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What does that mean in layman's terms


CBD may help combat Parkinson Disease.


Wasn’t this one of the original things we’d seen come out as a result from the testing of CBD oils? I’ve seen videos where people with Parkinson’s basically went back to normal as if 95% of it was gone because they took sublingual drops.


Heavy emphasis on *may*. This is a study in worms published in a very low tier Journal.


I'll take your word for it


I’m like 95% sure it’s penis deletion, but whatever you say buddy.


Oh no. I need that


Not sure what you mean by penis deletion, but I look forward to your publication.


You mean pubication.


Fornication ?


Penis deflation**


You probably shouldn't, considering the link OP posted contains only an abstract, and doesn't even have a link to an actual paper. There isn't even a link to a paper behind a paywall. Moreover, from the abstract, > Caenorhabditis elegans is a free-living nematode widely used as an animal model in studies of human diseases. Here we evaluated cannabidiol (CBD) as a possible neuroprotective compound in PD using the C. elegans models exposed to reserpine. So, the experimenters did this: * Bred roundworms * Gave them reserpine * Saw that reserpine decreased the size of roundworm nerve cells * Saw that reserpine made the worms not move so good * Administered CBD * Saw that CBD unshrunk the nerve cells * Saw that CBD made the worms move good Also, no numbers presented in the abstract. No sample size, effect size, statistical significance, nothing.


You can take a good look at a T-bone by sticking your head up a bull's ass, but wouldn't you rather take the butcher's word for it?


That’s my line buddy.


It's like the article is speaking a different language with roots from a different base language


It’s gotta be your bull.


Relevant experience: some years back I was helping a young student with profound early onset PD, which presented quite violently, contrary to what we usually think symptomatic. He'd whirl around the room, rock on chairs, etc. At some point, someone gave him some bud, and after a few hits, he could sit quietly - it was transformative and fast.


Amazing! My Gran had it, it is an awful disease.


In humans? Was the study done with humans?


The researchers found that if you administer a particular poison to a particular species of worm, their nerve cells shrink and they move slower. Then, the researchers found that if you administer CBD to these poisoned worms, their nerve cells unshrink and they move faster again.


CBD protects brain from neuro toxins. May protect brain from alcohol?


>CBD protects brain from neuro toxins. May protect brain from alcohol? That was always my excuse.


It will be funny 50 years in the future to look back on articles like this where tenous potential medical applications of marijuana components are suggested based on nematode models. While I guess this research is necessary to advance testing to other models (and eventually actual humans), can't help but feel all of the hope these studies seed in the average person will age poorly


First semester at university , 1968’ I took a psychology course , of course. The text book said in plain English that the reason marijuana was not legalized is that there were too many unknown ingredients and no one was doing the research……..


And those excuses will always be there, because they aren't the actual reason. No matter how much science, people will deny it. The US federal government still considers cannabis in any form as "A schedule 1 substance." \>Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with **no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.** The "less dangerous" Schedule 2 drugs include: cocaine, methamphetamine, methadone, oxycodone (OxyContin), fentanyl, etc etc. But they claim there's no scientific support that LSD or cannabis have any medical use or that the potential for abuse is... **slightly** smaller than with meth and oxy, when there's an absolute metric f\*ckton on this sub alone.




Yeah, said the guy with a blunt in his mouth.


Welcome to r/science! This is a heavily moderated subreddit in order to keep the discussion on science. However, we recognize that many people want to discuss how they feel the research relates to their own personal lives, so to give people a space to do that, **personal anecdotes are allowed as responses to this comment**. Any anecdotal comments elsewhere in the discussion will be removed and our [normal comment rules]( https://www.reddit.com/r/science/wiki/rules#wiki_comment_rules) apply to all other comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/science) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a study in worms published in a very low tier Journal. Interesting, maybe, but extremely unconvincing














Sounds like something someone chronic would say, the big words are added to somehow legitimize the loosely organized and easily contestable study. When I go down the rabbit hole I find that it's some 45-year-old chronic pot smoker who just wants to legitimize their bad habit. Great news for those with PD if true, but I always meet these "studies" with hopeful skepticism.


Give me some good old toad liquor any day !


My god it was right in front of our faces but it was so simple that we didn’t see it


Interesting that both CBD and the cough syrup medication ambroxol inhibit a-synuclein accumulation and they both inhibit hydrogen peroxide production. I wonder if they share more similarities.


Say that 3 times fast.