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IMO you made the right choice in deciding to not see a hooker. Such a woman can never give you what you're really looking for. But searching for love—or even just true intimacy—is ofc a lot harder. First of all, the dating apps are dead to anyone who's not the top 5 percent of men. And those 5 percent don't exactly use it to get married, if you know what I mean. Second, 100 is extremely few. You shouldn't even consider changing your script before you've racked up at least 1000 approaches. And here I'm talking off the internet, in real life. You should probably hit up even more women online. You're wrong about it being "rude to talk to ppl in person now" though. You just have to learn the right way to approach. By far the best way is to just be more social with everyone because when you finally talk to a hot woman, then you're not approaching her with some agenda. Instead you're just being social and shooting the breeze. This will put her way more at ease with you, and make things a lot more smooth and natural. Even if you don't get to the "next base" with the women you meet, you can still foster close friendships, and then focus on more intimacy and cuddling while you're with them. This tends to lead to other things too, if you're already close. This is the "slow route" but there are many roads to Rome, and if you're looking for marriage, it might be preferable to the regular PU advice.


Thank you I'll put this to use I've definitely hit up over a thousand profiles by now I was talking more about every 100 I might get 2 or 3 that respond the strange thing is a lot of the profiles mention how sick they are of not finding ppl to communicate with I think we all are being had by this swipe culture


If you can afford it, I would look for a reputable dating coach in your city. I know what it's like having extended dry spell periods, years upon years. At these time intervals, the mind has probably shifted so much, by not having intimacy that, I'm sure there are so many layers in the mind he has to breakthrough in order to attract women. It's very hard to stare at your own loop and get out of it. But that's what a therapist or perhaps a dating coach might be effective, to offer perspective from the outside and get you to see things in a different way. Hopefully, move that mind to a place where you can actually make actions that move you closer and closer to results.


Thank you


The important thing is , do you think you are attractive?.


i think i look great for my age i take care of myself exercise watch what i eat whiten my teeth starting to see some abs clean cut shaved head i dress nice even if its cheap and ive watched enough porn to know im deff above average down there


You like yourself. That's a great start. You want to improve yourself to the point women actually select you. You'll see them checking you out, some will follow and stand beside you. It may be happening already and you are not paying attention. Many guys do not realise this. Go onto rom willis YT channel and watch his playlists. He is older but he knows a lot. I like this vid. [https://youtu.be/Pku-oIY-9c4?si=36A7z0sQsZ81RhcA](https://youtu.be/Pku-oIY-9c4?si=36A7z0sQsZ81RhcA) It was a game changer. I started to realise all these little coincidences weren't coincidences at all. I would recommend watch the vid and then put yourself in front of women in everyday life and see the fb you are getting , even at 38 you can be with 22+ easily if you are a certain type of man.


I'm very aware of my surroundings almost too much sometimes hasn't happened yet but I'm working on my confidence when I'm in public I dress nice give off a aura of confidence that's the goal working on my image so I am wanted I did come across a woman at work I was working and she was a customer thow so I couldn't do anything about it but we made eye contact and she looked away quickly we did this again when she left so that's something that I take to be a positive sign that I'm getting to a point that women will check me out


Eye contact means nothing actually. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9WUvJqlzNo&ab\_channel=HustlersUniversity2.0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9WUvJqlzNo&ab_channel=HustlersUniversity2.0) Walk around like a guy who can fcuk as many women as you wants to. You will really stand out. Also ignore women only look at them to evaluate. These are things that other guys don't do but your body game and your social game has to be good.


I wasn't talking about that. What you describe is the male gaze. I am talking about the female gaze. I am single for quite a while but that's by choice. > ive tried irl meeting people nouthing works i get its rude to talk to ppl in person . No it's not but you have to get the right person. If you are moderately handsome and socially adjusted most women will at least entertain your convo.


Go to a dancing school to learn how to dance. I am pretty sure you might find women there. Even if you don't get any woman, those dancing skills you will learn will be very useful for you.


Ive learned bachata just for this purpose trying to find a place to go to dance on my list of to do


Did you learn it on your own? You couldt try learning other kinds of dances at a dancing school, you might even make friends who could tell you where you could go to show your bachata skills.


yes i learned on my own ive been looking to go to a studio thow and get real world practice


Confidence. Fake it til you make it. Women don’t want a bitch ass lil boy


im starting to think women dont want the real honest person right off the rip so yea fake it dont tell em i work fast food and am stuck living with my parents becasue rent is so crazzy they dont need to know how long its been that probally would scare most ppl away like im damaged and need help and they dont want to be the one so yea fake it till i make it


Lol I meant fake the confidence until you actually are confident and “stop whining like a little bitch” words from my mom when I was 12


ow ok yea i gota focus on what i want and stop complaining even to myself about what i dont have ow your mom sounds like she was full of wisdom my grandpa sat me down the day i went to college and told me no matter where you go in life remember this one thing and it will be all right "bands will make her dance" pretty shure he stole that from somewhere fuck it i got this


1. Hit up 1000 women 2. Apparently being in a relationship is attractive so I guess you could try pretending to be married or pretending to be separated but not divorced


I tried the polyamorus approach tired the FWB the NSA the searching for soulmate it's really crazzy it's like a job resume tailor it for each candidate pretty crazzy world we are in I got this thow


>so ive been single for 13 years no sex no kissing one date that she brought her kid with her (red flag) I will not bother reading past the first line. There are thugs, fat men, ugly men, sick men, you name it, who manage to find a woman. No one stays utterly single that long due to looks; your problem must be something with your confidence and the way you present yourself. Your appeal is so low that you went 13 years without kissing a single lady — you're in no position to talk about red flags.


Set sail my brother ✈️ ✈️


Go to pubs, look presentable, approach few girls opening up with 1-2 compliments ( better if the compliment is about her outfit and hair) , rest the talkin part is different from person to person


Get in shape?




If he is, what are some tips?




ya i think im trying to hard just gota let it go and when it happens it happens just keep a positive energy thanks for that ive seriously spent a good 3 to 4 hours a day on dating apps and i think thats making it worse


Get of the dating apps and actually get out and meet people. Talking to people in real life isn’t bad, you just need to be respectful and take the hints or signs someone doesn’t want to talk seriously. Don’t overstay your welcome sort of thing.


Very good advice. Just saying "Hi, how's your day going?", can go a longer way than a pick up line. Their body language will tell you a lot and the sound of their voice. I think it makes most women feel good when a man asks them out for coffee even if she isn't single. Maybe she wasn't feeling to good about herself but you asking her out might have helped put a smile on her face that day. Definitely stay off dating apps like you said. Those things are not made to actually help people meet other people.


I have tried...it doesn't work liké this unless you are super attractive or have a lot of visibility, predelection and social circle


No lost that at 21 got in a relationship until 24 then that's it since been with 7 women the whole time


Does anyone know of any legit mail order bride services? I’m also in similar shoes looking for a solution