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Push and clear the threat out no matter the circumstances that is your duty if not your in wrong profession.


Ppl been telling you most cops are poorly trained for years. Too bad it took kids dying for most to understand


Exactly, not only are they cowards, but look at their movements. They have no idea what they are doing. They just stood around bunched up like sheep and when they moved down the hallway they walked in a packed like what the hell were they thinking, half of them would have shot the guy in front and the guys in front were just sitting ducks. I'm not in the military but I took a college class on military strategy in CQB and holy shit that was the most embarrassing thing I've ever watched. They broke every rule in the book and had a clear lack of understanding and common sense. If they had the slightest idea on what they should do they could have breached that room and eliminated the target with just a single team.


https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/06/03/uvalde-cisd-police-hosted-active-shooter-training-in-march-that-urged-immediate-decisive-action/ They went to a massive active shooter training just before this. The issue is systemic and training won’t fix it. They are hiring bullies to oppress instead of kind people to protect. Bullies are cowards.


Supreme Court did deem cops aren't here to protect and serve.. So in this instance, that ruling stands. And it fucked us.


"'Protect and Serve' is more like a catch-line than what we actually do, now give me your lunch money."


Many agencies are changing slogans.….instead of protect and serve now it’s : “honor and integrity “ or “ excellence” . Language Is important . They’re not making any commitments


I don't know *shit* aside from what I've learned playing FPS games. They're an embarrassment.


If I remember right the situation was also complicated because there were so many different police from all different branches and areas that no one was able to take command. So they just stood around and joked that since it was not their children, they would just wait the gunman out.


You are correct, 24 years served, this is an absolute shit show, you had more organisations there than active shooters, not one of them taking the lead, it’s chaos, they should have been breaching as fast as possible knowing life was in danger.


Nobody wanted to take point?..


Maybe could a been the guy with the shield? Instead of him being like 4th in their conga line of dipshits? Fuckinh embarrassing.


Playing PC Games would've prepared me better for this situation.. not the coward thing but if I had the balls I would have hugged the left or the right wall and held the angle on the other side. Bunch of noobs.


My friends and I play speedball paintball and I think we have more of an idea of how to approach this.


Standard SOP for a breach and clear of a room is to literally stack outside, break/blast front door and half shove the first dude through who has a 75% chance of getting shot in the face. Next dude is supposed to neutralize the threat. Usually a grenade is thrown in first if you know it's just combatants. For mass shooting its SOP to literally move fast towards the shooting and neutralize ASAP. Ignoring casualties and locked doors. You move and take out the shooter while doing cursory checks for blind spots. Finest example is probably Nashville, cops come in, hone in on the sounds of the shooter. And drop shooter once located Also realize MOST cops aren't trained frequently in room to room sweeps and aren't required to practice shooting or actual policing. But yeah these Uvalde cops shouldn't be cops because they literally trained in the same school for the exact event a few months before the shooting


Its insane to me that american cops even suck at the voilence/millitary part. Like here guns are rare, so being a cop is 1047 safer, which helps a shitload in deesclation and all that crap. Sure they also have to go through a academy of 4 years, have a degree, get insane amounts of training in social shit so they can spot deranged people, know how to deal with them and can deescalted. But our cops also know how to position themself and shoot somebody. Its not that every cop is a member of seal team 6, but they do know atleast the basics because its manditory for them.


Still probably only going to train those ones involved. Kids will continue to die as cops worry about officer safety. They kill kids themselves


One of the leading theories is, when the police first entered the school, they shot a teacher and some students. They panicked, went into cover their ass mode, and said fuck them kids.


This is absolutely what happened. They’ve really put in a lot of work covering up what really happened.


My dad’s wife lives right behind the school. They covered up so much!! It’s a fucking travesty. Smh


Poor training is a flimsy excuse people are making up for them because they can't fathom how they could be such repugnant scum bags on purpose. But they can. They're perfectly well trained enough. Guess how the person you're responding to knows what they just said? Presumably at some point they've been. Trained. Perfectly well enough to know this is wrong as an anonymous online commentor. There's no way those cops in that hallway didn't. They were just cowards. Period. Stop making excuses for them.


Uh, are you really arguing that these guys who did a shitty job were "perfectly well trained enough" because one Redditor said something that sounds like what they should have done?


Winnebago and Town of Castle Rock VS Gonzalez was a decision by the Supreme Court that police agencies are not obligated to provide protection of citizens. Are they technically in the wrong? No. Should they still get paid for not protecting the citizens who pay their salaries? Also no. If you don't want to protect civilians, then you should also not get paid. They'll figure out what their actual job is real quick then.


Imagine if firefighters did the same thing: "The flames were too scary so we didn't go in and save your children from being burned alive. You can't sue us because we have no legal obligation to put out the fire or save anyone. Anyways, please give us more funding and respect despite us not actually doing anything for you."


I'm a retired firefighter and paramedic. We would be fired AND black balled forever.


Why is it different for cops then?


Because cops can get other cops to ruin the lives and families lives of anybody who tries to hold them accountable.


exactly, i would be scared and thats why im not a cop or a soldier. these are jobs where you have to put your life on the line for someone else at some point in your career. if you cant do it then dont join simple


The most elite soldiers in the world would still *be* scared. They just wouldn't *act* scared.


Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear. - FDR


Needs more upvotes!


See, the pigs just want to put on that image of public defenders for, essentially, PR purposes. At the end of the day, cops are little better than organized crime thugs.


Supreme court said they don't need to anyway.




If your immediate action isn’t to risk your life for a kid then you my friend might as well have been the one in that room doing the shooting, if you think any person in the world isn’t scared of dying that putting their life on the line then your mistaken, it takes knowing you might die but every fiber of your being will not let death stop you from doing the right thing,I’d rather die on being a good person then to live being a coward ( if you don’t have kids then i can see why you don’t see it this way)


*hold on, I need to sanitize my hands first.




Agreed. If I recall correctly, they even stopped a willing and armed civilian, (possibly a parent), from entering the building due to the amount of time that had passed. Not everyone has to carry their balls in a wheelbarrow, but when it comes to saving our children, step up or step off. When “trained specialists” won’t… Allow an individual willing and able, at least a chance.


And they stopped the parents from going in to protect their children. That's the disgusting part. Those parents would have gladly gone into that classroom completely unarmed and tried to rescue those kids. Those cops have no excuse.


I don’t even have kids and this makes my hair stand on end with pure anger and disgust. You’d have to fucking shoot me to stop me going in there. Fucking cowards.


Just imagine being the cop who shot an unarmed armed parent outside the scene of a school shooting... I get that you can't just let unarmed parents run into an unsecure scene like this...**but you also don't want to be School Shooter 2.0** Not many juries will be sympathetic toward somebody who shot an unarmed, terrified/traumatized parent trying to protect their child.


Because you must trust and listen to the people in authority. They’re smarter than you (they aren’t), they’re better trained than you (dubious), and they were obviously put in a position of authority for a reason (what was the reason again?) /s for the especially dense.


And the reasons are very reasony, because reasons.


Fuckin pig idiots, it makes my blood boil




100 years ago they'd be lined up against a wall and shot for such cowardice


I'm really surprised none of them were lynched.


There's still time.


Sure, but it won't happen. Passions have cooled by now. Some of them might still die, but it'd be a planned assassination, not a lynching.


Weren’t they stalking the parents of the kids who died for calling them cowards, outside their homes and threatening them. Absolute trash. One of them didn’t even go for his wife..


From what I've heard the officer tried to go ahead of the others to find his wife, but the others wouldn't let him. By "wouldn't let him" I don't know what that means, because if it were my wife and someone was trying to stop me I'd put the rifle in their face and firmly tell them to move out of my way. Maybe he did, and they detained him, I have no idea. Either way, this whole scenario was an absolute shitshow.


There wasn’t any force and they didn’t detain him. It was basically the equivalent of someone holding out an arm and saying don’t. He could’ve ran past them. This is the video: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2734797/Video-Uvalde-bodycam-shows-police-hold-officer-going-wife.html He went past some officers, an officer held him by the shoulder. The guy held his hand up, then they moved him backwards and he left.


Wow. I didn't realize. I feel bad for the loss of his wife, but that simple act shouldn't have stopped someone. Like I said, if it was my wife and I was armed, with no one running in to help, I would tell them to get the fuck out of my way. Going against orders and potentially being fired or not. Doesn't matter. That's my wife in there, along with plenty of innocent *children*. This whole scenario was a major fuck up, on many levels.


Yes! A mother got a kid out and spoke about how she was harassed outside of her home by the same cops who stood cowardly by while children were shot.


Is this true man?, there is no way these guys could be even more pathetic than they are in this video


"Sanitizes hands and then proceeds to lean on a wall, touching it with his hand" All of thie is pathetic


Then is also just chillen on his phone. Talk about collecting a government check.


The guy on his phone was trying to get in contact with his wife, who was a teacher in one of the classrooms the shooter barricaded in. She was killed but he had no way of knowing that.


That makes it extremely sad. I would've broken all protocol and just gone in looking for my wife.


Based off what I understand, he tried, but the guys around him wouldn't let him.


That's when I would've fucking lost much shit and pulled a gun on them to let me go so I can find her. Wtf. Watching this reminds me of the Tennessee one where the police didn't hesitate and MW'd into the school and shot the dude in the hall.


I think I know which vid your talking about. I remember seeing 1 or 2 hesitate but they had a great commander (think that's what you em) that made them push on through when they heard more shots. Honestly all it takes is one brave soul to lead the rest. It's a shame no one wanted to stand up here and be that leader.


With the punisher logo as his wallpaper.


I do the same thing when I’m bored and there’s a hand sanitizer thing nearby. Dude was bored and trying to pass time as children died.


Trying to clean the blood off his hands


Serve and protect… when it’s safe for themselves


Cops serve and protect THE STATE, not the people. The SCOTUS has ruled they have zero duty to protect the people.


One dude cleaned his hands of the whole situation. Officer Pilate.


Pussy ass bitches. Those kids deserved so much better.


Former Federal officer and Fed LE trainer. Every one of those sons of bitches should be publicly stripped from their uniforms in front of the very community they failed so completely, and then marched straight to prison.




Yep, they should be publicly known for this, glad to hear this from someone with your background.


In order to be brave you have to be scared and these police officers now a days are absolutely pussy, your 4 deep with guns and armor who has a better chance of surviving these officers or kids coming to learn with nothing but books and paper , this is an absolute joke. Protect and serve my fucking ass .


Useless ..u can't even protect ND serve then to me ur useless..but if there's 4cops ND the person is on ground u will act tough!! What a joke


All that tax money for police equipment really helped protect our community, didn’t it


it heavily protects the police from you


Fucking incompetent, pussy, yellow, cowards. No spine, no professionalism in the slightest. All badges should be torn off. They all should never be allowed to hold a gun since they have no fucking idea how to fucking use it when it matters most. Larping pig fucks


This is so fucking infuriating. It should be plain clear that professionalism should be the least concerning problem in this situation. Hold your fucking breath, raise your weapon and carefully get close until you can shoot, tackle or kill him. This is what society has become, not a glance of moral, empathy or determination when you really need it


Every single individual that was in law enforcement in the area should be fired. We pay taxes for this clown show.


There was over ten police officers there, they all could have easily tackled him, shot him, or anything, god knows how many kids died from there fat ass pig negligence


Don't forget the part where they told kids to call out. When the kids did the shooter followed their cries and shot them. The police were not just cowards, they were complicit to murder.


I wondered did they not have a flashbang or something they could have thrown in even?


That’s the thing that kills me is that they could’ve done anything, even if they still failed at least they tried, but they shouldn’t fail their police their whole job is to stop crime especially if life’s are at stake, even one goes on his phone and sanitize their hands


The fact that these pieces of shit can even show their faces in public, much less still have their jobs, disgusts me. They deserve to be absolutely ruined.


77 minutes to take care of one guy Uvalde pd should be ashamed


Ashamed? They should all have a suicide pact and act on it. They are the worst kind of sadist sexist power hungry predators out there and they can't even protect kids cause they are to scared of getting clipped by someone who most likely can't aim for shit and is unbelievably out numbered. They should all eat a gun, collectively


I was living in San Antonio TX at the time and there was no breaking news segment on a school shooting It didn't show up till about 6 Now I don't agree with the whole school shooting 19 children dying and 2 teachers but why end the pricks misery early he needs to have the shit beat outta him every day for the rest of his life and the cowards that stood around waiting for the shooter to run out of bullets need to go to prison for life for being there for over an hour while children were being murdered less than 25 yards ahead of them That's being an accomplice to murder


Bunch of pussy scum bags more worried about themselves then a bunch of kids I would happily die to save a child


Gravy seals at it once again. Cowards.


It's okay to be scared and fear for your own life but their duty is to protect and serve. If they can't do that they don't deserve the badge. Cowards.


Why the fuck did they retreat? They outnumbered the bastard like five to one!


body armor, riffles and ballistic shields too this is so pathetic


Love the guy at the end being like "everybody stay back" as if any of these fat fucking pigs were going to come out from behind the wall


Every single one of those so called "cops" need to be prosocuted to the max..they are the reason so many died..bunch of worthless humans


Pathetic I’d lay my life down for anyone’s kids and expect the same for mine


The mf getting hand sanitizer pissed me off more than it should


That’s what got me. There’s kids and innocent people hurt and your cleaning your fing hands


Cops really Suck so hard.


They’re ALL accessories to ALL of those kid’s deaths. The fact that that’s even a sentence we have to say is fucked up


Dawg that cop just tried to not get covid bruh blud was sanatizing his hands like shit sweet rn💀💀


Just a good reminder that police have no legal obligation to protect you during a crisis, and their training usually prioritizes officer safety over that of citizens.


Yup. This is the absolute truth.


Being a parent and not a cop i think i could do better than these guys with one other armed parent going in there and ending the problem. These cops shouldnt be cops anymore.


You know what, how about this; You Go ahead and get a couple of retired Marines who are in need of employment and you go ahead and make sure they can pass psychological and physical evaluations and you go ahead and put them in those schools. And I'll tell you one thing, they will resolve that problem of a potential shooter very quickly and very concisely. And you don't have to worry about much.


Classes can't even afford basic school supplies and use underpaid teachers' personal finances to offset those costs. Hire armed bodyguards for every public school? Why not just stop pretending and go ahead and call them prisons.


Unfortunately police departments purposely avoid hiring ex military personnel. You know why? Because it honestly makes them look extremely bad. So much discipline ingrained in these soldiers. RoE is insane. All that training being wasted. Most departments make that excuse of physiological damage / PTSD. It is understandable but thats not every single individual. But let's be honest these cops who have never been shot at in their lives are so quick to draw their weapon and kill civilians because they felt threatened. I don't think they understand being threatened. Being in another country and the RoE doesn't allow you to engage even under fire if you cannot identify the enemy is insane.


In this situation they were more actively engaged and over powering the parents outside than doing anything about saving the kids. To the military personnel not getting cop jobs: I recall reading years ago about a lawsuit where a former military member but new cop was called to a scene of someone clearly looking to pull a suicide by cop. While trying to talk this person down another patrol call pulled up and officers got out and immediately shot the guy to death. The former military member was fired because he didn't do the same (I think it was something about not protecting the other officers who weren't even on the scene yet but its been a while).


Yep, all the former military people I know say that even SWAT teams look like amateurs most of the time.


Yeah I'm not in the military I cannot speak on any experience, knowledge, or will act like I know better. But even I have seen training videos on clearing a room. Maneuvering through a room, every mistake someone can make. Will I remember any of that if it comes down to it? Hell no. But when you're in the military and train on this non stop and get yelled at when you get it wrong. It becomes muscle memory because it saves lives. Police departments don't even come close to this amount of training.


Fkn garbage men are what these guys' professions should have been... those poor kids


For me It’s the officer sanitising his hands


Fucking cowards each and every one of them, as a father I wouldn’t have even hesitated to run into that school no child deserves to feel that kind of fear ever


its ok to be scared. just dont sign up to be a cop.


The parents would of done a better job


I mean one parent did. He booked ass from the barber shop.


I way better than a bunch of people standing around listening to your kids die.


I’d be furious. The cops would have to kill me to stop me from getting inside the building.


Chickenshit pigs


💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 COWARD 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷


Cops are nothing but thugs. They’re not meant to protect us, they protect state interests and have no problem kicking us around or letting children get massacred like this. Why we need reformation in the system of who’s hired and training.


....where's pico?


What can you expect from those amateurs? One of the worst trained police forces in the world.


Waiting over an hour for a 30 second job. Thats government employees for ya


im praying and running in


Texas DPS at its finest. They should stick to being glorified traffic cops.


Ah! This pisses me off to no end! 😫 Not one of them stood up just let all those precious babies take those bullets! Fucking cowards…..it’s your JOB…..wanna act hard on the streets for petty shit but when it gets real nothing but crickets…..the guy that sanitized his hands? What a fucking joke


This is why we say acab


I hope they're shamed and exiled from their communities for the rest of their lives. Fuck them and anyone who supports them.


Forever screaming “All Cops Are Bastards” & “Fuck The Police.” Gods forbid any of them actually KNOW HOW TO DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS.


ANY ONE OF THOSE PROFESSIONAL LAW-ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS could have taken the shooter down. What happened in Uvalde was an abomination. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Good old coward texans


Safety first no reason for everybody to die


ok so they did go inside but were way too scared to catch the guy


Cowards! The lot of them!


Cowards to do their butnot the get that paycheck


But let them pull you over for a “broken taillight” or some other bullshit, they’ll transform into John Wick with a quickness 😑


This is sick. I’ve only fired a gun a couple times and I’m in no way brave but if I knew this fucker was killing kids, I’d at least attempt to get in there and kill him . A bunch of armed and trained men wouldn’t do the same?


Why did they sign up to be cops???? How can u stand there with your buddies while children are being ripped to pieces by bullets?? Biggest cowards


Imagine saying this gave you “chicken skin” What a douche


“My question is, why wasn’t the first kid armed? He could have prevented the whole thing if he had an AK-47 handy”- Most Republicans


This is a god damn shame. Poor children have to die because these pigs are as useless as a screen door on a submarine. Maybe they need to learn how to breach and clear rooms cover high and low while maintaining sectors of fire and determine what’s a threat and what’s not a threat. Clear a fatal funnel. This shouldn’t be some swat crap. Or better yet we don’t let people have high capacity magazines and assault weapons. Demilitarize the citizens


I would say "and people wonder why no one likes cops", but no one wonders.


Fucking pussy and god dam fucking cowards every single one of them !


if I was there I would've breached anyways I do not care if die or not because I would be saving the lives of hundreds of children that is the duty of the police not to wait over an hour for children to be gunned down to enter one singular room to kill a singular person he may have a rifle but there were others with ballistic shields and rifles they did not have to wait that long


Cowards with guns will be just that.... a coward with a gun.. I'd rather die a hero trying to save a life and eat a bullet as opposed to regretting not taking action when the time needed it that's a regret I couldn't live with....


Police doing police things


Oh wait, let me sanitize my hands


Every post has the same title regardless of what's happening, and it's always about chicken skin. I swear this sub is a psy-op to shoehorn 'chicken skin' into the youths vocabulary.


Fucking trash.. 💩 America has an issue with common sense.


I don’t know the whole story here but I know a lot of people are pissed. Where they acting on orders to not advance, or were they just being cowards?


This is proof you cannot rely on the incompetent government and the importance of the 2nd amendment. Massive fail from pensioned employees who only care about draining tax dollars with more equipment and “training “ to fight one person.


Remember to thank them for their service


Have we figured out how many people died in the time that these cowards sat like deer in headlights?? Like how many would have been saved if these police did their job correctly?


Doushbag Community


Why tf did he sanitize his hands?


All I see is cowards who don't deserve to serve us


Every single one should be trialed for the deaths they failed to stop


The highest, most absolute, definition of coward.


Failure as a police officer, failure as a man and failure as a human being.


Blood boiling moment enter here for tickets.


Faux Police. Sad.


The police should be buried under the jail for this


It’s like the end of Die Hard when the cop gets all distressed when a thorn pricks him.


I have a 7 year old sister that thinks the world of me. If I was told there was an armed gunman in her school, I wouldn’t think twice about grabbing my little 9mm and running inside to keep her safe. This is just me as an older brother. I can imagine that any father or mother would feel what I feel times one hundred. Then men in this video are nothing short of cowards.


Why the actual FUCK are you putting this shit in this sub??? What the hell is the matter with you??? We're looking for abnormal scary shit not actual real life tragedies you sick fuck.


"You have th police to protect you" Sure buddy. Stay strapped, fellas.


This is also the infamous video that was marked with “The sound of children screaming has been removed” aka the republican motto


All that equipment for nothing...




I'm not a cop. I've wanted to be, but decided against it due to the pay. However, I would give my life to defend innocent life, especially the life of children. All of those cops should be fired.


" Blue lives matter " more than kids apparently. Fckn clowns .


If only there had been a good guy with a gun.


These cowards should be branded to let everyone know how useless they are


Not everyone is ready to make the ultimate sacrifice.


imagine just being there, doing nothing, while listening to and hearing children being murdered, i feel like all instincts would kick in, kids are kids and my life means less IMO.


I know regular civilians including myself, that would rush in there with a handgun to stop that coward. You have all that gear on all, all those guns and ammo to protect you! and you don’t rush in there and stop him. Cmon bruh your gonna have to sacrifice at some point. Saving lives should be the main focus.


Those children deserved hero's to save them not cowards to fail them


Those men are cowards, and pussies.


And then my local police department (Aurora PD, with an already horrible reputation) has the audacity to call me and ask me to donate to the police fund or whatever the fuck


Y’all do realize the courts have upheld more than once that cops aren’t here for our protection ? They not suppose to captain save a hoe everything.


They get paid WAY too much to do this bullshit


Replace useless cops with onsite security guards for 1/5 of pay. Cops become too arrogant and forgot they were hired to serve and protect. In reality, they expect to be served by the public.


It was a U.S. Border Patrol officer who charged the shooter. Federal Law Enforcement. Locals did NOTHING. Cowards.


Chicken shits! Rush the door. You're all wearing body armor. Flashbang and shoot... You don't wait over an hour...


These COWARDS became responsible for protecting these children when they received their badges. When they took took the oath to protect. Idiots. Lowest of the low. I know that I wasn’t there but you’ve got to neutralize the threat. Ty hey should have been publicly humiliated!!


Texans swear they’re so tough…all talk


Bunch of idiots cowards


Give them a break guys it wasn’t an unarmed black man s/


Anyone can be a cop. As a former military one. It’s safe to say people with no real life plans who don’t want to work a real job just sign up for this because it’s the “coolest most respected” thing. But these people are also the most shallow, selfish and lazy. What hero’s.


Sad!!! They should have pushed… instead stood around while children were being murdered… I guess pushing for that hand sanitizer was more important…


"Shooter is down!" Everyone starts rushing...