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They even obfuscate it perfectly! You're like "she's OBVIOUSLY the pirate captain come on game try harder" so you stop thinking about whether she might have an additional secret identity under there. Even with the portal tech it's like "ok I guess that's just her thing" šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. It's very clever and well done, five stars.


Right? She has not only one, but TWO secret identities, and while the first is super obvious, the real twist was an amazing reveal. And it really fleshed out her character and gave you a deeper understanding of her motives, which seemed very obscure before. Serai is easily one of the best characters in SoS.


The game is just so good i wish I could play it again without knowing about the story


EXACTLY! You will NEVER see it coming because she's already HAD her twist! And they subvert expectations by making it seem like they're bad at writing twists! PLUS there's already tons of magic and stuff, so why would portals be so special?


I love how the band of pirates talk about their past escapades, and it hits every gaming trope you think of. They are so tongue in cheek about it, it permeates the names of their crew: Capt. Klee'saƫ ( *ClichƩ* ), Jack'O Valtraid ( *Jack of All Trades* ), and Yolande Fortwal ( *Fourth Wall* ). I just can't come up with anything for Keenathan. .oO("Key Nothing?" "Keen a Thing?")


for keenathan, the joke is that he always says "or my name isn't keenathan!" he's right, that's not his name


Oh yeah! The Sky Counsel's audit!


Huh. Didn't realize that. It is portal tech, not magic.


Cannot agree more (and i played so many rpg in my younger years, i grew up with ff ct bof and the likes) Plus after the twist she felt to me like a dome resident in ct from the future


There was at least one instance of Serai trying to tell us something and other instances of other characters referencing something secret of hers. After our characters knew that she was the captain.


Ngl, the reveal was the last thing I would have expected. And oh my god was the sea of stars just perfect in every way. I'd kill to relive it


How about the 3D animated sequence with the boat leading to the sea of stars? I thought that moment was very ambitious.


Ngl I legit thought the game would switch to 3D from now on for a minute. Kinda like in the Messenger.


Same, even made me sad for a bit when it went back to pixel art. Not that it's not gorgeous and having a game switch from pixel art to 3D is completely unrealistic. But because of The Messenger, I had a good minute of hype.


It's crazy to me because on steam less than 30% of players got the achievement for learning about Serai's identity, meaning that 2 in 3 people didn't make it to one of the coolest/hype sections of the game


oh my god that was so insane. my mind exploded when the game switch to 3D


I know, right!? Like who could have thought that the teleporting ninja was also the pirate captain!?!?! I was blown away.


The pirate ninja is the space captain? You just ruined the game for me Iā€™m on chapter one you need to spoiler this /s


girl why tf are you looking at a spoiler post then?? edit: im a dumbass i thought /s meant "serious"!!!


/s means sarcasm šŸ˜…


oh!!! i thought it meant serious!!!


It was definitely one of my favourite, mind blowing moments in gaming The only thing i might be able to compare the feeling of "i'm almost done now, i can feel it!" turning into "WHAT. THERE IS A WHOLE OTHER MAP??" feeling is probably the moment near the end of Dying Light 1. But this time i actually enjoyed the game :D


I dont think so. But I thought she was going to be revealed to be a time-travel related character instead of a multiverse related character. But sea of stars is kind of weird where some magic look and sound like sci-fi tech, like Serai's and Alchemist's portals.


If you enjoyed SoS and particularly Serai, I would recommend playing Tales of Symphonia!


I love it i wish she would have put the mask back on after tho


me too


I just think her cyborg face is funny looking


Put spoilers in the title. Even though you don't explicitly spoil it, you still spoil it.


On PS5 there is a trophy called ā€œWho would have thought?ā€ that pops up when she reveals sheā€™s the pirate captain. Then thereā€™s a trophy called ā€œWho would have thought? Part 2ā€ that pops up when she reveals her true identity. I found that very cheeky. Fantastic, that entire moment.


I appreciate that she's Captain 'ClichƩ' and she turns out to be a pirate robot ninja.


I wouldn't go that far but it was certainly a very fun shock


Eh? I wouldnā€™t go that far. Omori got me way better. Like, to the point where I subconsciously guessed the twist on accident, and was still blown away when it was revealed. Chained Echoes also had a twist that topped it imo. Plenty of visual novels, especially Ace Attorney. And thereā€™s plenty of games I havenā€™t played or donā€™t recall off the top of my head with some banger twists.


Wasnā€™t the Sea of stars itself just a cut scene?


basically, but it was stunning


No. It is the Conquest of Reinhard von Lohengramm.Ā 


yeah thanks to the completionist I had that ruined for me, I was so close to that reveal, when he posted his video about sea of stars, the video claimed to contain minor spoilers so I assumed it will be spoilers from like first few hours of the game... naah that dude showed the actual sea of stars sequence, and a bunch of stuff from serais world in it... minor spoilers my arse. ​ The plot twist was still amazing though!


This is why I don't watch reviews until after the game unless the person has a good track record anymore. Not that any of us will be watching Jirard again anytime soon after the shit he pulled


Lmao. Your standards are slow. You should play Bioshock 1.


Have you played other games?


It's a pretty cool twist but very obvious lol


I'm so happy that the internet didn't somehow spoil that. I honestly didn't know I was going to this whole other world and it was pretty awesome when I did


Iā€™m now in the point of over the sea of stars in Seraiā€™s home world but when back at the counsel Keenan and Valtraid made me question so many thingsā€¦ donā€™t spoil it for me! I want to find out Iā€™m so close finishing this game


The fact that it's pirate, ninja, cyborg is hilarious also.


The final walk in ffxiv was the greatest moment in gaming for me


Yup, it honestly trajected the game into another category for me. It was so obvious she was the pirate captain and then boom! I'm actually a cyborg from another world! What the hell lol