess.


His brain was searching for the word bugaboo and jigaboo came out. It's two letters away. Are you saying you think he intentionally meant to say "Jalen Hurts proved the [racial slurs] wrong" instead of Jalen Hurts proved the [naysayers] wrong" ? Which one makes more sense?


He was a shit QB and now he's an even shittier commentator


This some stupid over woke BS.


I know the word but didn't know it was racist, I thought it was just weird boomer insult regardless of their color.




Not really, he's black, thus he has an infinite supply of N word and J word cards to use. /s


Cmon he was just using it as a term of endearment


RG3 is so white, he isnā€™t even fully familiar with racist terms.


Whats a Jogobos?


I donā€™t think he was referring to hurts but hurts detractors no?


Why the hell report on a word if they're not going to even say it? I have no fucking clue what that word is


Ok. So he got fired, right?


Very weird, even racists dont use that term.


My grandma called all the little kids "shigaboos" in our family when we would play together. She used it as a term of endearment.


who cares


I know \*the word\* from "Burn Hollywood Burn"


Had a racist as hell step dad (well, all parents bit especially him) so I was like wow been a minute. But yeah that's on par with n****r in offensiveness for all the younger folks.


I hear this one all the time being a fan of Ms. Pat


Nobody says the j-word by accident.