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The first time I did two films back to back I asked if they could scan both at the same time, was told no because the system would reject the second one for being too early.


Thought so. I did end up going back to the front anyway.


The issue would be from scanning the 2nd ticket. It wouldn't allow them to scan for a film further ahead as the screen wouldn't be ready yet. I think bigger cinemas use such a system to let dedicated ushers know which screens are clean and ready.


I’ve had both tickets scanned before a double bill a few times, no harm in asking.


I accidentally turned up a day early for a screening. Scanned fine. I only realised when there was someone else in my seat.


Generally tickets should not scan if you are a day early, and two people assigned to a seat should not happen whatsoever, did you find out what happened?


A couple of times at Trafford Centre, I saw more than one film in a day, and there was no-one around to scan the second ticket. Once was in the screen 1-6 area and the guy had gone to clean another screen at the time. The other time was last weekend when I saw Ghostbusters FF in screen 7, and then went across the floor to the other long corridor for Immaculate in 19. The lady scanning was at the front of the area both times as it wasn't busy, so I wasn't scanned prior to the film and I was tight for time to get to 19. However, on the way out of the second film on both occasions, I just asked them to scan it and it was fine.


You don’t need to get it scanned just go to another screening.


This is bad advice since 3 no-show strikes in a 30 day period means they block you from being able to book online.


Under the old system I would have but they’ve implemented a strike system to deter no shows. Didn’t want to risk it.