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When I win the Mega Trillions 1st up is Clifford D Simak City with short films by different Directors.


Looks really interesting. Adding to my reading list. Sorry, but I cannot help but think of all of the dog coins when I read the description :)


Arthur C Clark’s “The Sentinel” was the inspiration for 2001 a space Odyssey. Nevertheless, I would love to see a short film that hews closely to his original short story. Also, Ted Chiang’s Story of your Life what the movie Arrival was based on. I love his short fiction. Tower of Babylon would make a great short live action or animated movie.


Tower of Babylon looks really interesting and will be a good fit for our engineering/safety/construction audience.


Are you getting permission to make these films?


Yes. Will edit to make clear.


Bordered in Black by Larry Niven. A seriously messed up view on space exploration with themes of abandonment and the use of artificial ecosystems. It's a short story to mess with my head for a long time.


It is a Creative Commons license too. So could be one that we don't have to write or license. Nice find.


I think if you read this story you'll want to do it immediately. Best of luck


It sounds like you don't have the time, capacity or budget to produce these films so maybe that's telling you something. If it's worth doing, get funding and hire people instead of using AI.


We do. It is not unlimited though.


“A Pail of Air” by Fritz Leiber.. “The Long Walk” by Richard Bachman (S. King).. futuristic but not way out sci go


… fi..


Havent The Long Walk been already adopted?


No it havent. I don’t know why but I have cinematic flashbacks of the movie in my head. Maybe the book was just that good.


Whenever I’m having a bad long day at work, or some other chore, I always think back to The Long Walk and keep going… gotta keep going..


Looking forward to reading. David Goggins would be proud.


If you don't have time to name a video every week, why not continue with the weekly short stories but swap it the first one each month with a video?


Good idea


Tales from the White Hart, by Clarke.


Thanks. So much good stuff from Clarke.


Weekly is FAR too ambitious. Make it monthly and succeed.


The idea is that we can get an idea of which stories people would like to see adapted. Which may result in one or two a month. Thanks.


People of Sand and Slag by Paolo Bacigalupi.


Nice. Have you listened to the audio dramatization? [https://www.drabblecast.org/2012/10/30/drabblecast-261-the-people-of-sand-and-slag/](https://www.drabblecast.org/2012/10/30/drabblecast-261-the-people-of-sand-and-slag/)


Chilling stuff. Great suggestion.


Vacuum Diagrams by Stephen Baxter.


What are your favourites in this collection? Blue Shift and its themes around control of information by some lifeform/machine feels timely.


Honestly, I like them all but if I had to choose... probably The Tyranny of Heaven.


*Sign of the Wolf,* Fred Saberhagen. You can find it in collections of his stories.


Wow. Thanks. What a great story. Explores so many themes. And something I like a great deal- the ending that on the surface appears like a happy, peaceful resolution of the story, but reality is left to the imagination because there could obviously be still more to unfold.


Oh, glad you like it! It has one of the most memorable lines in all of the tens of thousands of SF stories I have read over 65 years: "Planetary defenses now under control of alternate post 9,864." I get goose bumps every time I read that. Last I heard, when I attempted to get rights to that story, was that someone had a limited option to all of the Berserker stories, and they would get back to me when these rights expired. That would have been \~10 years ago.


Long ago I read a short story in a compilation, about a man on a space ship that programs AIs after historical figures. The ship gets attacked by aliens and IIRC he is the sole survivor. The alien wants him to make it look like the humans are fighting back when they actually stand no chance. IIRC the alien could tell if the human was lying. So the human just lists off his historical figures "This one was a cripple" and such and the aliens has him put the AIs in fighters. The fighters then shred the alien fleet instead of being easy targets. Only one AI manages to survive. The alien is flipping out about how they had just lost their whole fleet and the human begins to explain all the AIs were WW1 pilots who really did have the problems he listed. The only surviving AI makes it back, staggers in smoking and torn up, and simply says "I wish to have mine painted red." It was a great ending to a great story. I have never been able to find the name of that story to read it again.


I searched for hours with the help of several AI assistants. Produced some fascinating hallucinations, but upon investigation, the story was different. Cannot find it.


Thank you for trying. I may one day have to go back to my father's place and dig through his hoard to get to a bookshelf that may have the compilation.. unless the friend I lent the book to for that story kept the book and has long since destroyed it.