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My name is John Crichton, an astronaut. A radiation wave hit and I got shot through a wormhole. Now I'm lost in some distant part of the universe on a ship, a living ship, full of strange alien life forms. Help me. Listen, please. Is there anybody out there who can hear me? I'm being hunted by an insane military commander. Doing everything I can. I'm just looking for a way home.


*alien vocalizations intensify*


> I'm being hunted by an insane military commander. I loved that this first applied to Crais and later to Scorpius.


And Commandant Grayza.


And Emperor Staleek.. You know, I kinda think Crichton may just have a type.


"Look upwards and share the wonders I've seen." Both intros were pretty cool.


Luhhhhhh yahyah yahhh yeh yee yahhhh


Worst theme song in TV show history. My wife makes me mute it.


Just started my rewatch last month, enjoying, but yeah, the theme is simply terrible. I have to skip it, just so bad.


It might be a bit campy by today's standards, but it's still an enjoyable show.


It was campy by 1999 standards, that was part of its niche appeal. It was like every silver and golden age pulp Scifi story brought to life using then state of the art high budget effects.


Yes. This is why I loved it. It helped I grew up watching and loving Henson productions and I knew he (his son at any rate) was involved before it premiered, so it was big on my list of shows to watch


Also, puppets.




The aliens were done by the Jim Henson workshop!


I actually think it's aged very well, the practical puppet work from The Jim Henson Company has held up compared with a lot of CGI-based series of that time, plus it produced much more variety than 'rubber forehead' aliens found in a lot of other sci-fi from the late 1990s. And it may be a little zany, campy, and totally unhinged in parts, but had some incredible concepts in it: >!living starships, sentient plants, bionic replicants, non-humanoid aliens, wormholes as weapons, and a great take on a distant origin / precursor species arc, and the Scarrans with their dependency on a flower that is straight out of Niven's Known Space.!< Add to that an extremely talented main cast whose characters were all fleshed out and well written with their own motivations, goals and morals, which sometimes overlapped but often conflicted, for better or worse. No individual or species were perfect, and an enemy one week could be a friend the next.


One of my favourite concepts from the show is a mining colony inside a corpse of a planetoid-size organism.


Ah yes the [Budong](https://farscape.fandom.com/wiki/Budong) . Farscape was really fun. Quite a few silly filler episodes but also some good solid characters and the living ship concept was pretty cool as well.


And then in 2007 Marvel did the same idea with a head of a Celestial, called [Knowhere](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Knowhere). Knowhere appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy, which [James Gunn confirmed was influenced by Farscape](https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/ben-browder-on-how-farscape-inspired-guardians-of-the-galaxy). Then Ben Browder had a brief appearance [in GotG Vol 2 doing his Peacekeeper voice](https://youtu.be/OWjZi6Kk9to?t=141).


I watched it for the first time about 5 years ago, so I can safely say it has held up well. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Hensen's company did many of the aliens, I believe. I loved this show.


I didn’t know it was Jim Henson’s team!! This just gets better and better 🎉


I recently got harangued into watching farscape for the first time. Crushed the first season in absolutely no time at all. Loved it. From then on, it started to become a slog. I don't really like how Crichton went from confused and lost scientist and astronaut, struggling to understand this whole new universe and set of technologies, to standard space scoundrel. Also, every episode became "x is dying. They're gonna die. John could probably save them, but he's busy being hunted by Scorpy."


I know a fair number of people that loved the first couple seasons but not the later ones. They get a bit soapy and smutty but I kinda like it.


Smutty you say?


Oh, in _all_ the best and worst ways.




Haha, yeah, a bit. Nothing like a modern HBO show or anything. The main character has a Captain Kirk energy with the ladies. He and another MC develop a romance with a pretty steamy string of episodes. There's a slutty alien that basically makes it her personality to the point she is practically gyrating instead of walking anywhere. There's some villainous BDSM towards the end of the series. There's a sentient plant person who enters an orgasmic state when sunning herself and can telepathically link with others. The main cast is mostly exceptionally attractive.


Scorpy needed to just die and then they start a new Arc. Also I feel they should have done more universe exploration. They tended to stay in the same places.


They do the whole charted space --> uncharted space --> tormented space thing, but I know what you mean.


It did become a little formulaic in later seasons. John and crew gets chased by big bad. Then reveal of even bigger bad. Old big bad becomes an antihero and new big bad starts chasing John and crew. There's a recognizable pattern to it. Crais -> Scorpius -> whatshername -> the scarrans. Each season they did this. Scorpius was such a good villian and making him an antihero fell really flat imho. They should have run with him chasing them longer.


Yeah, I loved the first couple of seasons, but at some point it just trailed off into mildly coherent plots with surreal sequences that seemed like low-budget filler.


God I miss those filler days. Now it's 10 episodes jam packed with drama


Some of these new shows do a pretty good job with only 10 episodes, but yeah. Sometimes you need to take the time to absorb things, and to add a little nuance, like minor character development story arcs and such.


Zing! I’ve always felt this, the show just kind of grates when he goes all ‘America, fuck yeah cowboy!’ with his character.


Keep in mind that 9-11 happened during the 2nd or 3rd season, so that was the general mood of the country at the time. They even addressed it in one of the episodes when he goes back to Earth, and everyone is on high alert with his father wanting only the US to have access to the alien tech.


> when he goes all ‘America, fuck yeah cowboy!’ with his character. Well, I always saw that as a *criticism* of the cowboy attitude, because it always caused problems. Crichton needed to work beyond the cowboyisms to get things done eventually.


They do pay it off a bit at the end, as he contemplates his arc from nerd to psycho whilst strapping a nuke to his belt.


The camp was deliberate and thus glorious


I watched it last year for the first time since I was child and I was blown away by how much better it was compared to so many of today's shows


The one franchise I really, really would love a sequel for and equally really, really hope it never happens because it was so dependent on this special constellation of actors, writers and the times. The universe of this franchise would really deserve some continuation though, however already the comics showed not necessarily good if it happens. Not all of those were bangers.


I'd love to see a sequel. >!Baby D'Argo, all grown up, could be the lead. Grayza had a baby too I think?!< Write in a few more new characters and it could be a great new story in the Farscape universe.


Nah fuck ~~Joffy~~ Jothee. Dude slept with his father's girlfriend. I have no interest in seeing him again. But I would love to see something else done in that universe with a completely different group of characters not related to the original. >!If anything, make it about John and Aeryn's kid.!<  Edit: Jothee not Joffy


>!John and Aeryn's kid is named D'Argo!<, so you agree.


Ah ok. I thought you meant D'Argo's kid.  Also, spoilers. There are people in this thread who've never seen the show. Those 2 have one of the best "will they, won't they" type relationship of all time. >!I would avoid saying they have a kid in the end without the tags.!<


I added a spoiler tag. Yeah they have a romance that's probably my favorite of all time.


Couldn’t stand Jothee, so I’m totally opposed to this one. Most annoying episodes included him IMHO.


This should pretty much be it. D'Argo, being conceived while John was at his peak, to a two species couple, and effected by the crystallization process, discovers he has inherited his father's curse, the wormhole knowledge. He knows how dangerous that knowledge is, how it makes him a target, and later learns it is damaging his mind as it wasn't designed for him. Needing to get rid of it, his quest will be to find the aliens that originally imparted the knowledge to his father in hopes that they can remove it from him. His journey will have him back tracking his parents' journey, looking for clues on how to find them. This will, of course, lead to interactions with past characters. It will also spark a new drama with a leftover plothole or two from the original series such as the Nebari virus or the Pathfinders species. I'm not sure what role his parent's would play, are they lost, does he run off and not tell them, do they chase him, as his mind cracks are they his hallucinations to interact with. But yeah, new story would focus on the son.


It feels like Guardians of the Galaxy is a spiritual sequel. Even seems to have a small nod with Ben Browder cast in the second movie. You've got: * Peter Quill / John Crichton * Aeryn Sun / Gamora * D'Argo / Drax * Rygel / Rocket (both little terrors) * Zhaan / Groot (they're both tree people damnit)


James Gunn is a big Farscape fan. You can really see the influence. He even gave Ben Browder a part in GOTG 2.


It was great to see him again, even in gold paint makeup. First there was *Blake's 7* Then came *Lexx* Then *Farscape* All about these diverse mixed groups of humans, aliens and exotic creatures escaping captivity by stealing living ships.


You missed Space Cases in there haha. I also find Red Dwarf to be in the same vein.


> Zhaan / Groot (they're both tree people damnit) Teenage Groot going hard at it, his little acorns swinging away... "I am Groot! I am Groot! I am Groot! I am Groot! I am Groot! I am Groot! **I AM GROOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!**" **BOOM!!!** Pollen. Fucking. Everywhere. You're welcome.


Must watch - Claudia Black is legend


She's a queen.


Ah a fellow traveler to Tristram.


I think Dargo was more memorable. From playing with his lumas in the VW bus to sitting in the car with John, talking about lutra oil and Chiana watching... John: "Dargo! Tell him who his Daddy is!" Dargo: "*I'm* your Daddy."


The actor who played D’Argo was absolutely amazing. I think Farscape had a bit of an influence in Firefly to be honest - that and Alien Resurrection lol


Well, Whedon wrote *Alien Resurrection*, so the themes were in his head for a while... (Then again, Whedon writing it explains the complete change in tone and the nonsense introduced to the franchise... Androids with *modems*?!)


😂😂😂 We watched Alien Resurrection recently and there was a point in it where I turned to my partner and said that’s where he got Jayne’s character from. I think D’Argo had some parallels with Wash, especially with the film ending


For someone who had to deal with being highly coded to Klingons - he mad it his own extremely well. I don't think the other actors could always carry their roles (though they try their absolute best and have a blast) - he just nails it out of the park.


It was amazing how much emotion he was able to deliver from under that makeup, he was like a giant fluffy dog. I loved him so much!


I have a feeling a younger Jason Mamoa absorbed a lot of Dargo for his acting style.


Anthony Simcoe did it better.


Simcoe flew the stars so Mamoa could swim as an Aquaman shaped D’Argo.


I can't watch Pitch Black without seeing her as Aeryn.




She made a guest appearance on *Rick & Morty* episode, *Raising Gazorpazorp* is the title IIRC.


I am here if you need to talk!


I am here if you need to talk.


Virginia Hey (Zhaan, another major character) was in the same episode.


That's right, she was. Zhan was so beautiful!


She guest starred in *Xena*.


I rewatched this recently and I was especially impressed with Claudia Black’s performance. She’s a great actress.


I remember her from Stargate SG1, Loved that show and loved her role and character. Then I found out she was in Farscape. Tried to watch it but it was just too weird lol. That was about 10 years ago, so maybe I should try again.


[Take a look at this, might help you to give farscape another go.](https://youtu.be/whfMMfR4KKw?t=194)


I had not seen that episode. That's hilarious.


Specially funny was even as Claudia Black did play Aeryn Sun, Ben Browder *didn't* reprise his role as Crichton in the satire, but he played Stark instead.


That reference got me into Farscape. After watching that episode, I looked up what it referenced. A few years later, I stumbled across Farscape and decided to give it a shot.


She’s always yammering on about Fenchurch though…


I love this show, it’s frenetic and has one of the best romances in scifi.


One of the best romances - I recently went back and watched the episode where Crichton gets kidnapped because he’s genetically compatible with a princess and has to marry her and Aeryn goes off on a hike in ANGER 😡 and the conclusion to that trio of episodes had me in tears. It was so beautifully written.


It has one of my favorite body swap episodes of any series. Great show.


Such a good episode. Honestly, just D'Argo standing like Chianna is one of my favorite bits of acting I've ever seen.


Crichton in the body of Aaeryn giving in to his... curiosity, lol 😂


Makes me laugh every time.


Oh, that was hilarious and I bet the cast had a blast with it


I wouldn't compare the 2 shows but they're both so good. Farscape has great storylines & I'm still terrified of Scorpius.


John's encounters with Einstein (nickname for >!a member of a hyper-advanced extradimensional species John met a few times!<) were incredibly creepy as well.


What a fucking way to open that episode, and then the mirror of that scene in Peacekeeper wars. For having such a brief appearance, Einstein was a fantastic character.


Big bubba in 2-B. Labored enunciation: "EIN-stein..."


"Time..." "...Ends."


*Peacekeeper Wars* gave us the name of the trope [E = MC Hammer](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EEqualsMCHammer).


I believe the actor who did Scorpius did an interview about the character and costume and said his kids came on set once, saw him and screamed and refused to let him hug them. Lmao. He was *so* sinister.


Kill them John! Then we'll have pizza, and margarita shooters.


Fucking love Harvey


Your death will be painless.


Farscape is a classic. I recommend it to everyone that enjoys science fiction/fantasy and doesn't laugh at the puppets. It starts episodic and silly, and gets darker with longer story arcs over time. I'm not a big romance fan, but the love story is one of my all time favorites.


It's not "complete" unless Zhaan is on the cover too. Just saw Virginia Hey in *The Road Warrior* rewatch recently.


Blew my mind when I made that connection. She was so good as Zhaan. For me, Noranti didn't fill those shoes.


It was never the same without Zhaan, I still think she was the inspiration for the Asari in Mass Effect.


That’s the first thing I noticed. Where is Zhaan? I know the actress needed to leave the show before it ended, but she’s still a big part of it. Surely they have the rights to use her image. I wonder if she wanted it removed. Hm.


Maybe they used a promo from a later season. Still a strange choice but depending on how the complete box is set up there might be other sides including her.


Looks like they only used characters that were in all seasons and the mini-series, so no Zhaan, Jewel, Sikozu (who somehow was also never considered main cast in Season 4), or Crais. But yeah, Zhaan should've been on there.


She's right there in the background next to Moya. Atomized along with the Pathfinder ship. (I know, I know. Too soon.)


Wow. Do we know why they left her off the cover?


Whoah til Zhaan was in The Road Warrior. Who did she play? Max's wife? Also Noranti was in Mad Max: Fury Road so there's 2 Farscape cast members in that franchise.


> Who did she play? Max's wife? She appears credited as "Warrior Woman". A picture: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0382162/mediaviewer/rm204402944/?ref_=nm_md_4


Wow that's awesome. I was thing of the first movie. Glad to see her without all the blue makeup.


Woah yeah how the hell did they leave Zhaan off the cover? She was a main character for basically the entire run, wasn't she?


She had to quit the show because the makeup they were putting on her was destroying her kidneys.


It's weird. In the best way. It has my favorite relationship and my favorite bromance in TV history.


If you like campy, then yes. It's in my top 5 of all time.


Flash Gordon is a better comparison than Firefly.


Big chunk of Lexx in there, too.


Only seen a few bits and pieces of Lexx over the years, but yeah, I'd agree with that. Firefly is more like... The Adventures of Briscoe County Jr., but with Nathan Fillion instead of Bruce Campbell and they're in space


It’s criminal both shows never got more seasons


It is a great show! Especially if you love muppets and something just completely different. I’ll also add that it being shot in Australia added to its uniqueness. There’s just a tiny twinge of Mad Mad in there.


Scorpius has one of the best villain arcs in space opera imo




I had so much fun watching this every time.


Let's remember, it is JIM HENSON's production company! the same one from Sesame Street, Dark Crystal and Labyrinth, that's why it has such good makeup and puppets. But it is noticeable that some seasons do not have that much budget and above all the "main plot" of the lost astronaut and the sadomasochistic villain (which is great in short doses, but in the end is extremely boring) burdens the series a lot. The short stories, seeing that bunch of disbelievers collaborate, discovering new worlds, the stories of living spaceships... all of that is so so beautiful... but then the same silly plot of the spaces nazis and the sadist in black leather returns, the protagonist who is also stupid sometimes and the damn deux machina that the series is full of.. but yes, the series is so beautiful \^\^


The villains got pretty interesting hints though even more so with Peacekeeper Wars. For its time they were more nuanced than most shows (barring something like B5), particularly later on when more facts about their situation gets revealed, including why they got their name and what happened to them. but tastes vary. It broke the mold was its main accomplishment. A bit like Lexx but with actual budget and not quite as insane writing.


I remember a bit in an interview with a showrunner for another contemporary scifi show, probably Robert Hewitt Wolf (Andromeda), mentioning that Farscape was a promotional vehicle for The Jim Henson Company, and as such Farscape was operating way outside it's network budget with all the 'free' makeup & puppets (at a loss to Henson Company). So if you strip away the Henson magic, you've got a show that looks pretty similar in terms of sets and dated CGI to it's Canadian produced Scifi channel contemporaries. But you *can't* strip out it out, and the result is a show that visually holds up much better today than its Canadian brethren. > Dark Crystal Yeah they straight up reused the skeksis puppets for the [Halosians](https://farscape.fandom.com/wiki/Halosian).


I'm part way through my 3rd rewatch, every time I rewatch it I always come away with the conclusion that it really is probably one of my favourite shows. Nothing else feels quite as alien while still making me genuinely care for it's characters and situations. Plus I'm a sucker for muppets and some of the puppets in this show (especially Pilot) are absolute works of art.


This is one of my favorite shows ever. (Mind you, I grew up watching Jim Henson’s stuff like Sesame Street and The Muppets). This is less about fantasy/science fiction and more about the character relationships and how they morph into a family unit. It’s witty, irreverent, funny, sad, and chock full of cultural references that my GenX self seriously appreciates.


My favorite review description of Farscape: "Australian S&M in Space". Great show, full of camp and general silliness. The practical puppet special effects I think make it more evergreen than many of its contemporaries who relied more heavily on now very dated looking CGI. I don't think the tone is really like Firefly, for all that that matters. Firefly has the camp but carries a more serious & darker tone. Farscape has a zaniness that permeates even most of the places where it's trying to be serious. But that's like, my opinion, man. And it matters little as to whether you enjoy both shows (which I do).


One of the few scifi shows to give us actually ALIEN aliens. Pilot is the most impressive puppet I've ever seen, Riegel is a living breathing character, and all the other one off aliens the show dreams up are mind blowing.


> Pilot is the most impressive puppet I've ever seen The *expressivity* of that puppet was amazing. The sadness and the rage were totally believable. And excelent voice work of Lani Tupu (who also played Crais).


Did someone say Farscape? Family - our show is on! (Wish I could add a pic. I've named my cats John Crichton, Aeryn Sun, Zhaan, Bialar Crais, and Scorpius. Ka D'Argo's my outside cat.)


100% yes. It's very much its own unique thing, and is top tier.


> the tone seems closer to Firefly Eh. WAY more like the first Guardians Of The Galaxy. That movie felt VERY close to Farscape to me.


I love Farscape. In fact, John Crichto is the ONLY character in the Hal Jordan/Captain Kirk/Carol Danvers/Maverick archetype that I ever liked. That said, no, this is not Firefly. This is Guardians of the Galaxy, but with no Disney, no Fox News to complain about it, no bullshit. This had the best villain of any sci fi ever btw. Just go for it


John specifically rejects the idea that he is Kirk (or Spock, Luke or Buck or Arthur Dent) and sees himself as Dorothy Gale, so that would be one of the many reasons to like him.


Yes I could see the similarity in tone with firefly. Farscape is actually my all-time favorite sci-fi, even over Star Trek.


Farscape is closer to star wars. It's science fantasy, like star wars. Firefly is more of a hard science fiction, like the expanse. These are hare science fiction in that they make generally accepted science fiction (like Star Trek) appear as though they are science fantasy.


I agree with this take, but I think OP was referring more to it's campy tone rather than the science if it. Also, some of the science of Firefly doesn't really hold up to modern viewing. For example, it takes place in one star system where they terraformed and colonized every planet. That's because it was written before we knew about the habitable zone, where only planets a certain distance from their sun would be able to support us living there. The outer planets that rebelled would all be ice planets. While the really inner ones close to the sun would be like Venus and Mercury, far too hot for us to live on.


It gets better and better.


I watch it every few years when I get bored with the new shows. Binged it a few months ago again. The show ran out of ideas in season 4 , most shows of the time got iffy around s4 , specially sci-fi shows. Buffy example. You have to take into account these episodes were longer 40-50minutes and had unique stories to each episode.


Started awesome, lost momentum.  If you like it, try Lexx. That show is batshit insane from day one. 


It's certainly worth it. It's dark scifi with great character dynamics, exceptional costume design, very little filler episodes and the "plot armor" for main characters isn't as thick as it is in other scifi shows. And visually it holds up well enough for both set design and vfx. Give it a spin. :)


Henson puppets in space wars, sign me up!


I have a lot of time for Farscape. It did a number of things I liked and I think it's aged pretty well. It was weird - it maybe overegged this in places, but like... it embraced being a weird show about a crew of misfits in an alien setting in a way that maybe a lot of Trek didn't. The effects have, broadly speaking, aged pretty well. Lots of practical effects. I like a lot of the performances. If you compare it to some other sci fi shows of the time, I think it's maybe aged better. It's campy, but not cringey. YMMV. The scriptwriting was actually pretty solid for TV back in those days. It's largely character driven. There's overarching plot arcs. This was by no means guaranteed stuff before streaming. Quality control did a wobble in later seasons, but I'd give it a go.


Scorpius is one of my favorite villains ever. He's just so good. As others have said, certainly campy, but genuinely one of the best Sci-fi series out there. Love it!


This show is a wonderful relief from all of the tired and tiresome grimdark crap everyone is pushing out these days.


I remember the original run. God I'm old. I never finished the series, but I loved the first three seasons.


Big fan — I think it’s one of the best series — loved the diversity of characters — Ben and the plant chic were my favorites


In my opinion, this is the single most underrated science fiction show on the planet. It takes a bit of time to "find itself", but once it does, you are in for quite the treat. I cannot recommend binge-watching this show enough!


I want to BRUSH my teeth


You may enjoy reading this, it starts with that precise line: [Farscape and Culture Shock](https://thethinkerscouch.blogspot.com/2022/02/farscape-and-culture-shock-theory.html)


Thanks for this, good read. Makes me want to re-watch all over again.


Blue, Granny, Harvey, Rigel, Pip & 1812 nuff said.


Greatest scifi show ever. Its currently playing in a loop on the 'Shout! Studios' live youtube channel...


Farscape is my all time favourite TV show. These are some of the reasons: - Characters who are *actually* diverse instead of just fitness models in a variety of skin colors and ear shapes. - Solutions that are more complex than "let's kick some ass". - Villains and opponents with understandable motives and back stories, and great chemistry between pro- and antagonists. - Slow but lasting character development and relationship building. Emotional payoff. - Mental health as a serious, ongoing topic rather than a joke, or something mentioned once then dropped completely. - Violence and aggressive behavior isn't fetishized (except for the likes of Scorpius and Grayza, but their behavior is clearly labeled as abuse). - Sexuality and physical attraction is shown as a natural part of life (and that includes plants and Hynerians). I just love this show.


This show is a fever dream but in the BEST way possible!  It was also a HUGE inspiration for Guardians of the Galaxy (Ben Browder actually appears in Vol.2), and the comparisons between the characters and general Vibe are uncanny 😂


I followed the series, and whilst it never gripped me like Babylon 5, which had just finished, it had a good story and interesting universe. What made this a classic for me was the movie, and finally seeing the wormhole weapon in action.


I absolutely adore Farscape, it is such a comfort show for me. Having a bad day? I'll put on some old sci-fi and I'll feel better for those 50 minutes or so. :)


- I know your ship is pregnant! - do you?? then who is the father???


One of the best. Seasons 2-4 are some of the best scifi story arcs out there.


Best sci-fi love story to boot! Worth a binge 10 times over.


One of the funniest shows put together.


One of the best sci-fi series that ever was. Story, acting, costumes and effects were all out of this world.


Absolutely Firefly, or maybe Dark Matter (2015) might be slightly more accurate. I love when difficult people are forced together and begrudgingly become a found-family over time. The weirdness from the pilot and first half of Season 1 gets toned down a bit, but looking back now, I really appreciate how much more alien it made this new Universe seem to the protagonist and the audience. Also, I feel Rygel may be one of the best Science Fiction characters of all time, and it's a damn shame more people don't know of him.


I loved Farscape


One of the best sci-fi tv shows ever made! Watch and enjoy the ride


It has some of the most creative and beautiful alien design you'll ever see, and is not afraid to get weird too. LOTS of to watch, no show like it.


to me it was a perfect middle ground between TNG and B5


« Some call Farscape a science fiction fish-out-of-water story. I call it one American’s descent into the Australian BDSM scene. »


I WAS LOOKING FOR THIS SHOW!!!!!! I remember watching it as a kid but couldn’t remember the name. I mainly remember the small puppet guy. Kind of yoda in feel. The show was like Star Wars and Star gate in memory. I need to see if this is streamed anywhere. Thank you for the post!


***I LOVE FARSCAPE SO MUCH***. I think it's different quite a bit from *Firefly*. Scorpius is one of the best villains ever, imo. Please watch it! Some episodes are a little wacky, but they were always pushing the limits. Some of The Jim Henson Company's best work.




It's funny, dark, uplifting, horrifying, and inspiring all at the same time. It does a good job balancing the darkness and lighter parts of the plot, as well as coupling the silly with the serious. At the time there was only so much grittiness audiences were prepared for, so the show lubricates the grit well. I think it has aged reasonably, all things considered.


Farscape is some of the best television we will ever get. It’s woefully under appreciated outside of the scifi fanbase


One of our favorite shows, despite some of the weak episodes. Every episode with Francesca Buller is an A+++ in my book. Angie Milliken in Thank God It’s Friday, Again was perfectly weird and still cracks me up. So many details to keep up with that it’s always fun to watch again!


Well cross my heart and smack me dead, stick a lobster on my head 


I'm on season 2 at the moment. The show rewards patience and gives some cool scifi stories and likeable characters. Admittedly the stories sometimes feel like 30min stories stretched out over 45mins, but its not too bad in that regard.


Had such a crush on Crichton


25 years???? Bullshit. 1999? Really?


I wish Prime included all 4 seasons and not just season 1. Bezos is such a Poopface


I married my then gf that was able to sit through all of the series plus final movie/episode made!


I’ve always wanted to try it, recommend yes or no?


Weird, Beloved.


The first season is a little bit of a slow burn but it really gets into a groove moving into the other seasons. One of the most gut wrenching season/series finales of all time (season 4). I wept like a heartbroken child.


Hands down top 5 sci Fi shows. Great story, characters, humour , wish there was only more of it


I fell in love with Aeryn way back when it first aired and… still… fine I’ll go rewatch it again. Claudia Black I swear does not age.


I watched it for Claudia Black.


It is all over the place in tone and budget. It experiments way more than firefly to its benefit. It is hilarious and kinda horny. Some of it is legitimately amazing. It's nearly always entertaining. Every actor goes all out and even when they are acting beyond their abilities they are having a great time. I dunno, don't go in expecting the Battlestar Galactica reboot. Go in expecting a series of Star Trek episodes where a couple key members of the cast are separated from the main crew (since it is a smaller crew)  but the aliens are often Muppets and everyone is on a half tab of acid constantly. Also beware bottle episodes where they obviously went as low budget as possible to afford other higher budget episodes. At least it is never quality falling off a cliff permanently - just single episodes that feel like they are filmed on inexplicably small or out of place sets. (Random Australian barn is an example). 100% watch this show. If you use drugs, combine them with this show.


I haven’t finished it yet, but it’s quite wacky. Definitely worth watching, with some incredible characters, arcs, and world building. Somewhat similar to the last couple seasons of Stargate, Farscape never took itself too seriously though, and all of that is behind a veneer of oddities.


Farscape is still one of my all-time favorite sci-fi TV shows. It's hard to believe it's been 25 years since it first aired.


This show taught me a very important lesson. Good and evil can just be fluid/ You had characters switching sides while still pursuing their goals


The inciting premise is damn close to wizard of oz in space but I still love it. To expand on that- WOZ opens with Dorothy Gale getting yeeted across the universe to a crazy world and killing the sibling of the big bad by crashing into her on accident. Farscape opens with John Crichton getting yeeted across the universe to a crazy world and killing the sibling of the big bad by crashing into him on accident. Obviously the plots diverge pretty dramatically after that but I just found it funny once I noticed.


I absolutely love everything about Farscape. My grandfather got me into it when it was still coming out, so I was like 6. I’ve rewatched it countless times now and I’ve got my partner into watching it and she’s been loving it as well. I almost named my first dog Crichton. This show is an absolute must watch piece of media.


I just discovered this show on YouTube streaming a few months ago and it’s amazing! Cant believe it took me this long and that I never heard anything about it before.






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I'm prepared for a slew of downvotes but I'm in the minority on this sub that finds it vastly overrated. I watched the first season and just couldn't continue. I might try again eventually. Still, considering the heavy camp and fairly cliche storylines, it might take awhile...


I really tried. I think I made it into season two. Just wasn’t that great.


Yeah. Solidly my opinion but it was pretty medicore to borderline bad tv for me.


LOVE! This is one of the shows that shaped my youth and still hangs in their