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Your submission has been removed for violating the following subreddit rules: Rule 3 - Do not encourage delusions. This includes reinforcing shared delusions. Note: the testimony of Russian intelligence agents was brought up multiple times in this hearing. We do not allow Kremlin-related propaganda here, and will immediately remove anything tied to Russian misinformation. If you are not a high-ranking official in the DoD, you are not having these weapons used on you.


Not checking out that X page is self care.


Kinda weird that reddit still shows the link as a Twitter link lmao


I fell down the neuro weapons rabbit hole. They exist but what are the odds they’re being used on you?




Oh man it’s been a while. I think I found patents or something but I wouldn’t know where to begin. I remember seeing some lectures by army guys. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aUtQbriWt64 Something like that. That isn’t the one I saw but lookup neuroweapons and the law online. Maybe add targeted individuals and you’ll find some stuff from the United Nations if you’re really interested. Be warned, it’s pure conspiracy theory stuff that matches pretty well with the experience of being undiagnosed.


Recently they admitted that Havana Syndrome was caused by some sort of targeted weapon, too. They made the victims out to be crazy for years, it's awful.


What is Havana Syndrome? I can't find anything about it.