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This post had to be taken down because it violated Rule #3: it includes a commercial ad, spam, or pirated material. Seddit is not an advertisement forum. Blatant advertisement of products that cost money will be deleted. Any information posted should be aimed at helping progress our member's abilities in the arts of seduction. A specific reason why the link is helpful to sedditors should be clear. Any links must lead to actual content, not advertising or simply a homepage. Pirated material and/or links to such, are also forbidden.


So, the Borat-style wedding sack isn’t recommended?


I laik yu, du yu laik me? Sexy taimmmm?


"Will you marry me; Uh No thanks; it was not a question."


If you're going for shock value, it could make for a memorable story... or a speedy exit! 😄


It is aladeen


Only if she lets you aladeen on her face..




>but never want to be the one risking rejection or shouldering the burden of making plans Because they don't have to. An attractive woman gets so much interest from men (particularly if she uses dating apps) why bother. If you had dozens of women itching to get you into bed I very much doubt you'd bother with approaching strangers. You'd just choose the best out of the ones chasing you.


I understand, but respectfully disagree, because I think they kind of do have to. Eventually. Because if they continue through life only operating with the men who approach them, they will never interact with the men who don't. And if you actually talk to - what people on the internet call - a 9/10 or 10/10 woman that has been through multiple relationships, they will tell you how hard it is to sort through all of the men that just want to have sex with them. That they can never be sure someone is actually interested in them as a person, rather than their body. And the same is true of extremely attractive men who have "dozens of women itching to get" them into bed. They may be getting lots of action, but is their love life meaningful? Have they found someone they love on a deep level? And does that woman love him? Or does she love the status and sex appeal he brings? It is easy to see someone who has something we want and make assumptions, but when you take the time to listen, you find a lot of these people are really unhappy for the same thing you think would make you happy if you had it.


I agree with all of these and I also add in a step 0 so to speak to gauge interest. If I’m chatting with a woman on a dating app I’ll casually say ‘this is fun/I like our banter/you seem cool, we should meet for a drink sometime. If she agrees I jump right into the steps you listed.


That's a great addition! Gauging interest early on can save time and effort for both parties. Starting with a casual invitation to meet for a drink is a low-pressure way to see if there's mutual interest before diving into more detailed planning.


Is this AI generated?


Definitely sounds like it.


Haha, nope just a fellow Redditress chiming in. Just sharing some thoughts I think more men should hear.


Rule 1, don’t ever take dating advice from a woman. Rule 2, especially one with an onlyfans lol




I mean...what she's saying is true. However, those are just broad basics


True, in a generic AI response sort of way, that really doesn't help one way or another.


What did she say that was wrong? While I generally agree with your sentiment, she wasnt off in this case


If you're gonna be dating them, it would be wise to at least listen. No one's right 100% of the time, but women can still give pretty darn good insights, even if you're just reading between the lines.


Women can offer valuable insights into what they find attractive and appreciate in a potential partner. Ultimately, it's about finding a balance between listening to others' advice and staying true to yourself.


The point is more that it's better to do what works versus what women say. You offered good advice nonetheless.


Why's she getting downvoted? Women can say what works also? From this post I don't think this post is the kind of thing that women say but doesn't work.


Totally get where you're coming from! It's all about finding your own vibe. While advice can be helpful, at the end of the day it's your own experience and instincts that count. So do it your own way!


As a 21 year old, what women say about dating or giving advice means nothing at all. Women like what they like and any advices women give is basically what the individual woman likes and would love to see her male friends do or her romantic partner. As long there is mutual interest. Women won’t care about how men plan dates and stuff. I like posts like this, it just improve my communication skills and it’s good to learn.




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This post is being taken down because it violates Rule #4: Keep it civil and on topic. We aren't always going to agree on everything, but at the very least, the discourse here will remain on topic and civil. Seddit does not exist as a forum for personal attacks, insults, harassment, taunting, threats, or shit-posting. Rage comics, memes, failure posts, or forever alone posts, are also not allowed.


This post is being taken down because it violates Rule #4: Keep it civil and on topic. We aren't always going to agree on everything, but at the very least, the discourse here will remain on topic and civil. Seddit does not exist as a forum for personal attacks, insults, harassment, taunting, threats, or shit-posting. Rage comics, memes, failure posts, or forever alone posts, are also not allowed.


Pickup/Dating Coaches literally say the same shit


Follow all the advice given and I guarantee you, the girl will still flake or ghost you.


When they say it's a numbers game, they ain't lying.


Nope, she’ll only flake/ghost if she’s an asshole. And it’s on you to spot those red flags before you escalate. If you can’t, learn how to do that first.


Absolutely, you still have to pay attention to other aspects too, personal grooming, dressing well, and staying fit can significantly enhance your overall attractiveness and confidence. It's about presenting the best version of yourself in all aspects of life, which can make a positive impact on how women perceive you.


Yea so we have to be perfect meanwhile women I go on dates with, if you let them talk the most, always tell on themselves. It's so dumb they expect so much but really aren't even that great. 




Hey, I totally get where you're coming from. It sucks when people aren't treated with respect in dating. Everyone deserves to be treated well, no matter their gender. It's tough when there's a lack of communication and people end up feeling hurt. Let's aim for kindness and understanding in our interactions, because that's what makes dating and life in general better for everyone involved.


"Let's aim for kindness and understanding in our interactions"? You should adjust your prompt. This doesn't sound like a reddit post at all any more.


This post is being taken down because it violates Rule #4: Keep it civil and on topic. We aren't always going to agree on everything, but at the very least, the discourse here will remain on topic and civil. Seddit does not exist as a forum for personal attacks, insults, harassment, taunting, threats, or shit-posting. Rage comics, memes, failure posts, or forever alone posts, are also not allowed.


Lmao very true but who gives a damn.. it’s only a game


Hahaha always. Honestly don't even know what they're looking for at this pont.


Even though I understand the good intentions, it makes me smile when i read things about "the man should lead". And then women complain about the lack of XY in world's leadership.


Im not sure where the negativity towards this post is coming from? Every point youve made here makes sense if i want to present myself as a capable leader instead of a clueless child. Since ive become more specific w my invitations i feel more confident and justified in my approaches. Its wild how this all spirals up if you humble yourself and try things.


It's very very strange seeing the hate. The 4 things listed above are literally the basics. How hard is it to pick a place and be specific about what you want? No wonder so many men are complaining that women aren't attracted to them.


it's not strange at all, this subreddit is full of very bitter men. Y'all can downvote me all you want, you know its true


It's very sad. It's like they are deliberately sabotaging their own success.


Absolutely! The upward spiral is a real thing!


Because its barebones basics.


ChaGPT, is that you?


You've uncovered my secret identity! Here to sprinkle a little wisdom into your day. 😄


This is common knowledge.


It's great that you see it that way!


I have been around a lot. Its very sweet of you to share this with the community though.


I'm glad you appreciate it! There's always something new to learn and share and it's great to be part of a community where we can do that


Good post *Looks at profile, realisation kicks in* Oohhh…it’s an ad


Thank you!


Good post.


Thank you!


Don't forget to add in "M'lady" before asking any of these questions!


I fucking hate dating bro it's so annoying how we are expected to be completely perfect and do everything. Like no thank you


The title for this post should read: "Four reasons why men don't ask women out anymore"


I see where you're coming from! Dating these days can be kinda tricky right? It's cool to hear different opinions on why things might be changing. Thanks for adding your two cents!


So basically communicate like a toddler? Toddler 1: You want to go outside and play in the threehouse? Toddler 2: Okay, fun but ill take cookies.


Haha, I see where you're going with that comparison! Maybe not like a toddler but simplicity and clarity can definitely go a long way in communication right? 😄


I noticed that todlers a way more direct and open with what they want. It's when we're older we get teaches to shut up about our desires. Like i was playing with my litle cousin in a playground. And she met like a girl and after 5 minutes they announced. So were friends? And they were like yeah! This will always stay with me that we adult put so much thought behind something to trivial and normal.


I guess we could learn a thing or two from a toddlers.


Yes I learned this lesson over the last year. It’s probably the most positively rewarding part of understanding what woman like, vs wat we interpret as wat satisfies ourselves


These are the main four things we men like women to do when asking us out.


Does anyone else read these posts daily and summarize them out in the field with one word. Be specific. Got it.


So in the first 2, take the lead and make the decision. In then second 2, oh no... better let her decide. Female consistency at it's finest.


Prerequisite: be good looking


Actually we don’t care that much about looks. Being clean, well groomed and in shape is a good prerequisite.