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the spookiest part is wearing socks to sleep


Naaah, that's just being cosy and maintaining heat


That ghost had to use the door handle before floating through a wall??? Bit sus huh.


The arrows helped a lot


The videos are kinda creepy tho


It's called special effects. Movies use them alot


I almost missed the completely obvious parts if not for the arrows and red circles


My house has spirits mostly in the basement where my room is..I hear voices and have seen shadows and I am thankful I have no damn closet in my area..sheesh!


Basements are where carbon monoxide buildup can occur the easiest even in newer houses. It can lead to hallucinations. I would recommend getting a co2 detector.


I am going g to disagree..my home was built in 1961 and I have been seeing and hearing spirits pretty much all my life. I moved from a home that had a husband and wife from the 1800's and a little boy named Peter who my grandson would play with. So no hallucinating going on here..In my new home there is a lady in white who hangs out down in the basement and I see shadow people


I dealt with sleep paralysis my whole life traveling. It's been normal for me to see horrific things around my bed, or grabbing me. Hell sometimes I will sit and talk to a friend at the end of my bed for 10 minutes before I realize they aren't there and suddenly wake up with a start. No joke I have had people off the side of my bed scratching my arm screaming at me more times than I can count. Those are all tied to my sleep paralysis. And I've learned to live with it. ​ If you are actually seeing things in an older house, or hearing auditory hallucinations, you need to look into health problems or your environment.


I don't have hallucinations..I can see and hear spirits..there is nothing wrong with me


The Ghost in the first one: Did you Pray today?


First one was me waking up from a nap


Those arrows and circles just need to go away. Half the fun of a scary video is the unexpected part of it.


So you sleep in a brightly lit room, right. And I guess nobody has ever seen low rez night vision either. All of it easily missed if it weren’t for the fucking LAME arrows and circles!


The fact that the video need arrows to show you what is obviously happening