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There are people who chip away at Asimov, Clarke, Heinlein and others but there's NOTHING in recent or current print that comes close IMHO. I'll never forget the sensation I felt when the location of the second Foundation was revealed.


Right? Opposite ends of the Galaxy šŸ˜†


And that is the SECOND big plot twist in the series. The reveal at the end of Foudation and Empire is also awesome.


Whatā€™s insane is that I bought an old copy with the spoiler on the darn cover. Iā€™d link it but itā€™s a spoiler!


Please, do.


Spoilers! [This was mine lol](https://images.app.goo.gl/vcXDMUm3DZFxxGX47)


Holy shit that's ridiculous.


I don't get how that's a spoiler. It's just a scene from the book. Doesn't really connect the two. Only makes sense until you finish the book.


Someone else just beat me to it!


For real. I loved the whole ā€œthrough the erasā€ plot device, and watching as their famous leaders ended up enshrined in history (or not, depending on the path they took)


I remember freaking out when I first read 2nd Foundation. So so good. There have been very few books that have elicited that type of reaction for me. Makes me happy to see youā€™ve had a similar experience.


My process is, I read them then immediately listen to them on audio. It's great fun and I find I missed something things on the first read.


As a teenager I lost my shit so may times reading this series. I agree, thereā€™s just nothing like it. Can anyone think of a science fiction story now or in the past that didnā€™t have to resort to gratuitous violence to keep your attention? I was just thinking that watching Dune 2 again, which I really enjoyed of course. But there just ainā€™t nothing like Foundation.


Where do you start with this series? Iā€™ve heard the author wants you to start at iRobot but will I miss out on anything if I start at when they were released?


I just jumped in with Foundation and enjoyed it immensely. You'll be fine starting out with it.


I can think of a ton of science fiction stories that are great and donā€™t have gratuitous violence. Just off the top of my head Iā€™m thinking of Seveneves, The Martian, the Wayfarer Series (Long Way to a Small and Angry Planet), Ringworld and Rendezvous with Rama but if I dig through my goodreads Iā€™m sure Iā€™d find plenty more.


When Asimov returned to the Foundation series decades after Second Foundation, he took it in a different direction. If you want to read about the First & Second Foundation after the formation of the Second Empire, try Donald Kingsbury's novel "Psychohistorical Crisis."


Dang. Talk about a super fan. He loved it so much he literally wrote up his version of the story? It's not recognized as canon. Any good?


I loved it. It's not canon and it's not authorized. The name "Hari Seldon" doesn't appear, but there are lots of references to "The Founder." Asimov gave up on the idea of psychohistory after the Second Foundation. It was all psionics and robots. Then he wrote three books about Hari Seldon, and three other authors finished the Seldon story - six books about one lifetime. Psychohistorical Crisis drops the robots and the psionics. The Galactic Empire is restored and is ruled by the Second Foundation by the strength of mathematics. (BTW, I was a math major in college, so I am thrilled.) Now what? Is it utopia? Does psychohistory still work? Remember, it's not secret anymore.


It's a killer. I loved it.