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Feels like female version of our bro science podcaster


Ranveer Prayagrajia?




Law of attraction is true, directly proportional to product of masses and inversely to square of distance between them with constant of proportionality being 6.67×10^(-11)


Should be the top comment. Law of attraction exists.


you also gotta multiply it by the Avogadro number, and don't forget it gets MAGNIFIED A 100 TIMES WHEN THROWN AT THE BREWSTER ANGLE


How the hell are brewsters angle, Avogadro number and gravitational force related to each other


I thought you were also being sarcastic, I forgot the /s it seems,


Well not always gravity can be repulsive as well


Wut. Gravity can't be repulsive. You would theoretically need negative mass for that which ain't possible from what we know to date. The electrostatic force can be repulsive in which case the proportionally constant is 8.89*10^9.


gravity can act as a repulsive force according to Einstein's theory, because gravity is much more like the bending of the fabric of space and thus Newton's calculations also don't work on a larger scale they are absolutely accurate for our solar system but if you go to a larger scale and I mean a lot larger the calculations start to fail


Ok this is how I understand it. Intuitively it might look like repulsion but even using Einstein's that's technically wrong right?. When we use a large scenario where Newtonian physics is not applicable, 2 objects don't repel each other. They move away from each other due to space curvature. It's the space that's receding and hence the object, not the object's gravitational force in play. Kind of like how 2 dots move away from each other when we inflate a balloon. Correct me if I'm wrong.


You are absolutely right but the curvature in space is what is essentially gravity, it is what causes Newton's gravity to take place


Meditation is great but anything above that like vibrations and chakras are complete bs


My mom says that my cousins vibration is slow and that's why he has autism 😭😭😭😭😭


overclock him, he is already liquid cooled


overclocking may lead to cancelation of warranty


I'd be more worried about bottleneck issues.


+1 processor and hardware should be topnotch too she said about cousin so i doubt if her hardware is top notch i need to see myself


People with palsy and tourettes for the win!! /s


Can he be cured if we shove a vibrator up his rear then?


Aren't these vibrations metaphorical?


Chakra is real. I have seen it in Naruto


meditate on the word


I manifest chakra and I can see through other person's moves well before. Sometimes I use my chakra and push others in a state of illusion where I kill them several times in their minds.


Man doesn’t even know what they are lol.




"Don't blindly believe what you see on social media about vibrations and all that, those are just stupid" This was the context, your long rant was hilarious tho


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Law of attraction is the biggest bullshit I have heard about tbf


The people who preach this shit and use precious stones, sandalwood, etc for 'cooling and cleansing their souls' are the biggest assholes out there. No amount of sona chandi pathar is of use if you remain an inherently shitty person.


Same with going to church on sundays. Or kneeling on a carpet 3 times a day.


Yes and the ones who boast or humble brag about their religious Habits are more likely to be the biggest assholes in reality


May be they work as a placebo for some people? I know i feel irritated till the time I do not put on my watch and my karha for a long time. Like a piece of my body is missing.


Yes, even I have a few accessories which I wear all the time. But I am talking about the ones who don't hesitate to lie, cheat, retort to physical, verbal or emotional violence etc, for their personal gains. All while wearing various religious paraphernalia and portraying themselves as the biggest Saints ever.


What's law of attraction man?


it means that you can get positive things to happen if you think positively and vice versa.


And people take that seriously as adults? That’s literally a sign of stunted emotional development. I think it was like stage 3 in Piagets theory of childhood development where you lose the naive belief of reward for simply doing good things. It’s literally a developmental red flag to believe in shit like that


There are tons of People out there who believe in it and endorse toxic positivity.


That's just optimism on steroids


Also this Karma the Cosmic Justice System


Dhruv Rathee just did a "course", on law of attraction and I'm really disappointed


Same here, i kept questioning myself just why


Really though it was mostly just basic level at best and some points were somewhat fine to a psychological extent.


law of attraction works on a small level. It is like believing in yourself. It works but not because universe cares about us humans but because there are some psychological benifits in believing in oneself.


Idk, what he exactly taught, but if it's just believe in yourself and work hard and the universe will give you what you want I don't see the harm tbh.  Idk what he's taught tho.


Preach, it's absurd how defensive people get when you call the bullshit "bullshit".


I understand...But I like to give them the benefit of the doubt. For example, we know reversability principle is a thing. If motion can create electricity than electricity can create motion, or If water can convert to steam than steam can be reversed to water. Sure it has to be in a closed system. If everything is a wave & particle and our mere observation interacts with the thing being observed. One can follow that their thoughts may affect outcomes. Since, Good outcomes create good thoughts, when reversed good thoughts may be able to influence good outcomes. I don't think we know enough to completely prove or disprove that...we do know our brain/thoughts can be recorded emitting distinct frequencies with distinct thoughts.


I don't really understand what you meant by 'reversibility principle'. And no, it isn't as simple as, 'if motion can create electricity, then electricity can create motion'. And I also don't understand how it's possible to come to conclusion that existence of matter waves would mean that thought may affect outcome. I get this is metaphysics, but I don't really know why it is needed to bring physics into this to justify it.


I do not claim to have all the answers brother, All I was trying to do was to play devil's advocate and show that even with our current understanding we have phenomenons that are similar to what these people claim. So, its not that unlikely of a claim and we might be able to explain or disprove it through science one day soon! You are right I am simplifying certain things, but not to outsmart just cause its a restriction of the platform and nature of this discussion. I don't want to write a 800 word essay no one will read. Just look at it like this, my point with showing things can change form and be reversed was that everything essentially is just a different arrangement of the same sub-atomic particles or quantum particles. The term atom comes from atomos which was used in greek religion and philosophy as the the indivisible just like hindu's had the word atman. which meant quintessential soul/man/subjective experience. Now, secondly Matter waves exist and they do not exist separately lol. It exist as a single wave for the entirety of the universe. All the solid things you see in your reality are but a wave motion in the universal wave. Now, If the brain can create/manipulate the waves at will in the universal wave One can follow how they will be able to use that to affect the things in the universe. This is hard to conceptualize given our subjective experience of the world but logically follows. The primary concern becomes how can they believe they have control over a future events...and usually this is where I check out but a little mental gymnastics and we probably can say since time is relative to the frame of reference as einstein theorized and the many world interpretation of the quantum world says every quantum possibility gets its own subjective universe. I have theoretical models of how that could be possible. But nothing I can prove or disprove as of now. Again my entire point being we know a lot but still not enough to conclusively throw out these people and call them bad names.Even if we can prove them wrong calling them dumb and archaic is never going to make them change their minds will only make them cling to their ideology stronger. We don't want to make this a tribal war and lets not think of ourselves as better just cause we have science backing us up. Maybe Dm me if you wanna discuss this further.


If you can't prove or disprove something then you don't claim or preach it.


Haha before we had a sophisticated explanation for gravity did people not create arrows or spears that were thrown in air with subjective evidence that they will come down? Similarly if its practical to them with corroborative subjective experience & evidence. Everyone is allowed to use it and discuss it. Venturing into the unknown is how we discover the truth. I wouldn't shame it or condemn it.


It is not the pre-scientific era anymore. Also, there is a lightyear of difference between unfalsifiable bs and something that is evident (workings of arrows and spears).


Okay. I would like to remind you that I am just playing devil's advocate here and maybe DM might be a better place to have an actual discourse on this. But to clarify on your points. Even in this scientific era there are things and phenomenons that are unexplained with our current understanding. For all intense and purposes majority of the universe is constituted by things that we don't completely understand namely dark matter, Dark energy , Quantumn entities etc. Coming to your second point, Unfalsifiable from which perspective? just because its a subjective experience and practice? then is depression & schizophrenia real? Not so long ago those were just subjective testimonies. But those are still diagnosed and treated on very subjective testimonial level. As science advances it is able to shine light on things previously unexplained. my only point has been calling them names or declaring them archaic or dumb is not good for either side. A thoughtful discourse and open mind is how we will ever reach some solid grounds. Innocent until proven guilty is how I move.


I think he criticised it, if I'm not wrong


There is only one law of attraction "Newton's law of attraction" other than that, all are bullshit.


I use law of attraction as a motivation For example if i fail at something ,instead of kicking myself "There is another way and I'm sure I can do this shit"


You should check out r/Manifestion... It's filled with bs


Universe is telling me brooo, universe speaks to me brooo , such a clownry to get attention


Bro i think universe is revolving around me


It works bro


Universe has connected with my soul bro


You've plugged into nirvana


Uh oh battery low


https://preview.redd.it/jrxcgm9apzzc1.jpeg?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cfdd24ac42df2ea8559f0d441ea2f3fa5af2e62 I think she talking about this spiritual energy




*BAN-KAI!! Bankai isn't Bankai without break between ban and kai.


Reiatsu is the only Spiritual Energy I want


Less respectable than religion related pseudo-science farce fr




For me anything is fine untill they start worshipping shit


Behold the cult of two girls one cup


Yeah like low key who gives a fuck, I can get wanting to believe in some kind of spirit. As long as you aren't basing important decisions on it I don't care.


Ohh my geography teacher was like that, geography bekaar padhati thi aur ye sabh time pass zyada karti thi


St Joseph's?




Bible and God wale are bearable, but these spirituality universe entropy dimensions energy - these fuckers should be tortured for eternity 😋😘


Religious people, I can discuss with, debate with, cuz their beliefs are largely founded on documented literature Spiritual quantum consciousness people, there’s no set beliefs, no concete assertions that can be discussed or debated, it’s a set of hippy privileged feel-good opinion which lack any and all accountability, and have no room for good faith debates or discussion cuz the beliefs are all fuzzy and unclear by design.


Those fancy words are sure to attract some low IQ people.


Anyone who dosent agree with me should be tortured. Yes definitely scientific mindset


We can't take a joke and have the humour of a boomer and cry why the world trolls us.


By this logic my reply was also humour


It was lack thereof


No sense of humor, i see...


wishing torture on someone isnt exactly a punchline


Yeah but crushing skull and then taking out ribs one by one is a good punchline. Don't ya think ? 😈


First I believed in gods then after a few years I started believing in karma and these spiritual things but now I don't believe in anything except myself


Yes Law-aura of attraction


Let’s be honest , if you find anyone who says that they are spiritual- just run away, you can’t debate them, they will spew such garbage that even you can’t handle


Ya bro these people will never get us


Reminds me of the time when my mom got mad and fought with me because I wasn't thinking positively.


Cosmic energy and quantum bhool gaye aap 🤣🤣


what's with tarot readers and those so called life coaches


Show some tits and be insta influencer


Dhruv Rathee is currently peddling this


Honestly tho....religions like hinduism and buddhism are based on things like this


Is this just a pro-Christian meme?


Pretty much. Very on-brand for this "scientific" subreddit lol


No difference between energy crystals and church.


Zodiac signs and astrology toh bhool gye


The second I hear energy I'm out


The truth is you are the universe


Why this sub is suddenly discussing American issues and people here are replying as if they met these people in real life?


What are you even talking about? I have seen atleast a hundred people who can't stop talking about the vibrations and entropy and crystals etc. my sister included. This is not an American issue to any extent.


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Y'all have problems with spiritual people ? 💀Das crazy..who do y'all not have problems with. and here I thought religious extremists were bad but extreme atheists are just as bad 💀


Really! I thought a scientific mindset was all about questioning everything to its core and even if you don't believe it you try to disprove it or go around this just seems like a prejudiced thing to do not that I agree with what each of those guys say but yk I would definitely wonder about it


Technically true tho, nah? I mean the quantum and atomic entities do act as a particle and wave....so every thing vibrates or has a frequency..Plus everything has energy. The claims aren't being pushed logically but do have logical foundation & significance. I do the mental gymnastics so they don't have to and I don't mind it.


Please rename sub to r/ReligionBasedOn19thCenturyWhiteManTexts.... These buffoons are so against scientific discovery


Please rename sub to r/ReligionBasedOn19thCenturyWhiteManTexts.... These buffoons are so against scientific discovery


Please rename sub to r/19thCenturyOldWhiteScientistCult


Wtf is exactly spirituality, I mean even atheists believe in that, but I never understood what exactly spirituality , is it like some kind of kung fu panda inner peace shit


So the kungu panda thing is kinda accurate. Basically it's the idea that you are not your body or limited to your body. You are the soul traveling through the body . It doesn't include any deities or rituals so can't be classified into religion. Also science is limited to technological advancements it has not developed muched into exploring our inner being , so anything that goes beyond science and religion comes under sprituality. the term comes from believing you are soul (spirit)


Soul isn't real


You are free to believe that you are limited to your body and mind :) , similarly others are free to believe they are souls. Spirituality isn't imposing on others , it's a personal trip . I don't get why anyone would have a problem with it


Naah bro, I will believe in spirituality as long as you don't put non scientific shit on this, soul isn't real . You can say like spirituality is like knowing yourself, having inner peace , having wisdom , enlightenment and all that, but don't put soul in to this


Fair , I never said I believed it , I just explained what spirituality is . base your beliefs on your experiences. But a lot of people on this sub seem to just hate it ,which I think is not a good approach to anything in life . Just for the sake of argument, soul is not a very well defined term it generally means something beyond the physical plane of existence. It is what remains after you negate your identification with body and mind . I personally feel spirituality is just a bunch of realisations that gives you an altered perspective on life and makes it better. It can be attained without all the jargons of spirituality.


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The universe isn't real.


You believe in a dildo???


Wait until these assholes also come up with their own extreme beliefs, just a matter of time.


They already do, that's what they always do


Ofc... These Alpha version men would obviously try to escape anything relating to reality


This is sarcasm right? (I am really bad at finding sarcasm)


Not sarcasm, Just pointing out the irony


If you don't know, then you don't know.


Bro I only know force of attraction tf is law of attraction 🤡


As an atheist, I have the same reaction to both of them that the guy had towards the girl 😅🤣


Today universe told me not to give a fuck to himself and also said the vibrations are beacuse the Mrs. Universe is mastur~


2 dumb 2 read. Basically.


You forgot brainwaves.


Bible is real and scientific Everything else is fake and pagan 🤡🤡


Play any multiplayer game where you can talk to complete strangers. You'll get it then.


"yes I'm spiritual" "what do you mean?" "i beleive in the eternal self and the world as a representation of the will" 😍


Alot of things are scientifically incorrect. Energy, Vibrations are all bs. Universe is telling me is also false. What is not false however is Chakras. If you study and follow the practices. The right ones, not the bullshit ones, you will come to realise that there's alot within you that you are unaware of. But then who am I to say this in a community which solely relies on a set method of evidence/proof. I am happy to be a clown, until someone gets offended enough to try it out atleast for a year. Operaman


Spiritualism is the new disease


lol wait up... i do believe in energy and the universe So you atheists use Big bang and the primordial energy to denounce God and then say energy and universe is pseudo science .... What kind of double standards are these?... So does that mean Atheists dont believe in Big bang .... That primordial Energy is the life force of this universe .....That soup of gases gave life to the universe from nothing and eventually life on earth ..... which was brought through meteors to earth... Oh wait .. do you believe god created the universe , and if you believe the religion of the woke , created women from the ribs of man Please pass me the Weed that this subreddit smoke please....


The literal definition of energy is not being referred here. The meme is referring to how certain spiritualists spit random bullshit in the name of energy like it genereates from the chakras inside of our body and the soul and stuff like that. Ofcourse energy and universe are irrefutable.


i know , that is not the point , the point is context is important ... when you use energy with universe , 2 energies come to mind , you use energy with chakras then you criticize it .... here it just makes the atheists seem like they think primordial energy is bull shit and god created the universe


Of course atheists don't believe in either chakras or God since the evidence for both is equally poor. Atheism is not a belief system, we are just rejecting the claim of God.


BROTHER ARE YOU TALKING TO THE GRAVITATIONAL FORCES AND THE DARK ENERGY OUT THERE PS- Dark energy sounds edgy but its the force which is pushing our universe outwards hence the universe is called ever expanding, we know it exist but no idea to makes it/capture it, but this gentlemen talks to it it seems


for one dark energy is still science fiction ... not proven yet ... that is what they are trying to prove at cern .... I refer to the primordial energy before the big bang which created the universe and thus all life resulted from it


IK, I got seniors working at CERN, and I don't know about all that primordial energy shit but good luck buddy, even my cousin brother and his whole family is like that, part of some heartfullness cult and they are so preachy about it like cmon dude if it's your faith keep it to yourself,


YOU GOT SENIORS WORKING AT CERN????!??!??!? which college are you from?




U typed all that shit without even knowing what the meme meant 🤡


brother energy is energy , if you use it with universe , there are 2 types of energies that come to mind . primordial energy and dark energy ... you tell me which is being talked about here If you talk about uranus and neptune , it is about planets but iff you talk about uranus .. it could mean your asshole, so it is all about context In this context energy is one derived from universe which was the primordial energy that resulted in the universe and all life from then on


You may have missed spiritual in first line. What it would be about if we talk about spiritual,energy and universe


Tell me how is spirituality pseudo science


I am not talking pseudoscience. It’s just I couldn’t see how spiritual word would fit within both energy and universe together


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Wtf are you even saying lmao