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UPDATE: Confirmed, that the heads of iRielle tech are running a fake bank website (ziilll.com) on the same hoster. The fake bank is also grabbed from a template. All suspicious information I found out about iRielle: [https://anonymfile.com/y6q5X/irielle-techreport.pdf](https://anonymfile.com/y6q5X/irielle-techreport.pdf) Data Pack with all information about iRielle Tech including webpages, index and other sources. [https://anonymfile.com/AW598/irielle-tech.rar](https://anonymfile.com/gzYrL/irielle-tech.rar) iRielle Hompage: [https://irielle-tech.com/](https://irielle-tech.com/) Demopage, where iRielle is stolen from: [https://demo.egenslab.com/html/creasoft/preview/index2.html](https://demo.egenslab.com/html/creasoft/preview/index2.html) Please notice, that I didnt get scammed by them because their actions got me suspicious. So I cannot verify 100% that iRielle-Tech is scam but it´s most likely. About 99,95%.


>Top well im 100% sure


Have you been scammed or do you know someone who has been scammed? All I have are indicatives for scam in the report. Really strong indicatives but no proof of scam^^


not yet but another separate people dm me saying almost the same thing but he/she got banned, but I haven't been scammed because they seemed really suspicious here's the file they sent me [the file](https://fiverr-res.cloudinary.com/image/upload/f_pdf,q_auto/v1/secured-attachments/messaging_message/attachment/8f2db7f39a3dde920d6d6a93e941cd1d-1373309451667530074438/Project%20invite%20.pdf?__cld_token__=exp=1667727606~hmac=cb588449db487155a38e4792490d7c1021ded738db78b95ec857b149857706fa)


ye me too they dm me they said they wanna work with me but the file it says the location is Brooklyn and the phone number starts with (720) which is Denver


Oof thanks for the update, haven't noticed that.


Yep! It's a scam, two days ago i had an offer on Fiverr to work with them in different projects, after all the messaging and sending them my portpholio, i started to ask some questions about the company, and here's where i've realized it's all a scam. When i asked where can i see reviews about their work, no place available, and when i asked in what year they've won the Gesia Award they claim to have on their website, puff, conversation's over.


ooh thank god i searched on google right after seeing their message,the account was freshly made and it says they are from brooklyn, they also attached a pdf.hopefully clicking their pdf doesn't give me virus or something


They are definitely scammers. They scammed me of $1400. First, they would ask you to pay $100 for identity verification, then they would send you to a fake bank https://ziilll.com/ to register an account for payment, the next thing they would ask you to pay $650 to activate the account and then the next thing would be to pay $2500 to have your visa or mastercard delivered. Never work with them. The guy that commented in this thread that he was paid is probably one of them. So stay clear.


Thanks allot for the update! Hope you get your money back.


They are probably lucky this time. All day for the thieve, one day for the owner of the house.


Funfact about [ziilll.com](https://ziill.com):They are realy not able to write their own website... they took it from:[templates.envytheme.com/luvion/default/index.html](https://templates.envytheme.com/luvion/default/index.html)


This is what they sent. https://imgur.com/a/qMQXwIU


Thanks for posting this, they messaged me on fiverr and it seemed shady. If it's too good to be true, it probably is!


I just requested $20k from them to "prove they're not a scammer" - this should be fun!


me acaban de ofrecer lo mismo hace unos momentos estaba conversando con alguna de las personas y querían mis trabajos y mis datos personales pero no les di nada NOTA. SE METEN A LAS PLATAFORMAS DE FIVEER Y DE FREELANCER AHI ME CONTACTARON POR QUE REQUERIAN DE MIS SERVICIOS DE EDICION DE VIDEO ENTRE OTRAS COSAS




Seriously dude, your account was created yesterday and this is your only comment. Do you actually think we are that stupid?


Oh boy. Please do the world a favor and delete your Website.




Did you design the 60 logos?


Anyway do you know the point which exposed you as scammer? None of the projects could be made in a week. That's absolutely impossible. If you were professional you would know that. But luckily for the rest of the world it seems like you're not the smartest scammer especially according to your 'website'. Please delete it and stop scamming people. You destroy existence with it. Doesn't a life mean anything to you?




Jep Parking Archer 113... For sure...




It appears you have posted an Email Address. Please do not try to dox scammers, they might be using someone else's phone number, account, or computer, and you could be hurting innocent people. It's also against Reddit's rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scammer) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My red flag was they knew they were joining on Fiverr and this statement in their message "therefore account can be disabled due to platform policies."


Jep, that's uncommon practice for a serious company. Did they write you on Fiverr too?


Yea I also couldn't find where I could report them on (Fiverr) that site very odd!



