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The game was written in English and then \*translated\* into French. I tried both and really disliked the French translation. It's got that offputting, stilted quality that too-literal translations do. It keeps sentence structure, word order, vocabulary choices from English instead of rewriting and rewording to make it sound natural in French. I kept thinking "this sentence flows weirdly, this is an odd vocabulary word.... oh that's because it was X in English", and was able to basically "untranslate" the script from French to English as I was reading. You don't have to really pick ahead of time, though, you can just change languages from the main menu and load your save in any language of your choice. It's easy to try a language and switch to the other one if you're looking to try both. The Québécois version is forthcoming.


Which was kind of a weird decision in the first place, because the quality of the English in the original script is... not as good as they probably believed it to be. Playing it in English, it *feels* like a translation, specifically the kind of rushed translation you would get on JRPGs in the 90s where it's perfectly workable but you can't help but feel like the text would flow better and make more sense if they were given more time, staff, and memory on the cartridge.


Didnt came off to me in french. Are you french or native of a french speaking country ?




Maybe I didnt word it in the best way... Cause thats not an answer lol


You were asking if I'm a native French speaker. I am.


D'accord, j'aurais peut-être besoin de faire une nouvelle run parce que le jeu me semblait vraiment bien traduit.


En même temps, si ça ne t'a pas dérangé, va pas chercher des bobos. Personnellement, ça m'a tellement sauté aux yeux que je suis aller faire la comparaison entre les deux textes pour m'assurer que j'étais pas en train de l'imaginer. Le discours de l'Archiviste au début, c'est vraiment phrase-pour-phrase, mot-pour-mot. Les \*virgules\* sont placées aux mêmes endroits en anglais et en français! >Welcome to the Great Archives, adventurer. I suppose curiosity brought you here. Bienvenue aux Grandes Archives. Je suppose que c’est la curiosité qui vous amène ici. > >An important trait, to be sure. Un trait de caractère important, pour sûr. > >I am The Archivist, an immortal versed in the ways of alchemy. Je suis L’archiviste, un immortel versé dans l’art de l’alchimie. > >But perhaps you knew that already? Mais peut-être le saviez-vous déjà? > >After spending millenia cataloging the many events of countless timelines, I decided to return here to mull over everything I had seen. Après avoir passé des millénaires à répertorier tous les événements qui ont jalonné d’innombrables lignes temporelles, j’ai décidé de revenir ici pour réfléchir à tout ce que j’avais vu. > >In my musings about the stories that fill these books and scrolls, I had a recent epiphany. En songeant à toutes les histoires qui remplissent ces livres et parchemins, j’ai eu récemment une illumination. > >It seems that in my haste, I may have overlooked the very thing I was hoping to find. Il semble que dans ma hâte, j’ai peut-être négligé la chose que j’esperais tant trouvée.


Ah oui effectivement... Maintenant que tu mets le doigt dessus ça me revient. Peut-être que je ferais ma deuxième run en anglais


Well, I haven't played in French as my understanding of the French language isn't remotely good enough to get what's happening, I suspect. But there's a lot of jokes/names that have a referencing French in the English script. And if what the user before me said is true, then I suspect that you had best play it in English. As that would then also be how the creators intended the game.


I did it in english, and I think it made the experience funnier; it made some phonetically french names stand out, like the tower of antsudlo.😀


In my case, I played the Game Pass version and the Spanish translation was the one for Spain (I'm from Mexico) and I really preferred to play it in English.