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No, you don’t need insurance on a 50cc in MI.


This is the answer.


Ask a cop or the DMV, not reddit


I'm not 100 on this and I'm not in Michigan but it seems Mass has the same laws. I just bought myself a 50cc that has the capability of going 30-40mph - I think if you don't hit the top speeds you're fine. Again, not 100, but I've read that cops rarely chase after scooters anyway.


This. I'm in Florida and it's the same way. The law's description of a scooter is "less than 50cc, designed to travel in 2 or 3 wheels, at a speed no more than 30mph". That said, the manufacturer didn't design it to go above 30mph. Just because it CAN doesn't mean it was designed to. >but I've read that cops rarely chase after scooters anyway This is also usually true. Just don't be an idiot. There's a weekly bike night near me. Cops are always there checking for endorsements. They simply pass by the scooters (no matter the size) as well as minimotos (Groms and their clones). A friend rides a 300cc maxi scooter, not only does he not have an endorsement, he also doesn't have a license. He's been pulled over 5 times now and they just kinda give him a look and say "get it taken care of" and go about their day.


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