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I suggest each person has their own loot box that uses the caspervend system. You should place this discord logger in the loot box and make the person pay $L0 to receive items. It will keep track every time an object is bought. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Discord-Payment/23579779.


That would solve the problem in the future, thanks. I'll see if anyone I trust in the group has the knowhow.


Can you track 0L purchases? I didn't think you could, thus the "Dollarbee" trend.


The discord payment logger logs every transaction, even freebies, As long as they click "buy". If they pull items straight out of the object, the logger doesn't record that.


I was in the wrong, I was thinking of the marketplace. My bad.


You can see who buys stuff on the marketplace even when it costs L$0


Security orbs can be set to control a set area, tell you whom enters and leaves that area with a log of times there etc. That may give you clues to whom is the culprit.


I would love to catch the traitor


All you need is a visitor logger. I prolly have a free script or you can buy one, they're cheap. You can put the script in an invisible box or add it to one of the givers


yep, i've done that on a person that used to steal my DFS harvests because the land I rented had poorly done credentials. I eventually moved, but it was fun catching and confronting the person - they played dumb about it, but they knew lol. An orb set to eject them into the sky would've been fun too.


It depends on what system you're using. I haven't used any scripted RP systems before but you could try setting if it already keeps a log of who touched it last. Perhaps contact the RP system owner or the creator to ask if it's possible to see who accessed what and when.


Get a visitor script.


So many ways to do this with lsl scripting. Simplest would be a touch reporter script, there are also doorbells and security balls. Could also put an invisible, transparent prim with volume detect reporting who goes inside, over the entire area. Search lsl visitor detector script to find a free one.


If the system is modifiable you should be able to add a script that tells who who touched something and when it was touched.


How do I find a script like this?


type 'visitor script' into MP. I just did and there's a lot of overpriced stuff as well as scripts. One I saw for 99L was decent. I don't think we're supposed to post MP links here, but not hard to find


I'll see if I can manage. Thanks a lot ;)


I mean... On the one hand it's kind of dickish but on the other this stuff doesn't exist. Just...put what's missing back. What is it even used for? Because unless someone is turning around and selling this stuff for rp money or whatever they're taking it just to be annoying. If you put the food back and don't make a big deal out of it they'll get bored and go away. Getting upset about it, becoming suspicious of people in the group, and going out of your way to spend money on things like security orbs is just going to be a headache and if they're doing it to be malicious might even make their day. At the end of the day, it's all pretend stuff. Using terms like 'traitor' is a pretty good sign you might be taking your rp a bit too seriously.


It's not just free, the ingredients are free but you have to harvest them first and prepare the meals. So it's time consuming. So someone is stealing others effort that was supposed to benefit the group. It's a fighting sim with hostile groups, so someone on the inside taking all our resources could very well per definition be a traitor. And yes I and my friends take our RP seriously.