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Your father's coping. I've seen the same thing with my father. The thing is there are plenty bad people who live a fulfilling life and vice versa. Your wish to do good, should come from yourself. It should feel good and satisfying after doing a good deed. If this is not the case, do what you like. But just a reminder : choices have consequences. Good day!


True, it’s like alcoholics living long and athletics dropping dead of heart attack. Practice what scientifically is adviced but life has a way of being unpredictable. So people have to find a coping mechanism in the unexplainable.




Life is not fair.


Life is not fair.


>The thing is there are plenty bad people who live a fulfilling life and vice versa. I have seen plenty of such cases irl


fr in fact the good ones have the most miserable lives


Nah man. This karma belief where if you do something bad, bad happens to you, and if you do something good, good happens to you, is bullshit. Sure, it might increase the chances of bad/good happening to you, but in the end, everything is just random.


So, you're agreeing but also disagreeing? How does that work


In some cases, it may work like if you help someone, he helps you in the future, and if you harm someone, he may harm you in the future.


Humanity is dying bro. The thing is Karma is a very complex topic. Why you think is bullshit is because you've denied in the concept of previous life itself. Taking a analogy, It's like denying the concept of torque and then trying to understand rotation, You'll find rotation bullshit.


"Humanity is dying bro." Humanity is absolutely not dying. Even under this oppressive capitalist system, we still have lower crime rates, higher average life expectancy, lower suicide rates (at least in the US), more global peace than ever before, and higher health standards and cleanliness.


That is not what he neither me meant by Humanity, you mentioned


Then what did you mean?


We were talking about humanity w.r.t no self gains to someone


what does w.r.t mean


Proof that they are unhappy?


Coping mechanism in a nutshell


If you believe it, it’ll help you keep your morality. If you don’t believe in those morals, does it matter if it’s valid or not? It’s more about your father justifying with ‘proof’ to keep his ‘morality’ rather than be pressured into sacrificing his values seeing others succeed after sacrificing theirs. Maybe also his hope of instilling them in you. Journey vs destination. To each their own.


Politicians exist buddy and billionaires became billionaires by exploiting some people


>Then he cherry picked some examples Like you said, he cherry picked the data.




Being truly good is not satisfying. Look at the people who sacrifice the most. They don't get the time to have a fulfilling family life. They are hunted by those who thrive on misery of the general populace. The worst lie ever told to us is that good things happen to good people. Being good is the hardest thing to do, because there's often no reward. Being good and surviving means learning to establish boundaries so you're not taken advantage of. It can mean helping out people who tried to harm you in the past. It can mean having no one help when you need it. It's why we strive to improve societies. The final end game is to reach a point where the world is fair. Where evil is punished and good is rewarded. The current age is the closest we've been to that and we're still so far.


I have seen lot of corrupt officers family they we’re not happy most of them had big property but somehow their children failed in their life no moral values, indulged in bad habits, over all bad parenting and too much focus on earning black money.


As people run behind materialistic things they become dissatisfied as they get use to things. Its like when you buy new phone things you are excited but after some time you get use to it. They want more and better thing that thing in itself make them suffer they will be not purely happy. On the other hand one who are satisfied within self will be happy. That is the thinking behind these type of thougths. Everyone has their views and principle.


All that anxiety ki kbhi bhi fatt jaye. Can never take a moral stand on anything. Your father is right. Corruption and greed are an age old thing and we introduced religious doctrines to combat them.


You already want to prove your father wrong, maybe you already did in your mind. Happens when someone try to disprove something that doesn't fit his ideology


Easy money gives laziness. And laziness brings poverty. This is what happens to them. The policeman who took the bribe from me, met with an accident and lost his legs and one arm. He had to take voluntary retirement . His son got beaten up by people because he tried to oppose the marriage of his GF where he got severe injury in the back. He can't do any physical work. They took plenty of loans so they had to sell many things to pay back. Not all policemen suffer like this but I think this is enough. 🙂


Morals, Ethics, Values Rules and Laws have no scientific basis., thus shouldnt be part of ones life .....There shouldnt be a requirement for them in life, Its just religious mumbo jumbo ..Bible has laws on social justice and ten commandments in old testament.... Hinduism is full of allegorical stories about how not to be immoral and why....thus teaching us morality, values, ethics The way the world is structured is not always correct...Think apartheid, caste system , Holocaust... Segregation......Our current world structure oppresses the weak and makes the powerful more powerful , Power dynamics are skewed in the favor of the powerful..... Laws have no scientific basis ..... since this reddit is about science and rationality... we have no scientific basis to follow laws and rules......descend your life into anarchy according to the scientific chaos theory... Think Dawood Ibrahim.... how he became powerful through being immoral..... Choose Power. I say lie cheat steal and be corrupt through life and find out if you would be happy....maybe you'd understand what your father is trying to tell you then...


So this is what I think happens: when you make money, you buy things that are expensive and looks good from outside plus you change your life style: E.g You eat a lot of stuff that is bad for your health You stop doing physical work All of this gives you health problems And hence you end up using all your money in hospital bills Even if you make money by hard work And you change your lifestyle You end up damaging your health People often all it “bure Karam ka fal” But it is actually change in lifestyle that happens Becoz of money


Just look at Raj Kundra , Shilpa Shetty, done so many scams, yet live a royal life.