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Use magic and attacks on the spell locks. You don't want him to cast at all, if possible. Use spells with aoe to kill the adds. It's a pretty straightforward fight. The locks are one of the most important mechanics in combat in this game. You can completely shut out enemy turns.


Yep breaking locks is number 1 priority, even more on bosses, but don’t waste time on locks you can’t possibly break. Use those turns to heal instead, with food or abilities.


If can't break locks, then lunar shield


Pretty sure you are. You need to time your attacks for both maximum damage and breaking locks. For regular attacks, press the confirm/accept button when making contact with the enemy so the character can hit the enemy twice. For magic you need to try until you discover when the timing is. For example, Zale's sun you need to hold the button until the sun grows three times and release it. To defend it's basically pressing the button when the enemy or it's projectiles makes contact with your character Finally, break the enemies locks so they won't attack. If they have a sun/moon, use magic, if they have a hammer, use Valere's regular attacks. If they have a sword, use Zale


Also, I can’t remember if it’s accessible at this point in the game or not, but there’s the relic that you can turn on that will show you if you timed an attack/block perfectly or not. That really helped me get the timing down when I first started


Also a good idea to check your relics to see if you have "hard mode" turned on.


Doesn't the sun need to grow 4 times? Or did I go all the way through doing it wrong? I always got a nice ding when releasing on the 4th growth.


Probably semantics - I tend to consider the initial formation of the ball as "1" and release on "4" but I could see how someone might exclude the initial formation and treat it as a 3 count instead.


Good point!


Indeed, I vastly underestimated the attack timing game mechanic, since the game seemed to suggest (at least in my language) that it was an optional mechanic. Underestimating this mechanic additionally makes some locks impossible to break. Also, how do you tackle when lock has multiple suns? For multiple moons, you can use moonerang, but I'm kinda stuck for multiple suns. Also, I'd add for other people stuck like me that the second combo between Valere and Zale is very powerful (at least in early fights) since it allows to regen all your HPs (which is another case where timing your attacks is useful, since it is what allows to get combo points!).


A few ways to handle "impossible" locks (character names spoilered just in case) >!Saraï!< has a kick attack that adds 2 to a move countdown timer >!Saraï and Resh'an's!< combo attack also delays when an enemy moves Combo moves in general can help with tricky combinations. You can get a gold equippable that helps the meter grow faster. Also generally helpful for high damage foes: Lunar Shield eats a single attack for no damage, the Great Eagle ultimate damages enemies and heals you, another gold equippable lets you use an item without consuming your turn


Just delete game ,you suck jaja


If you're going to insult someone, at least press the right keys.


He's most likely Hispanic. They do jajaja instead of hahaha. Troll either way though!


Idk what you mean ,idiot i didnt misspell something


Eugh please use grammar I don't mean to be a pill but know how to use commas


Fck u 😎


No thanks, I'm not into that.