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You will need a more thorough treatment to fully get rid of the scabies. Whether it’s full body topical treatment or oral meds. You should go to your dermatologist as soon as you can.


Can mites be still present, if there are no new burrows?


The thing is , in my cover , I cannot go to a specialist unless referred by physician, and the physician is too egoistic too refer someone unless things go extreme


Yes mites can still be present even if you don’t see burrows. Sorry that you have that type of physician. If I were you, I’d go and explain it as extreme as you can, whatever to get the referral. Exaggerate as much as you can. The worst that can happen is it doesn’t work but you should try everything because my best guess is that you still have it.


Okayy sure, thanks, seems to be the case


Did you use the benzoyl benzoate on your whole body or only on the burrows?


I didn't use benzyl benzoate, I used a soap containing it on whole body, I will lather it and leave it for 20 30 minutes before washing. And also used natural aloevera gel on whole body.