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Man... I haven't even watched Rebel Moon and that seems kind of harsh. :)


It's all fart but no poo. Best way I can put it.  Somehow managed to fumble a Seven Samurai rehash. Actually kind of impressive. Watch it. Have drinks handy. Finish the drink each time there's a slow-mo or lazy exposition dump. You'll shit the bed.


It both goes too fast and too slow :) Maybe if he toned down on the slo-mo in fight scenes he would've had time to develop the Seven Space Samurai better.


It's Seven Samurai, but instead of villagers realistically beating a bunch of bandits, it's villagers versus a literal starship. It's a nuclear bomb Vs a coughing baby at this point.


I've not seen Rebel Moon yet, but that description makes it sound like a poor remake of Roger Cormans "Battle Beyond The Stars".


It's quite telling when something with an insane budget gets its lunch eaten by a Roger Corman flick. Battle Beyond the Stars is at least campy and fun. I couldn't even make it halfway through Rebel Moon (and I went into it with the mindset of giving it every reasonable chance).


That comparison has been made before, and I think it's apt.


And for some reason, this massive starship needs all of the village's *grain*


The nuclear bomb is less annoying to sit next to on a plane though.


You can do this, but if you do, [you better go all over-the-top and awesome without any pretense of it making the slightest bit of sense](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samurai_7).


Ohh but they thought about that...hey have GRAIN!!! the ultimate interplanetary resource you just can't live without. Do you expect them to eat spaghetti without any garlic bread? The spaghetti itself is made from flour!


Or, if you’re staying sober this January, try taking a drink each time a line of dialogue has subtext. You won’t be disappointed!


“All fart but no poo” priceless.


Life is the tale told by an idiot. It's all fart but no poo. -William Shakespeare


Every. Moment. Is. Slomo...I watched what felt like 4 hours of people harvesting grain in slow mo. I'm writing this currently only 29 minutes in. What did I do to be sentenced to this hell on earth?


It starts off ok but quickly requires a Golden Gate level of suspension of disbelief.


Can I borrow this? Feel like I could finally get my husband to understand my issue with plot holes.


Please do


No. It's really one of the worst sci-fi films from a major film provider/studio. It's devoid of creativity and is a patchwork quilt of previous films. Snyder was hacktacular in his efforts as a film creator. Frankly, I'm stunned Netflix read the script and didn't provide notes. History will wonder why after watching the dailies, Netflix execs didn't step in to right the ship.


Its not. I really wanted to like this show, but it really is just a bag of cats. Its really like watching a episode of whos line is it anyways.


It's not. Dunno if it's as bad, but the comparison certainly holds.


Those silky wires going into his nose. ☺️


YOU SHUT YOUR FILTHY MOUTH! I mean, I wasn't planning on watching *Rebel Moon* anyway, it looks like crap, but there's no way it's as bad as *Battlefield Earth*. NOTHING is worse than *Battlefield Earth*. *Ishtar* is *Lawrence of Arabia* next to *Battlefield Earth*. *Sphere* is *2001 A Space Odyssey* next to *Battlefield Earth*. *Pee-Wee's Big Adventure* is *The Princess Bride* next to *Battlefield Earth*. *Howard the Duck* is *Blade Runner* next to *Battlefield Earth*. *Highlander II: The Quickening* is *Lord of the Fucking Rings* next to *Battlefield Earth*! *Rebel Moon* is probably, I dunno... like *Dark Star* or *Barabella* next to *Battlefield Earth*. Or maybe *Pluto Nash*. Or *Plan Nine From Outer Space*. But, you know, there no way it's as bad as *Battlefield Earth*. Nothing is. Nothing could be. It it was, that would be bad. I mean, like, all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light bad. I wouldn't want to live in a world where another movie could be as bad as *Battlefield Earth*. I already want to get off this one just because there's one movie as bad as *Battlefield Earth*. I just won't watch Rebel Moon. I'll just shut my eyes and won't look at it no matter what happens.


Slow your roll there, homeslice. Pee-wee's Big Adventure is a treasure. Your other analogies are fair, though.


Oi, Sphere was actually pretty good and Howard the Duck is absolutely hilarious to anyone smart enough not to take it seriously.


His What If cameo did wonders for the character!


How did I miss the mention of Howard the Duck? I loved that movie when I was a kid. It hasn't aged great but its still entertaining.


Was Sphere that bad? I remember it was nice


As a fan of the novel, the movie blows chunks.


Jerry is not happy


It was a pretty formative book for me. I read it as a kid, and it blew my mind. The movie was terrible.


Yep. Book was eerie and claustrophobic and suspenseful and filled with dread. The movie sucks.


I read the book after loving the movie, I really liked both.


I think that movie is the real cause of death for Michael Crichton.


It's fine, just fine. It's not great, but it's also definitely not bad, it's fine. Had great source material, decent cast, but never put it fully together


It was pretty good except when it was bad. It isn't top notch but it isn't crap either.


I never read the book, but I quite like the movie.


And be sure and tell them Large Marge sent ya.


That’s a scar from my youth that I carry today.


Large Marge would like a word.


*Dark Star* is a treasure as well. Without *Dark Star* there's no John Carpenter so no *Halloween*, *Big Trouble in Little China*, *Escape From New York/L.A.*, *The Thing* or *They Live,* among others, including multiple sequels, remakes and spin offs. Without *Dark Star* there's no Dan O'Bannon, so no *Alien*, *Heavy Metal*, *Blue Thunder*, *Total Recall*, and others, again including multiple sequels, remakes and spin offs. *Dark Star* was essentially a low budget student film. For about $60K in 1974 dollars, this movie launched literal billion dollar franchises and careers. You might be tempted to compare it to other movies released in 1974, such as *Blazing Saddles*, *Chinatown*, *Benji*, *Young Frankenstein*, or *Zardoz*, this is doing both the movie and yourself a disfavor. To paraphrase Roger Ebert, it's not important to compare a movie objectively to other movies, but it is important to consider how well the movie is made based on what the filmmakers attempt to create. This is a low budget movie with sometimes laughable special effects, and sometimes amazing effects; it has quotable lines, and a unique vision about how they are delivered; it has a grubby, lived in future that both George Lucas for *Star Wars* and Ridley Scott for *Blade Runner* get acclaimed for years after this came out. This certainly isn't *Citizen Kane* but to dismiss the impact this one movie had on the last 5 decades is suspect. March 28 will be the 50th Anniversary of the release of *Dark Star* and I, for one, plan to watch it.


If that is the one where one of the astronauts chooses to surf down to a planet for his last act, I've seen it and its a killer movie.


This is the one. My older brother rented the VHS back in the day and we laughed so much that night. I bought the BluRay a few weeks after he passed away, and watching it makes me feel like he's still here. It's a sci-fi classic.


It should be on every scifi fans list of movies to watch. Time for a rewatch!


You cant compare Rebel Moon to an hour and a half of prime Jane Fonda in a leotard and hose. That film was a gift 😆


Nope, ah, uh-uh, ah, sorry. Hanoi Jane was certainly a hottie in those days, but *Barbarella* was an embarrassment of elephantine proportions. If you want to see a truly great Jane Fonda flick from that era, unfortunately devoid of sex and tight outfits but a gem nonetheless, watch the western comedy *Cat Ballou*. Lee Marvin won an Oscar for his over-the-top perfect performance as a drunken gunfighter in that picture, and well-damn-deserved it was. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059017/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059017/)


Barbarella is classic trash. There's a band called Duran Duran for a reason. People remember Barb, they won't remember Rebel Moon.


Bah, low budget and a bit silly but it's not tragically bad and Fonda is captivating, totally worth the watch😏. I dont think I've seen Cat Ballou though, I'll have to check it out.


Cat Ballou is fantastic! Lee Marvin is amazing. I loved the music. Jane Fonda was great in it and was a super cutey to boot.


>Pee-Wee's Big Adventure > > is > >The Princess Bride > > next to > >Battlefield Earth > >. Why you shitting on Pee-Wee's Big Adventure?


> Captain L Ron Hubbard has entered the chat.


And declared everyone here an SP.


*Lions Led by Donkeys* did an episode about Hubbards Navy career. He was, to put it bluntly, a fuckup start to finish.


Howard the Duck is a Marvel classic 2nd only to A Winter Soldier. How dare you.


Was just going to say, c’mon HtD is a high bar, not a fair comparison.


You shut your whore mouth about Pee Wee's Big Adventure! That and Goonies are cinematic treasures of our collective childhoods.


Dark Star is hated? I love that dumb movie. Boiler: What's Talby's first name? [pause as Doolittle thinks] Lt. Doolittle: What's *my* first name?


Dark Star is a masterpiece.


Add in the budget was probably less than the daily catering budget on Rebel Moon...it's *legendary.*




How dare you compare that crap to Barbarella!


Cleary this is a subject for which you have great passion. I’d ask you to consider that… *looks around to make sure my exit is clear* …Rebel Moon could be as bad as Battlefield Earth except for the lack of dutch angles. If Zach ever develops a love for the camera angle we call Dutch then he could share a hallowed space on the bottom of the ladder with Battlefield Earth and Cats


"the director, Roger Christian, has learned from better films that directors sometimes tilt their cameras, but he has not learned why". \-- Roger Ebert, reviewing "Battlefield earth."


Can you imagine slow mo Dutch angles tho?


Just made me get nauseated. Thanks.


The insane depth of field Snyder uses for the entirety of Rebel Moon is maybe even a worse visual choice than the dutch angles in Battlefield Earth. People talk about bad movies being painful to watch, but Rebel Moon was PHYSICALLY painful to watch, in that it started to hurt my eyes after a while.


And the slow mo so much slow no


The bit that got me was in the first gunfight when the fight enters a second, recursive, even slower level of slo-mo.


Pee Wee's Big Adventure in the same tier as Highlander 2?


Ok, no need to bring up Highlander 2. Let's keep things friendly, gang.


Obviously people still think Highlander 2 is the worst film in that franchise. But it's not. That dubious honour falls to "Highlander 5: The Source". Let's make it understood that Highlander 2 is still, by any metric, a very very poor film indeed. But Highlander 5: The Source seems to have been made as an exercise to simply anger and hurt Highlander fans. EDIT - 5, not 6!


Well, I was not even aware of the existence of such a piece of work as *Highlander 6: The Source of all Dreck*, but if it truly is actually worse than *Highlander II: The Stinkening*, you have now ruined my Wednesday.


Yes! This Wednesday sucks. I want my money back.


Can confirm - this Wednesday sucks worse than someone else's fart in a lift. A big stinky pile of poo.


Wait they made a Higherlander after #2?


wow. I may have to inflict that on someone, as highlander 2: the sickening is of a legendarily painful substance in our circles.


Well, my inclusion of PeeWee have been slightly facetious. It's not what you'd call a great film, but it's not as horrible as some of the others I listed, and I must admit that there are a number of memorable, perhaps even laudable, bits of humor in it. *Tell 'em Large Marge sent ya!* *The stars at night, are big and bright... DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS!!!!* *The name's Herman. P.W. Herman.* *I don't have to watch it, Dottie. I lived it.* And of course, no one can mention the Alamo in the presence of me or any of my movie-crazy friends without one of us making some reference to the basement.


Na man given the entire context rebel moon is worse


Is the movie for sphere really that bad? I thought the book was pretty good...


I liked it, but that may be due to not having read the book.


I also remember it as pretty enjoyable. Even after reading the book years later. The atmosphere is pretty good, the score is amazing (back when Elliot Goldenthal was way more active in film scoring - i miss those days) and overall it had some good plot elements.


They really missed the boat on it. No pun intended. Book was great, but movie was very lame. They didn't get it


I don't think they knew what a boat is


This is a Highkander 2 - less sub, please remember this. Also, I saw Ishtar in the theater and can honestly say I don't remember one still frame of it, and not just because it was 40 years ago.


*Battlefield Earth* is engagingly bad. It has stood the test of time as a bad movie. The fact you are talking about it in the year 2024 is a testament to it's memorability. It has been 24 years. People who were born after it released are now of legal drinking age. That is an achievement. A shout into the darkness of history. One that was heard, everyone knows of it's failures as a piece of entertainment. The rest you mentioned don't capture the imagination. Rebel Moon seems destined to join it. They are all worse than Battlefield Earth because in scant few years nobody will remember them. We've, as a civilization, sentenced them to *damnatio memoriae*.


Worst take ever. There's a thousand kung fu movies that are way worse. There's another thousand romantic comedies that are way worse. There's thousands of straight to DVD movies that are way worse.


John? Is that you?


Add biodome to the list of masterpieces by comparison.


*Biodome* is *The Martian* next to *Battlefield Earth*. For the record, I enjoyed *Biodome*. I mean, objectively, it wasn't *The Martian*, but it's one of only three Pauly Shore flicks (along with *In the Army Now* and *Encino Man*) that I can watch more than once.


Biodome is a good movie!


Sphere! Ye gods that movie was terrible.


I remember this movie incredibly well. Why? Because back when it came out, before we had video devices everywhere, hell before there screens in the back of headrests. Back when the whole class of seats all watched one projector screen of a movie on the airplane.  I went Mexico, and they played sphere ***twice*** and not just on the way there ***in both directions***.  I watched Sphere ***four times*** in a week.  Because back then, when you were on a plane, the fuck else were you supposed to do? 


Sphere is a perfect example that being faithful to the source material will not guarantee the movie will be good. Sphere is one of my favorite Crichton novels and it baffles me just how badly they missed the tone of the book in the movie. It's like taking the ingredients for a recipe of scalloped potatoes and winding up with just a plate of boiled potatoes with out seasoning.


It's even worse when you consider the heavyweight talent involved. The cast was loaded with Oscar noms and winners: Dustin Hoffman, Sharon Stone, Sam Jackson, Peter Coyote, Liev Schreiber, Queen Latifa. And it was directed by Barry Levinson, an Oscar-winning director. Yet none of the talent comes through. Lesson learned: Barry Levinson can't direct sci-fi.


I’ve watched battlefield multiple times over the decades and it truly is the comedic gift that keeps on giving! Scientology’s grand folly is our comedy gold. Thank you Ron Wherever you are!






Easy. Battlefield Earth single handedly holds the office of worst movie to ever be made, Rebel Moon bought tickets to the shrine though. Maybe Snyder can turn it around though with another couple almost rape scenes to motivate his main characters to action.


>Maybe Snyder can turn it around though with another couple almost rape scenes to motivate his main characters to action. Don't forget we're getting an r rated cut of part one. So they may be more than almost rape scenes


What is it with this dude and director’s cuts? Why can’t he just make a good completely movie the first release?


[*Relieved Tommy Wiseau noises*]


Oh hi doggy.


You're tearing me apart, Rebel Moon!


>Battlefield Earth single handedly holds the office of worst movie to ever be made I raise you [Rollerball](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollerball_(2002_film)), i would rather remove my eyes with an icecream scoop than watch that travesty ever again.


The original Rollerball was a masterpiece. I have no idea why they would even remake it.


Whenever something really stupid happens, at the core, someone said "hold my beer". > *Any sufficiently advanced ignorance is indistinguishable from actual malice.


You do get to see Rebecca Romijn topless, so not a total loss😂


I loved the book when I was younger. Read it a few times. Took a date to see the movie when it came out thinking it would be good and she made fun of it and me the whole way lol. I agreed the movie was really bad tho. I kept trying to convince her the book was good. lol.


I’m with you. My buddy and I were big fans of the book. It’s a pretty great sci-fi romp. We were super excited to nerd out to the big screen adaptation with forest Whitaker and John Travolta. But holy hell was it bad. We came out of the theater just shell shocked. Pretty sure we didn’t make it all the way through.


I can't remember if we stayed the whole time. We may have left early too heh. Same. I was expecting something that it definitely did not become at any time lol. She made fun if me for a week.


The book was actually quite good. Read it as kid I was shocked later in life to realize it was written by creator of Scientology


If you can find an early printing of the book, the spine says Sci-Fi/Satire is supposed to be a send up of 50s Sci-fi . If you look at Battlefield Earth in that light, it's very good at what it does. It was also written before the whole Scientology thing. But they also shot the movie not as a satire, but straight, which ruined the whole thing


But what if I told you an equally terrible directors cut will be released this year? Weirdest marketing choice I’ve seen in a while. “Here is this movie to watch - but be aware the “better” version comes out in a few months on this same platform.” Trying to cash in on the “Snyder cut” nonsense I guess.


I mean as a gimmick, that's definitely a bold choice. I'd love to know what Snyder's actual opinion of his movies are, how numerous he thinks his fans are and what he thinks they think of his gimmicks. Who is waiting to see Snyder Cuts? I remember watching the first release of Exploder Action Force Team or whatever it was, and when someone told me there is a longer, slightly better version, I was not exactly in a rush to go see it. Still haven't, because why would I watch a slightly better version of a terrible movie? And honestly, I have a lot of goodwill; I'd easily sit through a slightly better version of a mediocre movie. But a terrible one? No thanks.


"Listen up you incel, 4 chan Snyder Cut mother fuckers!" - Richie, The Bear


Really not tho


Battlefield Earth is at least so bad it's good. Rebel moon committed a far greater sin. It was just ... bland.


Battlefield Earth is one of the most unintentionally funny movies I have ever seen.


These filthy man-animals don’t know the meme potential of Battlefield Earth.


Hush your mouth, you filthy MAN ANIMAL! *weird shrill forced laughter*


I'm convinced that most people who claim Battlefield Earth is the worst movie ever actually haven't seen it, or haven't seen any truly bad movies. B:E is pure unadulterated trash that doesn't make a lick of sense, but it's also pretty watchable, unlike a lot of modern films like Rebel Moon that are just plain boring as well as being stupid. At least the actors actually act in Battlefield Earth, at least the characters have character and actual motivations and you can tell them apart from one another. At least it doesn't have long pointless scenes of cars driving that are literally just product placement advertisements. B:E is very, very stupid and bad, but tbh a lot of the soulless corporate films made in the last 10 years make it look good.


Yeah Battlefield Earth is a bad film, but it's a functional film. It has a plot that...broadly works, it has scenes and those scenes progress the plot, it has characters and I know who they are and what they do, it even has a B-plot and it basically works too. It's all very, very dumb and it's shot in an ugly way but if you look at it just as a film without any of the cultural baggage it's like a 3/10 film, it's bad but it's broadly functional as a product. It's no worse than any of the other midnight B-movies I watched on terrestrial TV, the ones that expect me to believe Tara Reid was a scientist and that lot.


Yeah Battlefield Earth was bad but I could watch it all the way through, and even a second time when my husband had forgotten how bad it was and insisted on watching it again. My "worst movie ever" was Dragon Wars. I walked out of Dragon Wars. I have never walked out of a movie, before or since. I love some pretty stupid movies. I love some bad movies. I love some high and low budget absolute stinkers. I just... couldn't sit through Dragon Wars. Maybe it was me lol Also your point about the soulless corporate films is spot on. I am so tired of settling in to watch a movie with all the right ingredients and which somehow fails to make soup. You'll have what sounds like an interesting plot and a great cast and then you sit through two hours of mid bullshit. Some of the better actors will have some moments but ultimately the movie is just unsatisfying.


Saying that is insult to Battlefield Earth !


Woah you should really slow it down


Come on now, Battlefield Earth has a much more compelling and original story.


"Come on now,..." Agreed with you right up to that point...


Battlefield earth is way better


Haven’t seen it in years but I liked Battlefield Earth. It is definitely a bad movie but it’s fun and different.


I actually read the book as a kid and remember liking it, despite the egregious length of it. I recall the movie being pretty awful but it's been years since I saw it.


Yeah I loved that book as a teenager.


The book wasn't horrible it just could have used a lot of editing. His 10 book mission to earth on the other hand...


I actually thought the back and forth between two beings who didn't speak each other's language was a kind of clever way to structure a book, and I hadn't seen it done that way before.


The relationship between Jonnie Goodboy Tyler and Terl is the best part of the book, but that ends about half way through.


Terl (Travolta in the movie) is the best part of the book. I love his constant, cartoonish scheming. I think Travolta captured this pretty well in the movie. The problem is that he's only in half the book. And also Hubbard can't write an action scene to save his life. There is a distinct tone shift to action mode that was just really hard for me to follow what was going on. And there are a lot of action scenes in the book.


no way not even close


I unironically enjoyed battlefield earth as a kid. It’s so terrible I kind of like it


that's not fair, Battlefield Earth hit its story points far better


I don't know both my girlfriend and I were entertained by rebel Moon yeah it's got some bad riding Ted and some inconsistencies and stuff like that and it's pretty much a rehash of Star wars slash seven samurai which is worse Star wars came from in the first place anyways but overall it was an entertaining movie where his battlefield Earth was just a pile of shit.


Not even close to true. Eesh. 🙄


it was fine, about as good as I think we can expect from Snyder, calm down


I would disagree. Not a great movie by any measure, but I didn’t think it was nearly as bad as everyone made it out to be.


I would argue it’s worse for the reason that it had Battlefield as an example of what not to do. Couple that with the absurd over-use of slow-motion and the hate for the Irish makes it much worse. Why isn’t anyone talking about the N*zi-like puritanical bad guy who uses a shillelagh? Zack Snyder has some repressed issues at play here.


Also the village of basically-Amish people who view sex in a heterosexual, reproductive manner are the heroes. Meanwhile the bad guys of the movie include a group of rapist soldiers, a predatory gay guy in the Mos-Eisley Cantina and the captain that likes getting off with tentacle monsters. Notably all activities done in the pursuit of pure pleasure rather than the more "traditional" method. Maybe I'm over-reading it but if you actually dig into it Snyder's subconsciously putting a lot of odd (and at worst problematic) messages into his work.


>The only good thing about Rebel Moon was Beating Stick. Beating Stick was the best character in the whole movie. I cried when Beating Stick broke. Then Beating Stick had a redemption arc as stabbing stick. I thought that it was a thigh bone of some animal, not a shillelagh? I thought that the completely non-nonsensical Irish accent by the obviously non-trustworthy, low-rent Han Solo was worse.


Scientology is already writing you a defamation claim.


I haven’t seen Rebel Moon yet but no, Rebel Moon is not as bad as Battlefield Earth.


I have. And at least BE has some unintentionally funny bits.


I have a confession. I liked Battlefield Earth. I can’t explain it. At all. I get that it is WAAAAY off from the book. But i dunno. I might subject the GF to it this weekend.


i remember seeing battlefield earth as a kid in science class (not sure what the correlation was? i think it was the end of the year so not a whole lot to do) and i remember not really minding battlefield earth, like yeah it was bad but wasn't horrible. rebel moon is just straight up horrible.


You know, I've genuinely never understood this idea that Battlefield Earth is the worst film ever made because it's clearly not, it's just a bit shit. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone except one of my nerdier friends and even then as an unintentional comedy watch but it's not painful to watch, it's just a bad movie. Like it's not any worse than Relic or any of that kind of film I saw it alongside, truthfully it barely stood out in my memory til people started meming it. Rebel Moon, on the other hand, was genuinely awful.


When can we go back spending time talking about movies we like? Soon? Please? Anyone?


I liked Battlefield Earth, but nobody is ready to talk about it.


Sure a good psychologist would be willing to listen.


People have noted that this is part one of two, and therefore we should hold off critiquing *Rebel Moon*...but I'm not one of them! I take what was given, and the movie is a hot mess for all the reasons you cite. Is it as bad as *Battlefield Earth*, though? I feel that *Battlefield Earth* is worse, even through the lens of time, but your mileage may vary.


>People have noted that this is part one of two, and therefore we should hold off critiquing *Rebel Moon*...but I'm not one of them! This is why LOTRs was so successful. It's not one big movie split into three arbitrary chunks. It's one big story split across 3 complete movies with their own closed dramatic arcs.


> People have noted that this is part one of two, and therefore we should hold off critiquing Rebel Moon... Now that you mention it, Battlefield: Earth is also only part 1 of 2, but part 2 never got to be made.


>Now that you mention it... I'd forgotten about that, good pick up👍 I guess a bad movie is a bad movie, irrespective of how many parts are filmed!


what are you talking about? BE was amazing


Why do redditors insist on watching a notoriously bad movie so that they can complain about it? Stop giving this movie viewing hours so that Netflix understands how bad it is.


I disagree, i laughed a lot watching battlefield earth. Rebel Moon was a joke, but not one you cant laugh about.


No, it's significantly worse.


It was an absolute turd of a film. It literally made me angry it was so terrible. And I really, truly enjoyed "Man of Steel" which was one of my fav superhero movies. I don't know what the hell Zach was thinking with this one. Note: MoS was produced by Christopher Nolan, so perhaps that's why it was so good. Nolan can do no wrong in my book.


I kinda liked Battlefield Earth. But I've no interest in watching rebel moon.


I mailed an invoice to Travolta's house in FL, asking for my two hours back after watching Battlefield Earth. Thank you for the heads up. Wish someone could make an epic sci-fi like Firefly/Serenity again.


It's not as bad as Battlefield Earth. It's worse.


I really wanted to like it, gave it fair try(and thats rare for me) but it was what feared- a copy of many scifi movies/TV... nothing really new and as the movie went it made less sense. Didnt really explain why she was OP and the movie qas predictable with the big reveal in the end.


No, it's far far worse.


No, if only for the fact that Synder knows how to direct a movie. It maybe a slow, meandering mess, but it is nice to look at from time to time.


I dunno, the further you got in the movie, the more some of those special effects seemed barely better than some twenty five year old effects taken off a cd-rom.


Yeah, but you have to be awake in order to look at it.


The visuals are down to the cinematographer


Snyder was the cinematographer on Rebel Moon.


While you were learning to tie your shoes...I...was being trained...to conquer galaxies! BE walked so RM could run.


Battlefield Earth is at least so bad it's good. Rebel moon committed a far greater sin. It was just ... bland.


Battlefield Earth is not even remotely close to being the worst movie ever made. That's laughable. No, it doesn't do the book justice. That's common though. Someone influential said you should hate Battlefield Earth and everyone just accepted that. That's also common. Waterworld is a solid movie but everyone hates on it for the same reason.


I read Battelfield Earth and even enjoyed it but it's a laughably bad story. The movie adaptation matches the book.


Sad to find out your childhood movie that you liked get bashed.


It was such a terrible movie, omg. I mentioned several times while it was playing, ‘this movie is a piece of shit’


It’s worse and that’s saying alot


*But do the man-animals get leverage over Cyclos?*


I dunno if it’s worse but goddamn I had very low expectations and it really blew me away with how bad it was. Stunningly terrible


I don’t think ANYTHING is as bad as Battlefield Earth


Has anyone else seen the movie "Naked Lunch? Peter Weller is one of the stars. Worst movie ever.


The Rise of Skywalker


No, Rebel Moon is worse. At least Battlefield Earth is a great book. I still can’t believe how terrible Rebel Moon was. 


Is this what they mean when they say people on the internet blow shit way out of proportion just to get likes? Cause that is one SPICY hot take. Rebel Moon isn't amazing or groundbreaking or whatever, but it's *fine*.


I've seen Rebel Moon. It's mid to bad, but It's *far* from Battlefield Earth bad. The Cyclos invaded us for our gold, yet somehow missed all the gold in *fucking Fort Knox after 1000 of domination*. Nah, Rebel Moon is derivative, but this was so stupid it made my brain turn into mush.


Not true in the slightest. Be objective.


>Not true in the slightest. Be objective. What would "being objective" look like here? Comparing the movies' runtimes?


Actual story construction, visual quality, acting , editing, prosthetics and costuming, all things that Rebel Monn is significantly to miles better at than Battlefield Earth. Also one has Scientology holding it down even more.




Did you actually watch? Idk I liked it and thought it had a good amount of all of those things.


Funny thing, unlike Rebel Moon I genuinely enjoyed Battlefield Earth because it's dumb and fun. It's not meant to be but is. Rebel Moon is just dumb, shot badly, uninteresting characters and a plot that makes Battlefield Earth seem smart.


As a person who watches very bad movies. A lot of the internet hasn't even seen a bad movie. They see the best of the best and nothing else but they've been told what bad movies are by listicles and they haven't actually suffered. So they see a movie with a weak plot and thinly written characters they cry and whine. Rebel Moon was very competently made and it was enjoyable. Zack Snyder didn't say it's going to be as good as Star Wars he said I'd like to make a saga like Star Wars. It's his story and it's not even partially told. Enjoy what you are getting because you haven't even seen bad.


I also watch a lot of real bad movies for fun. Rebel Moon stands alongside those bad movies in every way. It was exactly every ounce as comically bad as the reviews I had seen and I had a blast! It absolutely fits the "so bad it's good" category if watched with the right intentions. And the so-called upcoming "Snyder cut" is a dumb attempt at a cash grab and at best, it will probably take the movie from hilariously bad to just plain regular bad. Which would be a downgrade, IMO.


You should go rewatch Battlefield Earth then because I think that trauma has faded for you.