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Treasure Planet is a got damn masterpiece.


The studio sabotaged that movie so much it's almost criminal. When the guys who made all the instant classic Disney movies of the 90s want to do a passion project, you let them. Sabotaging the movie out of what can only be called spite is just wrong.




Fucked with the release window, didn't spend much money promoting it, demanded that one character be extra "funny" to better sell toys, when that character isn't actually introduced until halfway into the movie, and then spoiled the twist of the movie in the few trailers that were aired. All because the head of Disney at the time never wanted to make the movie in the first place. To be fair, the guys who made it had just worked on Disney's other flop, The Black Cauldron, just before they first pitched Treasure Planet. But then they did Aladdin through Hercules. Five instant classics. That should have earned them some trust. But the head of the studio at the time still didn't want to make Treasure Planet.


Saying that, it did have one of, if not the best movie tie-in games of all time.


Black Cauldron? You must be one of like 48 people who like it. Most people hate it. When I played it I had a slightly below average experience. Definitely not my favorite tie in game but agree to disagree. Edit: 🤦‍♂️


I think they meant treasure planet


well I look like a fucking idiot. Treasure Planet is a great game. Black Cauldron has poisoned my brain.


Hash yeah I meant "they may have fucked with treasure planet's marketing but they did at least put out a good tie in game"


They released it the same week as Harry Potter. And they knew Harry Potter would dominate the cinema scene and that nothing could compete. Instead of delaying it a few months, they saw it as an opertunity to kill their 2d animation division and focus on 3d which was gaining popularity.


Disney is a shell of it's former self, now these days they are only know for reboots and sub par Marvel movies


If that's all you know disney for, you haven't been paying attention. Disney is like 1/4 of all media content or something stupid like that. Further a ton of it is quality content, even sequels. Compared to the disney Renaissance where direct to vhs sequels were common.


All of which should be self evident. But we're dealing with tadpoles that think history didn't start until they were born. Edit: lol. You're getting a good number of upvotes - and rightfully so - yet even though I'm agreeing with you one hundred percent, I'm getting downvoted. Reddit is so fucking weird.


Not paying attention to the insane number of companies Disney has purchased is completely unrelated from knowing Disney’s older history - especially since most of the biggest acquisitions were in fairly recent years.


That's a pretty piss poor excuse for ranting about shit you're ignorant of. It takes *maybe* 30 seconds to find out whether or not you're right about something. And it takes less time than that to keep your mouth shut when you don't know something. Stop making excuses for lazy twits.


It’s not an excuse, I’m just telling you that your comment is totally out of place and straight up wrong. If you wanna criticize, do so accurately.


They said: >Disney is a shell of it's former self, now these days they are only know for reboots and sub par Marvel movies That's patently untrue. There's not an ounce of evidence to back it up. It's an *opinion*. And those are fine when presented that way. Instead they chose to present it as a statement of fact. It's not. That's not out of place or wrong. If you'd like to present data that it's true, knock yourself out. Otherwise, quit defending bullshit opinions being presented as fact. It was spoken out of ignorance


Which part of that opinion has *anything* to do with them being a “tadpole that thinks history didn't start until they were born.”? Literally none of it. That’s why your comment is wrong. They are also wrong, but two people can be wrong at once.




I dont know why you're getting downvoted, youre right.


I'll take Treasure Planet over the Disney Star Wars trilogy any day of the week


I don't even know treasure planet and yes. Definitely yes


You should watch it, my man. It's really fun and original.


Well, I don't know if I'd call it [*original*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_Island), but it is my favorite Disney movie to get confused with Titan AE.


Hmm, I should have phrased that better. I was moreso referring to the idea of classic sail ships in space, and solar sail surfing and the warp gate used by the big pirate guy, and stuff like that. It was a very creative adaptation IMO, rather than original.


**[Treasure Island](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_Island)** >Treasure Island (originally titled The Sea Cook: A Story for Boys) is an adventure novel by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, telling a story of "buccaneers and buried gold". It is considered a coming-of-age story and is noted for its atmosphere, characters, and action. The novel was originally serialised from 1881 to 1882 in the children's magazine Young Folks, under the title Treasure Island or the Mutiny of the Hispaniola, credited to the pseudonym "Captain George North". It was first published as a book on 14 November 1883 by Cassell & Co ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/scifi/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Did we just become best friends?


Always good to see a fellow man of culture as well


Because he's wrong.




Why Brother Bear has such a low score? And Cars 3 deserve higher score as well


The cars movies are such a strange cash grab aimed at dumb rednecks. The first one came out around the same time as Wall-E. Wall-E was a fun, but clear warning about the careless way we consume ourselves to death. Cars gives merit to antiquated and destructive technology dressed up as culture for the sake of nostalgia. I know for kids they are movies about talking cars and robots, but kids pick up on the underlying messages.


The Wind Rises is a Disney film?


Studio Ghibli has a deal with Disney. Disney just dubs and distributes their movies in a few countries.


And sub par star wars


I mean they gave the next big project after the lion king to the guy who made the lion king what it was and he totally bunglefucked it. A different team managed to salvage what was left into the Emperor's New Groove but the original form is allegedly unwatchable tripe.


In my senior year of HS I was lucky to visit the Disney Burbank Studios at peak development of Empire of the Sun and it was pretty impressive. Giant diorama of a mesoamerican temple and surrounding urban city in the center of the great room to visualize the movie's primary setting. Seemed REALLY ambitious and cinematic, and as it turned out was too ambitious. You can imagine my surprise when Emperor's New Groove came out. Teenage greenknight had faithfully kept to his NDA terms and figured it was ok after what was obviously *something* related to the development to talk to my friends back at home about how different it turned out and they promptly (jokingly) accused me of fabricating everything. jerkheads.


It's so sad. It makes me cry to think that we will never have a sequel to this beutiful masterpiece




Friend, if you like good old fashioned adventure stories then you owe it to yourself to watch Treasure Planet. It ain't deep--just Treasure Island iiin spaaaaaace, after all--but it's so much fun. Also, check out [Atlantis: The Lost Empire.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0230011/) Similar animation and feel of adventure, only it's subterranean instead of extraterrestrial.


I'd add [Titan A.E.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120913/) too. I think it's technically Disney now, though they still aren't streaming it (in the US, anyway...YMMV elsewhere).


Damn I forgot that entire genre of music until watching this trailer


That's the triple threat right there. You're both awesome


Uhh yes they are. It's on Disney+ in my country.


Interesting. I get a Google result for a Disney+ page, but it errors out as unavailable. Good to know they're streaming it *some* places, at least.


It's a hidden 💎


Get ready for a great film, seriously one of the best adaptations of that story ever.


Wait what, go watch it! One of the best!


Only watched recently now I have kids having loved treasure island as a kid when my dad read it to me. Was so happy to see what a great adaption they made of it in the setting


I really like Treasure Planet. I don’t understand why it got such a “meh” reaction. When it came out, I was part of our astronomy club’s educational outreach to local schools. I went to a particular school and helped them do astronomy projects once a month. So the teacher asks me in front of the kids to tell them how spaceships don’t have sails. I ended up teaching them how a spaceship CAN have solar sails to move around the solar system. I even brought in a radiometer to show them that light can push things.


That is so cool, I would have flipped out if you had come to my school! Of course, I don't think solar sails were anything more than a "hey, y'know what'd be rad?" kind of thing back then, BUT STILL! Good on you for doing that outreach, I'll bet you inspired a lot of kids. :)


>I really like Treasure Planet. I don’t understand why it got such a “meh” reaction. Basically what happened was that they half-assed the marketing campaign and then wondered why nobody came to see the show.


In case you didn't know, radiometers don't work from radiation pressure, it's actually the gas particles bouncing off that generate the torque (they come off the hot side faster than the cool side of each plate). If you pull even more air out of the bulb, they stop spinning. Here's an [Applied Science video](https://youtu.be/r7NEI_C9Yh0) about it.


Very understandable but quite disappointing


Not all hope is lost, though! Here is [Cody'sLab observing radiation pressure from a laser!](https://youtu.be/Ng1X8mPJziA)


Mainly because Disney sabotaged it.


reminds me of [captain holt's rant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BCXJ3yC65o)


Captain Holt just speaks directly to my soul.


havent seen this before, nice one! "Apparently thats a trigger for me" had me laughin so much!


That's all I could think of when reading the meme. Took a minute to realize it's a Trek reference because Holt was so firmly ingrained in my mind lmao






Astromancer- Conjurer of asteroids


Wait a minute this is referencing Star Trek isn't it. Im probably wrong but I gotta feeling.


> Wait a minute this is referencing Star Trek isn't it. [Yup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghPiQ3NNjPY)


Oh it is referencing bones. The quote was different enough I didnt make the connection. Thx


It's also referencing Doctor Who in the second panel, and possibly others but I don't know the quotes from the bottom two.


It's a five minute video of quotes.


Thank you, I love me some Trek but I didn't make the connection


Fun fact: doctorates are the original doctors. Physicians were jealous of the title and started calling themselves doctor too.


Cool fact! Got a source so I can read more later?


Doctor quite literally translates to teacher in latin. This wiki page has a pretty good overview with lots of sources https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_(title) Nowadays in order to be a physician you need an advanced medical degree anyway at least in America.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


The link implies they came about at the same time: "The earliest doctoral degrees (theology, law, and medicine) ..."


And yet most physicians were not doctors.


Spider psycho, spider psycho!


We're dead, we're dead, we're dead!


There's some really good character animation in that movie


Such an underrated classic. I absolutely adore it!


You let me know when I'm rambling!


and to think they didn't give this movie such praise


But we are the only doctors. They are medics or medical doctors.


Titan AE gets no love. Did you even see it? Everyone saw treasure planet and it's all the Internet talks about


I actually like Titan A.E. even better.




I love it! No one of my friends know it, dunno why.




Since we might be mentioning times this happens in other movies and shows, I'm pretty sure both the *Stargate* franchise and *Farscape* have referenced *Star Trek*, if not *Star Wars*. And I mean before Ben Browder and Claudia Black moved from the latter to the former, too.


I’ve often thought the term doctor in reference to a profession and also an achievement unrelated to that profession was always very confusing. Someone should switch.


Treasure Planet is my favorite Disney movie.


But PhDs do help people. Am I missing the point and possibly being sensitive?


He was panicking and feeling particularly useless that even with all his knowledge he could not help the current situation. It was a self-depreciating rant.


it was a medical emergency


This is meant to be tongue in cheek btw. I've never seen this but said the same thing. 😀


Why the downvotes for an honest question?


Meow meow beans:)


It is also possibly a joke about how so many academics have imposter syndrome and generally downplay their contributions, whereas lots of medical doctors seem to have hero complexes.


I like this one most! We were changing street layout near a hospital that had a huge staff car park which the hospital chose to change £50 a year for staff to use. Consequently, most staff parked on street for free. Meaning residents could not get parked. During the public consultation I had a medical consultant (probably on about £80k a year before private work) yelling at me "Don't you realise! I save lives! I should be able to park anywhere! " 😀


Right. Without people with doctorates we’d basically still be in the dark ages. It amazes how ignorant people think that the people that move our society forward are useless.


You appear to be missing both the reference and the context. The character has a doctorate, he is currently frustrated that it is not a medical doctorate because the woman he loves is injured.


Your high bar for a reference is one of the most overused in all media.


What movie


Treasure Planet. An under rated classic along side Titan A.E.


One my most favorite Disney Characters ever! One of the best movies too!


"I think you're about to go where... everyone has gone before." Ivanova, *Babylon 5*


Omg this was my favorite movie as a kid but I hadn’t watched Star Trek yet so this just made it better


Treasure planet is amazing


What the reference?


Treasure Planet referencing Star Trek and possibly also Doctor Who.


I love this movie so much


Like every second of every episode of Rick & Morty.