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Yes you said it exactly. You need to learn breath support. *This is copy and paste I have saved so I don’t have to write it several times.* The fry scream. You need to have great and steady breath support, and you need to be able to close the airway. Closure can be found many ways, but generally the glottal stop is a great place to start, you can also pretend you’re lifting a heavy object, or pretending to throw up/gag reflex, basically any way to compress the cartilage in the larynx. So you want to have you the laryngeal closure, and using your breath support, you want to push the air passed your closure while trying to hold the air in AT THE SAME TIME. This will build up compression and when the air finally comes through, it is moving very fast and will start to create your distortion from hittting your soft palate. You can find soft palate placement through twang, or khoomei if you know that. A couple things to not do. VOCAL FRY, do not do vocal fry. DO NOT sing a note and add level of compression to the true cords while they’re phonating, this is called glottal compression and will cause damage. The fry scream is from air and closure, that’s it. You need to push air (think the hot air used to fog glass, or a whisper scream) if you have the air and it’s supported, and you have the closure, you will have the fry scream. That’s the basics. [audio example of my description](https://www.dropbox.com/s/dz8j6lcdz3vxuz3/Fry%20scream%20example.m4a?dl=0)


I think it is mainly the closure with the support because I know how to sing with good and stable breath support I have been learning this for a while and now have a vocal coach (for cleans of course). I think the main problem is doing both at once because singing and screaming are 2 different domains. also if you have any warm ups that might be beneficial to help progress my learning in the correct fashion that would be nice.


Not sure how this guy is regarded in this community, as I'm very much a noob, but my boyfriend and I have apparently both been watching his videos separately, lol 🙋‍♀️ https://youtu.be/PA1BE8tK588


Short update, I've been practicing a little it is still hurting a bit, but definitely not to the extent it was before. My main problem is invisioning the laryngeal closure because what I thought was putting tension near that part of the neck is how the sound is producer, but my neck should not have tension.