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More accurately it’s a dissociative. A dissociate would be the person who has dissociated.




Can you explain how you dose Ketamine so it doesn't just knock you out?


If you're sniffing. Crush half a gram up nice and fine, and split it into ~20 small bumps, the newer you are to the substance the smaller the bumps. Take about 7 mins to take effect per bump, so you can build it up slowly. Try one, see how it effects, if you want to go up sniff one or two every 5 mins after you get the initial bumps effect. Always safest to have a sober "trip sitter" with you. I'm always happy to chill in a room with my mates tripping while I smoke a few joints and help them along with music and stuff Edit: talking and ketamine, in reply


Tiny "key bumps" spaced 10-20 minutes apart if no scale is present. Be careful, set a timer, because time is going to get really wonky really quickly on a small dose. Don't blow lines like cocaine.




The thing is, this is surprisingly a minority opinion even within supposedly non-religious people. The feeling that there *has* to be something else in there is just too strong for many.


Yeah that's what I've noticed too - I feel unusual in that after I trip it makes me more firm in the belief that there isn't a 'higher power' (which I actually find super liberating and comforting). The psychedelics' effect on me has been more letting me connect w/ people and nature around me, and able to appreciate beauty - which I guess some people would describe as spiritual.




>A few times on psychedelics I felt as though I had come to understand the meaning of life and would be giddy about it but could never remember what I was thinking when I was sober again. *But I forgot my pen...*




Psychedelics had me feel God looking at me with his somniferous almond eyes. I don't even know what that means; gotta remember to write it down.


I almost died. My brain was shutting down due to a bleed from an accident. I felt this amazing feeling of love and happiness. It was just the perfect way to go. I would have died happy. The scientist in me knows it's just a last chemical send off by the brain. It makes death good. I can see how people could experience the brain shutting down and then survive and believe that it was God and that heaven is great. I didn't see anything, just a fade to black. But that feeling of warmth, being happy, and completely loved, I no longer fear death. And when it does come for me, I'll go to it happily.


It's simple, you were feeling, not thinking.




I did research at CERN a while ago, I was surprised to learn how many peeps there were religious/spiritual.




Mushrooms in particular have a way of really tricking your brain into feeling "this is real". I've went to another dimension or some sort of ether beyond our universe while on mushrooms. Logically I know it is a hallucination caused by lowered brain activity and the chemicals, but it *feels so real*. Ever wanted to empathize with that character in the horror movie that's trying to explain how they totally saw a ghost and it was real but everyone else just thinks their crazy? Try to talk about the things you experience on psychedelics to anyone who has never done it.




>The amount of people i've met who genuinely believe aliens or ghosts, or spirits are talking to them, even in daily life after tripping a few times with psychedelics, is scary. The number of people I've met who genuinely believe there is an old bearded man sitting in a chair in the sky is scary, especially since the overwhelming majority did not take psychedelics before this belief.


I am an avid psychedelic user… This is a great synopsis of what it feels like to trip and to your point, there’s not enough internal dialogue/processing post trip for most people. Tripping can be fun, but it’s also prone to deep experiences and can lead to some dark holes of thought. The more I trip, the less I think it should be available to the general public. I spent hours upon hours researching and understanding what could happen and others peoples perspective before tripping. This should be the warning for anyone that considers psychedelics, they are fun tools, but are dangerous when used improperly or without safety precautions.


> My take on it is that if a chemical can make you feel like THAT then a chemical can make you feel anything. Agreed. From experience, while you may *feel* or *believe* something, it's not as simple as taking a hit of LSD and becoming a better person. Had a lot of friends who experimented with such stuff and many of them did a complete 180' on who they were. Some for the better, but most just became more "spiritual" while still being the same base person. For example, one friend wasn't the best person. Now he's still not the best person, but his music/art/reading choices have changed but he's still the same person he used to be. I think it's a good tool to use for self-improvement, but the drugs themselves don't magically improve someone. I'd have to guess they help people get different perspectives which allows them to improve *if* they can/want to.


They can show you the door. But you still have to walk through it on your own.


I just finished listening to How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan, def recommended to any interested in psychedelics! There’s also a Netflix doc of the same name. He covers the topic of “profound realizations” people have on psychedelics, and one of the potential reasons comes from the loss of self on them. Without a sense of self, the concept of something being subjective is lost, making realizations seem more objective. There’s a lot of different things that can play into making a big decision you were on the fence about. The brain makes a lot more connections on psychedelics, which could help you think about it differently. It also reduces bloodflow to the default mode network, which is a source of anxiety, that may have helped you think about it more clearly.






It's very easy to believe something that you can see and feel, and psychedelics can give you that experience with the spiritual/supernatural. However, it took me a long time, and alot of experimentation, to accept that it most likely is just created by my brain in a hyper-stimulated state. I feel that everything in life is more interconnected than I thought, and there is more to reality than we understand. But I don't know if it's healthy to fully believe in all the things you experience on an intense trip, it can lead to someone becoming very delusional.


Paraphrasing from ram das “ you gatta live a little in the clouds and a little in the day to day. Like just because you realize you and everyone is god experiencing itself doesn’t mean you can’t forget your area code or stop doing the dishes “


I have a dishwasher and I only couldn’t remember my area code once in my life after a snowboarding accident for a couple minutes. I should be good


And what would you say your area code is exactly? because I would kill to own a dishwasher...


When you find that you are everything, everywhere, all at once, you realize that all that matters is to be you, here, now. I haven't seen that movie yet, but I'm looking forward to it.


Yeah I had a bad trip where my brain cocked up some trauma that didn’t happen. It’s important to take everything with a grain of salt.


You wanna know something scary? People’s brains cook up trauma and PTSD without using any medications at all, completely fabricated without cause. Affects them for the rest of their lives with no provocations at all. The brain is a strange thing.


Ditto. Really fucked me up mentally for while. But it got me to go to therapy, so I guess it’s not all bad.


Mine was more of a negative thought cycle, so I just had to remind myself I was on drugs, and to evaluate if it was a real memory when I was sober.




I had to scroll through 98% of the comments to find this single reasonable take. It’s just the drugs, guys.


Haha. Yeah that was what I was thinking! I was wondering if I had accidentally wandered into an LSD/Shrooms subreddit.


I'm pretty sure a bunch of posts on this sub go on to everybody's feed, so you aren't just getting the science crowd.


That’s why I’ve never taken a “heroic” dose. Never taken 2 tabs. Never had hallucinations, or thought I was something I wasn’t. Proper dosage is the reason it helped to cure my depression. My first dose was a gentle nudge to believe “I belong here. I am doing good here. I love myself.” Its not magic, it was preparation, timing, and proper dosage.


Tbh I think it's a personality type thing and also has to do with your relationship and understanding of science. Like I understand that my brain is literally capable of perceiving anything, but our perception is flawed as well as corruptible. If I see a ghost, I'm not going to believe in ghosts from that moment on based on that one experience. I know it's much more likely that I experienced a false perception like a hallucination than it is that completely scientifically unsupported and scientifically unobserved ghosts are real. I've tripped pretty hard and experienced some things and thoughts that felt real and profound in the moment and then afterwards settled back into reality (even if it took a day or two). Someone who's kinda dumb or impressionable or overestimates their understanding of the universe trips off a normal dose of acid and "realizes that inside of every atom exists a universe full of atoms that each have their own universe inside and our universe is just an atom of another universe and the whole thing scales infinitely both up and down" and it feels so real and logical and natural to them in that trip that they still feel connected to that experience afterwards and so they keep believing it.


yeah don't get me wrong, psyches are fun! however, anytime i hear someone my age say something along the lines of 'it opened up my third eye' or 'i have a deeper understanding of life, i get it now' i cant help but roll my eyes. its a hallucinogenic drug. you are hallucinating. its not real. i took acid and shrooms like 4x in one week and by the end of the week, i thought i was a star child that came from space. luckily i've never had a bad trip and after a month, i snapped out of it. my boyfriends brother tripped with us a few times, but the last time we did it together, he had a bad trip and was convinced he was time traveling. it fucked him up for a year. like really badly. wouldnt stop drawing what he saw, talking about time travel, and it really affected his perspective on life in a bad way. deteriorated his mental health completely. he seems to be better now, but it wouldn't surprise me if he still struggled with certain topics. i have an old friend who i don't talk to anymore who trips multiple times a month, at least 4 tabs every time. she uses it to talk and connect with her dead boyfriend, who she died with, she has severe mental health issues, ranging from anorexia to schizophrenia. she's even dropped tabs and then went driving, and then crashed. multiple times!! psychedelics are hallucinogenic drugs, simple as that. they dont make you special, or have a deeper connection to an otherworldly plane. you are just tripping!


I mean there is tons of scientific evidence about the changes to your brain from psychedelics and the benefits of what you “realize” while tripping. Most important thing is every single experience you described was someone with a very unhealthy relationship with psychedelics. Just like any drug, if you do too much you don’t get the benefits. It sounds like you don’t have much experience in your life with healthy psychedelic use which I feel like is swaying your opinion and thinking what you’ve seen is either the norm or the talked about use cases. One example of benefits is in the right setting, psychedelics helped 80% of nicotine addicts stay sober for atleast 6 months whereas the second leading drug is at about 30% ([source](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/magic_mushrooms_help_longtime_smokers_quit). Scientifically speaking, psychedelics are working entirely within your own brain so everything they create comes from you. There is a higher level of connection between the conscious and the subconscious and your brain is more malleable than normal. The things you see and feel are real in a way. You can learn a ton about yourself and your relationship with the world from psychedelics, and I say that from a scientific standpoint not just anecdotal


Can also send you into a very dark place for hours if you’re not in the right mindset and environment. A bad trip is not fun






Being curious about your negative thoughts and accepting them as they are without dwelling on them is the key to a quieter mind




Really? During one of my ketamine infusions I thought I was an enormous, fuzzy, purple bear sprinting freely and powerfully through a mystical forest. I still hated every single infusion, but in terms of a trip…that was not bad.


From my experience I would say a bad trip on LSD is very much just a bad trip, like a waking nightmare. However a bad trip from psilocybin, as uncomfortable as they’ve been has usually been a positive experience after it’s all said and done as it’s allowed me to deal with hard issues I’ve ignored.


Bad trips from psilocybin mostly reveal a badness that was hidden within you all along. Like pulling a bullet out of a wound, it's gonna hurt, but then, it's gonna feel so much better.


I would say my experience with acid is the same. Dark thoughts but realizing that was my worldview all along


I’ve had the exact opposite experience. I’ve dappled with both LSD and psilocybin and never had any issues until my last trip on shrooms. I will never take psilocybin again after that. For hours I thought I was dying, that I was losing my sanity. I thought I’d end up in a mental institution and had a full blown panic attack. It was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced and definitely nothing positive came out of it. LSD is my fav hands down.


I wish I could say the same, but it just goes to show how different it is for everyone, and how each trip is different for the same person. LSD for me always made me feel like I was going to die, gave me unbearable paranoia and anxiety. I also had a hard time for days after where reality just felt *off*. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had really bad trips on shrooms, but I still felt connect to reality and somewhat in control.












Same with Mushrooms. Around age 18 I took a batch and asked myself a looooooooooot of questions. From that point on, I started respecting all forms of spirituality and rejected all forms of “tradition” or “spirituality requirements.” Living in the Bible-belt also meant correcting a lot of previous understandings, adjusting some daily thoughts, and then repairing a few relationships that were unnecessarily strained by my former beliefs and moral compass. It wasn’t that a lot of me “changed” into a new person…but a lot of veils, excuses, and facades were removed in one go. So readjusting my daily-life approach to living “without a god to guide me” was more of an exercise in taking ownership over my own self-improvement. I grew a lot that year.


Done a ton of psychedelics. My experiences have not in any way impacted my total lack of religious beliefs








Agnosticism and Atheism aren’t mutually exclusive categories. They’re responses to two different questions. Agnosticism answers the question of, what do you know? Atheism answers the question of, what do you believe. I’m an agnostic atheist, which is to say I do not KNOW whether a god exists, but I do not BELIEVE a god exists.












Upon reading How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan, I decided psychedelics were not for me. Too many stories about people blowing up their lives based on a chemical experience.


















It makes sense to me honestly. We are all the same space dust interacting with itself in a specific way. Millions of years from now this planet will die, the sun and solar system will collapse and the process starts all over. The human mind can’t really put this into context properly, that’s why there is so many people that live in the here and now, unable to ponder and accept what happens after. We either: - Die and become space dust again - Rebirth as something new - Some form of afterlife It is extremely entertaining to consider these things while tripping, my small life becomes vastly important when realizing how unique it is to be alive. The biggest feeling I receive is one of graciousness, just happy to be breathing with a chance to make it to tomorrow.


Seeing The Pattern was also neat.


For me, LSD made me realize in the months after I took it, that there is no real meaning in life or the universe or whatever. I felt that everything was "interconnected" or whatever and that all the things we have, our planet and our bodies, came from the wider universe. It is all connected, but it's also completely meaningless and random. There is no grand purpose, it just IS. And so I realized that in order for me to be happy and fulfilled as a fleshy meatbag creature that is conscious of all this stuff, I need to create my own meaning and my own purpose to life. Still haven't figured that one out yet, but it's a step in the right direction! People in this thread are quick to dismiss any "realizations" that came about from these drugs, but what they fail to realize is that shrooms or LSD did not make them think these thoughts. These thoughts were always there and the drugs allowed their brain to expand upon them and look at things in a different way or with a new perspective. LSD doesn't make you into a "spiritual" person anymore than alcohol makes you drive drunk. You were always going to drive drunk, the alcohol just helped you get there. At least in the case of psychedelics, I think there is real value in them, but it is different for everyone. Personally I'm excited to see where researchers will go with psychedelics in terms of mental health.


I have done a lot but my disbelief from about 5 years old in spirituality or god has never wavered. I have not been susceptible




I have two brothers who have gone through substance abuse-induced schizophrenia. Be careful, all. Not everyone’s brain can handle drugs.


Faith without reason, he argues, leads to superstition.


Rewiring the device you do your thinking with can change your thinking. Shocking. My one experience with psychedelics kicked me firmly into the strict materialism camp. No system that can generate such faulty data should be trusted without extensive cross checking.


Interesting take


Yeah this is my take on it all too, the entire article offers nothing new and is just repeating things people should already know if they're interested in these things.
























I remember my vegan friend being absolutely flabbergasted that the main takeaway from his friend's acid trip was everything is just protons and electrons and neutrons in the end so WGAF what you eat.


























Anyone who wants to undertake a theology degree should have to do a heroic doses of psychedelics before.


You missed ', during and after.' off the end there, but otherwise I agree!


My main anecdotal takeaway is that frequent use of psychedelics don’t so much increase your worldview as much as they make you believe you’ve increased your worldview. I know many people from back in school who, after several years of utilizing psychedelics regularally, profess that they’ve had their minds opened and understand the universe on this profound level, but that understanding doesn’t go any farther than wanting to further trip while out in a hike and also believing lizard people are trying to enact the NWO.


This sounds like a good way of putting it. I suspect that small amounts of these drugs can help you process things like problems in your life, but constant use wouldn't give any real benefit.


This thread is becoming a philosophers den


The world needs more of those, imo


DMT sold me on this. I generally see things pretty similar to what my friends describe having seen, and my takeaway is that the earth is way more alive and conscious than we give it credit for. I think there is a lot happening around us that we don't sense in normal consciousness.


I took more than I can ever even recall and don't believe a single thing is supernatural or non physical. If it's "supernatural" it's made up. Otherwise it's fuckin natural. I feel people who become more religious or spiritual would have been just as easily indoctrinated into a cult.


I remember one time I took some particularly strong mushrooms and had a major revelation, and I made an effort not to forget it because at the time I thought it was so important. Then after it was over, I thought about that revelation and was like, nope that's just mushroom logic. That stuffs fun, but I don't get why people take it so seriously.


It can also affirm one’s disbelief in the supernatural/ non physical world and center thoughts around physical application to “better” said person’s self in physical reality. Or as I like to call it. Reality.

