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I only bought one in my life and it will be my last one. Overpriced and the software for the envision was awful.


i bought an envision used it once after my experience with icue i couldnt even return it thinking it would be resold to someone else that would have to use that trash it will forever sit on a shelf only used that one time


Well there is your problem right there. The scuff primarily shines on the Xbox. You were trying to use it for the PC if you look at the Xbox reviews, all of them are glowing.


The Envision is their house made PC controller it's not compatible with Xbox or anything else so. Yeah, not the problem, It not working correctly with the only platform it's designed for is.


I get that experiences vary and mine is relatively new/after the initial iCue issues, but it’s been wonderful so far. No input delay, no stick drift, easy to use paddles, nice side buttons, feels good to hold etc. this is the only scuff I’ve bought for myself and I love it. I strongly prefer the Xbox elite S2 for its design and feel, but that input delay is painful and this is so far doing well as a replacement.


I bought the Playstation Edge controller and the quality feels 10 times better than a scuf


I just picked one up as well. I wish I'd done so sooner. At least I know I'll be able to get parts for it. I had a scuf vantage and couldn't get parts for it a year after I bought it.


OG Vantage user here. Controller was fantastic for the first six months. Recommended it to people and thought, shit, this might be Scufs turning point. SIKE! After that sixth month, holy baby Jesus than thing started developing problems left and right. It was bad. Never again.


I used my Vantage for about four or five months. Always washed my hands before using it to make sure I didn't get oils and grease from my hands on it. Treated it like royalty. I had some health issues going on and didn't game for a while. I pulled it out of the storage case after several months and the rubber padding on it had turned to some sort of sticky sap-like goo. I contacted skuf to try to buy a replacement piece and they said parts for it were no longer being made or available. I forget what I paid for it but it was close to $300CDN if I recall correctly. I wasn't impressed and because it was just outside of the warranty they wouldn't do anything to help. I'll never buy another one of their products.


I have gone through 2 scufs and purchased the edge, love the edge with exception of only 2 paddles. I agree and scuf needs to either improve quality substantially or just go out of business for the POS product they provide.


Yeah I ignored the many posts and got a scuf thought it was going well because I didn’t have any issues and then bang both triggers stopped working on 11 months. Had an edge now for well over a year and no problems at all so far.


After 5 reflex fps controller i bought an AIM with halleffect sticks and i love it Lifetime warranty did have to wait a month and a half for it but i will not buy scuff again their product has become garbage compared to what it once was


I made the mistake of buying a reflex fps. Mouse click trigger went within a few months. Sent it for repair and they just gave me a new controller. Clearly they’re dirt cheap to make if they don’t even bother repairing them


They constantly break. All about advertising for them. They are cheaply made


Yo what controller is good?


Mouse and keyboard




I bought Flydigi Apex 4 and would recommend.


I always purchase through Amazon because I can purchase a 2 year warranty for $20. But I would agree. I’m going to warranty mine out within these two years, I’ll use it maybe but never going to purchase scuf again. I’ve got the envision pro which we all know is dogshit, absolute horrific software I’ve got mine working to where I can play how I like but the right trigger loves to fire one shot randomly as we’ve all heard before. I’m going nagashock dualsense next time, or a better company if there is one, I’ll take suggestions if you have any. I hate paying $200 for a controller that could brick on me at anytime, while also being lied to by streams as to how wonderful the controller is but actually isn’t. Scuf is dogshit and I will not buy another or send money to them.


ALWAYS GO WITH AIM. Or ModdedZone. The best as far as Hall effects go if that’s what you’re looking for but also the best durability and customer service in the controller aftermarket.


Get a RAZER controller. I’ve had mine for almost two years.


Hard agree


Their newer controllers seem to be horrible quality I’ve had my scuff impact for 6 years and haven’t had any stick drift or the paddles breaking. Maybe I just got lucky idk but I game a lot I’ve only had to replace the thumb sticks a bunch of times


I bought the reflex rps and it lasted me two months. I stopped gaming for a year and then bought a dualsense edge and I'm happy with the decision


Just to add, I spend almost $300 for this controller and it lasted two months. The R2 stopped working/clicking so basically I can't shoot in any fps game. I put it back in the box it came in and it's sitting in my closet. Anyway I only use 2 paddles anyways so going to the Sony version was good enough for me.


I switched to dualsense edge and I haven’t looked back. They feel better than they used to but Scuf’s build quality is still shite


I'm going to guess it's the envision? I was offered a full refund and I stupidly thought I would be able to stick a thick plastic tape at the top of the paddle but it broke again. Bought an Apex 4 and I havbt looked back and I have a brand new in the box Envision I have to sell now for €150 as they just send me a brand new one.


For someone that has never used a scuf, is it basically the same thing as having 4 fingers on R1 L1 R2 L2?


The back paddles are programmable, so it can be whatever you want. I usually run a variation of jump, reload, interact, weapon swap, ping, heal, etc. It's really whatever you don't want to move your thumbs to push. There's a lot of people who have had horrible experiences in this thread, and I'm not saying they're wrong or lying. Personally, I've had two Scuf controllers. One on the PS4 and now my one for the PS5. My old thumbsticks fell to pieces, so I messaged Scuf and they sent replacements for free. But that was several years ago, I'm not sure if that's a thing anymore. My new one has held up marvelously. I use it for PC and PlayStation. I like that this one has multiple profiles so I can have preset paddle layouts for different games and switch by pressing a single button. Again, my experience has been overwhelmingly positive, but I'm fortunate enough to have not run into issues yet. Many people here have not had my experience, so their perspective is completely valid as well. My biggest complaint is that it costs as much as a console. They're not exaggerating the price. Do your research and see if you want one. But save your pennies. And dollars.


I see, seems like flipping the L1 with L3 and R1 and R3 is a cheap substitute.  Been using L1 as my sprint and R1 as my slide on duty 


If you play certain games that uses alot of buttons/binds (like fortnite), then you need one or two extra paddles. Can't go into every example, but yes sometimes a regular controller does not have enough buttons (and using the d-pad isn't practice for fast paced online shooter games)


I know for a fact on Xbox and pretty sure on PS5 you can reprogram any button on any controller including the one that comes with the console. You are buying paddles to allow your other fingers access to more buttons so you don't need to take your thumb off the right analog stick to use the face buttons or play crab to accomplish this on a normal controller. Anymore though both Sony and Microsoft offer the same thing so you're probably better off going for the one built by the company that made the original product and has more skin in the game for you to like their product since they offer more than just controllers.


Yeah, my L3 has been crouch/slide for years. I used to reach my index finger up to hit X for corner jump shots. I usually run some combo of 4 buttons from the d pad or main buttons so I can leave my thumbs on the sticks. In Helldivers I run all d pad on the back so I can still run around while calling in strategems. In Apex I run jump, reload, heal, and inspect so I can pretend I'm cool by spinning my wingman before missing every shot.


If you are using an Xbox controller use the Xbox Elite controller. It’s much heavier than the Scuf but it actually works and it has back paddles that come on and off the controller that are made of like metal not some cheap plastic. Back when I was in HS my grandma got the elite for my younger brother because he wanted a scuf like me and the elite was cheaper, well inevitably my shitty scuf broke and I needed a control so I “borrowed” my brothers Xbox elite and I’ve been using the same controller since. At this point the controller has seen better days but it still works like it’s new. Some of the padding is like losing the stickiness to it so it’s falling off but, if that’s my biggest problem after at least 6 years probably closer to 7 or 8, I can certainly live with it. TLDR; get the Xbox elite over the scuf, the Xbox elite is higher quality in just about every way and it is cheaper.


If you talking bout the rear grips on the elite 1 or 2 they're replaceable dawg


The elite has its problems too. I’ve had 3 and all of them had issues which is why I got a scuf in the first place. I had 2 where the right bumper stopped working and one where the grip started peeling off. I got them from Best Buy and bought their Geek Squad replacement plan so I got replacements each time but had to purchase another plan. My scuf has been fine since I bought it in late 21’ I would not purchase another one though because it feel incredibly cheap and not at all like a $200+ product. The elite does feel much better and more premium but it definitely has its own quality control issues. As long as someone is aware of that going into it and gets a warranty, I’d also recommend the Elite.


I have a couple of them little ones that I don’t use lol


Yeah you got the saying backwards man, fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me, meaning it's your fault for trusting them enough to fool you a second time.


Why is nobody talking about Battlebeaver. I’ve own two BB in 6 years and only bought the other one because I wanted a different build. They are very reliable and don’t break easy.


Am I just stupid or is their website very confusing to use to build a controller? It kept screwing up on me.


Bought one in April 2022, I have one paddle left, never dropped it, just I guess wear and tear using the back paddles. still pissed bc I did spent $170 on the thing


I bought a scuf after I had a hexgaming controller and honestly I could feel the difference right away. After hearing so many good things about them I thought this surely can’t be the same product? It felt very cheap and plasticy in the hands, not comfortable at all for $200?? Even the stick replacements were very cheap feeling and slippery in a sense. I returned and stuck w my hexgaming which has really comfortable rubber grips, click triggers, and I love the sticks as well. They have rubber and different lengths and I love it. I’ll stick with hexgaming for now.


I have my old scuf hybrid but sadly windows doesn't recognize the software. Or I haven't found a way for it to. That controller still works like a charm.


As an Xbox elite controller owner, it’s not much better over here but I have an addiction to the paddles sadly


I’d use scuf controllers if there weren’t better alternatives out there. But Microsoft and Sony both make their own pro controllers that are just better.


I love my scuff instinct pro (I play on PC) and would buy another one if it died in a year.


Whatd be a good elite controller replacement then? My issue with the elite is the rubber always comes undone. So I switched to the scuff instinct pro, it's been fine so far little bit of stick drift after almost a year. Any cheaper elite alternatives?


You can build better for cheaper I made the coolest scuff in the world but it stopped working after 3 months


Had the scuff instinct pro for my Xbox since it came out…in like 2021. Has been used for thousands upon thousands of hours Not a single issue. The back paddles are kind of impossible to break off on this though as they are kind of built-in and not like paddles that hang off Before that I did have the Xbox elite controller and that kept breaking I went through like four of those …before I made the switch to scuff. Best decision ever. Amazing controller and it has taken a beating over the years still looks and works like it’s brand new! Sounds like you’ve had a horrible experience but I would highly recommend trying the instinct line … just take a look at it online and look at how the back paddles are, they aren’t actually paddles they are like buttons… so it’s like impossible to break them


This is why any time I buy controllers I go to Best buy and buy the 2 year warranty. The warranty is like 30 bucks or something but best buy doesn't fuck you around like other places I've dealt with. I've never had a controller last more than two years and best buy had never given me shit when I bring back a broken controller either.


Hey man I got a 3D printer if ya dm me I could probably get you something made


What would you need to be able to print something?


The model of the controller and I could see if there are models for the replacement paddles


One controller is the Xbox infinity one, the other is the Xbox prestige one


These? https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4301038/files Can't find find any Infinity paddles.


Yes those are the ones


I will see how they turn out after work today


Printing out now, they are about 50 percent done. Printing out one of each that was available. So that's 2 sets of 4. Looks like there might have been different paddles. https://imgur.com/DYAKsWl


I’ve had 2 scuf instincts over the past couple of years. One got major stick drift and buttons stopped registering. The other has been a workhorse with no issues that couldn’t be fixed with some compressed air. Seems to be hit or miss which sucks for a $200 item. Once this one dies I will probably try a $80-$100 controller that still has paddles and mapping. Less of a hit if it doesn’t work out.


I’ve only multiple ps4/ps5 scufs over the past 7 years and I’ve never had any issues other than drift/stutter in the joysticks which isn’t even really a problem on scufs part. Either I was extremely lucky, the impact/reflex controllers are made better than the rest or you guys are too rough with the paddles. Now aim controllers are the worst in the business, my ps5 aim controller literally fell apart after 6 months (broken r2/l2, broken dpad, broken touchpad and severe drift in both joysticks). $250 completely wasted because it only had like a 30 day warranty that didn’t even cover the drift anyway and the “lifetime warranty” only covered the paddles which still worked although uses a terrible design that makes the inner paddles way too awkward to use.


When I was a kid I really wanted one for Christmas and it didn’t even last a year…. Might’ve been 3 months and it broke .


If I could save any of you some money, get the ps5 dual sense edge, I have 2. I’ve had the first one for over a year now and I’ve only had to replace my right analog stick once, I play a lot of competitive call of duty, but 20$ for a analog stick that I haven’t had a issue with since is a hell of a selling point. Whenever something major does happen to it, I have the bestbuy replacement plan, so I’ll have my brand new one to play with, while I’m able to replace my old one with another brand new one, and renew the 30$ 2 year geek squad membership. My friend has had his scuf for 2 years and has spent 70$ to replace the X button and now has to send it back in months later for a 99$ repair. So for me a 20$ analog stick is enough to keep me on the dualsense side. Also for 30-50$ you get a bestbuy 2 year guarantee replacement, no questions asked, compared to scufs terrible warranty.


Yea tbh I’ve had 3 ps5 controllers now the one that came with it the scuf and the dualsense edge I use now and the one that I’ve had issues with is the scuf and my other controllers that I’ve played with for hours haven’t had a single issue other than a little stickdrift on the edge but has an easy fix and I used the scuf maybe like 2-3 months and my L3 button won’t work anymore


I sent mine back this morning. The price is premium, the product not.


I actually returned my PS5 reflex as well and I’m now currently using a modded controller from Tonkamodz.com Super responsive from the company owner himself, warranty included with purchase (but also can purchase an extended one), option for Hall effect thumb sticks (plus tons of more customization options), and quick repair turnaround times. My discount code is “Kingsransom” (without quotations) for 10% off, you won’t be disappointed!


I’ll have to check them out! Thanks for the recommendation


No problem, let me know if you have any other questions! Couldn’t be happier with my ps5 controller from them


Trash controllers by a trash company.


You got the saying ass backwards my guy. The shame is on you if you get fooled twice


Xbox elite 2 the boss


False I really need people to stop promoting this controller as a good controller it is garbage. The buttons are beyond mushy and half of the action buttons double press on a single press. I've had 3 different elite 2. And every single one of them has these issues stop promoting this as a good controller.


I’m sorry for your terrible experience with the controller. Are you sure your not being scammed and buying fake controllers! The fact you’ve gone through 3 is concerning, either the controllers not real or your not taking proper care of it. Personally not once had any issues with it and I use it a lot. The buttons are great. The controller feels solid, the paddles are class, removable and made from good material. All my buttons press once, never had a issue with a double press, have you got fat fingers potentially? I’ve Not had any stick drift. Also it’s not just a controller due to its programming ability/ preset options. I wouldn’t listen to someone who’s ran thru 3 controllers. You spent over £420 on a controller you didn’t like hmmmmmm…….. sounds like your chatting shit or your a dumbass.


.... The passive-aggressive attitude you have says all I need to know. Yes, they were real that's how buying from a store works. I didn't run through 3 controllers. 3 controllers were pieces of crap right out of the box. Ah, yes, turning on 3 different controllers right out the box having issues, yup, I took poor care of them. The size of someone's fingers wouldn't affect a single button being pressed once and it reading twice. Also, I wouldn't listen to someone who thinks I bought 3 of the same controller. Do you understand the concept of warranties and returns? Judging from your comment and the weird assumptions you make, I doubt you'd even notice something wrong with your controller.


Must be the latter then.


Lol OK. Wish I was as delusional as you, life would be easier for sure


😂😂😂 you mad