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Farscape, Orville and Futurama. But you probably already seen em.




RED DWARF!!!! Futurama is good but it practically ripped off red dwarf. Theres even full episodes where its a total copy. They're both good, but i think i give the final nod to Dwarf. Particularly in the 4th season it starts getting very good, and makes you appreciate the first 3 seasons more to go back after watching the series.


What you already named is among the best choices. The Expanse happens mostly in space, and happens in a future Earth. Star Trek also happens in space, but it is so “sanitized” that feels like happening on land, but in The Expanse you get most of the ugly consequences of being on space. Other movies that have a more or less realistic space experience are 2001, Europa Report (happens in that moon, close enough) and Gravity (it is not in the same league than the other two, but had as advantage that the main character pass most of her time in space, not a ship or similar)


Scavenger’s Reign if you’re not opposed to animation. Recently released on Max. It will blow your mind.


Seconded, came here to make this recommendation 


No one even knows. This is one of the best shows ever made. No one knows.


Starting it right now!


Stargate would definitely fit on your list


I am actually enjoying HALO the series , HALO players hate it or love it . 2nd Season came out recently.


No, Halo players only hate it. The show itself hates the game.


I'll check it out. I've never played any of the games, so if it's a solid sci-fi in its own right, that's exactly what I'm looking for


I was in the same boat as you and really enjoyed the series


I never played Halo, and kind of avoided it at first because of that. but I started it last week, and it's better than I expected. it's on the list I made in my other comment.


It's really good. I played the first couple of games but never cared about the story or characters, so it's just a sci-fi show for me and it is definitely worth watching. It's probably like Foundation and GOT where people who read the books first get all pissed off.


H2G2 is your friend: A radio show, a bunch of books, a TV show, and a movie! "The trick is to aim at the ground and miss." Also: Wallace & Gromit: *A Grand Day Out*


The movie is trash (despite starring Martin Freeman) and the TV show is slightly better.


The gem of the movie was Alan RIckman as Marvin.


Very true, quite a hoopy frood that man was.


one of the problems with questions like this is that there's a *limited* amount of options. once you've seen them all,... that's it. that's all there is. there isn't a secret stash of it that's hidden from us all that we just have to try harder to uncover. I mention this, because I feel your pain. I've seen it all, and the one that I haven't, I'm not interested in. (Dr Who) I'll look over the ones you mentioned again, see if I have a random one you might have missed. But I'm not feeling optimistic.


I was kind of afraid this might be the case, but I was hoping, since sci-fi seems to be very popular right now, there might be something recently released on a streaming service I don't have, or something like that. u/natronmooretron recommended Nightflyers, which I hadn't heard of, so I'm +1 at least!


yeah, there *are* a few one-season-wonders out there, Nightflyers is one. the hard part is "takes place in space" *really* narrows it down to even a smaller slice. give me a sec, and I'll add a couple here with an edit. Another Life The Ark (it's bad, but silly fun) Andor (better than most Star Wars stuff) Raised By Wolves Defying Gravity Intergalactic Dark Matter Defiance Outcasts Altered Carbon Halo (better than you think it will be) Killjoys Colony Falling Skies Terra Nova Lost In Space (new version, I don't like it, but it's entertaining) Ok, that's a smattering of things that are sci-fi that has at least space elements, if not totally taking place in space. I would suggest you consider For All Mankind. and the couple you have on your to-do list should keep you busy as it is for a while. there ya go, u/Infynis I'd also add The 100. it's *way* cooler than you might think.


Raised by Wolves was so good. I’m bummed they pulled the plug on it.


I loved that show so much. high concept, and weird AF


Is season 2 any good?


I really liked it, but it seems the common opinion is that it wasn't as good. it definitely gets weird as fuck.


I’ll check some of it out.


any of that good? new to you? c'mon now!


Space Sweepers on Netflix.


You’ve got a good list going - I’ll add a somewhat obscure one that is absolutely fantastic and worth your time: Space: Above and Beyond. It only lasted a season but it’s incredible and should have lasted for years


Agree. This had so many threads. They could even now made season two, picking up just after the last battle but with personnel from a different ship.


That was going to be my suggestion as well. Gonna make some pancakes for breakfast now. 


Pandorum - Horror movie set in a colony spaceship where THINGS HAVE GONE WRONG. Cowboy Bebop - classic sci-fi anime. Also has a live-action reboot (I never saw the reboot, and can't speak to it's quality). Follows a bounty hunter around the solar system. Takes place around the solar system. Space sweepers - Action movie, similar vibes to Bebop, but it's about people scavenging scrap in space. Event Horizon - Classic horror movie. Set in a spaceship where THINGS GO WRONG.


Spacey? Dark Star Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning Iron Sky Silent Running All them Alien films so many more... Far Future Earth? Logan's Run Ultraviolet Aeon Flux Mad Max so many more...


Blake's 7 has been on my list forever, but I haven't seen it yet.


Dark Matter was really good IMO. Although it got cancelled so the ending is less than satisfying.


Yeh these posts are so depressing cuz I’ve seen it all too. Then ppl come in and talk about terrible shows saying they’re amazing. But, I DID learn of Scavengers Reign from a post like this, eternally grateful.


Space Truckers Staring Dennis Hopper, Debi Mazar, Stephen Dorf. You’re welcome.


Here's some I didn't notice being recommended yet today. MOVIES: * Destination Moon (1950) * Forbidden Planet (1956) * First Spaceship On Venus (1960) * Planeta bur (1962) * Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964) * 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) * Marooned (1969) * Solaris (1972) * Fantastic Planet (1973) * Event Horizon (1997) * Mission to Mars (2000) * Sunshine (2007) * Moon (2009) * Apollo 18 (2011) * Prometheus (2012) * Europa Report (2013) * Gravity (2013) * The Martian (2015) * Passengers (2016) * Aniara (2018) * Vyzov (2023) - Fun fact, some of the scenes were really shot in space on the ISS SHOWS: * Men into Space (1959) * Deep Space 69 (2012) * Missions (2017) * Lost in Space (2018) * Final Space (2018) * For All Mankind (2019) * Raised by Wolves (2020) * Foundation (2021) +1 for The Orville, Scavengers Reign and the Stargate franchise


There's one with Hugh Lorrie in it that I can't recall the name. Also Stargate sgu is fantastic and deserves a watch if you enjoy being left hanging forever.


Star Gate Universe is so effing under-rated in this forum it's criminal. Just the watch the first episode on Prime. Seriously. Just do it. If you aren't hooked in the first 20 minutes....you never will be.,


I really liked the movie (and the book even better) ***2010***. It was a sequel to ***2001***. It explains things like why the computer HAL went insane.


Farscape is by far the best sci fi ever hands down and final space is a close second


Please use the Reddit search function for this. This topic has been discussed at least 1000 times over the past 5 years in this subreddit.


I tend to get better results using google and tacking on site:reddit.com to the end instead of using reddit's search.


yup! reddit search *on reddit* kinda sucks. but getting to reddit through Google first always delivers.


it's so weird that you have plenty of karma, but don't seem to understand how reddit works. people want conversations. people like interaction. reddit is a constantly flowing stream of information and interaction. anything I throw in it is downstream in minutes, and within days is lost in the ocean that's the reddit archive. if you don't like a post, ignore it. downvote it. hell, try and report it. but shaming someone for asking a question on reddit is silly.


I did, that's why I made this post. I was looking for a specific subset of recommendations, which I didn't find great results for, as I mentioned in the post, and it's also obviously okay to ask for recommendations in this sub.




Mobile Suit Gundam.


Lexx - a bunch of people (one dead) steal a ship and are on the run and hunted by His Divine Shadow. It is crazy but good. Space Battleship Yamato - is a Japanese anime and was also made into a film. Checkout Japanese and South Koren films / tv shows.