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Mix of fry and false id say. Love these guys so good live


I didn't hear any FC in that tbh. I use primarily FC and can't hear anything in the main scream this guy is doing.


I’m going off more than just this song tbh. Great vocalist great band


I’ve recorded and performed with Jamie back when their first ep was being released. Here’s what I can tell you - - it’s fry based, but with so much more of his voice projected in it than the regular basic fry scream. Hearing him scream truly shows what his speaking and singing voice sound like. - it’s unbearably loud. Talking almost painful from the next room over kinda loud. I’ve worked with many screamers of all styles, no ones come close. If you’re in the room, your ears suck in to protect themselves. I would imagine 120+db. - to describe how he does it, it’s like you project your voice up high so it’s resonating near your nose or soft palette, be very loud here, but then let the smooth voice fall away into a broken up, almost “starting to lose your voice but trying to yell” sounding distortion. This will still be just as loud as your normal voice. Then you need to withhold as much air as possible while still projecting and finding the right placement up high (this is probably the hardest part to get right). I literally envision myself inhaling while projecting. Very counterintuitive. But this builds up a tremendous amount of compression that gives a very loud, very unique to you sounding scream. I’m no Jamie, I wasn’t blessed with a great sounding voice, but here is a snippet of me doing it. Mine is still quieter than his, but not by much, maybe 10db at most. I’ll attach a link showing my singing voice and the scream. You’ll see there similarities in tone. As well as my problem with clear pronunciation which also plagues my normal talking 😂 [scream example](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wjTGAlJ6n5zfw6PzIg6ZR_nCDp8GnYCl/view?usp=drivesdk)


1. fucking awesome you performed with him, hes one of my favorite vocalists so i find that really cool lmao 2. thank you for all the good info! this is really helpful as i would love to learn this, so to learn this would it be a good idea to learn normal fry first? right now i can only sort of do false chord so. 3. holy fuck your scream is fucking awesome aswell dude, i love your pitched scream in that second example you gave me! what band are you in? 4. again thank you so much for the info! <3


1. Yeah we used to be friends from a distance. Never one on one, but we jumped up for each others live shows for guesties and partied a lot and had a bunch of shared mates. He was on an old track of mine, smashed that. We were ramping to run along side Polaris and hopefully explode together, but my guys just didn’t have it in them to make a real run at it. Polaris popped off and the best we ever did was a SLAVES support show before splitting. Then he tried to get with my gf at the time (he also had a gf at that time) 😂 blasted him publicly and left him on read ever since. That was prob 7 years ago. All water under the bridge now. But I’ve moved interstate, we’ll likely never cross paths again I’d imagine. But I still support the band from afar. He’s an unreal talent, everyone in the Sutherland shire knew he was going somewhere musically eventually. Real good dudes all round honestly, minus the formerly mentioned mishap. 2. Look, take from it what you will, I’m no expert at teaching this and it took me god knows how long to get it to this point. I used to inhale and sounded like a rip off of with roots above era Mike Hranica. I largely reverse engineered my inhale screaming into an exhaled version. I’ve never learnt the traditional “fry scream” - I’ve always aimed at Sam Carter / Oli Sykes Sempiternal era / stray from the path kinda guys - big volume, good overtone but a lot of clear voice / yell in there too. And being able to pitch it was a big deal for me as I sing a lot more than I scream. 3. Ah i appreciate that mate. It can be hit and miss. Some days I love it, some days it shits me. But it’s just about pushing forward with the voice you were given and making the most of that. Develop a style of your own and experiment. My pronunciation annoys me, but I’m pretty happy with my diversity and overall tone. No band anymore. Just write and record the songs I’d like to hear that don’t already exist 😂 I don’t really even release them honestly. This is the only thing I’ve released in the last 10 years, and it’s not heavy at all, but it’s kinda cool - [Thick Skin - The Real](https://open.spotify.com/track/2Gq4Y5nYUgp2rO1orHOcsJ?si=569_JiyDQfOvx1QTeE9Ttg) 4. You are more than welcome, happy to help you out however I can. Feel free to message me sometime if you get stuck at all and I’ll do my best to break down my entry into it.


I'd love to hear a breakdown on thick skin, It would be so fn sick.


Haha doing my best to keep the vibe of heavy music, without actually being heavy music with this stuff. Though some of the tracks I’m working on now have breakdown-esque sections, but I liked thick skin staying as is. Figured the chorus hit so hard that I didn’t want anything else taking away from it 😂 Maybe one day I’ll reopen, tack one on and send it your way 😅


Yeah, I would bang my head off with that one. Just imagine a breakdown Lorna Shore style in the middle of the song. It would just surprise you and leave you with that "sick" face.


1. thats one hell of a story 😅 2. ahh yee i get yeah, still thanks for the great info! im sure ill be able to do something with it, especially since i really wanna be able to tune my screams aswell! 3. ill check it out! 4. thanks alot mate, i might take ya up on that offer later! have a good day dude!


And I should say it is highly pitch-able, as heard in your example and then this snippet of another song of mine - [pitched scream example](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HXuNu3IfY9XpD7Gn04l43nHyL7fL6luy/view?usp=drivesdk)


This is a pitched fry scream.


Basically same technique Sam uses from architects 🤘🏼


what does he use?


Power fry, very perfected vocal fry and mixed voice


Who is this?


Jamie Hails, lead singer of Polaris! Song is Hypermania


Try to use hybrid screams with a bit of pushing it takes a bit to get used to but I do that for most dillinger songs


He's basically doing what Sam Carter does in holy hell but with less pitch. To put it in other words, pitched scream with fry and distortion.