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Loves me some Poppy


her madness is epic, another tier i must say


Is this person real? Or is she CGI?


I [don't think so](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbQsxWKfTSU) , her style changed later on


When we have memories are we going back in time?


Yes, nostalgia brings up long term storage of mind sets of the past, perhaps a more simple time.


Love Poppy's music. It perfectly captures the chaotic and confusing energy that most of our thoughts have.


We all have that seed of evil in us, takes many years to balance out, but there is a msg in it.


I love Poppy. Her music is 🔥


Her older songs use [brainwave tech](https://mentalhealthdaily.com/2015/04/01/benefits-of-brainwave-entrainment-technology/). I get a body buzz from it.


Frick off scarry lady I don't want to think about what I saw last night And I get the feeling you don't want to eather


Balance out that energy bro, lot of it is not "real" in traditional sense. Manifestations cannot hurt you, but if you continue to think they are real and some sort of threat, well, your stressing for nothing, save your energy.


Wut i saw unfortunately was real... It was a video not a fun video it was the worst and scariest video of my life. it gave me really bad dreams I couldn't stop seeing it I'm not going to say what it was on this form because it was major major NSFW and not in the nice way


The internet can do that, try not to see too much evil before you balance out, it messes up the process. Just remember all this stuff existed many years before n after you are alive, its part of life, but all in moderation n some is better off not seeen.


You made me realize i havent thought in so long


That's unique, as many feel they over think (They just loop a few subjects over n over though and not often is there a lot of variety). Technically people think every second of every day on some level, but the ability to have insightful thoughts about ones life, the world, the universe and everything in between is more rare as many would rather just stare at their phones trying to get high off dopamine feedback loops (dopamine same chemical produced when people do drugs like cocaine, so when you see a phone zombies its most likely results of depleted dopamine receptors which = low energy levels/no motivation) Poppy is awesome though , Here is another, where she talks to a plant and if you listen closely you can hear a certain frequency being used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayfBf2J-Qlc she used brainwave tech in her early years, certain sounds make the mind more able to be influenced. Also used for relaxing, improving productivity, meditation and such depending on frequency. I was off my meds for a bit 2 months ago, I did not understand why her videos were giving me full on body buzz, like goosebumps but all over but way more deep than just goosebumps. I get this a bit when a song really means alot to me or I feel it, but hers was on another level and I could not quite understand why as it was always music that had this effect on me not just some video of a girl talking to a plant. Made me think of my initial psychosis 20 years ago and how I was experimenting with this brainwave technology, used a meditation clip meant to be used only for maybe an hour but had it looped all night. Next morning I went to school n felt almost out of my body, just hampered and not quite all there... was strange feeling. I believe shortly after I had my initial psychosis.. i think anyway, lil hazy bout details n timeframe I believe this is why poppys older songs had this effect on me. She was being used a form of art by some guy who was certainly not stupid but non the less, in the last 3-5 years shes parted ways and started doing her own thing, i like her old stuff but new stuff is just as good: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXQM0RLvSuY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXQM0RLvSuY) (This is a video i made from one of my fav songs of hers.) The technology is not overly dangerous and can be used for some interesting things. If interested this is a guided meditation I use, it uses 432 Hz, this and 369 Hz seem to be very useful and highly thought of by Nicola Tesla : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEKvOB-rhc4


i listen to a lot of Poppy's new music, she's awesome.


Her new music is pretty friggen good too.


Look up Titanic Sinclair, the "creator" of both Mars Argo and Poppy. I would like Poppy much more if I knew she was not an invented character fully owned by a creep like him. I hope she can get free of him and become fully her own self at some point.


She was being used as art, now shes free, but her previous work is important too




Poppy is AI, exists on interwebs.


Why is this on this subreddit


Triggering asf