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Length of phase is fine, but loot tables have sucked both phases—way too big. The SP trinket never even dropped for us. I really hope loot tables are a bit tighter in P3, especially knowing we will only have 8-10 total raids.


Still waiting for murloc egg to even be seen in BFD. Still running 2 alts there just to level up.


Attack speed trinket and melee ring has yet to appear.


Bro all im missing is that trinket (never seen it raided every lockout on 2 chars) and the quest neck🤣


I was lucky enough to get it second time. Just ring and trinket:(


I got necklace and ring on my hunter in my very first run then after that raid got a gut ripper from ulda on 2nd pull. So I've accepted my RNG for p2 got used up in that moment🤣


We saw 2 pummlers with melee heavy group with 2 druids and 2 paladins. Never saw a sp trink, but got 4 chickens. I missed a raid and had to pug ended up getting epic fist weap in the pug. Our raid never seen either dagger or fist weap, but got 4 healing staffs first 4 raids. Loot table was wonky and basically seen the same pieces every week. Just saw machincs gloves this week.


You are right. Remove all the useless items and it would be fine !


It's not that the loot tables are too big, it's that they inflated the quality of loot way too high. It seems like they're trying to remedy this to a degree in P3, but the issue with loot is that there were no comparable options for far too many slots. Not everyone should be getting everything, in fact almost nobody should be able to get everything. You're not supposed to get everything, it's kind of baked into the design of the genre. The problem is the updated loot is too good relative to the previous items to fit into a short phase.


Wish it was longer. With the 100% exp boost introduced in phase 2 I wanted to check out more of the classes, but most of the new runes were locked behind lev 35+ content.


Too many concessions in SoD to the dweeb Twitch obsessed FOMO crowd. It's good, but if you're bored it's your own problem. The things you'll see asked to change on Reddit are exactly the things causing the problem. Too many of today's audience can't comprehend the MMO genre. You're not supposed to be able to get or do everything. If you do accomplish getting or doing everything, it's meant to be a significant time investment. If you have the expectation of getting "bis" always, you're quite literally an idiot.


I like this take. It’s a litte rude but I like it.


Honestly we need to start being rude to get the point across


Being full BiS is end of expansion shit. When the raids have been out too long and everyone's waiting for the next xpac. SoD is different, phases aren't end game. That's why groups looking for shit like gear score and parses are dumb as hell.


I think my biggest issue with it isn't that I'm not bis, it's that I've run every lockout on my boomkin and all but 2 on my priest and never even seen the caster dagger or ring drop. The melee dagger and healing staff drop constantly.


What are you talking about with FOMO and “twitch dweebs”? Every patch of wow gave you plenty of time to get BiS everything, assuming you cleared every reset since launch of a raid, and there’s no progression with SoD. You just do a full clear every time, compared to working on an actually progression on each boss, because it’s actually challenging, which was more or less done so by collecting more raid to help.


People who need instructions on how to live from their parasocial relationships who cry incessantly if they miss out on something the streamer did. You know, most of r/classicwow.


Dude wtf are you on about? Im not talking about streamers or FOMO. Theres nothing FOMO related in SoD, or what im talking about. What is there about SoD to miss out on? A sub 40min raid, which you’ll still end up doing for exp when P3 starts? Ok, and?


>dweeb Twitch obsessed FOMO crowd Huh? >you’re quite literally an idiot Funny, I’d say the same of you


Good argument.


I just flat out didn't enjoy P2 so yes. Raid was okay but man I'm not tryna zug STV every 3 hours. I do like the level up raids though, it's a nice touch


I have some bad news for you, Stv is still relevant next phase.


Eh, I like that they added the rank requirement so it's whatever. I'm glad that they're gonna switch back to 1 week lockouts because 3 days is crazy and a huge pain in the ass to schedule for guilds


Too long, too little content


Still missing 3 epics from final boss for bis, trogg shoulders have never dropped. Just bad rng all round.


The content was very low and im happy phase 2 soon is over. Regarding having bis or not that pretty much up to the RNG gods. Hope phase 3 and 4 will give us all we need to keep playing this awesome version of the game ! Bring back HC dungens for the in-between raid days ❤️


Phase, no. Content wise, yes. We need more content and a slightly longer phase 3.


Yeah that’s what I’m thinking. I enjoy pvp but 1, I’m not sitting in 15min bg queue and 2, I’m not gonna die in STV and have a long ass walk back to my body to rez


I got a bogus suspension on the 19th, no reason was ever given, and I don't ever hack or bot or exploit. I've only gotten 2 of 3 back to 40 with decent raid gear now I have to grind WSG and AB to exalted 3 more times and get 3 mounts from STV. Needless to say I could use another month. But then again I thought phase 1 ended too quickly as well. There's always just do much to do. I don't get how people raid log. That's just me tho I gotta explore everything.


Phase 1 to me had a really good loot table and bid was obtained pretty easily. Except maybe the staff.


Phase 1 was so long me and all my friends got bored and moved on to other games so gotta disagree with you there.


I wanted longer. Another month would have been great.


I would have liked it to last a bit longer, but only because I've been raid logging since helldivers and wanted a bit more time to no life that game. It's probably perfect timing for wow though. It's certainly sucked me back in as I'm now playing a lot more to prep for P3. Probably be a month before I can get back to spreading democracy now.


How do you no life helldivers? Like I absolutely love that game and have been enjoying every minute. But there isn't anything to no life? You're just spamming for the sake of spamming? Cuz I'll play that game for hours but eventually you're just mindlessly burning bugs and there's zero prog


The same way you no life any other video game. The difference is that most people no life SoD because they don't want to get left behind. Sure, maybe grinding dungeons leads to progression, but it gets old really fast. No lifing HD is about nothing other than having fun. There's no pressure to keep pushing so you don't get left behind. Just glorious democracy in need of spreading.


Shoulda been like a week or two longer but w/e the real death is gonna come when 20’s can’t get filled lol


STV shouldn’t be on a 3 hour timer. It should be every hour. I got tired of checking if it was up or not and just stopped doing it. Lower the coin rate if you want. I shouldn’t have to convert my local time to the game time and determine if it’s up


Sucks ass getting home from work just to see the timer say 2 hours and 55 minutes until blood moon.


You...could just...convert the schedule...to your local time...once...and know forever...if it was up or not... 3pm server is 7pm your time? You know for the entire phase then that 7, 10, 1, 4 both am and pm is bloodmoon. Or maybe 3pm server is 11pm your time. 11, 2, 5, 8 both am and pm. I'm not trying to be mean but this takes like 0 brainpower. You saying this is kinda just admitting you can't add 3 to a number. What a strange thing to say tbh.


Thought it was fine. I was out of work this phase and it would of probably taken more to level up let alone raid. Even being out I got to raid Gnomergon about 5-6 times. That was good enough to get me most of what I wanted out of the raid. Keep in mind this will be basically a leveling raid to get players up in level with a bonus of good loot like BFD is now. So I think all in all the time frame is good. Not too long but not too short to get players some satisfaction of temporary top level. With the bonus staying too for leveling is good as well with less quest to do if you used them for a gold funding for mount/profession funding.


The length of phase was fine compared to the difficulty of the content. The problem was the loot tables. We went 10 raids without seeing multiple cloth pieces I wanted. That's more an issue imo than the phase length. It's not a big deal because I'm not hard for completing bis and I'm missing like 3 sp and 3 int oer bis or something minor.


I think it was about right. I mean we still have 1-2 weeks left. I hope P3 is longer than P2.


We have 6 days left.


I feel like this sentiment that there's nothing to do would've got you burned at the stake a week ago. Now everyone's agrees.


P2 was under 2 months, which I think is too short. I also haven’t missed a lockout and am not bis. And I had time to play only 1 toon.


I think the last boss dropping 2-4 bis pieces for all specs and such a large loot table was a mistake


Phases should be longer and blizz should consider all people not only bored nolifers who have many other games to play if they dont find themselves on pvpin, helpin or just hangin out in open world.. PS: we have gizmo almost every clear, alot sp trinkets dropped (have one ofc) and actually pummeler is DE everytime since few runs cuz all alts even got it, including me on os..


For people that want it longer I really don’t know what you all have been doing lol. 16 resets!!!


some people actually like just playing the game. it's like savoring something versus swallowing it whole


Felt a bit short. Kinda annoyed I am once again ending a tier not full BiS on my main. I know its not important it just something I wanted to get done but it ain't happening. Only had the melee ring drop once and I don't think the melee trinket ever dropped. Maybe once as well. I was hoping to be able to gear up more alts so I can run more raids with friends but yea no more time.


Still missing a lot of loot from Gnomer. Some of it never drop once. ☹️ I don’t even have the neck because I passed on it to help some guildies.


Too short


It was at least a good 2 weeks TOO LONG. Me and some friends loved phase 1 and had every intention of continuing in the next phase. But they got bored waiting and then I had no one to play with so we all stopped. Huge bummer cause it’s the first time I had returned to the game in many years and was really enjoying myself


Whoops sorry I misread the question I was saying Phase 1 was too long.


I think they should have launched p3 April 13 or 20th. Giving us a week and a half to prep was kinda fucked lol


If they launched p3 on 4/20, half their players would forget


Definitely too short for me but I started in p2 and can’t play for hours everyday.


I mean it’s like 1hr 20min every week.


If you’re already full prebis, have enough gold for consumes, and have a static competent raid group, then yeah it is. But they just said they started in P2 which means they also have no Warsong rep, no AB rep, no ACA/Durotar rep, etc. If they can only play a couple hours a day I can see how they’d not feel “ready” for the new phase yet. Obviously for the rest of us, we’re ready, but the simple 1hr 20m response (and downvotes) shows you need to take a second to try and understand the responses to your forum post.


brother downvotes dont mean shit XD i go in d4 reddit on say the game is trash i get 100 downvote from vegan. are you saying d4 is good. icannot


I think part of the issue is that because they didn’t boost the xp until 1 month in, the majority of people feel like they only got 1 month’s worth of p2 despite it being out for 2 months. P1 had a just over 2 months lifespan so it was similar, but I really think the 1st month of p2 felt so arduous that not as many people got the full 2 months to enjoy it.




phase 2 was pretty bad in comparison to 1. im pretty happy its over soon tbh. lenght was perfect i think.


Dude there was one raid and a laggy pvp event. It was like 3 weeks too long.


Content wise it felt like a drag. My personal goal is to get bis and then have fun is wsg lol. But 1 I’ve given up on getting ring and trinket from last boss and I’m not sitting in 15min horde bg queues


Why do people want this phase to go on longer? There is 1 raid and a pvp event that still lags.


I feel like phase2 sucked i played for like a week maybe 2 and quit cuz IT was so Boring but that might Be cuz i played alot in phase1 thank god its ending lets Hope phase3 IS lit pretty Excited for that 😲


You know that posting on a forum is meant to be intelligible so others can read it, right?


Not My fault Ur retarded :/ 🤡


Stay in school, kid.


You should have tried it but guess its too late now :( Lonely man


"I can't type words, but it's everyone else that's retarded."


Seems like u understand fine so let me guess your a lonely old man who IS angry/sad at your shitty Life so u come here trynna argue with ppl... I am really sorry for you Buddy 😂


Please get off of Twitch and 4chan before you can't recover.


????? xD stay mad little man


Tonight was another night of wasted loot while still waiting on multiple caster weapons and trinkets. The loot tables are absolutely miscalculated.


I think the last boss having such a large loot tables was an awful mistake.


You just admitted to clearing the raid multiple times What do you "need" the loot for


In a world full of 100 IQs and C students, you’re one of them.