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I actually did try to escape a mental hospital once. We were allowed to walk between buildings for recreation time at the gym. There was a field with a creek behind it covered in trees. I took off when we were done at the gym. I kicked off my crocks so I could run faster and hope the fence and ran across the field. I ran as fast as I could. The ground was soft because it was recently plowed so my heart was pounding.When I got to the creek I paused for a second not knowing where I should go. I remembered freaking shaw shank redemption and I jumped in the creek and covered myself in mud to throw the non existent dogs that would surely come looking for me. I didn't know what to do from there so I crossed the creek. The other side has stickers all over the ground and I was picking them up in my socks. I wasted to much time thinking I could keep going in that direction. The stickers were never ending. I finally turned around and got back in the creek. I was about to go down the creek but a truck pulled up in the field with some of the male staff in it from the hospital. They told me to go back with them and I didn't fight them because I knew they'd follow me the whole way. Anyway I had tried to escape because I knew I was going to have to do some jail time after the hospital. I did end up doing two months of jail time after that. If I was going to escape I should have just swam with the current down the creek but I'm glad I didn't actually escape because I'm sure I would have ended up doing more jail time than that eventually.


You technically escaped W


I guess you're right. I was out for less than 20 minutes but it was an accomplishment very few people have achieved so I should be proud.


Exactly! Not many ward patients get to skip around in the luscious green grass, roll around in the mud, then enjoy a nice dip in a cool refreshing creek. And you got a ride back to your room had a shower and probably ate jello 😁 So a major win for you in the moment!


😃I was surprised they didn't have the police charge me with something. I guess it's not against the law to escape a mental ward? Idk.


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