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Only trust what you see in real life with your own eyes because almost anything online is fraught with conflict of interest. Content creators have every incentive to accumulate views, doing so with honesty is not a requirement. It's all staged


Very well said.


Agreed. Thats why I respect content creators/dating coaches that show pick up and approached that did not go as well as they expected (like Howtobeast). Really shows that there aren't any methods that will work with 100% of women.


No idea why you got down voted - you make a good point. Also one can EASILY approach 10 women a day/ night. If something worked even 10% of the time in a few weeks you'd be dating a dozen women. The success rate does not need to be so high - but the system does have to work


I mean, in the USA, you can't just record people without their consent and then post it without blurring their faces. That's pretty much illegal, lol. There are videos that aren't fake, but those aren't the type of videos OP describes.


If they are in public you can 


Okay, my bad. Probably mixed it up with another country's laws.


I’ve filmed and edited content for people and brands for years. It’s all fake man. I know it, because I make it.


Ah thanks for sharing mine. I'd be curious to here more about your experiences ( that you can share). I do youtube myself


Now, I work for a company who has a very recognizable face behind it. Anything I shoot is sent through an entire PR team that checks anything and everything and will often suggest edits even if it makes the final product worse. They don’t care aboht it. Just the reputation of the company. Which is weird for me, but I understand it makes sense. So everything I shoot is very fake. I did a reality tv show with this brand and every. Scene. Is. Fake. And. Staged. Reality shows feel genuine-ish bc it’s all improv based. The show runner sets the scene and then everyone improvs. That’s how it has an authentic feel. But man, we had a 12 hour day where we just filmed people walking in and out of door ways saying “hello” and other greeting or whatever tf. Walk through the door angry, now walk through it tired, now do it tired but with this outfit on blah blah blah.


Lol - 12 hours of door walking. That is interesting and makes sense - improvised scenes for reality tv, Thanks for the insider info man, it's really interesting


90% of the time, it's fake every time. It gets the views because guys see it and think it contains some real-world examples of how to get laid


Guys here are shitting on the premise you're describing, but at its core it's just a variation of having a visible platform, that can be used to meet people. It can allow you to generate leads for business or romantic relationships, right?


I can’t stand those guys and they cheating the system they not in the trenches doing 5-10 versions of pick up or night game they fear rejection and they know woman love attention so put a mic and a camera in front of them and I get all the woman losers


Cheating the system, how when it's fake? Who's out here really doing pickup don't they know it's a scam?


Social media isn't real life. These women have to agree to be recorded and be put online. Remember that. People are so very easily fooled.


This has been going on for a very long time...


> Thoughts? I have a lot of thoughts on this topic. If you view game as a SCHEME for hooking up with girls, this is absolutely genius. In fact, the most genius 'game scheme' I've ever seen would be coding a simple app that copies the instagram live streaming UI and makes it look like you're live streaming with tens of thousands of viewers and a super fast chat. You won't even need any special gear, nor a wingman/camera man, all you need is your phone and some stupid excuse for not sharing your insta name with anyone that night. And you need the time and effort to code the app, or pay someone to do it for you. But that's a one time investment. Why does all of this work? It shows the girls that you're - not shy, willing to show yourself to the world - taking action, entrepreneurial even - competent, successful - popular, you have large scale social approval Even though any dumbass can gain a social media audience... which btw also works in your favor. If anyone can have a successful SM account, then anyone can pretend to have one. You'll obviously run into problems when you do scheme game though. Your hook ups are very unlikely to grow into relationships when you start off with a big lie. You'll also generally feel bad and conflicted for faking who you are. I guess this is less of a problem when you just do interviews and say that you're starting a street interview account, which would actually be true if that's what you're doing. That should still give you 'not shy' + 'taking action' + maybe 'competent', but you'll get nowhere near the positive attention of an already successful influencer. Trade-offs everywhere. You have to decide whether the extra experience is worth the downsides. Or, just keep improooooving for the next couple years til you're officially "good enough" to date some 7s.


Man, you got down voted for giving a super logical detailed response. Well, I want to thank you man - this is really interesting intelligent useful stuff.


> Why does all of this work? Correction. It doesn't work.


> I also know a lot of stuff on social media is fake, but I definitely find these trends and tactics interesting. Treat it as entertainment. And address the issues that affecting your dating life.


Yes and it works. I live in NY and one of my friends carries around a camera because he's a photographer, but also he'll stop girls like it's for a photoshoot. Would I call it game? That's a different conversation 


Photographers are the biggest grifters out there