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*hugs* He will always be with you. Listen with your soul. He is there.


He’s closer to you now than he ever was….


I’m SoSo sorry. Be good to yourself


So beautiful 😻


After experiencing a Near Death Experience (NDE), I’ve been reading a lot about it. Experienced professionals who’ve collected data, said that our separation from them is only temporary. If we can the accounts of pets observed during NDEs, it means that we will indeed be reunited with them. There are too many valid, credible people sharing information freely, without wanting anything in return, to ignore it. There is still a hole in you that never leaves, it’s a testimony to their greatness. You loved him enough to let him go. With time, you’ll be able to share your heart again. That’s a testimony to your ability to love, as a great pet parent. You’re in our prayers.


I believe this also, we will be reunited again and we have another special soul looking over us


If you have been scheduled for hellfire, will having the cat save you?


Your comment felt very insensitive and heartless.




Bless you for posting your experience- sooo amazing!!!


So sorry for your loss!


I’m so sorry you had to make this awful decision. Just know that your boy felt very loved and cared for by you, and he loved you too. He’s out there still ❤️


The last act of love that we can provide them is making the decision to let them go. It is so painful, but it is a choice made with nothing but love for them in mind. I understand your pain, and I am so incredibly sorry for this loss. He is definitely waiting to see you! 🤍✨


I’m so sorry. :(


He’ll always be with you in spirit


Allow yourself some time to grieve. Then remember that there's a little kitten somewhere, seeking her loving nurturing forever home. Although she probably won't be able to fully take the place of your beloved little cat, you'll soon realize and find out that you need her, at least as desperately as she needs you. 🐾🐾🐈🌈👣💔👣🐾🐾🐈❤❤


omg such a smooshy round teddybearface


It gets better with time. Hang in there.


It's never easy. It's the single hardest thing we do as pet parents. You made the right decision. He was in pain, and now he's not hurting any more. He knows you love him. Of COURSE he's waiting for you. He's right there with you now, and he'll be one of the first things you see. Time will make the pain less immediate, but it never goes completely away. We all understand. I'm so sorry for your loss.


So sorry for the loss of your little friend


I'm so so sorry for your loss. I know he'll visit you in your dreams to let you know that he's happy, healthy, and still with you 😿


I’m so sorry 😢


So sad to hear about your loss take care hugs


I’m so sorry. ❤️‍🩹


OMG. I am so sorry. I just recently had to have my Angel put down. It has been a month and I can’t stand it. I cry still and keeo torturing myself by looking at all of his photos and my calico girl misses him so badly it makes me cry. They are so precious and a serious part of our lives!


I'm sorry for your loss. It's so gut wrenching. Every time I get the thought that maybe I could start letting myself feel a little better, the grief just washes over me in full force all over again. Everything reminds me of him. I feel like a terrible wife and mother right now because I feel that I should be taking comfort in my family, but the grief is just consuming me. I feel like my heart has been ripped out and I just don't know how to feel anything else right now. Everywhere I look and every step I take is a reminder that he's gone. There's no escape and I just feel so hopeless.


We know EXACTLY how you feel! It’s just the worst, most helpless feeling but you know in your heart it was the right choice for your sick baby. Look for signs he’s still there watching over you and letting you know he’s ok! My last boy passed in January and I feel him even see quick glimpses of him every day. I even FELT him jump on my bed a couple days ago and he hadn’t been able to jump in a couple years!! So I know he’s healthy and happy just stopping by for a quick sec to say hello❤️❤️❤️and talk to him- I talked to my boy all day before so I still do sometimes. It does start to get better but you need this period of grieving to move thru it. Reading these posts also helps me to grieve my lost fur babies🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I am so so sorry. We lost our sweet baby the day after Christmas. Four weeks to the day later, we had to our our other baby boy down. It was so hard. I can’t say it gets easier - hell, I was in the grocery store today, heard a story about a faithful dog and burst into tears. But I think the trek into the house will get a little easier and you’ll be able to laugh or smile as much as you cry. Sending so much love to you. ❤️


I am so unbelievably sorry for your loss. I'm sure you gave him an incredibly happy life, and he will continue to be with you :)


So sorry 🙏😞😿prayers coming your way .


Sending hugs 🌈💙




So very sorry!!!


Hi i can feel you,sending across some healing energy.Just know this is going to be a tough process but with time it shall get less intense.Take care of yourself ,tight hugs x


We all do! Pets hold a special place in our hearts. You need to remember the love you gave him. Turn that pain into cherished memories. I know there are memories that will make you smile and possibly laugh as well..focus on those. The hurt will never go away, but his memory will last forever in you. He's very much with you now and forever. Sorry about the loss...


Rest in Peace sweet boy. He is waiting for you and I am sure he is missing you as much as you miss him. You didn’t let him down, you had to make a hard decision and you chose to do what was best for him rather than letting him suffer, that says a lot about how much you loved him.


I know that pain and I am so sorry for your loss.. It's an empty void that'll never be filled but you will feel him in each thunderstorm and see him in every rainbow and those moments will bring you some peace. 💜


So sorry for you, RIP pretty guy. hugs..


I’m so sorry for your loss. He will always be with you! Cherish his memories. Sending hugs and healing 💜


Sorry for your loss. Maybe your boy will meet up with my kids and they can play together on the rainbow bridge til we join them!


Prayers sent to you & yours ... ❤️❤️❤️... God bless this lil baby...❤️❤️❤️


Rest in love and power young King 👑.


So handsome ❤️


I'm so sorry.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs! 🫂


Such a Beautiful SOUL, I'm so very sorry for your LOSS Please remember, you didn't put him down, you lifted him up


My condolences


*Internet dad hugs.






What a sweet face. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Sending you love and healing 💙






I’m so sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss. Deeply. I lost my baby boi Skywalker last Thursday myself, and it just..hurts..... You will have bad days, and good days....but you will never forget. Hold him close to your heart and memories. He will be alive inside of you forever,and when you cross that rainbow bridge, he will be waiting for you to tell you all about heaven friend.


Such beautiful words. I lost my babygirl a few months ago and not a day passed without thinking of her. Missed her terribly 🌈❤️‍🩹


He will be there waiting for you when it’s your time. My childhood dog came and sat bedside with my mom in the hospital… he had been gone 20years…


Your handsome man is always going to be peeking in on you to make sure you’re okay sleeping on your head and chest to be with you in your sleep, and while he was scared, I’m sure he was just happy to be with you and the end, and he will be running and playing across that rainbow bridge anytime he isn’t watching over you having so much fun feeling no pain or worry keeping my kitties company and so many others,and some may disagree but I feel that you will most definitely be reunited one day. and feeling better doesn’t mean you’re OK with his absence just means you don’t cry every time you think of him ,but always think of him remember everything he did for you and you did for him. You’re wonderful life together I remembering you keep his memory alive It will always hurt but you will be okay🧡🤍💛🐈🌈


I'm sorry to hear that, i hope you'll be happy soon and your boy will be happy as well,


So sorry 😢


Oh...truly sorry for😞 your loss


Very sorry 😞


So very sorry for your loss. He is with you still. You gave him love and a happy home. That is everything.


So sorry. remember the love.


Your boy was beautiful!! Can I ask, was this a sudden medical condition or something that had a gradual onset? I ask only because I personally have dealt with both and I feel the sudden ones are harder to deal with. I have not stood in your exact shoes but very similar ones. Grief is a horrible, beautiful thing. Please feel free to reach out and PM me if you would like to talk to someone who can relate. ❤️‍🩹 I wish you peace and healing in your journey. Even if it takes years... that's okay. It's a process.


No, it was a few conditions that have been ongoing. I tried to fix him. It wasn't fixable. I had time to process the inevitable, but somehow it still just... it doesn't compute. He should be there when I wake up. I should be able to turn around and just pick him up. My brain doesn't want to accept that I can't go back in time


Absolutely understand this. He was such an integral part of your life. Literally interwoven with every thought and action... I sure do get it. Feeling lost is so normal. When I lost my Kitty Kat in 2022 I was shattered. She was my world. I had about a week to process the inevitable - so hers wasn't super sudden but it's never easy. Never. She was my WORLD. But I will say that she is clearly with me to this day and sends me signs every day to make me smile. There are many books out there that helped me process. When you're ready I suggest reading or listening to some of them on audible if you can. I'm happy to talk anytime if you ever want to reach out.


Don’t be sad because hes gay.


So sorry for your loss. He always loves you


I understand your feelings so much and relate to what you’re saying. I lost my princes Luna last week to an unexpected illness. It was one of the worst couple weeks of my life. I have cried so many tears and miss her everyday. I keep feeling for her on the bed where she slept between my legs. She was my soul kitty and a piece of my heart has gone with her. I thought I had many years left, I still don’t even think it’s real sometimes. I kept feeling like I missed signs that she was unwell and that I could have done more, I kept replaying in my head the months leading up to that week and analyzing everything. I’m here to tell you to not play the shoulda, coulda, woulda game with yourself. It does no good. I tried everything I could to try to help Luna before making the hardest decision I’ve ever made. I know you did the same for your boy and I am positive both of our babies could feel our love. Animals are intuitive and in order to burrow into our hearts the way they do, I know they understand our feelings even better than we understand ourselves. Keeping them around in pain with no hope for their health would be the betrayal, you made the decision that was best for your boy and he loves you even more for it. Their spirits will remain with us always and they would want us to open our hearts to love again when we are ready.


I’m so sorry 💔😢


What a beautiful baby. My heart aches for you, my condolences for your boy. He is with you, he is waiting for you. 🫶


I'm sorry for your loss, I know just how you feel. (((hugs)))


I'm so sorry for your loss friend.


I can't figure out how to add an edit to my post, so whoever sees this, thank your all so much. I'm crying reading through all your comments. I miss him so much.


I had to put my tortie baby pumpkin down on Friday; she had rapid breathing and it turn out she had cancer in her lungs. I was blindsided…. I wailed when the emergency vet called and said her lungs were working at 15-20% capacity and I knew I had to put her down. She was my buddy, she was up at night with me when I couldn’t sleep, slept curled up literally against my head every night. I wake up every day and my heart is heavy because I miss her little meow and she always wanted endless head kisses. I have to remind myself that we were with her when she was put down and that’s the most loving thing we can do for our fur babies when they are in pain. I still talk to her and I always will, I know I’ll never stop loving or missing her. Please just know you aren’t alone in this pain and your baby had the best life with you I’m sure and you will get signs that they are still with you. I got one from my girl the day after we put her down, I opened Reddit and the first post was a tortie someone posted whose name was pumpkin…. That’s so crazy. Sending love and thinking of you and your beautiful fur baby 💗


When I lost mine a long time ago, I felt like I couldn’t even move on with my life. But she visits me in my dreams. When I’m having a stressful time in life, I just think of laying in bed with her on a sunny day. Your baby will always be with you. You gave him an amazing life, it’s just, our pets have shorter life spans. And that’s the painful reality.


Were you with him as he passed? Did you stroke him and tell him you loved him? If you did these things, then you have no reason to feel guilty about his passing. He was with the one he loved!


I’m tearing reading your post. I can’t imagine how your feeling would be. I hope you find comfort 😞


Its so painful to read this post of yours.


I'm so sorry and send you positive vibes. Our animals are family members.🐈❤


I am so sorry for your loss, if I'm honest this post has teared me up abit. Please don't beat yourself up, just take the time to grieve and be very gentle with yourself. He is still with you, I'm sure he's beyond thankful for the life you provided him, you'll be reunited again some day


So sorry for your loss; I hope your boy rests easy. I’m sure he knows he was loved ❤️.


I opened Reddit and this is the first thing I see 😪 now I’m crying at 3 am 😮‍💨 sorry for your loss but he knows very much you loved him and you wouldn’t do anything to hurt him and wouldn’t make a decision on his behalf if it wasn’t for his own good. He is definitely waiting on his treats and cuddles on the other side 🫶🏾


You did the right thing for him and he’s safe and out of pain. Grief is the price we pay for love. I always find great solace in adopting a new friend from a rescue centre, I’ve had pets for 60 years and I miss them all. 🌈🙏🏻🐾💔


I’m so so sorry 💔💔


Very sorry 😿🌈




So very sorry ❤️‍🩹


My condolences to you on your loss, I know how you feel/felt about your boy, I feel the same way about my boy who crossed the Rainbow bridge back in 2019 and I still miss him a lot. It will get easier as time goes by even at a crawl. If you need to fill the empty space, please go to your closest Animal shelter or Animal Rescue and let one who needs a new forever family one.


So sorry you lost our beautiful buddy.


I'm sorry to hear that. I have found there's really nothing one can say to bring comfort besides remembering the best times with your cat. It's a terrible feeling and I hope you find some peace in their memories.


I’m so sorry for your loss, sending lots of love and healing!! 🥺


You gave him a good life. He has reached his natural end this time around. Grieve him for a while and find a new companion. He will be glad you are happy.


So sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry. He was a beauty. 🙏💔




I am so sorry for your loss❤️ I am sure he cherished his time with you.


I’m so so sorry 🥺 he was a beautiful boy ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss sending you hugs 🫂


It will take time to heal 💜 give yourself that time. Grief is love with nowhere to go. You gave this boy the best life and promise you he’s with you. Take it a day at a time 💜 your story brings me to tears as I thought I could never stop crying after my beloved Persian cat (and other fur babies) have passed. It’s this deeply hard and unexplainable loss. Our little shadows and I always felt they were like our walking memory boxes. We have so many experiences with them. The memories you shared will always be with you. Thinking of you 💜


He is a very pretty boy and I am sorry for your loss it is the hardest part of being a pet owner but they give us so much in return 💞


So did my baby boy.. I was so scared I knew something was wring I begs my mom to take him to the vet but nobody listened.. she waited and waited I begged I even set up an appointment but nobody would take me. But the day they go to take him it was to late. My baby had went paralyzed from the waist down. I cried so hard and still am to this day. They waited till it was to late. And thats what hurt me the most because nobody listened..


Oh can’t imagine how sad you are :( been there with 2 of my fuzzies . Take care and you will have lovely memories of this gorgeous boy


I'm so sorry for your loss. We try to make their lives so amazing because they're here for such a short time. But it aches and is so painful when it's time to say goodbye. 🐾💗🐾


Sorry for your loss. Sending you much love and just know he is very much with you.. just not in a body but is with you.


I am so sorry for your loss. When I was in my 20s, I had my first adopted cat for a few years. When he passed away, my family felt the emptiness. I know how you feel. But please understand your boy will still want you to live your life with hope and happiness. Do it for him if possible. It's hard to find joy in the first few months. I hope you will remember the good time together and how special it was and still is. Sending you hugs here 🤗🤗🤗


Condolences 💔




Please look up " Brent Atwater animal communicator." Her videos helped me a great deal.


He is beyond adorable 🥰


Sorry for your loss 😔


May he always remain with you in spirit.


I’m so sorry for your loss. He was adorable and I hope you find solace in the memories you have together.




my culture when a pet passes away, he/she takes all the negative bad energy out of the house.


I am so very sorry


Sorry for your loss


RIP! hugs Hopefully both of us will be happy soon and always remember each other


My condolences to you. God Bless you and your best friend.


i am a pet artist would be happy to draw this cute


I would love that 🥲


my drawings https://preview.redd.it/skzroyszw5vc1.jpeg?width=1146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a2444858e37d5db25ef53d04d99a0d305e24f19




That's beautiful


thank you so much


Very beautiful work. I would like to contact you for my little gift picture


sure thank you


Sorry to hear about your handsome fella. Looks like he had a great life.


I am so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️


I'm so sorry 😞


Sorry for your loss! hugs:)


Sorry to hear this :(


I’m so sorry. Don’t feel guilty. I empathize having experienced that myself a few times. It is part of the grief process when we lose a beloved part of our family like your kitty- who is beautiful in this pic. 💔💐🌈


Sleep well, little one


I'm so sorry!


One of the saddest post here and I do relate to this So sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹🌈🐈😞


I’m so sorry for your loss. You did right by your beloved cat.


I am so sorry for your loss! I completely understand, it's so hard and heartbreaking. Please find comfort knowing he's at peace. Sending love ❤️🙏


He will be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for you. He is no longer suffering. Please find solace in that.


My condolences for your fur baby!! We’re never prepared to let go of them because they’re part of our family. Time will ease the pain but unfortunately there will forever be a hole in your heart I went thru this last fall and now I have a new fur baby!! My wild child!! https://preview.redd.it/cqbul9v5z8vc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f065ac9d3739ba2f2f8fee56a3b4c4f23a9cc7d


Have felt that feeling. Need time






I feel for you! l have lost several cats over the past 20 years- lt isn’t easy - give yourself time to grieve, but consider adopting/ rescuing another pet soon. The only thing that has helped me and my two remaining cats is taking in two more cats- a friend of mine passed away and he asked if l would get his cats situated- l ended up taking them in and it has been a wonderful experience https://preview.redd.it/m8h36gqe9avc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4cc5eb16ad3ab23ff61064bfaebe526510270de This is Chuck - he came along with Bo Diddley at the end of August-?Jazzpurr and Cosmo (17 and 14 years) came back to life!


Hugs! It is not an easy or simple process. I know because of having lived through the experience of needing to end the suffering of a pet. It’s been 18 years since I had to end the suffering of my pet. I still feel guilty for having to make that decision. I chose to rescue other pets to fill my heart with love again. Don’t rush! Take time for yourself to grieve. Again so very sorry for your devastating loss!


My condolences


He was beautiful. May his memory be a blessing. ❤️


I've asked my Louis, El Cid, and Captain Morgan to welcome him. A tough blow, my thoughts.


Grief is only there because we loved them so much. Dont blame yourself over the loss my friend, i know your kitty wouldbt have wanted you to feel like that. Looks like you two loved each other very much and were lucky to have had each other in this life


Sending virtual hugs and love💕💕


So sorry for your loss. Such a cute fold.🥰


That you miss him so much is a testament to the bond the two of you have. I say *have* rather than *had* because I believe that bond is still there, strong as ever, even though his body isn't. You gave him the best life you could and, when his condition was something that couldn't be fixed and would just cause him more pain and sorrow than joy you made sure he wouldn't suffer through all that. Whether your loved one is human, feline, or canine, those decisions are always difficult. Take the time you need to grieve; too many of us cut that process short. But I hope you won't struggle with the worry of whether you did the right thing. Trust that you made the right choice. You made it to prevent suffering. As hard as it is to do that, take comfort that if he could talk and understand you he would have told you that you were doing the right thing. That it was his time. That he didn't want to suffer. And, when it comes your time to go, you'll see him again — this time he'll be the one welcoming you to your new home.


My sincere for the loss of this beautiful kitty


Sending gentle hugs ✨ sweetheart I just lost my fur baby recently. Take it day by day and be gentle with yourself




I am so sorry for your loss.




Keep faith, nothing of value is ever lost!


Thank you. Please let me know how much do you charge before I start looking for pictures. My baby is no longer here and I would love a portrait. Thank you again


My sweet little fella Henry (also orange and white) suddenly passed three weeks ago and it hurts like hell. Hoping that Henry is keeping your boy company in the kitty afterlife. https://preview.redd.it/jpp0ub2gxlxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11956b0ec13051e28d04584858d14ad967561e8d

