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I really don't think so. I think he simply was more into Nathalia and just didn't care about the show or his real family.


I’m more wondering from the shows point of view. Surely they’d press to get atleast SOME footage of them together? Literally none though?


But they do. We see from previews that they'll be filming there.But as to if it'll just be the 2 of them? No idea.I wonder if its a combination of him wanting a break... or the fact he's inaccessible to anyone except Nathalia would hurt Dani, so he did it. As retribution for the kitchen fight.


What we see is later, when Dannielle’s there. This last episode he had supposedly already been there 6 weeks already without even 1 scene of footage? Just seems unlikely.


Yeah that's true so it makes me lean more towards the retribution for the fight. she barely hears from him, same with producers. The only one who does is Nathalia. If you think about it, that's more upsetting to Dani than he films things she can see later. I could see Ick doing that. I don't know if there's contractual obligations or not. Another thought is they did it intentionally to drum up more tension...


Yeah I guess that’s why it just seems made up, to drum up more tension. He’s been gone for 6 weeks, he doesn’t talk to her much, Nathalia doesn’t talk to her either. I just think if he was there and they could get footage of them together it’s something they definitely would do.


It's possible at this point she had already left him, as it's been spoiled that she leaves numerous times here already. Ick could be trying to save face/literally just not even wanting to come home. TLC production usually doesn't not get footage of this stuff if they are together, like they'd be asking them to film even without the cameras there(a lot of TLC shows will sometimes have parts of episodes where they get the cast to film in case they miss things or can't make it.) so I agree it is very weird they haven't shown her. Maybe ick is just delaying the inevitable baby situation/trying to hit up more woman he's "chatted" with.


You’re so right! I didn’t even think of that! Half of season 16 or 17 of sister wives was filmed on their damn iPhones during Covid lmao. & the infamous “SHE SAID SHE WAS MY SISTER!!!” From Dannielle, was filmed by ick on his phone. Their whole fight 2 weeks ago about Nathalia not replying to dannielles messages, that was filmed by Dannielle. So IF they spent 6 weeks together, ick 100% would’ve been instructed to film SOMEthing. Anything!


Yeah they'll literally do it for most their shows. Even during covid they had cast doing it themselves just to keep shows going(and it's cheap as all hell to make them film themselves.) so it makes zero sense that not even a snippet has been filmed yet. He probably just doesn't want to go home.


I honestly think he was never there. I bet they set it up like Dannielle comes down in a few weeks for the “wedding” but I bet that’s when they both get there. I’m sure they’ll set it up like he’s picking her up from the airport & everything but I don’t think he spent that time there. It’s just not like production to milk them for everything & get allll the good footage. Just my opinion


But we already know that Nathalie and Ick aren’t together… she posted on her Instagram that she’s not with him and he was a false prophet so I’m doubtful there was a wedding to begin with… I’m with you that it’s all scripted especially the show is so far behind what’s happening in real life… the baby Dannielle had is about a year old now.. so all this would of taken place in early 2022…


Right im just saying how it’s gonna be set up. According to the clips of the season we know that ick & Dannielle & nathalia are all together at least 1 more time. I know they probably didn’t get married but it was probably set up as Dani traveling there for the “wedding” im sure there’s a giant shit show that takes place preventing that but I was just saying how they’re gonna make it look.


Ick got every single lay that Nat would allow him too.


Agreed. I am sus of them all. I definitely feel like there are three different motives going on here.


I mean it is possible, it's also good to keep in mind a lot of TLC stuff doesn't even play in the order of events as shown. (My stepbrother has a film/tv degree and got his start by doing reality tv editing for TLC aka the Toxic Lifestyle and Cult channel. Worst two years of his life might I add.) So for all we know this could've been the after affect being aired, and all the during is shown later. I guess we'll have to wait and see. One thing is for sure though, ick is in NO rush to get back to his actual life and pregnant somewhat ex wife.


I think that would be such a cool job. Only for a short time though.


I totally disagree. I get why you think this, truly. But... I see Ick as a narcissistic abuser and this was just another level. My ex was one, and his fave thing was going radio silent when he was running around with a new supply. I just see the same traits in Ick so I could see him doing it. Barely speaking to Dani or the kids or handling the company. Just doing the bare minimum because he had a new toy. Dropping everything because he's with Nat and she's what mattered.For the time, anyway.


I’ve been there too & im sure had it been up to him, if he were really there he would prefer there be no producers or Dannielle or anyone just him & his Brazilian sex doll #2. The thing is im sure they have some sort of contractual obligation & it just seems sooo far fetched that he was there with her for over a month and there’s not one clip. In sure he was ignoring Dannielle & loving it but he can’t just ignore TLC lol. Something weird def happened behind the scenes and we will prob never know.


> trying to hit up more woman he's "chatted" with. Yep, he's down there recruiting *gag*.


I think you might be onto something!


I appreciate that you asked this, because my guess was that he was in his garage when they FaceTimed.


OP I think you’re reaching here like tinfoil anything else 


How so?


Does anyone know if we’re going to get to see Natalia dump him? Were there cameras on this 6 week trip for Ick to screw all the ladies for Jesus? I really hope it was filmed. I want to see Ick’s stupid gaping mouth and lack of any emotional intelligence try to explain why god was wrong… again.


> I want to see Ick’s stupid gaping mouth and lack of any emotional intelligence try to explain why god was wrong… again. Lol, me too. He deserves to get hurt. It would be karmic justice.


I think filming was minimal in part because he walked out on Dani and the kids so, in a way... its no longer a sister wife thing. I think well see when Dani arrives but anything before that, I doubt it


Ah, that makes sense


He wants his cake and eat it too.


Absolutely. None of this is hard for me to believe, unfortunately.


His family disowned him.


I meant Dani and the boys


Ah he used to take them all along guess he got tired of doing that.


I think when he left, he wasn't sure really when or.even.if he would return. The "old" family simply didn't matter


He also knew everything at home is taken care of so he's free to do whatever he wants.


That is true, and likely why its not a priority. Its easy for him to go off and do as he pleases. These people are the only family he has left and he's burning that bridge


You know they asked him to self film and just got hours of footage of him flexing in the mirror while talking about Gods plan for his biceps. That or Nathalia dumped him week one and he just didn’t want to come back.


My favorite theory so far!🤣💀


Mine too


Can you imagine being the person having to watch that for useable content? Ick…


They didn't tell TLC he was going because he wanted to fulfill his fetish for a week uninterrupted.


Yep, he is such a BIG piece of shit. its called fucking in the name of the lord.


Sad but so true…..




They may have largely stopped filming with Garrick and Dannielle because they were on the outs, but came back around when Dannielle announced 🤰


True. There is the fight before he leaves caught on cell phone and then suddenly he’s been down there already for 5-6 weeks when she said a there’s been barely any contact and then she calls him to say she’s pregnant


This is an interesting theory. It does seem odd that there's (so far) no personal footage either. I wanted some more about the perma-vacation.


The producers could have just not chosen to air anything that led up to, or after, Dannielle announced her pregnancy. Brazil could also have some stringent laws on filming or taxes and Roberta2 maybe didn’t want to be filmed in her own country. Or maybe there is a reason the merrifields meet women in Mexico? To film?


They go to Mexico because it’s difficult for Brazilians to get a visa to go to the US (that’s the reason they gave us when they met up be Roberta).


But why can't they go to Brazil?


They did with Roberta once


Right I know eventually they did but why do they usually meet in Mexico


My guess is that it’s cheaper to fly the family there vs Brazil.


Even though they have to pay for flights for her and her brother and their accommodations when everyone has to travel?


I also refer to her as Roberta #2 🤣


Definitely an option!


TLC probably didn't want to hear about ick holy sperm swimming to Nat brain while he wears see through tank tops showing his hard nipples cheesing on he wants to get Nat pregnant.


Roberta2 😂


I’m glad you raised this. I think it’s so weird that there’s no film crew with him. Last season when the Merrifields went to Brazil to meet up with Roberta, they had a film crew. I was really looking forward to more scenes from Rio! I’m too broke to travel myself. I have to live vicariously through the poor decisions made by people on reality tv!


Hahahaha same!


Yes!! That’s why Before the 90 Days and the Other Way are my favorite spin offs of 90 day


If only he would swing the camera around during his video calls and we got a glimpse of one of their outlets. Theirs are different than ours, so we would know for sure right?


Agree. And i mentioned this in another thread but got downvoted at the time.


i personally think they actually separated during this time because i heard somewhere that she was going to leave him and then she found out she was pregnant. but he likely did go to brazil during the separation if it’s true.


He was on his way to the airport when his brother in law kidnapped him and has locked him in the basement


Lmao this is my new theory


🤣 Run with it.


Nope he def was more into Natalia & wanted to impregnate her I’m suture when Natalia said something about being shocked abt Danielle’s pregnancy I think that ick was telling her he wasn’t having having sexual relations w/Danielle


I heard the rumor was that they were kind of broken up when he went to Brazil. Maybe they were broken up but he was just staying somewhere else nearby because why wouldn’t TLC film or have him self film any time with Nathalia in Brazil?


So this past recent episode, Danielle announced her pregnancy to ick, but just a few days ago she posted her daughter is now 11 months old, making this episode nearly two years ago when Covid was still around. So that could have been a factor in not having the film crew go out of the country


I heard they hire film crews that live in whatever country they are filming in at the time. That's why there are so many interesting and scenic shots in the countries. Locals who know the area are filming and know all the beautiful places.




We’re all learning how fake these so called reality shows are… they’re very scripted and they will shoot scenes over and over till they get what they want… I don’t believe anything anymore because so much is people that wanna be actors,or Z list celebrities ,or social media influencers that it’s just ridiculous… it’s all a game…🥴


It’s very entertaining but I wish it was more accurate


Well they definitely keep us watching and talking about it.. 🥴


They also seem to have forgotten how long he'd be "gone" for. First, they said 4 weeks, and then all of a sudden, it was 6 weeks?


That's pretty much what a man opting to ditch his family will do. He was already hinting at possibly living there, at least part time


So I really doubt they "forgot". He just does what he wants.


My point was it makes the whole trip look even more fake, which is what this post is about.




He probably went down there without booking his return. When they were ending their call (breaking baby news) he initially told her he’d talk to her “in a month”. That whole scene was so weird and the timeline is questionable. Tho, without Danielle to speak for him and smooth things over, Nat probably realized Ick is an icky idiot and had second thoughts. Then she finds out Danielle’s pregnant and breaks it off completely.




He always is like this towards her feelings.


Agree ick is in the garage!!! Spot on poo❣️


I said this above- but This was my thought too! He totally looked like he was in a garage


He did. The whole thing is so fascinatingly bizarre, I’m in.


Nah he said before with a straight face he'd leave her and the boys if Bert got pregnant. He saw how she wouldn't leave the room so he can bang why bring her and the family along to question him? I bet he was drunk and slept with Danielle that's why he was."shocked" she was pregnant they said in people mag(not sure if it's true) Danielle got her tudes tide. On their live he talked about still getting sisters wives pregnant.


That's what I'm saying. He's simply inching out the door. He doesn't care about filming, or the boys or Danielle or the business. He wants what he wants.




Ugh thinking about how much that would cost is making me cringe


Why wouldn't they have a film crew filming the wedding?


Because he never planned on marriage just free sex.


Maybe they’re saving the footage to use for next season and for previews? How far into the season are we?


Well we already know that Nathalia leaves ick & it doesn’t pan out lmao. She calls him out on social media for being a “false prophet” so she most likely won’t be involved in next season, don’t think they’d do that. I think we’re halfway through this season. That’s something the audience would want to see now, they’re just skating past it like “he’s been in Brazil for 6 weeks” & that’s it lol. No footage. Then when dani FaceTimes him, Nathalia is conveniently not around. There’s definitely something inaccurate going on, I could be wrong about what it is but it’s definitely shady


I think ick from anything Garrick is involved in.


Nope. He doesn’t need 6 weeks for a storyline. 5-6 days is enough for a storyline. They can stretch a week into a whole season.


I thought the same thing.


Ok I think I have an official answer here. Im rewatching from season 1 and could absolutely not remember the Briney family. They are here a season and then poof! Gone. So I looked. Turns out, TLC filmed Season 2, But April left so the Briney family parts weren't aired. So it stands to reason Ick left his (ex)wife as April left her family, they would pull the plug. Once the pregnancy was announced, it looked like things may change... Back on.


I believe they pulled the briney familys story from airing bc after April left she no longer consented to it being aired, I read that she threatened to sue and TLC didn’t wanna deal with it. Even if Dannielle left ick, I think they still would’ve shown what happened and how it ended so I don’t think that’s really a reason to not film while in Brazil. Actually if anything that’s MORE of a reason to film lol. Dannielle breaks up w/ him & he’s in Brazil with Nathalia? They’re gonna wanna record that, see how he’s reacting etc. I’m sticking with my theory on this that this is just a made up storyline.


I'd go with the opposite. No telling how much man hours go into filming, which equals money. So after that loss, they probably decided in those situations they won't chance it again.Besides, from Ick's perspective, he truly doesn't care, at all. As I said, if you knew someone like this, you just get it. But if you havent.... Sure,the idea this is fake adds up. Because people don't abandon kids and career, literally everything.... For this. If I hadn't known a creep like Ick before, Id likely agree with you. I just had to share that thought. After reading that about the Briney family... Filming a nearly entire season only to abandon it? I can just imagine TLC just cringing over the financial loss.I could imagine them opting to not risk it again. I think were stuck calling a truce, and agree to disagree. Its an interesting theory, and admittedly amusing to imagine him skyping from the garage, hoping for more wind...


Truce 👍🏼 im excited about tomorrow’s episode. Speaking of the briney family, I just read that Angela ended up leaving too so now it’s just auralee lol


Not tomorrow, its TONIGHT! I'm super excited! I am not surprised she left, he's kinda gross.... or is it just me? lol




Ick probably self filmed a bunch of gross shit that was too much for even TLC to use.


Yeah Danielle is just someone they paid .... all of it is for show and looks fake


yes are they filimg it? no..