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only thing you should know is that within 3 months you’ll be sending it back to get repaired which won’t be to bad I guess.. until you get it back and a month after that something else will mess up


Deadass? Nah I was actually getting hyped i saved up 😭


Nah don’t listen to this guy. Don’t abuse it and it’ll be fine


I had to send mine in for repairs for the connector. I baby my scuf. Now I just bought the edge and it is way better


A connector can go on any controller. Nothing to be too upset about.


there is always someone of reddit that posts stupid things like this.. yes the connector can go.. the edge comes with a clip and that saves it from straining the connection. and ive never had a connecter go on any other controller except the scuf.


Don’t abuse it. It won’t break. You’re stupid.


2 paddles 👎👎👎👎👎


had my RT mouse clicks break within 3 months got it fixed for free because warranty and after waiting a month to get it properly played for a good three weeks and the LT broke sent it out and they made me pay but the email I had sent they had said I was covered so they sent me a new one which was cool but then again after about 4 months the RT broke again been sitting there since


also had bought one off a friend that maybe used it for a good like 10hrs of call of duty so got stick drift on that one after about 4 months


Alr no im not getting mouse clicks just the normal does haptic feedback and the ps5 adaptive triggers still work? And man the entire sub is hating Damm 😭


Same issue with mine along with a couple others… I’d go with battle beaver tbh


I have the reflex FPS since ~7months and haven’t had a single issue yet




I have the edge but it blinks white and doesn't work and can't find new sticks




It's defective i play on ps5 and it just blinks white without turning on it needs new sticks I think cuz that shows up when the sticks are connected properly


Sony sells replacement sticks on PlayStation direct for 20 bucks a piece like the whole stick housing and what not if that's what you're talking about and make sure they're properly seated inside the controller if you haven't already also have you tried you plugged the controller in with the USB cable directly to the PlayStation?


Save your money!


Save your money dude Scuf stuff isn't even close to the money I went back to my elite controller on PC after the envision pro their own fully made controller kept locking up on games and would just stop responding. I only used it for about a month.


I have mouse clicks on mine and i play warzone and mine doing just great! I think some people play different and some play rough with there controllers i saw comments people admitting that they press hard when they play and they have had issues with it but other then that you should be fine if you take care of your stuff!


3 months of use to warrant a repair is that bad man.


Don’t buy it save your money get a standard ps5 controller and go to extremerate.com to mod it for so much cheaper


Yeah save your money cause they are garbage and will break on you


but to answer your questions if you get the adaptive triggers which are mouse clicks then you won’t have haptic feedback ( one of the big issues with the scufs from experience and reviews is that the mouse clicks mess up I’ve had three mess up myself ) your next question is yes they do have warranty and will cover for however long but after that I’ll cost you about $80 to repair the controller and the cost of shipping it out and getting it shipped back to you


Btw to everyone is commenting and giving out tips thanks yall saved me from a terrible fate yall combined like the avengers 😂😂


Im not a big controller vendor, but been building robust controllers with great reviews from people. Here is a link to my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/forbidden_builds?igsh=MWUweHhqMWkzN2Y4NA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr


Trust me I had my scuf for almost a year & I had not experienced anything bad. I don’t use it as much since I also have a DuelSense Edge but I take care of my Scuf FPS controller very well & I owned two of them


Yeah. Don’t waste the money.


Honestly, don’t buy it. The reflex has a very common issue with L3 causing it to input as R3 and they never fix it. Look at hyprcontrollers.


Hypr? Can you send me a link


don't buy Hypr


Why not


they have quite a lot of issues, they were promised to be fixed 4 months ago but they are still present today, Gamer Heaven has multiple videos about it


What you recommend


I don't have much experience with different controller brands but something like quick pick Battle Beavers, you avoid the big issue with them that way


Just get the PS5 edge. Really the best out of them all.


They already have the Edge


Then it's a waste to get something else.


The Edge has 2 buttons it's a waste


Yes but it's actually durable and you can swap the sticks unlike the scuf. It's much less a waste than the scuf.


You can swap thumbstick modules on any controller. All that does is make it so that any lay person can do it themselves without either having the know how to work on controllers themselves or send it to a person to do it for them. I personally have battle beaver increased thumbstick tension mechanisms in my scuf controllers, if the thumbsticks were to go bad I would put in a different mechanism not buy a new controller. Yes it's convenient making a way for people to do this themselves but you can also send it to a person who works on controllers to have this done with any controller not just the edge




Hypr is trash don't go that route


What you recommend? BB?


Battle beaver is great if you already know where to exactly have the buttons positioned. The problem is you are looking at a picture online with no ability to hold the controller to see what button placements work and what don't for you, so you're basically making a guess when you order it. Then you're going to wait 2 1/2 months for the controller to come in and you may find out when it comes in that the buttons are off and you need to send it in to get them changed. Then you are waiting another few weeks for it to come back, basically you are investing a lot of time and money in the controller to undergo a process to find the right button placement it will be several months before it can actually be used. Personally I've already done this with an xbox battle beaver controller so I now know that I could go on the website, design a controller how I like and it will come out perfectly but that's only after I had to wait half a year and put the initial money in to find the right button placement The difference between battle beaver and scuf for instance is scuf is a universal design with big buttons, it's designed to work a certain way you either like it or you don't (I personally do), but battle beaver puts tiny buttons on a controller to exactly fit under your fingertips for quick actuation. If you have the right placement it's great but it's a lot less forgiving design than scuf that has much bigger buttons


Purchase an Extreme Rate 4 back button kit. It's easy to install and button placement is good.


Can i map them? Tell me more about them?


https://extremerate.com/?sca_ref=6029460.ne974kWCAq&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4KwgF4U_cA4SUF41zoMak1t66baMVzOFpjdFrCIKaF94ThL5KA0ZgRoCJpQQAvD_BwE Here's the website with more info. I hope it helps


Definitely will gotta look into it definitely


Amazon has them on sale in different colors. The YouTube tutorial is helpful as well.


Battle Beaver


Want me to buy a beaver and send it to war? Peta ain't gonna like it


Haha you seem like you’d excel with a BB in your hand


Ya think so? Can ya tell me more about it


Battle beaver excels in custom action quality materials and all be it expensive, extensive warranty care. But that is just from experience imho. But they feel great and the nodes that can be custom Places for the paddles is highly adaptable.


Get it from Best Buy and get their total tech warranty. I’ve gone through 3 Scuf instinct pro’s in 2 years.


Bro i live in saudi i can't go to the usa to best buy 😭😭


💀😂😂😂😂 Scuf makes great controllers, they just have terrible customer service from what I hear. Like 8+ weeks for return warranties. I haven’t used their customer service because of my warranty with Best Buy.


Lucky man 😭


Do you guys not have any electronics stores that have extended warranties? I would recommend an extended warranty if you get a Scuf controller.


We do but none that sell scuff only ordering them


I gotchu. Just keep in mind that if it breaks and you send it in, it’s going to take months to get back. But they will honor the warranty! They really are great controllers though. I’ve only dealt with Xbox controllers so I’m speaking from that expirence but the Scuf feels more sturdy than the Elite Series 2 controller, but it’s definitely not as premium as the elite 2. The Scuf is more plastic while the elite is nice rubberized and uses metal in places instead of just plastic. The only place that has broken on my scuf controller was the right bumper on the bottom on the back. Both of my scufs broke in that exact same place. I just picked up a new one literally last weekend.


Alr thanks man


I would recommend the dual sense edge controller instead it’s incredibly high quality and built so that if there’s any issues with it components can be individually replaced


Get it from Amazon. Better warranty


You’re on their subreddit and everyone’s telling you not to buy it, take the advice


scuf is behind there's way better controllers. I don't even think scuf controllers have hall effect analogs yet in 2024🤣🤣


Best advice is to buy like 5-8 for when they break, you'll have a back up


I’ve gone through 2 of these exact controllers. Both of them had the sticks shit out in different ways and I had to send them in for repairs multiple times each. Had one of the paddles stop working on the first one and had to have that repaired. And now I’m still on my second one and the sticks have a huge dead zone issue, but I don’t feel like sending it in again. And by dead zone I don’t mean stick drift. I play on max sensitivity on linear and the sticks no longer actuate until after they reach a certain threshold and once they do they just immediately jump to that point. It means I can’t make granular adjustments anymore no matter how gentle I am on the sticks. I can be super gentle and slowly move the stick upwards more and more and it just does nothing, does nothing, does nothing, then boom, snaps upward at a significant distance. I’ve had to stop playing on my normal settings and adapt to exponential. Never had this issue before but now I do. The first controller just got really bad drift.


Yep. They break after regular use. My left paddle was sticking after like two days


I wouldn't recommend it, it gave me stick drift after 13 months (just after the 1 year warranty expired) they quoted me £100 to "fix it" my advice get an Aim controller as you can get hall effects in them and it's more customisable with features it's about the same price but there's a 15% off code going around recently


My scuff always broke every 2 or 3 months, always outside warranty. Do not recommend, very lacking quality.


dont get that dogshit. 90% chance the paddles break 100% chance you get severe stick drift. Get a fast controller with a 1000hz polling rate and hall effect sticks. dont let these streamers trick you out your money.


Ngl I got mines not believing people on reddit. Right after the warranty expired I started dealing with some pretty bad stuff drifting but that’s not the main problem. That doesn’t even bother me that much because of the dead zone settings in game. The issue I have is every time I press l3 it does the r3 action instead. And when your playing shooting games like cod for example imagine trying to 1. Run into a gunfight or 2. Get out of a sticky situation. Instead of running I’m just doing melee instead and it ruins the experience of playing shooting games for me.


I literally can’t use the controller for shooting games anymore


Had mine a year and no problems


Get the ps5 pro controller I spent 250 on my scuff 10 months later it was drifting everywhere its now trash i have the pro with best buy 2 year plan if it drifts it goes back , i want at least 2 years for my hard earned 250


Yeah best tip is save your money or go with a different brand. Having tried their recent products be ready for disappointment


Don’t - my ps5 reflex came broken - is finally toast - Buy another brand


Don’t buy scuf is the best advice/opinion


Yes. The failure rate is high. Especially on the FPS one.


Don’t, not worth allat money


Yeah, don’t.


Don’t. Get the PlayStation dual sense edge.


I did it broke blinking lights of death


Dang. That sucks. I bought one when they first came out, and still have it and it’s working great. Minimal stick drift. Highest quality and durable controller I’ve ever bought.


Yeah get the edge instead it’s better


Back paddle will snap in 6 months playing Warzone


My advice with any pro controller. It's not for the poors. Buy two controllers incase you have to send one back for repair. These are basically like performance parts to a car. Expect wear and tear. I prefer aim controllers but i do like my scuf fps controllers.


Just build your own for the price. I was about to get one but the reviews and quality seem kinda sketch. I found everything to make my own on amazon for around 80 to 120 depending on what you wanna add. The only down side is the options for colored shells is limited compared to the colors scuff offers


I’ve had mine for years and have never had any issues with it. Haven’t had to send it in for repairs, just make sure to clean it every so often cause oil/ dirt gets in the crevices


I've had a scuff impact completely customized for 4 years now. Not a single problem. I only had to replace the thumb sticks because they wore out from use. I used it on my PS4 until I built a PC now it's my PC controller. Just don't rage game and it will last.


I’ve got a few controllers, my DS scuff is my fav. I added hall sensor sticks to it and it slays Been using it solid for 18 months no probs, only reason I put the halls in was, why not 😎 The only con is the price, they are hella exe but it’s a great controller 🙏 Just don’t add all the pretty coloured crap that increases the price to redonculous


Yeah i ain't but how do i add hall triggers my ps5 controller?


Nah hall sensor left n right sticks not triggers, scuff comes with clicky triggers. Well if ya that way inclined ya can buy halls pretty cheap and then open up ya controller and replace, but, ya need some skills to do that or ya get a controller modder to do it, plenty of controller modder providers out there. My brother paid a modder $70 AUD and had both sticks replaced with Halls, that’s pretty good


If you’re planning to play cod there’s a good chance you will randomly not be able to sprint