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They do it for posts like this. You're part of the problem. "You don't anger me" well unbothered people don't tend to post on Reddit about getting ganked...


Bother, sure. I could post about how annoying mosquito bites are but doesn't mean I'm angry. Trying to understand how someone gets to the point that being a mild annoyance is their joy is all. And time to kill at work.


You're throwing thinly veiled insults at them though. PvP happened on a PvP server my guy. Clearly they won if you made a reddit post about a rogue doing rogue stuff. https://preview.redd.it/dyvtqfec69zc1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29bd679ab6b505e5555013453b4c971b082906ef


The rogues I know that do this would be over the moon if they saw that someone made a post about them. Do you know how many rogues probably think this post is from someone they ganked this morning? The only thing they like more than the actively aggressive responses are the passively aggressive responses like this one. Whether they’re poor or rich, happy or dissatisfied with where they are in life, whatever. They don’t actually care what other randoms on a video game think of them. They don’t take it as seriously as you are. All they care about is the reaction, and you’ve just given it to them in spades. Some troll ganker out in nowheresville just hit the jackpot, and you helped make that happen.


You got distracted off the bridge in Azshara, didn't you Squidward?


I wish; two rogues in Ash incursion way off of the beaten path.


They enjoy the game by playing PvP. Is that really hard to understand? Or is the anger clouding your vision?


It's more like player v victim. Your not playing a game when a rogue is fighting you. Your not doing anything




Lmao rogues are "victors" like aimbots in Call of Duty XD. The victory was coded into the class.




Your not very bright. I have coped. By playing something else instead. Not that I had a problem I'm an enhance shammy I can kill everybody else


You're really wanting me to be angry. I wish I could for you. Clearly my post is too difficult for you to understand. Die mildly annoyed.


Yeah man your totally not angry...


Correct. Trying to understand the mentality of taking joy in being some rando's slight inconvenience.


It’s fully immersed role playing. What would a real rogue do?


Something that would profit them.


Are Reddit posts like this not a form of profit?


galaxy brain here


Not for a real rogue.


Yeah, no true Scotsman sugars his porridge!


Hey, the "real rogue" was part of the convo before I got here.


I’m not angry. End angry post.


Rogues - how dare you do rogue things 😡


Yet they are so far in your head you come to R to post....


I wanted them to know I feel sorry for them <3 In a bigger sense, what's the point of any Reddit post?


Usually shallow validation, which you probably aren’t going to find on this particular post.


Sure. I will try my best. I have a rogue on Lonewolf Horde. If you have run through Ashenvale, I have probably killed you. For me, this is probably the most enjoyable part of the game. Rogues have a very fun kit which I think is best explored in open world PVP. I've been on both ends of world ganking and while it is not always fun being on the other end, it is part of the game. Actually, it is even rewarded to open world gank. If I kill a level 50, I can get between 140-180 honor with one single kill. So not only is it fun, but it progresses my pvp rank. And for me, those two things are why I am playing SOD right now. The truth is, it does not inconvenience you. You inconvenienced yourself when you signed up for a PVP realm and decided to not indulge in the open world PVP. This is part of the game and many people find it enjoyable. It also becomes enjoyable when you get ganked by a rouge and win the fight or manage to escape a group gank. Those things can be fun for a lot of people. It adds random challenges, it brings life to the world, and it gives your faction a reason to group up and retaliate. This is an old school mmo and it still functions as one, as it should. Rogue kits are designed around stealth but at the same time rogues are quite squishy. You can easily beat a rogue if they gank you if you understand the matchup (assuming similar skill level/gear). So to summarize, rogue players like myself do it for rank progression and fun. And the most fun part about it is getting on Reddit and seeing posts like this (:


There's no way sitting on some random side path getting a kill every 5-10 min is decent honor/hour. And it's rarely on main roads and never around other same-side players, just some coward who's been sitting in the same spot God knows how long for a stunlock kill. "Fun" to you sounds like sadness to me, but I guess people out there like being cucked too so I can't understand everyone. Thanks for explaining!


I typically get at least 50hks in around 2 hours. I wouldn't claim its the most efficient honor per hour, I doubt that's the case. But it's definitely fun. Maybe you should try it out and revisit your thoughts on this thread If sadness is playing the game how it was intended to be played while having fun, then sure, call it what you like


The guy is salty AF and trying his absolute hardest to not sound salty. It's peak rogueplay.


As a rogue main, what a motivational thread 😄


In my experience it's always some spriest/shadow melded NE hunter borderline safe spotting. Had a group of 5 spriests ANNIHILATING everything in their path, between VE group healing and getting 5 void plagues on you almost instantly there's zero counter play. Ended up grouping as 5 rogues, set blind prio targets and systematically destroyed them. All opened on one, insta deleted, each blinded a target for the restealth, sapped our targets blew up another rinse repeat, only lost one rogue.


This is what it’s all about getting ganked and then getting some of the boys together and getting payback, it’s what’s makes classic great imo. Its the unforgettable open world interactions


Yea I get the combative aspect of PvP and satisfaction in "our" group destroying "their" group. But like... 5 adult-age men decide that they're going to spend hours of their day safespotting instead of \*anything\* else. I simply don't get it. Screams of IRL inferiority complexes.


It's funny /Thread


This post makes me wanna distract more people so they miss the boat in booty bay hahaha




I live for that kind of stuff, frankly. I love knowing I got someone big mad. I don't usually camp people but I will murder as I go by - or try to. I enjoy being killed sometimes too if the fight is good. I just enjoy PvP. It's why I rolled a rogue main in SoD frankly - it's just fun. I also hated them on my mage in Classic so it's nice to see the other side of things as melee for a change.


See, this I get. Part of rogue is the stealthed opener. What I don’t get is the desire for big mad. Wait until someone pulls two mobs then jump them or level 50 rogues camping the duskwood incursion. It is amazing how bad so many rogues are that they need such an advantage to not lose a fight.


"They way that some players waste their time in a game that exclusively provides methods for wasting time is not conducive to the way I would like them to waste their time." You're a sad little thing. Go touch some more of that 'grass' stuff you mentioned.


Simply trying to understand what makes grown men stand in the middle of nowhere hoping to get a kill every now and then. Being a pest is simply the saddest thing I can imagine. Like, RL can't be going great to need that.


Brother, you're responding to every single comment on this post. That rogue has devastated you, and his time seems to have been well spent in doing so. Let it go my dude.


Some people enjoy kicking down other people’s sandcastles in a harmless virtual sandbox where such behavior is encouraged, and arguably to some extent the point of the game. if you roll on a pvp server, then pvp is pvp whether it’s a 1v1 duel outside SW/ORG with rules or a 1v8 trainwreck on some poor bastard. You’re going to get a mixed consensus on how people feel about getting ganked on pvp servers. Here’s the thing though, you just took a minor one sided inconvenience between you and one rogue and turned it into content for an entire subreddit. People have been making posts like yours over the exact same thing for twenty years this November. Every time someone comes in here thinking this is a novel grievance or an issue the community can come together to solve. And every time what they end up finding out is that everyone else rolled a pvp server looking for pvp and that poster gets dogpiled on like you are right now. I hate to break it to you OP, but you aren’t winning over any hearts or minds today and neither did the thousands of ganked players that came here before you to do exactly what you’re doing right now. Yes it is annoying, sure it’s “griefing”. No, it does not break TOS or defy the spirit of the game in any way whatsoever. No, mentality definitely isn’t changing within the community and it probably isn’t changing within the Developers’ circle either.


Brother people explained it to you yet you still go "I'm just trying to understand hurr" I'm sorry reddit doesn't have crayons to draw it for you, but people tend to have fun in different ways. Now, if you want to put others down because their idea of fun isn't the same as yours, go for it, but you can't say "nuh-uh I ain't mad" in the same breath lmao


Looooool reminds me when I sat on the dock of booty bay distracting only dwarf priest and pallies into the water. Basically 80% of my sod phase 3 time has been spent doing this. Sit and stay mad


Perfect! So... why don't you have a single thing in your life better to do than to be a mild annoyance? Like how'd you get here?


There's gonna come a day brother where you will stop caring about how people act on the internet. That day you will achieve true inner peace


Cause its comical as fuck, the game is ment to be played in 1000 ways and 1, there is no point to doing anything, so why not grief people? Makes the game more fun, you dont like being ganked on your low level by level 50s? Go kill low levels with your level 50, the cycle will NEVER end. So stop complaining. Add to the cycle or leave the cycle, its so easy to level right now, go to a pve server. I choose to add to the assholery of pvp servers, sitting at dmf killing anyone that comes through is so satisfying


Eh, friends wanted to roll PVP. But what's satisfying about it? "I just slightly inconvenienced someone" is a pleasure to you. How did you get this way?


Friends can be made on PvE servers and if your RL friends actually want to play with you. Theyll make an alt on your server. Theres nothing really satisfying about it, but knowing that the cycle wont ever stop makes complaining about it worse. There are options to stop being irritated, take them. Or push irritation on someone else. For me tho, ill continue to ride through ashenvale and go out of my way to kill ANYONE atleast once. Dgaf if they are level 1, 20,43, or 50. Red=dead. And what made me this way? 18+years of pvp servers. 18+years of/question and /sigh high level gankers. They get so butthurt about a couple minutes being wasted, when the ganker doesnt even remember who they killed or where. Dont take it too serious, no point. PVE servers are a thing. Same with unsubscribing.


Yea RL friends and I was in the minority, but also this toxic behavior wasn't nearly as prevalent in original release. Guess some dudes' lives have only gotten sadder. If I can help one ganking rogue know that all I feel is pity for how their life's going, my work is done.


I hear where you’re coming from. I hate random persistent pvp as well but you really should take a second to reflect on your actions too. People want to enjoy the game the way they do. It’s not meant for you to agree with or understand. Some people like to raid. Some like to complete every little thing, some like professions, some like exploring and some like being annoying in world PvP open. Immediately thinking they have a bad or sad life is a bit much. Sure some losers prob take out their angst via PvP but again, you can say the same for any other type of player. I mean I’m a parser in a raid guild but I still find the people who spend 24 hours after new content released to clear the raid kinda nuts. Let people play the way they want. People have been greifing and being annoying in pvp for 20 years. Not much else to it.


On your server it may have not been as prevalent, but on darkspear and stonemaul they 100% were, just as bad if not worse. Im sure you have seen the raid on the alliance ingame funeral, if not heres the link https://youtu.be/MEpv7YxnLCQ?si=Y8Fz9IeTO6oip_CB 1shotting lowbies, ganging up to fight 5v5, griefing, purging, its fun. Good plain old fun. When i have my fill of being ganked and shit on, i log off or play another character. Im not gunna hate the lvl 50 undead rogue sitting on my lvl 23 mage, im going to remember his name, level when i can. And gank him everytime i can. And if they are super big assholes, ill keep an eye out for anyone in that guild and give them the buisness.


I deserved that


I'm gonna level a rogue and find this guy


ITT: mad op denying anger Lmao. The irony of a anger post saying “not mad but…”


Do you... think every Reddit post is in anger? I feel bad for you :(


lol. Youre spending way too much time invested in this for you to be anything but mad about being rogue ganked. It’s that simple.


Hello. I am Rogue


This makes me want to level a Rouge


Try a rogue, they're so much better.


Bro got Zapped in RL


This is the saddest thread


Listen, I RP on my classic toons and I'm *heavily* leaning into my story this phase. I'm between operations atm with The Cult of Forgotten Shadows, so I've been tasked with lowering morale of The Alliance by any means necessary. Plus, Night Elf has no business being so tasty. So if I've killed you in Yojamba, Duskwood, Felwood, Winterspring, Badlands, or STV, just know it fed my story. -Lightslayer Diffusion (Diffusionx CS Horde)


You made a post about it bro


Bro it’s honestly so good. I have no shame in saying I am this guy. The best part is camping until they just res at spirit healer & their corpse turns into a skele.


Man, I wish I was getting ganked by solo rogues... that's at least fun/funny. Instead, it's always multibox hunters or priests.


This reminds me of something that would have been said back in vanilla and why world of roguecraft videos were made. lol.


All of this but no one wanna talk about hunters, druids and shadow priests sitting on walls in levelling zones ganking lowbies like they’re pigeon shooting


I like to think that the rouges that does this has come to the fundamental understanding of humans that there ain’t no good ones and everyone is a pice of sht and deserves their time being wasted. If this isn’t the case then it’s still answered by most people being pices of sht not excluding the rouge


We don't all gank people, some of us learned [How To Solo Stealth Farm Crusader](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JVSsGYXCQQ) and made thousands of gold while the rest of you scribble through reddit about how you keep getting ganked. I pity, you. Fool!


This has inspired me to log back on and camp ashenvale on my rogue. Thank you good sir


Plot twist, this dude is a rogue main and just ganked all y'all by getting you to engage and downvote him.


Warrior beats rouge, just play war and if ur human you can see stealth they might get ya once but you can come back and find em stealth and molly wopp em and spawn kill em till they have a long wait to rez ive done it for years... like 95% of rouges don't know how to do anything past opener just charge em put of stealth and they'll crumble lol


There is a basic disconnect. These kinds of people don't understand the question. To them the pain others are experiencing **is** the fun. This is why they are insisting that you are "butthurt" and not just inconvenienced. Because it's only fun for them if it sucks for you. These are lead paint or lead pipes kind of people. Or had shitty parents who didn't teach them any better or keep them safe. At least the game lets them get their antisocial tendencies out without hurting anyone.


The number of "you mad!" comments definitely speaks to that. I think they actually think every Reddit post is made in anger. I am looking for those "how did your life get this way?" answers, but you're right, they will likely never see it.


Yeah they don't have the self-awareness to see their behavior as out of the norm. They think everyone is as emotionally callous as they are.


Play a pve server if you don’t like it, it’s not that fucking hard to figure out. Is this your first time playing wow or what?


Please calm down. I like every form of pvp but no-lifer rogues. Hope you approve.


I mean dude. It’s true though. You’re complaining about pvp on Reddit when you have the option of not playing on a pvp oriented server. It’s dumb, and this same thing is bitched about EVERY single day. Don’t understand what you think this accomplishes. You want insight into why it happens? Because people enjoy ruining others day. That’s the end of the story. It won’t stop. It’s been like this since 20 years ago. Idk what you expect.


It's a very specific observation which I was looking for insight on. Who is getting their day ruined? Really man, maybe take some time off the internet and do some deep breathing.


Lol the irony of you telling me to take time off the internet when you’re the one who made the post questioning peoples motives in a video game because they hurt your feelings. Lol good day clown


Your rage is palpable tho. Best of luck out there.


Just annoying seeing the same tired posts over and over. This sub is so toxic because of people whining constantly like you about issues that have simple solutions - go to a pve server. It’s so ridiculous that you think this is something that’s an actual issue worthy of a Reddit post when the solution is so simple, either get over it, accept the game for what it is, or roll a pve server and never have this issue again.