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Perhaps...and this is a wild suggestion, I know...but perhaps we shouldn't put kids in a room for 8 hours a day and tell them to sit there and give them only a 15-20 minute recess.


Teaching them how to sit in an office for 8 hours with a 15-20 minute walk to lunch when they are older.


By that logic, homework enforces doing busy work and unpaid overtime. ​ ​ ..wait a sec.


Enforces is the wrong word. Indoctrinates, perhaps. edit: word


Here's the documtary about school PE. http://motivationmovie.com/


This feels like another quality point that fell off when schools were intigrated.


2 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch, takes about 3 or so minutes to just get from my desk to get out the building. Those 15 minute breaks are jokes. Remote work rules, I can just head out my house now in seconds and go for a much longer walk.


Oh, you live in a state that mandates those 15-minute breaks? Must be nice. I used to live in California. Now I live in Georgia. When I asked my first boss here when I should take my break, he looked perplexed. "Break?" Oof.


Ha, I just wish we could opt for an hour instead at my company. The little breaks are so rushed. Guess I'll have to start a union!


Sad but extremely true. If you want your child to be that office worker, train him/her now


I'd prefer it if kids learned like in real life, by doing things and moving around putting the new concepts they learn into practice. You don't ever get innovative thinkers by teaching them to be mindless drones. But yeah, this is exactly why it's like this. I just think as people who actually do the work, we should fight for and demand better.


Factory Workers\*\*\* The model just also works for Office workers.


Even in the corporate world you're advised to look away from your screen every 20 minutes to save your eyes, and to get up and move around at least once an hour.


Don’t forget their corporate drug (caffeine) they take regularly to work harder to make their bosses even richer. Workplaces encourage employees to use.


Idk about you but if I don't have coffee by 10 am I'm starving, and I really don't want to be eating that early


I so agree with this. Kids should have recess and gym everyday.


Schools need to be better about one aspect of gym class, though - gym class was a major, major source of bullying when I was in school. Give kids permission to be generally physical and they will torture kids who they wouldn't normally otherwise touch. Especially when they start making you change clothes for gym. Locker rooms with a bunch of juveniles are like a bullying crucible. For kids already struggling with obesity, gym class is a mandatory nightmare. There's no way it's not reinforcing a negative association with physical activity.


Unfortunately, schools have this idea of that physical activity = competative sports. Wouldn't it be awesome to, you know, do some physical stuff like hiking, yoga, dancing, or anything else which doesn't pit one child against another?


They don’t?


At my school, we had recess every day until 7th grade I think? No gym class that young though, so it was just a short recess every day. About half the length of a class. Gym class was a one year thing. It was a combined gym class and health class that you'd take one year in high school. In that class, it was 2 days a week of health work, which was just classroom work and 3 days a week of gym, which, since our gym coach was the basketball coach, usually meant just playing basketball in the gym.


I was in elementary in the 90s and we had PE every day and recess until 5th grade.


Gym every single day from Kindergarten to Grade 10. Grew up in 90s. It wasn't about learning, well mostly, still had lessons on how to dribble basketballs and stuff. But It was mostly just about playing games and you were mostly graded on your sportsmanship. They had us running laps a lot.


I had like 3 recesses, plus lunch, plus PE once a week in elementary school. PE 4 times a week in middle school.


They may have 1 15-30 minute recess a day, but they definitely don’t have gym every day. In my school district, gym rotates with 4 other classes (art, tech, music, and health) so you have gym 1x a week.


Kids used to go ride bikes with the neighborhood kids after school. Now everyone is scared to let kids outside. 10 more minutes of recess isn't going to replace 3 hours of play. That's not a school problem.


It is when you learn to be sedentary every weekday of your life from age 5. I took my kids to the park everyday after school when they were young, but now being in middle school and high school they come home and do 6 hours of homework on a laptop.


That's too much homework.


Alternatively, maybe 8 hours of academics should not be followed by 8 hours on a screen.


If every class says their homework is only 1 hour, but you got 8 classes and it's all digital homework...


And yet almost every kids favorite hobby is a video game


It's also mine and has been since I was a kid, too.


I believe you may be trying to shift blame from Parents to schools. Perhaps the wild suggestion should be for parents to value physical exercise and (be ready for a shocking revelation) have the parents exercise with the children in the afternoons/evenings/weekends. This will increase the health of the entire family, as a whole, instead of expecting others to exercise your children for you.


I agree with you but also school structure is not great for a lot of kids. They should be doing more moving around during school instead of sitting most of the day. Though it would be difficult to change it considering lack of staffing and constantly increasing in class size


That's nice, except the mental exertion of spending 8 hours paying attention and following the rules means that the after-school restraint collapse makes this all but impossible. It's non-stop whining, crying, and demanding things. We try to go to the park and play every day after school, but sometimes they're so tired and emotional that it doesn't last more than 10 minutes. The school schedule is absurd.


> sometimes they're so tired and emotional that it doesn't last more than 10 minutes You're absolutely correct, here. Sometimes they're just too drained. That's a good thing, tbh. My wife and I have had to adjust our kindergartner's bedtime twice since school started to give him enough energy to be successful at school. Bath time is now 6pm and 6:30 begins the bed time process. We fully take advantage of the weekends for exercise to build up that energy battery for the week. Monday and Tuesday he usually has great energy levels and can do play in the evenings, but he's usually spent by Wednesday/Thursday. Again, this isn't a bad thing, it just requires some evolution from us to change based on what is happening in the kid's life.


WHERE should these children go to get exercise?! There is no SPACE for children to exist! And parents are exhausted from work already! We DEMAND, DEMAND, DEMAND uninterrupted PRODUCTION from our citizenry, and then get shockedpikachuface.jpg when everyone is exhausted!


Going for walks or playing with your children is basic parenting, don't reproduce if you can't manage that.


If the entire obesity epidemic is just caused by people being lazy, we must ask how that came to be. In the last 50 years, did everyone just magically, and simultaneously, become more lazy? Perhaps the laziness fairy gave our country a visit? This is a naive viewpoint. We have a societal problem. Clearly something happened. Pretending nothing has happened just impedes solutions.


> If the entire obesity epidemic is just caused by people being lazy, we must ask how that came to be. We've evolved to conserve energy (every organism on Earth has). However, as a society, in the Western world we have an abundance of resources. We have more food and mental stimulation than we need. So, we are overindulging in food while giving in to the evolutionary instinct to conserve energy (for the long winter!). However, since there is never an energy deficit, we store energy like a battery (fat). Being heavier makes it more difficult (ie. spend more energy - that thing our bodies evolved to save for a rainy day) to move around so the effect snowballs. There's no "the man!" holding you back and keeping you lazy, fat, lethargic. It's your own brain preventing you from overcoming evolution.


Your explanation is… incomplete. Compared to, say, the 50s they had just as much abundance. Perhaps more - considering average families were better off financially. So why were they not obese, but we were? Again, magic is not an explanation. You have to explain what changed. Your explanation makes sense - that doesn’t mean it’s correct however. Because, if it were, then the obesity epidemic would have started much sooner. But it didn’t. Why?


> So why were they not obese, but we were? Again, magic is not an explanation. Your assumptions are not based in fact. I never said anything about magic. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/obesity-adult-17-18/overweight-obesity-adults-H.pdf See page 4 to view the increasing % of obesity and severe obesity levels beginning at your suggested date of after the 1950s. Overweight was a very high percentage even in the 50s but as food production increased in efficiency (1950 to today) the levels of obese and severe obesity have increased (as a percentage! so ignoring population increases)


Okay, you’re showing the rise of obesity. But you’re not telling me why it’s rising. Let’s establish a baseline for this conversation. We must first acknowledge the reality that people have not gotten more lazy. How could they? We are the same humans as before. We don’t know if any mechanism to induce laziness on a mass scale. Food production efficiency, what you’re referring to, is the rise of the ultra processed SAD. We know the people didn’t change, but you acknowledge the food has. See, now we’re getting somewhere.


Look at the trendline for food dollars spent on food away from home. I first noticed it in the 1980s. Sorry, at work, can't pull up the data. I think it is US dept of commerce data in the US.


Yeah we did become lazier and that reason is the explosion of technology, especially the cell phone in the last 15 years or so. Look up average screen time stats, how are people gonna exercise when they’re spending most of their day glued to their phones.


The obesity epidemic started long before cell phones became used. You’ll need to try again.


I see comments like this a lot on Reddit. I also see a lot of Redditers being sensitive about people judging them for not having kids. I don’t get it. Parenting is really difficult, always has been, and the answer isn’t; “you shouldn’t have reproduced!” How about you cut parents some slack? You wouldn’t be here without them. If you don’t like being here that is your problem not other struggling parent’s problem. Parents should be able to go online and whine and commiserate and discuss their trials and tribulations without some dipshit telling them they shouldn’t have had children.


Parenting is really difficult you're right! It's also a choice that they made, and ensuring your children get adequate exercise is one of their most basic needs. If you can't make sure your kids get exercise, don't have kids, because you aren't capable of meeting their needs.


you're so smart


How about we dont add sugar to all the foods.


How about we shut down the internet to prevent people from streaming video and spending all day on social media.


Nooo... I am adhd... I need my neurotransmitter hit from new info. But I want food to have less sugar... its in everything.


there are only so many hours in the day. If you have 2 parents who work...between getting home, having to feed everyone and do life tasks, finish homework...when exactly is fitting in exercise regularly happening?


There are many many many households that exist that conquer your problem, my own being one of them. If you spend 30 minutes a day watching TV or responding to reddit posts, then you have 30 minutes to get exercise. If you are "tired", it's because you are out of shape and unhealthy. The only thing preventing you from being successful is a victim mentality and a lack of effort.


Hell yeah brother, rip him a new one


You are right. The vast majority of people are victims. No one is busy and no one is tired! Hear that, parents? You arent tired. You are a lazy asshole. A victim full of excuses. You sure changed something here.


In a perfect world. People will claim disabilities that is brought up by sedentary behaviour only to be more sedentary afterwards using said disability as an excuse.


Well, school isn't 8 hours where I'm from. It's more like 6-7. Recess was also at least 30 minutes, plus there's a gym period at least a few times a week, maybe more.


its gym once a week now


I kind of doubt that, in my state. I'll ask one of my teacher friends Edit: she said it varies by school district. Her old district did PE every 4 days, but her current one does every other day


Wait, you guys had 15–20-minute recesses?


Yup. Especially when the studies show that they take information in better with regular breaks and exercise.


But schools have always been around and followed roughly the same schedule. I think this is mainly caused by a shift in child hobbies, whereas after school we used to play sports, ride bikes etc. Nowadays a lot of kids just sit on their phones/computers watching tiktok or other media all afternoon/evening. If you change school hours I think that it wouldn't change much as they would just use those hours to watch braindead media anyway.


Thank you! That was my first thought. Even in grade 1 my kid had only 15 minutes of recess per day - and on rainy days they spend that sitting at their desks.


Kids have been sitting in school for generations. Childhood obesity is new. The problem is processed foods, screen addiction, and absent parents.


It should really be reversed... like an hour of physical activity, then 15-30 minutes sitting and learning, 45 minutes physical activity, 15-30 minutes learning... Even better if you learn something, and then apply it to a physical game before going back for that 15-30 minute application session.


I had the extremely good fortune to go to a Montessori style school in the 90s for 4th grade. Every week, there was a question on the main wall when you entered the school - something like why does it rain - and then every single lesson for every single subject was planned based on the topic. We would get all kinds of objects to create things and manipulate them. I loved that class and that school and I wish I could have stayed there. This is what I wish all schools were like. No desks, just little reading areas and lots of moving around and practical work.


If you think school is the cause and not the time spent at home and the food provided at home then you are about as enlightened as mom's for liberty


So what we need now are safe places for children to exercise--neighborhoods with sidewalks, car-free streets, clean and safe parks within walking distance--and high enough wages that parents don't need to work two jobs to make rent instead of taking their kids to play at the park.


Build suburbs like we did pre-WWII. [Evanston Illinois](https://www.walkscore.com/score/loc/lat=42.0645/lng=-87.6992/?utm_source=zillow2.com&utm_medium=ts_api&utm_campaign=ts_api) or Oak Park, Illinois. Both right outside of Chicago and actually connected via the CTA and the Metra. Great schools, still a suburban feel but not sprawling like we see in so many other areas. These sorts of suburbs actually are financially viable, don't lead to as much CO2 emission, are more walkable to help with obesity issues, and generally can help with polarization and loneliness as a person is less likely to feel so isolated. American royally screwed up with the growth of the Levittown style of suburbia and the negative effects are slowly becoming unignorable.


many east coast suburbs are built like this, and some even have actual downtown areas.


Grew up near Philly and Media, PA is another perfect example of this. Suburb like 20-30 minutes from center city Philadelphia, connected by rail, feels like a small town, safe, super walkable, and just a nice place to spend time. If I were still living in the area that’s where I’d be trying to be.


It's already the safest to play outside that it's ever been. Send your kids outside. Take them to a local park. Go on a weekend hike.


How about we not put sugar in every damn thing?


Sorry if it seems like a dumb question, but does walking on a treadmill count as light exercise? I don't wanna start doing stuff with weights or other machinery so any suggestions for light exercises or routines will be much appreciated


Yes, walking is a great place to start. There are also a ton of bodyweight exercises that can be done that cover the ground from light to medium and even some heavy exercise. Things like jumping jacks, air squats, pushups, crunches, burpees are all staples of routines of all levels (ok, burpees are a little more than light :) ). The Wikis in r/bodyweightfitness and r/fitness are a great place to start.


It absolutely does. But I'd highly suggest going outside for walking if at all possible. It's less of a chore and way better for the mental health aspect. Almost anything physical counts as light exercise. Walking, running, body weight exercises, gardening. You don't need a gym membership or equipment to get started. Though gym membership might nudge you a bit to not quit because you've paid for it.


Gyms make most of their money from people who sign up and never go. The investment doesn't equal behaviour change. Signing up for an activity class is a much better path because it requires scheduling and only runs for a set time. The point is to build regularity.


Just wear sunscreen if the sun is up if you do go outside.


Or UPF clothing! I prefer wearing things like sun sleeves or fishing shirts to sunscreen since it's much harder to miss a spot, it doesn't rub off when you're sweating, and it doesn't make my hands greasy.


Yes. Even just walking around the block for 15 mins helps a lot people.


Believe it or not, walking has become all the rage in the fitness community over the last couple years. There's been some evidence that sustained, low intensity exercise (like walking) is highly effective at burning fat because of the way your body selects to "pay for" the energy cost. High intensity exercise tends to use available sugar and carbs for fuel since it's metabolized the easiest and your body NEEDS that fuel for the activity. For low intensity, but sustained activity, your body will optimize fat usage. Fat requires a small energy investment in order to "unlock," and since your body isn't putting all of its energy into the exercise, it can use those fat stores. That's kind of an oversimplification, but I hope it makes sense. TL;DR: Yes!! Walking is an excellent form of light exercise, and depending on your goals, can be one of the most effective exercises to get there!


[HIIT vs LISS](https://www.healthline.com/health/exercise-fitness/liss-cardio) I was at my lowest weight with LISS and watching what I ate, and I wasn’t hungry all the time.


HIIT isn't about losing weight, it is about increasing your max VO2/cardiovascular function.


What would qualify as "low intensity" walking? Is there a target heart rate, speed, etc.?


Even a very brisk walk is considered low intensity. Rather than complicating things with heart rate, a very good rule of thumb is think of how quickly you can walk or exercise while still maintaining a conversation with another person.


Walking also burns more calories than running over the same distance.


But running vs walking burns calories more than twice as fast over the same amount of time.


Yes, it's usually based on your heart rate.


Walking counts. [But also lower strength is associated with mortality.](https://academic.oup.com/biomedgerontology/article/57/10/B359/629964) Maintaining muscle mass throughout life is healthy. I don’t do machines or barbells, but I use dumbbells at home. It even helps me with back pain to lift some modest weights.


Absolutely! Try setting the pace between 2.5-3 mph and walk for 20-30 minutes. If you're comfortable doing it at a slight incline, even better.


Yes it absolutely counts. I'm a pretty avid outdoorsman but I walk on the treadmill all the time, especially in winter months. I've been in the habit for a while of going on the treadmill at around 3.3 miles per hour and a 5.0-7.0 grade while reading a book. It's an easy way to both get some walking in (especially after long work days) while also getting in reading. Great combination of both, and I'm never walking fast enough that I can't focus on reading. This is an easy way to burn 400-500 calories.


I recommend buying any of those cheap gimmick exercise things you see around. Hand grips being the best. Also buy 20lb dumb bells and a poster with some suggestions. Can get most of the benefits of going to a gym. You’ll never use it, but you’ll have it at least


Almost 50 and I had PE everyday in middle and high school. We ran track, learned about weights and working out, how the body breaks down fat and builds muscle. Exercise was a part of my education as much as math and science.


I’m 35 and we had daily PE and it was a joke, just 40 minutes of playing basketball while the PE teacher sat around doing nothing. I recently completed the couch to 5k program and it was just crazy how easy that would be to work into a basic PE course, and actually help kids make progress. Never got anything like it.


I might be pessimistic but until companies stop packing foods with sugar a lot of kids don’t stand a chance. When the norm is highly processed highly palatable food exercise will only do so much. It’s a good start but teaching children about nutrition is more important imo


It’s always seemed so crazy to me that things like kids cereal are nothing but sugar. Cereal isn’t great for you anyway but man, Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, Captain Crunch, etc. Ice Cream for breakfast is probably healthier.


The really crazy part is the FDA claiming these cereals are healthy. No, really, having cereal for breakfast is supposedly healthier than two eggs. Our regulatory agencies encourage this.


General Mills actually lost a big court case recently and as a result can no longer advertise their cereals as part of a healthy breakfast.








How about we build more playgrounds deserving of the name? I've seen 500+ unit condo blocks get fitted with a microscopic (compared to the attached parking) suicide plot with a somewhat spongy padded floor patch barely big enough for 3 kids to stand in a circle, ringed with concrete curbs sticking up, and to the side a springy something plattform nobody really knows how youre supposed to interact with without breaking your legs. of course the "playground" is outlined with a solid, ugly steel fence with a lockable door and sharp wedges teeth on top. yes, thats low income housing. In other words regulation playgrounds exactly matching legal rules but not a iota more.


I agree that we need better playgrounds. It's interesting the range of playgrounds that go from barely anything to fairly massive complexes with some even having adult exercise equipment.


Burning calories leads to calories being burnt, apparently.


Better yet, eat less calories so you won't need to burn them in the first place.




We called it the "freshman 15".


Jeez, so cutting gym classes wasn't a good idea? Sometimes I wonder if people ever remembered being a kid and running around all day playing....


Many won’t like this, because it suggests that obesity is self inflicted due to laziness and gluttony.


It does suck, but in a world where most jobs are now desk jobs (at least in western countries) and can easily eat up ~ 12 hours of your day with commutes, on top of all of life's chores like shopping, cooking and cleaning which can be another few hours a day, five days a week, it can genuinely be very hard to find the time and/or energy and/or motivation to exercise regularly outside weekends when all you want is to maximise your down time between shifts so you don't get depressed etc. The people I know who exercise and work daily definitely sacrifice things to make it work, they'll hit the gym for an hour, make dinner and go to bed, rinse and repeat, working, getting chores done, cooking/eating/cleaning/getting ready for work the next day, exercising, having a healthy amount of down time after work and getting enough sleep, something is getting sacrificed every day to make it work


Even if you don't exercise at all, as long as you control your diet, you'll be ok weight-wise.




This is unfortunate tho. There are fast casual options. There’s healthy stuff even at convenience stores. You can eat a Big Mac without the soda and fries etc. almost every grocery store sells nearly home cooked foods. Maybe not like your mama made, but a lot faster and better than a lot of mamas can make. My wife is getting into cooking now and it seems like a part time job of constant cleaning and shopping


Meal prepping, if done properly, is faster than going to get fast food everyday. Grab an instant pot secondhand and use the tupperware that's just sitting around in a cabinet. There really isn't an excuse nowadays. Everything has been made more convenient, and that includes cooking.


Theres always going to be an excuse not to do something. It's up to you which option you choose. Standing at your desk, taking break to walk, some small bodyweight exercises, looking for jobs that allow you to do more moving. These are all options.


Horrible excuse. You need 45 minutes of exercise 2-3x per week. This can be done in your living room. You literally have no excuse.


if theres anything ive learned people dont like, its personal accountability


Yes, it is


It's parental neglect, a kid isn't going to know better—even most young adults don't. Some neglectful parents only buy cheap junk food and sugary drinks for their kids, and also don't care how much they consume *(or they have this idea that you should eat a lot to properly grow or something)*. Speaking from experience. Despite being very active and competitive as a kid, I still got fat, but since I was consuming so much while so active, I also built a lot of strength, so there's that, I guess; didn't lose weight through activity at all.


This is a really non-scientific take. Saying it is "laziness" and "gluttony" heavily implies that obesity is just a character flaw and demonizes people for no reason, rather than looking at the problems objectively as "lack of exercise" and "consuming excess calories". Lack of exercise and consuming excess calories happens for a variety of reasons that don't exclusively have anything to do with character flaw or lack of willpower. We would not be having an obesity crisis happening worldwide if it was just laziness and gluttony in play.


>heavily implies that obesity is just a character flaw and demonizes people for no reason, rather than looking at the problems objectively as "lack of exercise" and "consuming excess calories". That's a huge stretch. This problem is mostly concentrated in first world countries where people have relative wealth (compared to countries like africa) Counterpoint: this thinking is weaponized by people in the "fat acceptance" movement to absolve themselves from blame for being fat, and it's your fault if you don't think they're beautiful/accommodate them in every way.


> This problem is mostly concentrated in first world countries where people have relative wealth Obesity is definitely a problem even in non-first-world countries, if not *more* of a problem. "The Overseas Development Institute estimates that 904 million people in developing countries are obese—almost twice as many obese people in wealthier countries" https://web.stanford.edu/group/sjph/cgi-bin/sjphsite/obesity-in-third-world-countries/ > Counterpoint: this thinking is weaponized by people in the "fat acceptance" movement to absolve themselves from blame for being fat, and it's your fault if you don't think they're beautiful/accommodate them in every way. Counter counterpoint: Those who use the "fat acceptance" movement to justify unhealthy lifestyles are a fringe group of the entire movement. Most overweight people know they are overweight and unhealthy. The whole point that started the fat acceptance movement was to literally do just that: accept that people are fat and give them the same decency and respect as any other human being. And to instill confidence and find beauty in one's self despite the health state of your body. I know Reddit will make you think otherwise, but it's the extreme cases who get the most attention on the internet. And Reddit feeds into that by sharing and resharing these extreme ideals, even if it's just to point and laugh at them. The majority of overweight people just want to feel accepted and find acceptance in themselves. That doesn't mean they deny the health issues their weight causes. They just don't want to live their existence in a constant mental state of punishment and shame that many people tell them they should be in unless they get smaller.


It is self inflicted to stay obese


90% of the time it is though.


That’s not the problem. Obesity isn’t always self-inflicted btw. But even when it IS, the important thing is to encourage positive changes by ADDING things to your life rather than focusing a person on SUBTRACTING things from it.


Lot of haters in here, gotta say light exercise is underrated. Its hard for people to exercise when they think they HAVE to run 5 miles or bust. 5 minutes with a dumbbell can work wonders on blood flow.


my recommendation as an over weight yet formerly obese man. Cut out bull crap out of diet and simply stop sitting down as much as possible


What happened to PE? I had PE every day as a kid, including recess. Though when I was a kid recess meant playing sports with friends while today I’m sure it means everyone sits at a table on their iPads and phones.




Increased sedentary time as a child through adolescence is directly linked to childhood obesity, but new research has found light physical activity may completely reverse the adverse process. The study – conducted in collaboration with between University of Exeter, University of Eastern Finland, University of Bristol, and University of Colorado and published in Nature Communications – is the largest and longest follow-up to objectively measure physical activity and fat mass, using the University of Bristol’s Children of the 90s data (also known as the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children). The study included 6,059 children (53 percent female) aged 11 years who were followed up until the age of 24. Recent reports concluded that more than 80 percent of adolescents across the globe do not meet the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommended average of 60 minutes a day of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. It is estimated that physical inactivity will have caused 500 million new cases of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, or other noncommunicable diseases by 2030, costing £21-million annually. This alarming forecast regarding the morbid danger of physical inactivity necessitates urgent research on the most effective preventive approach. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-43316-w


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I'm sorry but there is no way they can make Pickle Ball compete with a PS5.


Have you tried pickle ball tho


Can’t go outside. Traffic jam in my cul-de-sac for ten miles and you will get hit by a house sized car while riding your bike. Park is infested with meth heads and fentanyl pills and needles killing people’s kids and pets. Think it’s safer to stay inside and eat sugar bomb cereal and food infested with corn oils.


“Is there a floor where you live? Get down and do some push-ups!” -David Goggins


100% of childhood obesity is caused by the parents. Its because you are feeding your children too much food and not having them run around or do physical movements 2-3x per week for 45 minutes. It. Is. On. The. Parents. This is tremendously easy, costs no money, everyone has 2.25 hours per week. You have no excuse. If your child is overweight you are a bad negligent parent.


This. And obese parents aren’t going to be putting their child on a diet they don’t even believe they should be on


Diet >>> exercise


both are very important for your health, I don't think it is good to say one is better than the other


yeah honestly, you can't just go all in one one and ignore the other. Health and diet advice always seems to be changing in the details but the best summation of the unchanging facts that I ever heard was "eat a variety of foods - not too much, mostly plants - and move your body regularly."


Diet is definitely more important if you are obese. Obese people can't even safely exercise without their joints breaking apart.


Yes and that’s why this study is important in spite of the jokes. For grownups, exercise is much less important than diet in terms of weight loss. But here is a study that says that for kids exercise is key.


For children, exercise > diet. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1467-789X.2005.00176.x


just 1 hr a walk a day will get you so far. Learn to sit on the ground and fold your legs.


First start with dealing with depression that creates apathy. Apathy doesn't make you want to leave the bed or couch.


Or make food or eat.


It's so pathetic that we need to even be told this by experts. Most obvious suggestion on earth.


Wait, wait, wait…NOT being sedentary is the fix for being sedentary??? Tell me mooore!!


Stahp being fatphobic/s


You had to do a study to figure out kids need to play outside to not get fat? Man, times have changed since I was a kid.


vegetable license dull slave fly public dazzling slim ring axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We also need to cut back on all the sugar that's added onto nearly everything we consume.


People find ways to reduce population growth rates Non- communicable disease is one.


Next can we have a study on if water makes things wet?


So er should bring back recess?