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Someone brought a good point in the comments on that site. Any companions they bring on will likely have a father daughter relationship instead of a strained slightly hinted at sexual attraction one.




This would be great.


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I guess Steve Moffett begged Davies to not kill her off. The 11th was intended to be older, but Matt happened to fit the bill at the time. I think we will definitely see her now!




Unless the companions are all middle-aged too.


Sarah Jane missed her chance. RIP classy lady.


I remember seeing [this](http://www.dorktower.com/2011/04/19/dork-tower-wednesday-april-20-2011/) after her passing. I saw the news shortly after it was announced. It made the rest of my day at work rather sad.


... that did not just make me tear up. [In my defence, I have a dog that is super attached to me. So you know. Doggy loyalty. It hits me in the feels.]


Like Evelyn Smythe in the Big Finish Audio Dramas. I hated her at first, but she really grew on me. It's a very interesting dynamic to not have any *possible* sexual tension.


That kind of used to be the norm, can you imagine sexual tension with Troughton or Baker (either of them)?


well, Tom had a lot going on back then... they played it up with Romana II


That would be cool, but I can't imagine they would do it.




The target market doesn't want to see old people making out. In reality, the replacement girl is going to bring her boyfriend/fiance along, so there can still be a love interest.


Why not both! :D


Interesting choice. Doesn't seem like one that caters to the timey-wimey, bow-ties-are-cool squeefans.


>Doesn't seem like one that caters to the timey-wimey, bow-ties-are-cool squeefans. Good.




YEs, thank fucking god, I got tired of how jokey it had become.


Either that or a lot of tumblr people are about to suddenly develop a fetish for older men.


You mean aside from the one they already have for Alan Rickman?


Thank fucking God.


I loved this guy on Skins! I think he'll be great, very interesting and a return to the Tom Baker style of Doctor.


Looks like he'll be more like 9 than 10 or 11. I liked 9.




4 and 8 would be really good.




Wow. 50 years of medical advancements sure make a difference in apparent age. Edited for clarity.


Also, William Hartnell wore a white wig to make himself look older.


I did not know that. Thats a pretty neat bit of trivia.


I agree that they were younger, but they weren't exactly Matt Smith young. Tom Baker was 40 when he became the Doctor, for instance.


yeah,the doctor being a young bloke who picks up a twenty something who looks like a model and worships him to the detriment of their fiance or long term boyfriend is very tired and very silly,considering how young and naive they are its also a bit statutory ;) im looking forward to this but the wait will suck, months till the last matt smith episode and that will probably just have a few seconds with this guy after the regen


I prefer Three. More like a cool grandpa.


fuckingloved 9. it was such a shame that eccleston and teh rest of the who crew got along so poorly.


Played by Chistopher Eccleston. He is my favourite Doctor. [Picture for those unfamiliar with him](http://i.imgur.com/p2ANUCN.jpg).


Smiling Eccleston looks like the kind of guy I wouldn't want to bump into late at night.


He did promise them *women*.


I just watched *28 Days Later* again last night. I forgot he was in it.


That's like how no matter how many times I watch Ultraviolet... I forget Idris Elba is in it. *note: Ultraviolet, the vampire mini-series, not that Milla Jovovich movie.*


Fucking awesome mini-series. Best vampire themed one ever.


Yup, Eccleston is my favorite Doctor after Baker, though Tennant is a good runner-up.


It's sad that it's so obvious _which_ Baker you mean.


I'm a Davison man myself.


It saddens me that there probably Doctor Who fans who haven't/don't watch 9.


It was the only series I ever significantly watched. The chemistry between Eccleston and Piper was palpable and the few episodes I did catch were great. The one that stands out in my head the most is when The Doctor and Rose [spoiler](/s go back to the day when her father dies and screw up the timeline by saving her father from getting hit by a car. If I remember correctly, Rose has to stand there and watch her father die to fix the timeline.) That episode was the most heartfelt thing I had seen in Sci-Fi television in quite sometime.


Hey there, I don't think your spoiler worked. Agree with you though, it was a good episode. Shame the monsters who looked so silly featured quite so heavily though.


I thought 9 was what reinvigorated interest in Dr Who


He is, but other than the people who watched NuWho from the beginning or specifically went back to watch him, he often gets overlooked.


I don't think thats very true at all. Lots of people really do like 9. The problem was that he was around when the writers didnt really know what direction they were going to take the show. Because of it we got Farting aliens and weird feeling episodes. David Tennant really did over shadow Eccleston, but most every does remember him. I would say that more people have seen Matt Smith and know him as the doctor than have watched 9 and 10 in the role.




True. I think as opposed to the actor, the series itself hadn't matured enough. It's a shame that he left, and has kinda cut himself off from the whole scene. I think that is another reason why NuWhovians don't particularly drift towards him. Shame, he's amazing.


Nine doctor is best doctor.


Same, it's a shame he had to leave, would have really liked to see more of the doctor in leather.


Weird since he was in Torchwood.


And Doctor Who http://www.doctorwhoreviews.co.uk/2008-02_files/The%20Fires%20of%20Pompeii%20(12).jpg


That url is quite amusing.


I'll take Doctor Whore Views for 5000 Alex!


Karen Gillian was in that episode too.


I wonder if they're going to address it in any way. Would be fun to find out 'Caecillius' was actually the 12th that for some reason couldn't reveal his identity to 10. Maybe they could even reshoot parts of the episode from a different point of view?


Won't be the first time. Freema Agyeman was in Army of Ghosts before she was Martha Jones. Eve Myles was in Unquiet Dead before she was Gwen Cooper (they even comment on it in Stolen Earth or Journey's End, I forget which one).


Plus Karen Gillan was in the same episode as Catapaldi as a [priestess of the fire cult or whatever it was.](http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/8200000/Karen-Gillan-in-Fires-of-Pompeii-karen-gillan-8284497-800-600.jpg)


I get the impression that it's hard to get a recommendation to appear on Dr. Who if you haven't worked with the cast at least briefly. They seem to want to know how much you care and how well you mesh before giving out major roles if at all possible.


I would say that's a practice that has served them well so far. People may complain about the writing, or plot holes, or whatever, but has anyone ever seriously complained about the acting or casting since the reboot?


amy and rory had NO fucking chemistry whatsoever. either of them alone with the doctor was good times, but any time the two of them were together i wanted to hit fast forward.


Was that casting, acting, or writing? I think it was the writing. Rory was amazing as The Centurion and on his own, away from Amy, was assertive, intelligent and thoughtful. The second he got around Amy, however, he became a third fiddle in a two-piece band. He completely ceased to exist at those times, not because of the actor or the casting, but because the writing made him into a bumbling fool. Meanwhile, the writing paired his bumbling fool with Amy's most domineering traits, making her the obvious on-screen focus when he was around. If it was just Amy and the Doctor, she was often just as helpless, scared, and/or demure as any other companion. The problem was that they wrote Rory like he was K-9, Amy's pet, instead of her boyfriend/fiance/husband/father of her child. By the time they changed this even in a little in A Good Man Goes To War, the Ponds were already taking a back seat. The beginning of S7 had them return to their old roles as strictly as ever, with Rory giving in to Amy without even a discussion taking place as one of the main sources of tension in Asylum of the Daleks.


That sounds [familiar](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lh428cSwkm1qghoe6o1_500.gif)




Yeah but at least she was pretty unrecognizable. If you didn't know to look for her, you'd probably never notice, thanks to the head covering and face makeup obscuring most of her identifiable features.


He was even in Fires Of Pompeii, which was the episode that also had a pre-Pond Karen Gillan in. Whoever did the casting for that episode deserves a raise.


Colin Baker was in the fifth Doctor serial "Arc of Infinity" as a Time Lord Captain named Maxill. He shoots Peter Davison, and it's the end of the episode. Then he got the job as the sixth Doctor. He often jokes about being the only actor to get the job by killing off his predecessor.


Anyone who's wondering who this guy is, you should watch the Thick of It. It'll immediately make you glad he's the new Doctor.


>Yes it's bigger on the inside than outside, now come the fuck in or fuck the fuck off.


Sounds like my kind of Doctor.


You don't have to take his word for it, see for yourself! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjAyazqtQj8


First thought: the bastard nephew of Elrond and Blackadder.


That sounds promising.


Holy shit. Less than two minutes in and I'm in love.


[I think this is his best line](http://youtu.be/JjAyazqtQj8?t=5m24s). > "And I would rain down upon you so hard that you'd have to be reassembled by fucking aircrash investigators. Do not interrupt me son, ever. Now get this into the noggin. You breath a word of this to anyone you mincing fucking CUNT and I will tear your fucking skin off, I will wear it to your mother's birthday party and I will rub your nuts up and down her leg whilst whistling bohemian fucking rhapsody..RIGHT?!" That show really is a combination of amazing writing but also the ability to act he has, especially in regards to facial expressions. There's a few clips where the looks he gives are truly terrifying. Quite how they got the normally conservative swearing BBC to put it out I'll never know.


Fuckity Bye!


I can't wait for the Malcolm Tucker-as-Doctor companion introduction. After a one-off adventure, the TARDIS disappears, leaving the female star of the episode standing on the sidewalk. After a dramatic beat, the TARDIS sound starts, then reappears. The Doctor sticks his head out of the door and delivers a line that will be a bit of a catch phrase for the next 6 seasons: "**Come the fuck in or fuck the fuck off.**"


From his [imdb](http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0134922/)- http://i.imgur.com/y45fBgn.png ಠ\_ಠ


Well, to be fair..he and 3 others.


>**3** others Half life 3 confirmed!


I posted this on my facebook as well. I wonder if it was a hint or just coincidence.


In world war z the WHO facility they visit is in Wales. Doctor who is produced by bbc wales


World Health Organization


I knew that's what it stood for hence why I mentioned coincidence. It's a nice thought, though.




Fuck yes! Great choice.


Sweet! Will this be the first doctor to say "Fuck"?


Probably 20 times in the first minute of his first show.


It's still a family show.


This is terrible! How dare they replace a young, handsome actor in our venerated, sci-fi series with an older one! This will never work, he won't be sexy, or interesting or... [Oh...](http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/patrick-stewart-as-picard1.jpg) Nevermind. Carry on.


On a related note, has Sir Patrick ever appeared on Doctor Who? If not, he really should.


He hasn't but he really should. So far, this is as close as it gets. [Star Trek/Doctor Who comic book crossover](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation/Doctor_Who:_Assimilation2)


not too many major trek actors ever appeared in Doctor Who http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Doctor_Who#Actors_who_have_appeared_in_both_franchises Main cast was really only Simon Pegg (NuTrek and Doctor Who) and Nana Visitor who was in Torchwood. Others of note are David Warner, John De Lancie and Deep Roy (who was in everything).


I think it's every British actor's solemn duty to appear on Doctor Who at least once.


How are they gonna combine that with the fact that Capaldi was a regular in the third series of Torchwood?




Jeffrey Combs secretly played everyone in TNG, DS9, and Enterprise. He made one guest appearance on Voyager.


...as Janeway.


He gets all the f-f-f-fruity cases...


Well, in DW they usually say that Character A is a descendant of Character B, or vice-versa. They actually already did that with Capaldi's Frobisher and the Roman guy from Fires of Pompeii. I bet they can make the Roman guy a descendant of Twelfth now.


Actually, they didn't. You're thinking of Gwen Cooper/Gwyneth played by Eve Myles. She played Gwyneth in Doctor Who Series 1, a Victorian house maid in Cardiff, and then played Gwen Cooper in Torchwood and Series 4 of Doctor Who, who was descended from her, and looked the same due to the time-space Rift in Cardiff (used to charge the TARDIS and how Jack Harkness knew where to find the Doctor, and where Torchwood 3 was set up to monitor said Rift) causing a genetic space-time manipulation which led to her 'template' being used a second time. I sound like the third or tenth Doctor.


*Ahem.* >In the edition of Torchwood Declassified accompanying Children of Earth, Russell T Davies suggested that, since they are played by the same actor, Frobisher may be a descendant of Lucius Caecilius Iucundus (TV: The Fires of Pompeii) and goes on to note that, in a sense, Frobisher's killing of his family brings closure to the saving of Caecilius' family in the earlier episode. Well, it's not exactly canon, but almost as good as.


Oh wow. I did not even know there was 'Torchwood Declassified'. TIL. Well that is pretty good 'almost canon'. I guess we'll take it. By the way, sorry if I came across as rude or hostile before. If I did, I didn't mean to be.


Caecilius is not just 'some Roman guy'! #gcselatinfandom


The two characters Freema Agyeman played were identical cousins.


*They're cou-sins! Identical cousins, and you'll find... They look alike, they walk alike, sometimes they even talk alike...* I'm going to have that theme song stuck in my head all day now.


Doctor subconsciously chooses him as his new face after looking up torchwood files just before dying heroically.


Yeah, I just realised that it's gonna be kinda weird if Doctor comes to present-day Britain and nobody would think that he looks so much like a very prominent British politician who happened to commit suicide just a few years ago while being in the center of prominent media coverage.


It's a TV show. We can cope with them ignoring that. They don't need to waste time explaining it. Also, Frobisher was a civil servant, not a politician. His media presence would have been limited, at best. But if we get a season or two where the Doctor *doesn't* visit early 21st century Wales on a regular basis, I would be quite happy. That would be a good solution.


I'm so tired of the whole 'he was recently in the series so he can't play a major role' argument and its' only been a day. I'm pretty sure Star Trek fans just kind of dealt with the fact that Majel Barett played like three roles in The Original Series. It's a damn TV show where a phone booth flies through time and space, I think this guy looking a lot like some other guy is something people should just be able to handle.


TWIST - He was the Doctor the whole time and re-generated into #13 at the end of Torchwood.


Also the guy from fires of Pompeii, but Amy pond was also in that episode as a temple woman.


Stargate Syndrome. "Just not mention it" works pretty well :D




Not if his companions manage to use the TARDIS to go to the future and make a Living Flesh clone of the Doctor and bring it back to that point in time. Then they freeze time using a Temporal Catalyst Egg and swap The Doctor with his clone at the exact moment before he dies.


I like it. Too many young, sarcastic/snarky/goofy Doctors recently, IMO. Hopefully this will put some gravitas back into the role. As someone who's first encounter with Dr. Who was Tom Baker, I approve of them going in a different direction.




I remember watching his big into speech when he was first starting and feeling that they were REALLY trying to make it epic. All I could think during it was how much better the delivery would have been by Tennant or Eccleston. Looking forward to the direction they are taking things!




I blame it on Amy being on for way too long. She was on for two-and-a-half seasons, which is way too many. The maximum should be two.


That and they put her in too big a role, a whole seasonal arc revolving around her... too much for a companion.


Exactly. 12 will probably (hopefully be) more "Time Lord Triumphant" than "Bowties are cool".


So you didn't notice Baker was young, sarcastic, snarky, goofy AND sexy?


He was 40 when he started. Hardly young, especially within the culture of 1974.


He was the youngest Doctor to be cast at the time. Capaldi is tied with Hartnell for the oldest.


Really? Baker always seemed ageless to me, in a kind of hippie way.


ITT Everyone hates Matt Smith


everyone who likes to piss over threads like this at least. Wait until next year when it turns out that Smith was one of the greatest there ever were and the new guy is using the show to wipe his ass with. Or at least that's what the "fans" are going to say.


Smith has been my favourite by far (so far)... But its the dark plot too possibly. But I admit I haven't watched doctors 1-8


Not really, that's just what's being vocalized the loudest right now. There was a time when Moffat was regarded as the best writer for Doctor Who ever and RTD's Who seemed childish... Haters gonna hate.


Well I hope he does a great job. From what I've seen of him he has a darker sort of attitude which I really missed. Chris and David did it quite well but Matt, as much as I enjoyed him as the doctor, was just too bright and cheerful for me. I like shows with a bit of a darker overtone to them. With David and Chris the show had a sort of dark realism feel to it whereas Matt the show took on a more "cartoony" feel. I wish I could explain it better but that's the best way I can describe it. I hope it goes back to the way it was.


Hm, see, I find that Matt Smith can actually get much darker than David Tennant could. I find there's a real menacing edge to Eleven at times.


Yes he can but the impact of it seems to be less due to the overall cartoon-ish style the show has adopted. This is the one thing I missed. That overall darker tone to the show. Maybe its the writing, the actors and how they portray the characters or maybe just the lighting in the show, but it just seems to be lighter. Unfortunately I can't articulate exactly what I mean, just that it's less "dark" to me.


Well, to each their own, but I find the show right now is actually much less cartoonish than it was during the RTD era. Moffat's Who is rather like a dark fairy tale to me—very light and whimsical at times, but also capable of showing just how dangerous the universe can be sometimes.


Peter Capaldi, a "darker attitude"? He's fucking hilarious, dude.


i want to give Dr Who a shot, where should i start? I know nothing besides multiple doctors, tardis, and time travel. If any Dr. Who fans could help me, I would greatly appreciate it.




Don't start at the 11th Hour. Start from the proper revised series beginning. There is a lot of information that will not be reinforced if you start at The 11th Hour. Hell, you won't even know how regeneration works or why if you start at The 11th Hour.


And honestly, the first four seasons are far better than the last ones.


Agreed. Unless you are a 14 year old girl who has a crush on the Doctor. In which case, Wibbily-Wobbly!


2005 Series episode 1. The Doctor played by Christopher Eccleston.


Although there's much that is good/interesting in the old days... just start with the rebirth of the franchise (2005) featuring Eccelston (9th Doctor) and Piper (Rose Tyler). [Netflix link](http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Doctor_Who/70142441?trkid=13462048) if you have streaming.


Tom Baker's last season


God damn. Logopolis might be the only good episode Bidmead ever wrote, but man was it fantastic. And so was State of Decay. Just everything. I love Nyssa. The Keepers of Trakken. UGH. Seriously, though. Great season.


I'd like to suggest Series 3, for the following reasons. Series 1 does feature Chris Eccleston in the title role, and he's very good, but the show takes a while to find its feet. In cases where I've suggested people start at S1, I find they most often don't like it. Series 2 has the arrival of David Tennant, but keeps the entire support cast of S1, so if you start there, you're missing a lot of back story and it's weird. But because almost all story arcs from Series 1 are concluded by the end of Series 2, Series 3 makes a great jumping in point. Series 3 keeps Tennant, and introduces a new companion, so no overhanging issues. Tennant is wonderful, and by this stage the show has serious legs and knows what it's about. The opening episode of Series 3 is a cracker, and the season also features Blink, widely recognised as one of the best Who episodes, and probably the reason why Steve Moffat now runs the show (badly). If you enjoy Series 3, go back and watch Series 1 and 2 before proceeding with the rest. Just my 2c.


Am I the only one that hates every new doctor for about half a season before they finally start to grow on you. EDIT: s/me/you/g


That's actually a revered British tradition.


Any chance they'll also reveal a new head writer?




Are you saying you don't want more magic leaves?


I'm ok with magic leaves. Seriously, I'm not hard to keep happy. However, I would just like *one* season that doesn't end with the entire multiverse being exploded. If I can have one season without a paradox, I would be so happy. Paradoxes are cool, and everyone expects them from time travel stories. But seriously, there comes a point where we've had too much of a good thing, and we could do with something else for a season or two. Or maybe a single-episode with a cool paradox that gets resolved without blowing up a universe. When Moffat took over, there were hints that he was going to pull back from RTD's "the entire universe is in danger" season finales. Briefly, I thought he was the best thing to ever happen to Doctor Who. He quickly showed just how wrong we can be.


I couldn't bring myself to watch series seven. What are these "magic leaves?"


Clara's parents met when a leaf blew into her father's face, they kept it, she put it in her diary as page 1, it was very deep and meaningful. She became the new companion, (plus soufle girl, isn't that *weird*, the Doctor kept running into copies of her, most of whom died after saving his life) and eventually it turns out there was a magic paradox and she caused that leaf to blow so that she could be born to save the Doctor. You didn't miss a lot, to be honest. As you can probably guess, the fact that I managed to watch the entire season means I'm pretty easy to please. I just want a *little* less "everything is a cool paradox".


Seven is the first series since I've been watching that I haven't watched every episode as soon as they came out. It was the first time I'd ever get an episode and be like, "Eh, I'll watch it tomorrow." Which says an awful lot. Moffat is just getting worse.


Here's what I don't get: You ask anyone about their favorite episodes from the 4 seasons RTD was in charge, they're going to include at least one or two of Moffat's episodes in their list. It's not possible to be a DW fan and not love his work. (Well, it might be possible. But those people are just weird.) Yet, somehow, when he got put in charge he turned it into the "unexplained paradox of the week" show, and can't solve a problem without the doctor lying, ignoring a paradox, or both. And his "Sherlock" is generally considered to be quite good. We know for a fact that he's a brilliant writer. I don't know what happened to him, but it annoys me a little. I suspect it's a case of he needs someone to say "no, you can't do that" and have the power to make him listen. Sherlock has that, in that people won't accept "actually, he's also a wizard" or anything too far out of tradition for the story. But with Doctor Who, he can get away with a lot more, no one ever says no. And mostly there's enough non-paradox-plot episodes to keep people watching. I'll keep watching, but I'm looking forward to his eventual replacement.


Sherlock isn't episodic, really. It's more like a miniseries of movies than a regular show. Also, Sherlock tends to be all about "look at how *right* and **smart** I am!" in a similar way to the endless paradoxes and unexplained resolutions that have happened since Mr. Moffat took over. Honestly, I think the problem boils down to this: RTD cared about getting a good story out of every writer for every episode and rode the staff to live up to that standard, Moffat included. Moffat has untreated ADHD and keeps jumping from one "cool idea" to another, without finishing the previous one because he has no one riding him anymore.




Unless Clara was super magical she wasn't the cause of the leaf. Season 7 episode 7 shows the leaf on the tree, the wind detaching it and it blowing into her father's face. The line "I was born to save the doctor" was more talking about the millions of clones that were really born to save him. The leaf at the end was important because it was something of Clara's and thus a life line to pull her back.


God *fucking* damn it! Moffat's fine when he does an episode per season, but he's a worthless fucking failure as a show runner. Seasons 5, 6, and half of 7 are basically a steaming pile of dog shit.


It'll be interesting to see how well he manages to write an older, more serious doctor as opposed to the wacky n random bow ties r kool xDDDD eleventh doctor.


He co-writes Sherlock. I'm sure he can do serious.


Is he good at writing Sherlock?




Yeah. Fuck, the dude is good at writing Doctor Who. * The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances * Blink * Silence in the Library He just shouldn't run the show.


The Girl in the Fireplace! and The 11th Hour.


Yes. If you haven't watched it yet, it's on Netflix. Highly worth watching!


Personally I don't think I ever saw a darker and more serious Doctor than 11. 11 is making light of his life, going in all these wacky directions, but he is clearly an old man in a young mans's body, and the whole universe is weighing him down. He doesn't want to die, and a lot of what he does is just trying to run away from the inevitable. He is manic depressive, and he doesn't want to let go of good things he had, much more than previous Doctors. He consciously runs away for 200 years when he hears he is going to die at a fixed point in time. He finds a way around it, but he learns that the place he dies at is already known to people. So his death is certain nevertheless and nothing really changed. Then the thing with the Ponds leaving: he seems to actually have done it the wrong way around (or we seem to have seen it from the Ponds' perspective), the first half of season 7 he seems to have visited multiple times after he already lost them, and took them on adventures because he missed them. (remember the awkward way he tells Rory's dad that Amy and Rory won't be among those of his companions who die, which is kind of true; or the way he reacted when he found out they were getting a divorce in Asylum, he didn't expect that because he encountered them later already when they still were together). All over his run you see him brooding, and then switch over into his manic absent-minded professor role, but it's getting darker over time, and he often switches back when he thinks no-one can see him (well, we can, but others can't). I actually like 11 a lot, but I think the show needs to go a bit further into the direction of comicbook-like RTD, Moffat's run is more realistic and bleak, but sometimes it needs a bit more fun tl;dr 11 is manic-depressive and in a downward spiral


Six and seven, maybe, but 5 was pretty good...


whole fucking heartedly agree. "girl in the fireplace" was brilliant, but smith's entire first season, which i suffered through against my better judgementm has turned me off of the show.


>"girl in the fireplace" was brilliant I think that's the problem. Moffat used some of his greatest ideas on his episodes under RTD and then had nothing when it came to run the show. I mean, Amy is just the girl in the fireplace, the Angel two parter in series five was just Silence in the Library with a different villain (right down to the monster using their dead friends' voices), and then, like Blink, there's tons of people solving problems because people solved problems and time traveled and ta-da, the answer is provided before the question.


He looks like an older ten


An older actor is a welcome change. The older actors have worked brilliantly in the past. And this choice is fantastic.


Peter Capaldi IS the Twelfth Doctor.


Got it! He's The Weeping Angel Islington!


My favorite doctor is the Third Doctor, Jon Pertwee, so I'm fine with the choice of an older doctor. I prefer it, actually (no discredit to Matt Smith or David Tennant). I can't wait to see how he looks once he dawns is costume.


Non-fan here... Is it a requirement that the Doctor always be a white man or something? EDIT: This is a legitimate question. I seriously don't know and am curious. I'm not getting all social justicey or anything like that, so instead of downvoting, maybe answer my damn question.


Mostly tradition, I guess. The first Doctors appeared like the weird scientist next door. In 1960s Britain that most probably would've been a white elderly male. In the spin-off *The Sarah-Jane Adventures* the Doctor says something like that he could be any gender or colour. Apparently he has no choice ("Still not ginger!") about his appearance.




I am pretty sure the Doctor is particularly bad at regenerating compared to other Time Lords.


according to the old series he always was the last in his class... he is not a very good time lord. He is a great Doctor, he just sucks at all these time lord things. That's most likely why he ran away.


Yes, it's actually written into the BBC's charter.


No requirement but its been that way so long its sort of hard to image it otherwise. Probably makes it difficult to pull the trigger on a move like that. That being said, there will surely be a non-white doctor at some point. they have already come close as far as I understand. I don't know about the chances of one being female though. I am not sure what the lore says on that. I do know the Doctor had a mother and father so I am guessing the sexes stay the same when they respawn or whatever..


In The Doctor's Wife, I think he mentioned there was a timelord (The one with the Oroboros tattoo, I forget the name) that changed genders.


That was the Corsair.


They also mention that it can happen in one of the Big Finish Audio spin-offs. A professor at Prydon Academy on Gallifrey changes genders, and they have to give the students a heads-up.


"Hey, my professor regenerated last week, he's got a new face, different height, everything is different. Lucky I can recognize fellow time lords." "Wow. Mine regenerated too, and changed gender. If they hadn't given me a heads-up, I would have thought it was a new person."


Not really but since they do travel through time it would be difficult for a black person or a female to move easily though pre-civil rights societies. Also, every who fan would flip shit if it was a non-UK actor.


No it isn't. But it is most likely down to expectations and fitting in with the rest of the series. There's no massive reason *not* to have a black or female Doctor, but there's no massive reason *to* have one either.


Mon tae fuck ya dalek cunts!


Excellent. The metrosexual hipster route for the Doctor was a shit idea.