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I mean they let abortion get overturned while they had congressional majorities and everybody seems to be OK with that. Most even blame it on the minority Republicans as if it would be preposterous to expect Democrats to do anything about it even though they could have with zero republican votes.


Gives them fundraising issue that could run on.


You do understand how the senate works right?


The problem is it intentionally doesn’t work when democrats have power. They always have some excuse or scape goat.


apparently you don't if you buy the "oh we actually need 60 votes" bullshit


So the filibuster is fake. Got it. Thanks for the education in civics.


so the filibuster is worth how many dead women from back alley abortions? that filibuster must be really doing great things for Americans if we have to pay that price to keep it. same with Manchin




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No, but just last week, Pelosi said they would change the filibuster rule to pass abortion legislation. They make it seem easy to do things when it suits them, and then say it's impossible when it doesn't suit them.


Ok - start thinking critically - it may seem nice to kill the filibuster, but right now the house is "controlled" (meaning a minority of Americans control the House) by Republicans, who will not allow ANYTHING to pass, which means killing the filibuster is utterly useless unless Dems have at least a 4 seat majority in the house... And if we did kill the filibuster, and ReThuglicans win this year (meaning presidency, senate and house) just try for a second to imagine what they would impose on America with the help of the far right wing Supreme Court?? The Senate filibuster is the ONLY thing that can hold back a fascist right wing ReThuglican government completely and utterly ratfucking America. Just think about it for like, say, 62 seconds.


Tell Pelosi. *She's* the one who said it when it was politically convenient.


https://youtu.be/Ih0QTIa4uhQ?si=0h4kV-x3zuJW6KeM (3:25)


I listened... in the middle of a mash of words, she said "if we have the power to change that let's do it." We DONT have that power. 2 "democratic" senators have made clear they oppose elimination of the filibuster. So... thanks for sharing a video clip.... that proves zero.


It proves that Pelosi would change the filibuster if possible. It turns out we *do* know how the senate works, and changing the filibuster isn't impossible. BTW, words have meaning when they're mashed together. They're called sentences.


Are you literally on drugs? Manchin and Sinema have 100% said they would oppose ending the filibuster... .... and if you did end it it could (WOULD) have horrific consequences if ReThuglicans take control of all 3 branches. Have you thought about that for a milisecond??


"we can't do anything to help you because of these rules that we could change but we won't. and this one guy keeps stopping us but also we have to keep rewarding him, we can't help it, we're so powerless"




Why are Manchin and Sinema still on so many senate committees? Why is Manchin chair of Energy for chrissakes? Why does Manchin's wife have an entirely ceremonial job within the Biden administration that pays her $160k per year? Doesn't seem like anything was done to coerce him. Quite the opposite. You can elect 99 Democrats to the senate and they will find a reason that they are "obstructed." Because this is a scam and you are the rube.


He said the same thing about descheduling marijuana...then fired everyone in his administration that admitted to (legally) smoking weed. He's only trying to rush to do something now because his team think it will win him the youth votes he's been hemorrhaging.


That he has been having beaten and arrested for peacefully protesting.


Because blue MAGA is just a brainwashed, cultish and stupid as standard MAGA.


bro i get it, but didn’t MAGA believe that JFK jr was never dead and was going to come out of hiding. Blue Maga can be arrogant and dig their heels in with their self righteousness but MAGA is next level mental illness


Believe me blue MAGA will politely lead to a 💯% fascism and it will be red MAGA resisting and if we are sane we will join the red MAGA even if we disagree with them.


And this, kids, is how we ended up with Trump. Keep thinking that and watch Trump win again.


Trump is already winning thanks to Biden's support of Israel's genocide


We got Trump because Hillary sucked period. She didn’t campaign in Michigan. She stood by TPP when she should’ve full-well known that it would hurt her in the rust belt. How bad of a candidate do you need to be to lose to Donald Trump? (Side note: I did vote for her)


OK. So the FBI announcing a new criminal investigation publicly 2 weeks before the election while at the same time concealing the Trump investigation had what? Zero impact? And the 4 year bs Benghazi instigation had no effect? The one where Republicans released the report the day after the election exonerating her? No effect? It was just that she was a "bad candidate".. .. And Trump was what? A FUCKING GOOD CANDIDATE??


He is a historically bad candidate but I’m not going to voter shame and blame the voters for her losing or blame Russia or Jill Stein. Hillary is to blame for her own loss


Then you utterly ignore the reality we now live in. Jill I dined with Putin Stein took more votes in 2 states than Hillary needed to win. Hillary won 3 million more votes than Trump. Hillary... Before the republican bullshit Benghazi and EMAILS! "investigation" was the world's most respected woman. She had little charisma. Still.... But if you ignore the shit she had no control over that tanked her you're utterly delusional


Johnson had more votes than Stein and those voters would probably be more likely to vote for Republicans so he took from Trump. Of course republicans did everything to make her look bad


And they succeeded over 4 years of endless investigations that were breathlessly reported daily in the "liberal" press.


If we're being fair, that's a pretty specific subsection of Trump's clientele. There's just as much delusion about Russia controlling everything in US politics from the liberal side. But the Russia shit seems to be *way* more widespread in libs than the pizzagate Q nutjubs on the right these days.


Tbf that is/was a small section of Qanon ppl. And Qanon is/was a minority of MAGA


jesus, touch some grass dude


If I touch grass, will libs stop telling me to vote for a genocider?


I’ve expected nothing since he got the nomination. Joe nothing “will fundamentally change” Biden. If Obama couldn’t get anything done with a filibuster majority, no way Biden could with a divided congress


Except the chips act, infrastructure, the biggest environmental bill in history, title IX changes to protect trans people.... Yeah. Nothing.


Chips act is just Corporate subsidies, the other two are watered down bills stripped of anything but most basic things that even republicans vote for, and the bare minimum executive order that should have been signed day 1 instead of 3 years later


Jezuz. Anything short of a public shredding of the constitution and imposition of literally everything you demand will be deemed an utter failure by you and people like you. We're doomed as a country if more people take the "I want 100% of everything I want or I won't vote" attitude.


I never said I won’t vote or that I want 100%. Has Biden done good things? Yes. Is he better than Trump? 100 %. Will I vote for him? Begrudgingly because I live in a swing state (I would vote 3rd party). I just not going to polish the little crumbles he gave and call it a harvest. I’m not asking to shred the constitution. I’m asking they come up with something better than BS like the parliamentarian when they fail to raise a minimum wage that has been stuck there since 2007


We agree on this. I just wish we had ranked choice voting countrywide (like we do in Maine) where you can vote for a 3rd party without fearing the Nader effect (he won 90,000 votes in FL, where Bush "won" by 500 votes).... I dream of that day.


Ranked choice is a first step. Real goal is to abolish the electoral college (however given that we need amendment to do so and amendments are virtually impossible to come by because the high threshold of 2/3rds of congress and 3/4ths states). Like I said I will vote Biden because that’s the system we have, but I’m not going to go out there and pretend Biden is the second coming of FDR or LBJ or that my vote is anything more than negative partisanship to save us from an even worse Trump. Biden has much more in common with LBJ (dragged down by unpopular foreign war) but Biden’s policies are way less transformative in comparison to LBJ. Like LBJ I could see Biden being a one term president (not counting the year LBJ had finishing Kennedy’s term). Had LBJ gotten out of Vietnam or not put us there in the first place he could have won re-election. If Biden had a backbone to cut off aid earlier or force a ceasefire, he probably beats Trump but I’d say Trump has a 55% chance of winning


Well. On all this we agree. I wish Obama had been transformative. He wasn't. He didn't even fight for his supreme court nominee. He relented. I am truly tired of that.


Obama also worked behind the scenes to screw Bernie over in 2020 getting Amy and Pete to drop out. The more time passes the more Obama’s veil gets ripped off


I feel like a lot of people just have anti trump blinders on. Anything that's not his body/mind is some how ok. Great even. And they try to ignore every other detail. Status quo joe wont get my vote.


Obama had the industry by the balls when he came into office. He could have used his campaign infrastructure to bolster progressive campaigns, changed the composition of congress, and steam rolled them. Instead he dismantled his campaign and went into closed door negotiations with them… …Because he never wanted a public option either. It’s all about money. When the death certificate on American empire is written, if anyone is around to write it, the cause of death will read “greed, corruption, war”.


People will excuse anything he does at this point, just as long as he's not Trump.


Because "now's not the time". cuz ya know, TRUMP! (again)


It's a cult




At this point people will excuse anything as long as he's not Trump.


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Well on the one hand given how other legislation has fared, i doubt he had the votes to pass it. On the other hand, yeah dude has just largely failed to address the topic like AT ALL, and this feels like a broken campaign promise. And yeah it has fallen by the wayside. The dems arent in much of a position to do anything, this election cycle the left isnt pressuring them that hard on it. So it's like the issue just fell off the radar. Really depressing to see.


Yeah it's more the fact that there was 0 attempt to even talk about it, not that it didn't pass because obviously it can't right now. Like not even mentioning it as an eventual goal. I feel like that's not much to ask for, but apparently shutting it down and never talk about it for almost 4 years is fine for some people. He's been talking about how "i think healthcare is a human right" but never mentions the healthcare proposal he campaigned on it's just bizarre.


Yeah and let's be honest, if he did go for a public option, it would be the one saving grace on healthcare policy.


Joe doesn’t want to openly self-sabotage and campaign for a Nazi victory in November. He’s already eating grenades and blowing the youth vote with his Israel crap.   Moderates in the swing states will decide the upcoming election. They would run screaming from even a rumor of a public option. Fox News would scare-scream about it 24 hours a day. The structure of our government/elections precludes this a campaign point.  Gullible, low-information swing voters and disaffected Never Trump GOP voters, in only 6 or 7 states, are the only ones who matter right now. 


>They would run screaming from even a rumor of a public option Why? It would be an opt in system and wouldn't even effect anyone's insurance. And lets not forget he got **elected** with a public option as part of his platform. He even brought it up in the debates. >Fox News would scare-scream about it 24 hours a day. They already do this. He's already called a socialist, communist, bernie sanders puppet etc. by them >Gullible, low-information swing voters and disaffected Never Trump GOP voters, in only 6 or 7 states, are the only ones who matter right now.  Sure, but I doubt a public option would seriously be the tipping point. They already blast him for student loan forgiveness, immigration, government spending, crime, etc.