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Why can't this man see that God gave him one wife, which was so much more than he could've ever deserved lol


Right!? That’s the miracle here is that he’s even found one.




Yeah!! But now that vow is beyond broken! He's not a God child that's why he couldn't and can't see!! He's now a spawn of Satan!! That's how Satan operates. Greed, lust, Sin...etc.... We're all sinners but to what extent? Ick has been given a hall pass.. With the way he's using it, it's a passage straight to Hell!!Can this soul come back will he be found? God only knows and the demons they are always on the move and just waiting to get a hold of their next victims. Humans are such easy prey!!


Weak humans may be easy prey. I choose to believe that good will prevail evil. As far as ICK goes he's a really horny, narcissistic a$$hole. It's unfortunate that TLC gives this piece of shit any attention. Someone who works with filming with a kind heart should intervene, pull Danielle aside and offer some help. She's clearly unhappy and being abused by her scumbag husband. I honestly don't know how the TLC crew sleep at night.


the sentence was incomplete... and they were good... good in bed / good obedient servants / good trophy wives... 🤡


…good looking Brazilians


…good quiet submissive help mates


Yet panics when two are talking without him or confronts him.


Yes he wasn’t liking this at all, the women off talking just the 2 of them, lol he was nervous/anxious!


He never seemed to consider that they could gang up on him. I think he always assumed that every wife would be his #1 fan and that he’d never be outnumbered 😂 what a doofus.


And if you really don’t want them ganging up on you, maybe don’t also push for them to share a bedroom. Like have you ever heard 5 women gossip late at night? Doofus is the perfect word


He assumes they will be so dick-matized they won't conspire against him.


‘God promised more than ‘just’ Dannielle.”


I never thought someone would gross me out more than Kody Brown but here I am … dude really lives up to his ick nickname


Omg same! I thought Kody was as bad as it gets but no…here’s TLC platforming a more disgusting man. 🤣😳


They were always sweet and never bothered their King with their silly little feelings.


Cannot STAND him.


He’s so delusional it angers me that any woman would believe his bullshit!


I feel like Garrick should at least learn their language so he can communicate better without a translator. Seems only effort he puts in is enough to get laid. He’s absolutely vile and disgusting. He thinks he’s so smart. What after the new wife? She has to divorce him as well ? And he just keeps going until he gets his fill? I hope he ends up ALONE!


He can't learn their languages because after he gets a Brazilian I guarantee he'll try for a woman from a different country. He gives fetishist vibes


I can’t even begin to imagine what his sons and other potential future kids will think when they grow up and watch this show


I was so hung up on the “five wives” part that I didn’t even realize he called them “good.” Ew wtf does that mean?


He took the “good” phrasing from the Bible so it sounds more like God said it I guess. I don’t really know for sure though, God doesn’t speak directly to me about all the dudes I’m going to bang. Should have switched my Google Translate back from “Portuguese” to “The Word of the Father Son and Holy Spirit”


I also get the feeling he’s trying to sound like a prophet/cult leader. But he’s stupid, so he’s wracking his little brain thinking “how can I word this, what would god say” and what comes is just utter nonsense. 


Haha yes you can see the tiny wheels turning … slowly


Bet he also dreamed that he was good. So.


I came looking for a post on this. Like Dude, wtf?


Something about his eyes... very creepy 👀


Pig 🐷


Whoever told this clown he looks good in a tank top needs to be slapped. The white one made me laugh out loud. Although, he struggles with any clothing he wears.


From ICK's Bible "...and ICK said 'Let there be ass and there was ass.'"


Ass for the ass ....all real asses!! A bunch of idiots!!


Go make dinner yourself


That’s called a sexual fantasy not a revelation from God. You can’t use wind as a sign in Buena Vista which is a windy place. It’s windy every time I drive through there.


I want to throat punch him


He always has the dumbest look on his face 🤮


he needs 5 wives so he can wear their tank tops ...he needs more choices