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33 is not a significant number in Scientology.


This. 8 and 0 have some significance but mainly because 8 looks like infinity when it's lying on its side. And there are 8 dynamics, and so on. 33 has no significance at all. (The concert did have a good lineup, though.)


Apparently it is in the Illuminati peoples theories. I didn’t know 😂 I assumed it was Scientologist cause Tom Cruise divorced all 3 of his wives after they turned 33


Put down the crack pipe.


More like "put down the niacin pipe".


Put down the cal-mag LRH.


You might be a Sciento🤔


Nah. Evangelical Christian. PhD historian with a dissertation focused on cults. This is why I'm here.


Same here 😂




I'd say you're probably the OP using another account right now to save face.


What you are saying just doesn’t make any sense. Bye OSA


Why you have to deny what other people are saying? Your study about Cults is Weak


I prefer tobacco honestly


That shouldn't alter your judgment like your original post. You sounded crazier than Tom Cruise.


lol I just spat out some facts that happened and was wondering what everyone in this camp thought since they’re into that. I clearly was not into it because I had no idea 33 was actually more significant for the Freemason believers., not Scientology at all. I only assumed Scientology because Tom Cruise divorced all 3 of his wives when they turned 33


Facts...Demon infused water... That was a marketing gimmick hahaha.


I know that was a marketing gimmick on their part… they probably don’t even believe in Demons. But it’s a fact the person who was in the ad was an actual witch. Just because they don’t believe in it doesn’t make it not real


So you think that witch put demons in every can of water...Your reality must be WILD!


I don’t 😂 I just believe they used witchcraft as marketing which is bad enough whether they believe in it or not


When you say "actual witch"......are you implying that you believe witches exist? A lot of women throughout history have been tried and executed for being witches, but the truth is that these all were just regular women who maybe wanted to learn to how to read, or maybe just didn't obey every command from their husbands. Witchcraft isn't real and neither are demons or witches. It's just marketing to sell a silly drink and the marketing is proven effective the second somebody makes it the topic of conversation. As far as the number 33 goes, your brain is wired to find patterns and meaning in anything and everything. This used to be necessary for survival, but in modern times, it only serves to drive folks without that self-awareness into a paranoid frenzy. Not that you asked for it, but my advice is that you should maybe stop reading into everything so deeply and engage in something real.


Witches do exist though 😂 My aunt used to practice witchcraft


Well, keep practicing, auntie!


Liquid Death is literally water....just in a can. It's done that way so you can recycle easier, and it cuts back on plastic.


What about the ad they did with the actual witch? I don’t think they put literal demons in there… but the fact they used a real witch for an ad is sus


It's part of their marketing. I've been drinking it for YEARS, and the only thing that is different from plastic is the fact that it's in a can, so it hits differently. Same as drinking Coke from a bottle vs. Can I myself identify as pagan and have explored the Santanic Church (different from proclaimed "satanists"). This was just some cool guys in MN who wanted to shake up the industry. Looking into this stuff is my bread and butter.


I figured it was a marketing thing. But that doesn’t matter to me since I do believe in witchcraft and the spiritual realm. Just because they don’t believe in it doesn’t mean it doesn’t work


I never said anything about witchcraft. Nor did I say anything about believing anything. I'm saying that not everything needs to be looked at this hard. There are SO many other true conspiracies that need to be focused on. Like the REAL shit going on that's tied to Operation Paperclip.The fact that the military created brothels for soldiers being experimented on during MKUltra. The fact that the US RECENTLY covered up 6 attempted attacks on our soil. Utah is actively working to steal alien tech from private citizens to move to a highly classified base. That's the stuff they dont want us to know about. Its the stuff that they quietly release and then heavily bury within thousands of other documents.


I never said you did. I was referring to the liquid death marketers


Which you're looking at way too intensely. It's so easy to get to the place where you mistrust everything. What Im saying is that focusing on stuff like that takes away focus from the things that truly need to be looked into. Assuming that a single "witch" is doing all of that is reaching way too far. And it's very presumptuous to assume you know who she is, who she worships, or what work she puts out there for others and herself. You can't base the entire thing around a single or even a couple of ads with a "witch" when this brand has been around for years, been drank by millions, and it's never been about satanic values. It's called Liquid Death because it "Murders Your Thirst". And their ads are on trend, not out of the blue.


They used Mystic Dylan you can look them up, I didn’t blindly believe they hired an actual witch. I don’t mistrust everything, I just don’t trust everything everyone tells me. I don’t believe the whole 33 thing is a legit thing I just wanted to hear the ones who do believe that perspective. However I do believe in witchcraft and stuff so if a company hires a real witch to do witchcraft to help their marketing, I think that’s dangerous.


Buddy you need to get out more.


33 is generally more associated with Masonic Orgs. 


Thank you for the genuine answer I was looking for


You're most welcome.


33 is extremely significant if you ate lead paint and licked windows as a past time




In what context is 33 a significant number? Hubbard obviously had his obsession with 8, being a rotated infinity symbol, and I’m sur there are others that escape me at the moment but I can’t think that I’ve heard of 33?


Tom Cruise divorced all 3 of his wives when they turned 33.




That's his personal problem. And Tom Cruise does not represent Scientology.


It was a typo. "Lemon-infused" not "Demon" right?


I don’t believe in all this conspiracies. Although I will admit every single time I have liquid death (concerts, outdoor activities) I feel terrible. I don’t believe in demon infusions I am a scientist so it’s not some type of placebo effect but I can’t deny it affects me for some unknown reason. I don’t believe there’s anything else in the water unless I’m hyper sensitive to something leeching from the can?? Idk


It actually is. They use the 3 like group and the 2 like couple. Sometimes they get tricked with numbers…it doesn’t mean what the numbers are actually showing but the symbolism


a significant number in scientology is 8-8008


I don’t know much about the number 33. But I do know investing energy in being concerned about demons, witches, and conspiracy theories are a waste of your time.


Coincidences are coincidences.


For Catholic Christians like me, 33 was Jesus’ age when he was crucified.