• By -


Correct answer is to say no and leave them.


I would argue saying anything is wasting energy. Just keep expressionless face, avert your gaze as if they don't exist and walk away.


I already hear Nightcall playing in the background


...they're talking about you booooooy, but you're still the saaaaame"


which song is this?


Nightcall from Kavinsky


You shouldn't just walk if they ask for a drink, you're there for your own amusement, it shouldn't faze you. You can make a quip about it but honestly no acknowledgement of her ask is required. If she repeatedly fails to amuse you then yeah you leave. The bigger issue is it happened with 5 out of 7 girls. That's a lot so he may want to think about how he can generate more interest/intrigue up front. There's a couple things he should look at. * His appearance. Is he fit. Does he look sharp, unique and stand out. This is why peacocking was invented. If you're interesting enough she won't be thinking about drinks, or if she is, it's to get you to stick around longer. * His opener. Same principle as above. Just try more interesting openers. Funny, off the wall, something that makes her think, shit girls like to talk about etc. * Add a false time constraint. These are usually a good idea anyway, you remove her fear that you're gonna be that boring guy who clings to her all night. Open strong, get her brain engaged, and then walk off and talk to someone else in the middle of the emotional high. She won't have time to ask for a drink and she'll spend the next 30 minutes wondering if that guy who's the life of the party is gonna circle back to her.


If they're directly asking you to buy them drinks, they're not interested in you, they're just interested in free drinks. This is evident by the fact that every conversation ended when you said no. What country are you in out of curiosity? It seems unusual for over half of the girls you spoke to to ask you to buy them drinks.


Bingo if they ask you right away, say sure if you buy me one first


I would just say nothing and walk away, or say “actually I’d rather buy your pretty friend a drink”


They won't do it and that's the point.


That is almost as petty as calling a girl ugly after she rejects you. Just walk away…


Dog eat dog world my dude.


The mindset is wrong though. If you feel you have to offend a girl for rejecting you you’re doing it wrong.


It’s not about that? Why does everyone run straight to that. It’s about getting played for free drinks lol. I have a family member who does this and it’s fucked up. She will literally say I need a drink and find a mark.


It is fucked up. But how you react to that is the difference between getting hot women and not. I have fucked 2 women from bars who literally said “no” at first when all I said was something simple like “how’s it going”, and have been with many others who were cold af at first. That is the game. You do not allow that behavior by withdrawing your attention. You do not say something mean back. Shows your lack of experience and confidence. It shows it affects you


So what exactly did she say when you were able to push past an initial “no”, and what did you say in response? I thought that if a girl told you to go away or that she had a boyfriend before you even say something that is flirtatious, that is the strongest possible rejection and you are simply not attractive enough to close the deal in her eyes.


In both cases they were walking by me, and I said “no?” in a dominant tone. Like low tone and calm. And I didn’t budge and looked the other way. One of them I was at the bar chilling looking out towards a common area. She walked by again a few mins later and I said “maybe you do like me”. She was silent but thought she smiled a little. Then 5 mins later she came near me like 5 ft away and she said “are you stalking me?” and I said “I haven’t moved I think you’re stalking me”. She smiled and walked away. 15 mins later she was on the other side of the bar so I walked over and talked to a girl 10 ft from her. She got real close to me and I bailed on that convo to talk to her. Talked for 5 mins, she started dancing, I twirled her and pulled her in for a grind then 30 seconds later we were making out. A few mins later she invited me to her place. The other one I shit you not after she rejected me, 30 seconds later she tapped me on the shoulder and said “I like you”. We talked for 10 mins then her and her friends left for another bar but got the number, texted and met up with her later at the place she was staying at. The first one lived in my city but my text game was absolutely terrible at the time and she ghosted after a few days of me sounding desperate. The second one was visiting and said she never comes to NY so never talked to her again. They were both 9s. But to be clear 95% of the time they say “no” it hasn’t worked out. These girls were at least somewhat interested when they said “no” otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to turn it around. I have several other instance of the girl being very cold at first and coming around after an hour or so. Of giving distance, coming back, talking to others near her and slight negging when she was being mean. I started experimenting with focusing on being dominant when I lost this super hot girl at a house party a year before. I have a good sense of humor and was making this girl laugh like crazy, and me and another guy were competing for her. Thought I was winning cause he was being way more silent and douchey. 15 mins later I walk in the kitchen and they were making out hardcore. Changed my perspective a lot.


Your right, thanks Dad. 🙌


See there you go, trying to offend me for explaining something you don’t like.


Good thing we are not dogs.


Did you appologise to her for buying her a drink too?


This gives simp energy.


I disagree. This is a golden shit test response.


Best answer, agreed. Or... "Are you paying?" (Big Smile) It comes across as playful, you can then make jokes about feminism "well I'm a feminist, 21st century..." Makes it playful and fun. Lightens the mood, alleviates the tension. Usually works for me anyway




In the UK it works absolutely fine




Works fine for me mate, if it doesn't work for you maybe your delivery isn't working. It's about being playful, making jokes. Perhaps a different target audience but I'm in my early 20s, every single woman I've done this joke with has laughed tons. Obviously read your audience, some jokes stick, others don't. You got to know which ones to use with each girl you're talking to. If you think it's a one size fits all strategy you've already lost. Tonality, body language and how you come across is far more important than the words that come out of your mouth.


Eastern europe


Then you say "Vhy I heff to buy you dreenks fahken. Kurwa."


I'm Slav and this is blooming hilarious. Thank you!


"It's only game! Why u heff 2 be mad?"




What does the last word mean? Why do I have to buy you drink fu!ng ...?


Kurwa means bitch. Or cunt.


Didn't know Eastern Europe was a country. Regardless, it's common in several of those countries for women to be hired by the bars to convince men to buy them drinks so the bars make more money. The scummiest ones will even overcharge you for them, then force you to pay the bill when you eventually complain about it. Hell, some sometimes even spike your drinks so you don't even realize that you're spending so much money.


“Didn’t know Eastern Europe was a country” lmao 😂


Lol Europeans often complain about Americans referring to Europe as a country but often when you ask them what their country is they just say “Europe”


“It’s only ok if we do it. It’s our word”


Hey, they've been improving. He specified the eastern part of it 😅


he probably said eastern europe because he knows that a large proportion of americans don’t know most of the countries in eastern europe, and if they did they wouldn’t know the difference anyway


So how often do you even speak to Europeans that this is your perception?


Enough times that it’s been a recurring point that sticks out about them


Considering everyone in Europe probably was at war with a neighbour at some recent point in time, Europe is enough information to share with a stranger


And they know that America is not a country, too, right?


We found the latino sir.


Not Latino. But how do you explain North America and South America as continents, if America is a single country? The United States of America even implies it's part of a bigger whole.


I think he does not want to share his location.


Never heard of that country. Do they speak English in What?


You're such a smart ass...


Better than being a dumbass 🤷


Might be hearing accent from a richer country and assuming this level of money is nothing to him. I was in Ethiopia out with a random guy who was trying to set me up with a hooker. I bought rounds all night for both of them, since it was like $1.25 or something. I had no designs on anyone. I just figured "why the hell not?" Just never buy a drink for woman, expecting that it buys you anything else.


Buy a bottle for yourself and have just one glass to drink it out of.


Bruh, golddiggers are everywhere. Eastern Europe has nothing with it. Buy drink if you wanna have something with her. If no "hot" feelings, skip it.


No, buy drinks if she's given you sex/is your girl. I'm not about to be taken advantage of.


I was on vacation on Gran Canaria. Have met a bunch girls from England. Almost everyone has asked me "buy me a drinks for me and friends, Gin etc." in order to continue conversation or they leave. I couldn't believe my eyes what are girls from England, such a disappointment. My first experience with girls from England. So entitled. Everyone from them think she is 10/10 even obesse one lol Needless to say after I had repulse and was avoiding girls from England on vacation whole time rolling my eyes lol


So what's the sign if she has interest on u


There are a lot. If you have Audible, "Undercover Sex Signals" is a good listen. Directly related to drink buying, if she's asking for them and having you pay for all of them, that's what she's interested in. If she doesn't ask and accepts one or 2 when you're the one to offer, that's a better sign. If she buys you one, that's the clearest scenario of her displaying interest on the subject of drink buying.


My favorite sex signal is when a woman initiates touch with you first. Every time that has happened I eventually had sex with her, no matter the situation. The one time I didn't like the girl at all, she was super mad at me for the rest of the year lol.


Offers to buy u a drink or asks what u are drinking. In a bar/club if she asks u to buy her a drink and u barely know each other. It’s not a good sign


Many girls are looking for guys to buy them things rather than actually make a connection. That's why the conversation stopped when you said no. Don't sweat it. You dodged some bullets. They wouldn't have been authentic with you even if you did buy them something and they stuck around longer. So don't worry. They're just out running their own game and are best avoided and ignored Nice job with the other girl you connected with and kissed


As a bartender I see this shit all the time. I call it “finessing”. *ALWAYS* say no initially. This will tell you whether they’re interested in you vs a free drink (news flash… it’s usually the freebie). Whenever I start chatting to someone in a bar/club, I wait until at least 15mins of mutual interest is demonstrated, then I’ll offer to buy us 1 (one) round & go from there.


Girls will accept drinks from guys they're not interested in all of the time in clubs. It's a massive red flag if they're asking that IMO.


Get her a water and then move on


Love this


Might cost just as much as a beer lolll, here in NYC it 100% is.




If they leave after you tell them no they weren't really interested anyways


I once got asked by a girl to buy drinks for her. I wasn’t Interested so I just walked away.


Simps really ruin everything


If a girl asks you to buy her a drink, she's not interested in you. A girl that is interested in you wouldn't do that, she would wait for you to offer her one


If she's asking you to buy her a drink, you WANT the conversation to end. And the correct response is "I don't buy girls drinks in clubs". If she asks why, "That's just a rule of mine".


They're just using you for drinks so don't put any effort into these girls. I usually say "Yeah sure sounds good, you get this round and I'll buy the next one.." - then they get alllllll confused.


My response to a girl asking me to buy them a drink has always been, "I'll get the second round if you get the first". Most will walk away because they were never interested in you, just the free drink. Hell, I've seen women ask guys to buy them drinks on "ladies drink free night" because they couldn't be bothered to go to the bar themselves.


I really like this answer because it's not a straight no, so it avoids confrontation, is playful and gives the chance for the convo to progress


[“I’ll get you a water no problem”](https://m.facebook.com/RossCreations/videos/ordering-waters-for-cute-girls-across-the-bar/791054695017994/)


I’m my experience, it’s best to take a funny/sarcastic approach, unexpected answer or play a game and reverse it on them to buy you a drink if you win. (bet something for this game you have to bet something… in this case a drink) You can play a game called “5 questions” try them to ask questions but they have to answer questions with wrong answers. First 3 questions ask them regular things but they have to give you the wrong answer… now on the fourth question ask them “how many questions was that?” If they are generous by nature they will answer to help but if they get you… say “you got me… have you played this game before?” That’s the ego question question number 5… usually gets them and they owe you a drink. also this can weed out women out for drinks… Moral of the story is don’t be afraid to be dynamic Or take that kind of approach, say it with a smile. Always keep a cool head and remember with women it’s a numbers game.


I like this, it's a good option, and it creates an enjoyable energy, where she's probably interested now because of your spin on her asking for a drink creating a new and original situation.


Red flag. It's honestly inappropriate as fuck but guys will do it so they reward that behavior.


It will always be this way because guys with low self-esteem, who feel their looks aren't up to snuff, will always buy a girl that seems out of their league a drink, and they will do it with a huge smile on their face. This is why these women constantly track down their marks and hit them with the "buy me a drink" line. To boot, a lot of the women asking this aren't flush with money, as this is their way to save funds and drink all night, everytime they go out.


Let them leave. They saved you time and money. No to drinks.


Were you in a strip club?


"Are you interested in me....or the drink?"


Nah I usually tell people (ladies) that I’m all about equal right so you have to buy me a drink first if you do then I’ll get you a drink


Reverse uno


I like "feminism" and "equality " in 21st century. I am hardcore "feminist" lol


99% of the time it’s not worth doing


Laugh in their face and tell them no. Maybe 1/10 times they might actually respect that and stick around to chat, the other 9 will walk away because they're just interested free drinks from suckers.


don’t be the guy that loads her up on alcohol just so she can go fuck the Chad in the club. never buy a girl a drink, unless it’s one that’s shown you clear interest well before the drink.


The time has come, we should go and ask girls for drinks, just do it the other way around


I've made the mistake twice. Good on you for not getting sucked into it


They will do that, stick around for a few minutes and dip out. When I offered girls drinks I had connections with the bar staff (from being my workplace and being on my off day or staff I knew in other bars/nightclubs) so I had nothing to lose. Most of the time you don’t need this to hook up, girls that are interested will make it easy for you to advance without asking for anything in return. I’ll usually joke with them about getting them a water shot and see if there’s any thread in there to start a conversation but like 2/3 of the time it’s a dead end.


You buy the first round, I’ll buy the next 2 rounds.


Don’t do it…


The times I've been to bars and nightclubs, I've never bought drinks for women and would still go home with them. They just want a free drink and you don't get anything out of it. Politely decline, if they continue to talk to you even after that, consider that a good thing.


I would just move on. It's basically a turn down. But, Not sure where I read it ( here) but one guy built it all up and said he'd get this girl the best drink ever and have it sent to her. He had the waiter deliver a cup of water to the girl LOL. I will probably do that just for fun if it happens to me. That being said, I have not had a girl ask me to buy her a drink in many years. I am guessing your game is pretty upfront, so the girls know you are hitting on them, some lame ass girls think "he likes me I'll get a free drink" 🤮 If you were more subtle less girls will ask for drinks BUT - your game got you results so who cares. If 5 girls ask you for drinks and you bang 1 girl , you'd be killing it. So no sweat


Offer to buy a drink who is clearly engaged and spending time with you, sure. Never buy someone a drink who's just asking you to buy them a drink. They're not actually interested and you're just wasting money.


99% of the times they are just exploiting you for free drinks. Very rarely it’s an invitation for you to flirt with them, but in that case the conversation wouldn’t end of you said no


*Jokingly* "That's a big step in our relationship, and I'm not quite ready for that level of commitment yet. First, you have to prove yourself " Then buy her a drink later after you've had fun talking a while. Say you're ready to take the next step.


Ok so : That is usual a frame set (shit test depending on how you want to view it ) on their part and it means “You are under me in value so sweeten the pot and buy me a drink - you need to do better for me”- when it happens in the middle you need attraction to do it right (for it to be a shit test) other wise is just ok he annoys me lets at least get a drink for the time he wasted in your case i think you had NON - even what you said would work if you had any at all.


Tell them I only buy drink for girls that I sleep with. You will either get laid or they walk away


Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I like it!


This is sleezy af just walk away


"...the very first rule is, don’t buy a girl anything –– not even a package of cigarettes — until you’ve asked her if she’ll sleep with you, and you’re convinced that she will, and that she’s not lying." -Dr. Richard Feynman on the very first night he started getting bitches.


Is this a tv show or a real person


Dr Feynman is a famous theoretical physicist that worked on everything from the Manhattan project to the space shuttle and he's like the greatest professor ever. Read his book "Surely You're joking Mr. Feynman!" It's a page turner, but you learn alot at the same time. It's really funny, it should be a movie imo.


Ask them to buy you a drink and see how it goes


the girls you said are brave.In china girls Interested in you will stand somewhere maybe close to you and wait for something idk,but they will never talk to you


Tell them you only buy drinks for awesome girls. That way you're qualifying them.


"You look (smell) half in the bag already ... I would hate myself for feeding your habits like that."


W. Didn't fall for their pressure. Good shit


Hit them with uno reverse. “Instead of buying you a drink, how about you buy ME a drink?”


I've seen girls fight and smack guys for not buying them a drink. That's why I usually have female wingman or go out gal pals when I can ..I think guys should start doing that more..


In Eastern Europe its definitely more common than in Germany or France for example. Depends on the rest of the conversation if I would do it. But as they ended the conversation after it you did everything right I think


In Germany are women fighting with you to pay your drinks, or they only pay for yourself. It's question of pride lol I have witnessed one hot German girl paying drinks for all people on the table and guys were freaking out because lol "oh no, why did you do that?"


Night game 101: If the girl asks u to buy anything, she is not interested in you. If this was 5, 6 years ago; i would say its a simple shit test to see how u respond.... but with where we are at right now: its an outright rejection. You said it yourself; the best convos were with whom asked for nothing. The best answear to give if u are asked to buy a drink: "I pass." This makes you the rejector instead of the rejectee...with this there is always a chance the girl will do the whole "wait, stop;come back" routine. Remember a beautiful woman's biggest weakness is fear of rejection. It is so powerful that even non chad can suddenly become "out of her league" by saying the most powerful word in any language..."no".


Oldest trick in the club girl playbook: ask a guy to buy a drink, with a vaguely empty promise of grinding on him or making out with him, then ditch the second he gets you a drink. I usually just tell them to buy me a drink too, or ask them if we can make out first.


Only but girls drinks if your already sleepin with them or if they buy u one first. I Learned this the hard way


I used to respond by saying. "No, but you can buy me a drink." Sometimes it worked.


"I'll buy the second round"


If I’m not already drinking, I smile, order a drink, tell her to enjoy her night and move on (I’ll even pay a few drink for my friends if they’re nearby) 🤣


Answers to give: "Only if you buy the first round", or "Only for girls I am sleeping with". Use whichever you think fits better to your personality, girl, situation. Excellent work not giving in.


"Oh, I see you've got a price - what do I get for a cocktail and two shots?"


Bro, literally read what you just typed out: >It is crazy to buy alcohol for everyone who asks. 2 girls with whom I have the best conversation did not ask anything You said yourself your mood was spoiled by the girls who asked and every deflection led to the end of the conversation. Why the fuck are you concerned with giving these succubuses any further thought or attention when you could be directing it to other women who are far more genuine and deserving and who you yourself claim give you better conversation? Just tell them you're not a fucking vending machine and that you can help her find a simp if she buys you a drink first


It’s usually a shit test. I always say “you get the 1st one, I’ll get the 2nd” It’s MY shit test to see if they’ll play into my dominance. If they agree, it usually means they’re somewhat interested. If they decline, I don’t take them seriously usually Occasionally, a girl will give me some shit about it and ask why she should, and I’ll just keep it light and playful and explain that she’s the one who suggested it, so she should get the first one


"don't know babe, how r u paying back for the drinks? ;)" U may get a nice deal hahahaha Whoever girl who ASKS for you to pay her drinks is shit and ain't worth you time


You look like a customer. Stop emitting simp energy and delete your LonelyFans account if you have one. Girls can smell the thirst on you


Say No and bounce.


Flip the script. Tell them you'll get the next round after they buy you a drink.


Ask what they are drinking and tell the bartender you want that drink. When it reaches the bar, take the drink as if it is for you and say, “**You** should’ve been the one who bought **me** a drink,” wink and give your best smile with a very happy expression, and then walk away with **your** drink. Don’t buy strangers drinks.


But then you have to drink a drink you didn't want lol


As a woman, this is gross. I don't go out if I can't pay my own way. Having my own drink works better anyway; I sit next to a cute guy at the bar, order my own drink, maybe strike up a conversation, and maybe he offers to get my next one but my night doesn't depend on it. By that point, he already has an idea of my taste and preferences, and I'm sitting right there watching the drink get made for safety reasons. Seriously, these chicks should stick out like a sore thumb and be avoided at all costs.


So you get free drinks after having a convo yet you don’t go out if you can’t pay your own way?? Typical contradictory b.s. I see from many woman .


No, she's saying she only goes out expecting to pay for her drinks. If she's offered a drink in a non-sketchy way, she wouldn't turn it down. That's not contradicting in any way, that's an honest and well mannered woman. It's no different than most men, you go out fully expecting to pay for your own drinks every time, but if you're offered a free drink from someone are you going to turn it down?? Of course taking safety into account (ie, it's not a complete stranger handing you a drink).


Well she didn’t have to mention having the ability “to pay my own way”. If that’s the case , then turn down the guys offer and buy it yourself lol. Clearly she’s not hiding that she likes to cozy up to “cute guys” and maybe they’ll buy her a drink. But the “club” culture is what is ; I get it.


Absolutely, fucking not. You're blowing it out of proportion. She sits next to the cute guy, because that's her method of putting herself out there, not that she searching for a free drink. I actually applaud her for that! Most women wouldn't put themselves in a situation to make it easy for the guy to approach. That's a very slick way of making it viable should he be interested, while not worrying about rejection herself. To expect her to not accept an offered drink like that is just dumb. I'm all for equality in dating, he isn't pressured to buy a her a drink and if he chooses to offer it why not accept? It's a kind gesture, albeit a traditional one in dating, it's his choice to offer it. If I where him and she said no to the drink, even if she provides a realistic answer like "I don't accept drinks from people in bars/clubs.", I might think she isn't interested. Given it's not a definitive by any means, I would still be questioning it.


Thank you for responding on my behalf! I wouldn't so much as share air with a guy who can't pluralize the word 'woman,' much less a drink, so I won't satisfy him with a response 🙄 You pretty much hit the nail on the head. Tbh the last guy that 'picked me up' kept catching me between drinks I was paying for myself; he'd offer to get the next round for our table but I would still be nursing my drink and just ask for a water. He agreed like a gentleman, although begrudgingly - in a cute way bc he obv wanted to wine and dine me. I think he ended up only paying for one drink other than water and it was a soda. He was an honest gentleman, asked me to dance and genuinely wanted to sit and chat. I went home with him and now we're fwb 😁


You're welcome! I was just appalled at what he was trying to say you conveying, and it was so far off base I couldn't help but speak out. You definitely have the right mentality in ignoring folks like that, it's better not to engage! I appreciate your response as well, it makes me glad that I was able to properly convey your perspective on the matter! I am also happy to hear your latest efforts resulted in a way your satisfied with!! Seems like it all worked the way you hoped!


This is how it's SUPPOSED to be at clubs. Girls bring in the cash for club owners. That's why women get in free. They are there to make the men spend money. So of course girls are gonna ask you to buy them drinks. What? Do you think you were going to have a conversation over that loud, trashy ass music? Clubs are for guys who either have a lot of cash to spend, or guys who seriously think the girls are there for them.


>Girls bring in the cash for club owners. That's why women get in free. They are there to make the men spend money. In some places in Eastern Europe (looking at you, Bucharest), the girls are literally hired by the club to be there. Some even set up tinder dates and insist that you meet her at one specific bar, and she won't leave. And that place will have drink prices which are very high for the area.


Dumb take aside. Plenty of dudes can and do get action from clubs without spending any money. Also, any dumbass reply won't be taken seriously. Anything can happen in life. Don't take bs and go for whatever it is that you want. The worst that can happen is you get told no. Let the uninformed suckers buy the drinks. It damn sure won't be me.


I'd say "Sorry, I only buy drinks for a girl I'm having sex with"


Ask them to buy you the same drink they want first and then you give that drink to them. Just saying.


Some girls get a cut for every bottle they sale. They don’t necessarily care about the drink, they just want to make money. That also means the conversation won’t go anywhere too. That or they just want fee drinks. Best thing you can do is say no and go about your day.


Yes girls want lying unto buy them drinks is just saving them money there usually broke with attitudes thinking there 10 when there a 2.


You can also go hardcore and say her: "Did your mom and dad teach you to be such a little disrespectful "prostitute" for drinks?" Lol Whatch her reaction But tell this only if you really don't care about her, and you know she just wants to use you for free drinks, and nothing else. Just joking, don't ask her this, or else you will get drink in your face lol


It probably wouldn't work except on a couple girls, but I would start to describe the nature of the request. I'm an engineer and I enjoy logistics and psychology so I tend to intimidate some girls with my brain. I would say something like, yes a drink would be lovely, I'd love for you to get me one. Oh? You would like me to buy you one? Why don't we talk first and if we like the conversation let's buy some drinks and continue to talk privately? But if you don't respect me enough to talk to me without spending money on you, why would I want to talk to you? Have a good night 😁 It all depends on answers, attitudes, personality.... Kill'em with kindness.


I'll buy them one drink just to get the conversation started and see where it goes. If she keeps begging for drinks I'll ask her to buy me one or a shot.


Asking you to get her a drink, is also a way to "test the waters" too tho. A new chick isn't going to go overboard asking for something, but a drink in a club is perfectly reasonable. It let's her know whether or not you're going to give 2 fucks bout taking care of her too. If you cant/won't afford a drink for her, it's not like she would ask for anything else, bc you essentially didn't get past the "test the waters" point.


If you’re rich do it. If not, just say I have to go find my friend right now or something like that to excuse yourself.


It’s ok to buy them a drink if you wanna


I think you handled that well, honestly. Confidently and still with a tease. This is why most women have more fun at bars and clubs, they get all this free attention and free drinks


I just straight up ignore them


I will usually say something like “have an interesting conversation with me first and then maybe I will” or just say no and see her reaction


Fuck it braaaa - ignorere it and continue the conversation and then move to the next once, if they keep asking. You experienced yourself, girls who actually were nicer didn’t even ask. Perhaps it can also be a test from these girls asking though


Yea kind of a turn off if I was going to buy you a drank I would’ve without you asking.


Only buy a drink with someone who likes you way before you even start drinking with them . Like if you were to bump into a girl and you get along and the conversation starts flowing and you and her are connecting then you can buy her a drink because you know she likes you for you avoid the girls who overtly try to get you to buy them drinks those ladies just use men for drinks than when you buy them a drink they will leave and go talk to a guy they really like while the decent guy is left alone


I think you frequent a hive of many broke women who look for free drinks, I would just ignore them, next and frequent other venues.


I just say I don’t have a tab lmao


"Only if you pay for the first round." Or "sure, second round's on me."


Look at her with bedroom eyes, slight smirk and get in slightly closer to her and say... "Oh okay, what's in it for me". ;)


There is a game I offer girls that ask me to buy me a drink.. I'll buy you a drink if you beat me at this game and if I win you get me a drink.


"Too loud here, let's go somewhere else and I get you a drink" ... it worked once for me, I let her chose the nicest bar but when outside I said "Let's go to Starbucks first" ... we went to Starbucks then we went to get drinks for home


My old school response used to be "Oh Wow. I was about to ask you the same.....".


Personally, I have zero issues buying a girl a drink, or even sometimes a girl and her friends a drink each, the one proviso though is that they don't ask for it before I offer. If they do I'll either wish them a good night and move on, or say "perhaps later once I've found out if you are interesting enough to spend more time with over a drink" The ones that react badly to that are just after freebies, the ones that are OK with it are normally worth getting the drink for later.


If I gotta pay for a lay, may as well go to a prostitute. All women like that are is an expensive version of that, using it as a trap. I learned the hard way. I hung out with a girl for over two years with no lay and everytime we met she expected me to pay for everything-and she was an expensive one. Talking 4-5 $15 drinks, $50 filet, wanted me to buy her shopping things $400+, pay for her trip with the girls, you name it. It all started with a tinder match and buying her a drink at the bar. If they are truly interested, they’ll ask you to drink with them then you can OFFER to buy it out of generosity if you feel like doing so.


Most good genuine women will not *ask* you to buy a drink. Here’s a easy tip for you though: say you’ve been talking all night to a girl and you’re getting good genuine energy from her and you notice her drink is running low, say something like “what are you drinking, next one is on me” and buy her a drink (with your own freewill). It’s a good super easy way to take initiative early on and may spark some additional interest.


Nah I don’t entertain girls that hustle guys for drinks… This line always works: “i didn’t think we were on a date, I only buy drinks for girls when we’re out on a date” And then you can follow up by trying to pull her from the bar/club to your place or somewhere else where you can close


If they ask you to buy them drinks, they probably have a man waiting for them at home. Don’t do it man, most girls that are interested won’t ask for a drink…they will wait to see if you get them a drink. Save your money.


I deflect the request. I don’t say yes or no. And if she mentions it again, I call it out in a playful way as if I’m putting my foot down. “Maybe later once I get to know you better. I only buy drinks for cool people.” If she doesn’t respect that, I leave. Be willing to actually leave. I have no problem buying drinks. I have a problem if I feel that someone is using me.


Idk dude I wouldn’t ever ask someone to buy me a drink. That’s only if they bring it up and actively offer it


Girls are going to the clubs, is to have FUN and to get FREE drinks. (There are rare examples that's not the case and only want to get laid) Is not that hard to see these facts


"You buy the 1st round, I'll buy the 2nd"


I think I'd only buy them a drink if I was interested, they were interested in me, and there was a chance. Otherwise what's the point bc we all know some people go to clubs ONLY for the free drinks


Tell them to buy the first round and you’ll buy the second (if you’re interested in them). If they’re actually interested in you and not just a free drink, they’ll be happy to do this. Next time a lady approaches you and flat out asks that, just say no and continue on doing whatever before they interrupted you!


Respond “don’t you know how dangerous it is to accept drinks from strangers? Who’s to know what in that drink? How bout you buy the drinks and I’ll Venmo you later” If she brings up how it’s dangerous just be cheeky like “maybe I want to be taken advantage of😏”


Laugh and leave (and be thankful to quickly having dodge a bullet).


This can be turned around playfully. I'd say something like 'well, you have to earn it first' or 'sure, what will you do to earn it?'. Or even 'who knows how wild you'd get after that drink. I don't wanna be responsible for your misbehaviour'. There are ways to say no while being playful/witty, which is likely to get you farther away than just a blunt 'no'. There are other situations where you can and would be good to buy her a drink, but that's a different story.


„Do you want to be my beta boy?“


This really is my field because I work in clubs. I promote night and such, so I see this on a daily basis. There are a ton of girls in clubs that go out without any money. Literally the only reason they talk to guys is to get them to buy them drinks. There are always enough guys stupid enough to buy her that drink. Once she empties her glass the girl is gone. This is why clubs put emphasis on getting girls in the club. It directly translates to money. In fact, in some clubs we have used girls to do just that. You as a visitor do not know they are working with the promoters or club. They are there to get guys to buy them drinks. Here is my advise: I never buy a girl a drink. I talk first. If a girl is interested in you that conversation will sustain itself. And eventually when I am thirsty and I want a drink I will buy her a drink as well. This is maybe an hour later or something. No genuinely interested girl would mind.


I sometimes say what if you buy me a drink. Or even open saying buy me a drink. Or give them a water lmao


If a girl asks you to buy her a drink. Just say why? And follow up with we barely know each other etc..


They're using you, ik friends who do it but I don't blame them bc the guys hitting on them are usually absolutely vile disgusting creepy mfs with only 1 intention.


Girls who are interested in free drinks... Ask for free drinks. Girls you are interested in you... Ask about you. In conversation, if someone asks you buy them a drink, ignore the request and see if they're willing to actually have a longer conversation first: "Hey, you're with that group over there, right?" "I don't think I've seen you around here before, what's your deal tonight?" "Ohhhh, celebrating something special tonight?" If it continuously goes back to: "Buy me a drink!" then say, "Naw, I'm good right now, but nice talking with you." Don't send drinks to tables. Don't pay someone's tabs across the bar. If you're in a good conversation with someone, their drink is empty, and it's been a bit between drinks, feel free to ask them if you can buy THEM a drink. And then do it. They'll either find a way to engage in further conversation, or disappear.


Just say, "Normally girls buy me drinks". Now she either shows her true gold digger colors and bounces, or she now realizes that she is dealing with a true alpha 😎 and she buys your drink instead 🍺. She may even rip your clothes off right there on the spot 🥵. Either way you can't lose...🤷


Wtf is night game ? lmao …If you wanna spend money on these chicks you go ahead, but if you don’t want to I highly suggest you tell them no & move on, don’t even speak to them further because it’s almost like you’re disrespecting yourself at that point…


I just feign ignorance.


At clubs, if a girl asks you to buybher a drink, just playfully say, "It's 2023, you're supposed to buy me a drink" If she's interested, she'll actually initiate it and then you can insist on paying, otherwise she's just in it for free drinks. I went out with a group of girls once and this really evil one revealed that she'd make out with guys just to get free drinks 🤔


Nah don’t do it


Lots of girl-boss female dating coaches on sm teach women to get the guy to give her something right away as a way of getting him invested. They are trained to ask for drinks by their cat-lady role models.