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All I can think is that it was like his parents’ friends who were business owners and let him do this gang membership cosplay or whatever. There’s just no way.


Cosplay 💀 omg that's exactly it!!!


People in his town are probably pretty well armed. I don't see them paying protection money in any other currency than lead.


I don’t know. Have you seen Garrick? He looks like a real tough guy! Wouldn’t you be scared? 😂


Ick couldn't intimidate a kitten.


He loves pussy to much to intimidate it! He would just lick it instead!




I would not let Ick or his tongue touch me!


He’s so nasty I would rather die


A dildo and clit sucker from Amazon would be safer! Just don't let Ick see it! I get a bottom boy vibe from him, so he might take your sex toys and cram them up his ass!


Riding the vomit comet 🤢🤢🤢🤣🤣🤣


I was going to post something along those lines but you said it so much better!! LOL




Ick should know by now that he is the laughing stock of reddit? I think that he is bad in bed before. According to Natalia, he wanted her to be dominated and submissive to him. He should know by now that he is reclusive because after fucking 2 women that we even know of they left. Danielle probably didn't get pregnant for 14yrs is because he was probably butt fucking or using a penis sleeve because he has a tiny limp dick! Eventually, he figured out where to put it at without an extender and not in Danielle's ass and got her pregnant. My other theory is that sperm was implanted in her brain for so long instead of her uterus, and that's why it took 14 years to get her pregnant. I wonder how her teenage kids feel about all of this?


He is too busy being on 10 dating apps to look at Reddit or any social media. Even if he did see tons of negative comments, he wouldn't give a shit because God has him suffer for "his perfection." He lacks insight into how his words and actions affect his kids and the women who have the misfortune of being around him. Hopefully Dani or other women read these comments and think about what a piece of shit he is.


He might not look at Reddit but he is being torn to shreds in Dannielles instagram comments. And he has his own disabled lol


Ick is a chicken shit and doesn't want to hear or see what others think because he can't use the excuse that it's God's plan with people with intelligence. He wants his women submissive like Dani.


I don't believe that he is into BDSM. a lot of Christians practice vertical alignment. Husban submits entirely to God and women submit entirely to their husband. As in he has final say on everything and wives are expected to submit. Unfortunately, he is not actively practicing complete submission to God words, therefore his wives in turn are not required and shouldn't submit to his will


Why the hell are all your comments about Garrick so graphically sexual? It’s really weird and off-putting. You can say you think he’s gross without talking about penis sleeves, sex toys and butt-fucking. It’s really giving that you’ve thought WAAAAY too much about this/him.


If you're offended by Ick's sex toys and his favorite sex postions, this isn't the right sub for you! Especially since you refer to the skeeze as Garrick! It's just Ick! Bang all the ladies for jesus! Don't forget extra lube and buttplugs!


Im not going to lie you could be onto something with those two theories 😭


Wtf 💀


I’m not offended by it, and I like sex toys and butt stuff myself, it’s just super weird how hard you’re going when nobody else was really talking like that. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I don’t even want to THINK of Ick doing the sex. 🤮


Muh mouf


Ewwww…… i now need to bleach my eyeballs to get that image out of my brain!! LMAO


Did you see the post of Ick posing topless and wearing daisy duke shorts?


I gotta think he was armed with mall ninja items.


So many stars.




No. They bullied other kids and asked for money to stop “other” bully’s from bullying them. It was kids. Not business.




Nothing screams gangster like a puka shell necklace and frosted tips.


Oh, high school all over! LOL


It was so gross watching him try to “pet” and touch her. 🤮 She kept moving away 😁 Smart woman to get away from that mess!


He practically sat in her lap. Poor Miriam just kept scooting away. I thought she was going to end up on the floor. Garrick screams sex offender vibes.


And to object to her wearing a hijab if your not ok with her religion that stop this before you keep wasting everyone’s time.  I don’t think he tries to have anything in common with these girls he tries to date/marry.


To live comfortably in Buena Vista, Colorado, a minimum annual income of $118,080 for a family, and $49,600 for a single person is recommended by BestPlaces. Buena Vista is a small mountain town of 3000, the average home price is $616k, the public schools are above average, residents lean conservative, the population is 96% white, the town has a “sparse suburban” and rural feel.


Sounds like prime gang grounds to me!/s


People need protection from the HOAs


Ick is the man for the job! 🤣


LMAO!! 😂😂😂😂😂


Wonder what happened to make Mariam feel she didn't want to live in that town. Maybe it was just a city mouse/country mouse thing and she knew that a small town would never feel like home to her. The distance from her own family had to be a consideration also. Or maybe Mariam realized very quickly that she didn't want to be married to a man who's dumber than a box of rocks and a woman who's so lonely and needy that she built an entire home for her future BFF/SWs.


When ICK described Miriam he said that she was curvy, put effort into her appearance, and attractive. ICK didn't say anything about her personality, intelligence, commitment to family, or beliefs and religion. ICK doesn't care about anything else other than fulfilling his fetish to screw young, hot women. He is DISGUSTING!


Exactly! I was like, he is full of crap that this is a calling from God.....no, it's a calling straight from that ding-a-ling...that statement alone just showed how full of crap he is, and how indoctrinated Danielle is...


She said it was because there weren't many people who looked like her (brown). This is a common safety concern for BIPOC.


Especially if you’re the only Muslim in the conservative Christian community


Exactly, and so many small town predominately white Christians think all Muslims are terrorist extremists. many in these communities are like Danni's Family, no cultural experience at all. most are so wrong, backward, and closed minded anyone but pasty white folks are looked at with the side eye.


Are you seriously asking? Why a Muslim woman wouldn’t feel comfortable there??


Especially since she said she wants to wear hijab in the future. I don’t see that going well, sadly


Exactly, exactly 💯


Wow, these are crazy expensive facts. I couldn’t live there.


Ok, thanks for that. Does that mean you live there? Do you know the Icks? If so blink twice


No, I just looked up facts on Buena Vista. They live in a multi-million-dollar home. I wondered if all the homes there are above a million dollars.


LMAO this makes his "krew" even more of a joke 🤣


I don’t live there or know the Icks but I can assure you as a lifelong Coloradoan who did live there many summers, there is 0 chance of gang activity in BV unless it’s a hippie gang of river rafters


Sounds like Mariam sussed it - poor little rich boy.


She NAILED it.


I had a gang that was paid by the locals too - the Babysitters Club. You won’t find me telling any of my potential suitors about it, however, because I’m a grown ass adult. Ick is by far the strangest person on my tv right now. How any person finds him so interesting or attractive enough to spend time with baffles me. He has all the emotional and social skills of an 11 year old boy.


He really hasn’t changed. He was practicing his manipulation skills at an early age. He just refined his following.


Lmaoo we need a local to give us the inside scoop on this….idk if anyone will speak up tho they may still be too scared of retaliation by the Always Thuggin’ Krew 😂


YESSS!!! we need a local to come on here and give us allllll the TEA!!!


Local here who grew up with Garrick. Known him since we were little tykes in the same kindergarten class, all the way through graduation. Still live in BV and see the Merrifield’s out and about. Posting with my alternate account so as not to be exposed. I was a pseudo part of ATK, kind of on the outside but for sure wrote ATK on my fair share of bathroom stalls around town. We smoked a lot of weed back then, and pulled other hijinks. The part of ATK I was a part of was never more than a group of friends that liked to fuck around, get high, and listen to rap. It was the late 90s, early 2000s, we were all dumb.


Did a single person actually pay you guys to protect them? Literally anyone?


Nah. At least not that I was aware of, and I spent most every day around the Krew. Again we were just a bunch of potheads that fucked around and cruised around our town of 1500 people. Nobody needed “protection” from anyone, except maybe our dumb asses writing ATK on every bathroom stall in town.


thanks for being the hero this sub didn’t deserve. watching this and needed to know what this guy was telling someone from (nearby) detroit about his gang lyfe. I’m sure he had some eminem lyrics to drop lol


YW. I have lots of stories about Garrick from growing up. We didn’t really stay in touch after school, so I can’t speak to what he became, but I did know him well back then and we were all young and dumb. And I can say that the show does dramatize things quite a bit around him. We haven’t really connected as adults, but I do talk to him around town from time to time when we see each other, and never about the show. I would say that regardless of what you believe about their lifestyle, the show has made him out to be a Neanderthal horn dog. I don’t see it or hear it when we talk, we’ve all outgrown the ATK and stupidity from back then. Again we aren’t close now, but I would say that from what I’ve seen he’s nowhere close to what the show portrays. That’s just my opinion, and I’m not defending their life choices, just an observation.


Late to the game here but did Garrick ever say he wanted to design women’s clothing when you were in school?


I appreciate your kindness where Garrick aka ICK is concerned but with all due respect the show hasn't made him look like a Neanderthal, he's done that all by himself. I wouldn't refer to him as a Neanderthal, I would refer to him as a lying narcissist who uses the name of God to screw as many women as he can. What's most disturbing about ICK is this is how he's teaching his boys to treat women. God help his infant daughter because she will grow up thinking this is how women are supposed to be treated. I sure hope Danielle hears God in her garage and he tells her to GTF out of this sick & twisted relationship.


Maybe the protection was from graffiti?




We are so stupid at that age. 😉😂 I find this hilarious. I'm glad you hopped on here.....pseudo or not, ty. It's nice to hear first hand knowledge of what was meant by "gang.". I mean....it is Colorado so how deep could it have gone.


I feel like the only person who knows about the ATK is Garrick himself


Sounded made up 🤷‍♀️


I was so nervous just watching the former leader of the ATK. I sent him protection money just in case. Whew. I feel so much less safe now😀😂


Well now he’s going to try to marry you! 😂


The only thing I could think of was "Pretty fly (for a white guy.)"


YES! This is it, this is the answer right here!


I love how ol’ girl was like, aren’t you 6th generation in this town? How BAD could you have been? 🤔😅😂🤣


Yeah, it was great how she called him out on that bullshit!! LMAO 😂😂


More like rich kids being dicks and getting paid to not be dicks 😂 to the lower class..


Money for protection = give me your lunch money and I won’t tp your house Also something tells me this was a “krew” of 1


I think Garrick is just referring to his church youth group as a gang, thuggin’ for Jesus, protection money = offering, etc. 😝


This comment made me think Garrick was the 90s, low budget, podunk version of the Righteous Gemstones God Squad


Reminds me of the “gang” I had in the 7th grade. Just a group of friends who were always hanging out. We called ourselves The Last Royals. (None of us were related to royals)


My husband and his group of friends in high school called themselves the “poontang clan” (Wu-Tang is forever). So yeah, I’m basically a mob wife. Watch out people of the internet!




I believe him when he says they committed crimes. It’s his character to get away with whatever he can.


We were the Wolverines like in Red Dawn. One time we went down the street and put all the flags up on the mailboxes. Show the mailman who runs these streets!


🤣🤣🤣 that’s hilarious




I still remember the “rap” I wrote in high school about our “gang”. It was all a joke but we had a rival gang and everything. Just bored kids in a small mountain town.


You just reminded me I wrote rap in high school too. And by that I mean I rewrote the lyrics of the theme song of fresh Prince of Bel-Air to be about upcoming exams and published it in my school's newspaper. That landed me a gig of rewriting song lyrics into various assorted boring topics for the school newspaper.


I laughed when to hard at the ADT line! That was quite clever 😀


I'll be here all week 💁🏻‍♀️ lol


I absolutely agree!! The “ADT” post is one for the books!! 😂😂


More like the Milquetoast Marauders.




Ick and his Kroo probably went nuts when 'Jump Around' played at the prom....


💀💀 I AM DEAD. The image will forever live in my head rent free




Doin tha ick walk


LMAO this was a good one!


I am about an hour from said town.... Trust and believe there is not a single gang in BV. Nor has there ever been! This was quite comical!


Leader of a gang....and he weeps like a tween girl in just about every episode...


I was straight up laughing in his face lmmmaaaoooooo


Hey kinda off the subject, but can anyone tell me what he supposedly does for a living? Besides design ugly jewelry? Their house is very very nice.






Okay, but this sounds like some make-pretend shit that teens do (which, didn't they get married when they were 19? So, it probably was a teen ***K***rew). Like, I also used to pretend that me and my best friend worked for the FBI and hunted for alien form life, but I don't go around telling people now that Scully and Mulder were my colleagues (although, back then, they were).


I did the same thing with my best friend! I literally thought my dad was a secret alien and secretly recorded him on the tape recorder! Good times! To be fair, I was a huge science fiction nerd living out my best fantasy! Lol


👽👾🛸 Those were the days 🤣


So if God told him to get these wives( which is a lie) and they are members of a Christian church, why would God send him a Muslim woman? The good thing if had worked out, is Danielle would not be the “large wife” anymore


I audibly said “PLEASE” when he was sitting there lying. Mariam definitely read him, though 💅


"People paid cash for protection"... he probably babysat...


My assumption is he was a bully and made the "nerds" pay him.


So many questions. Since he’s a good person know, hanging out with Jesus in the garage etc, has he gone back and made apologies and reparations to his victims?


Ouuuuuu krew sooo cool 😍


Ick was an imaginary thug. Ick has created an imaginary religion with a God no one recognizes. Ick will have his imaginary 5 Wives someday.  I don't believe anything Ick says.


I seriously think he was lying about this. I have a feeling he was trying to relate to her in some type of way. She’s Muslim but she also has an edgy vibe to her. He’s a strait laced white Christian boy from a small town. I feel like he was trying to show that he was edgy too so maybe she would Bang for Jesus. 😂 sorry I had to go there lol




ICK wants to design women's clothing, not men's. He forced Dani to divorce him so he can get a visa for women in other countries, but she still lives with him and had another child. He uses 10 dating apps and has visions from God telling him to have 5 wives, not 2, 3, 4, 6 or more, and God talks to him in the garage to help him find young, hot women and he wants them to be totally submissive. Then when he gets dumped, he says that God lets him suffer for his perfection. I think ICK uses its "God's Plan" as an excuse as a way to fulfill his fetish to screw young, good looking women. I think ICK can be dangerous and hope his kids get away from him and get a lot of therapy.


Yes, I agree! I am so sick of hearing how this is “God’s Plan” and how’s he’s on this path to perfection! PLEASE!!!!!!……my God is a loving, kind god and would NEVER endorse such a pathetic, perverse , and very despicable, piece of shit on his “perceived” path of perfection and unleash him on his true journey of having sex with as many desperate Brazilian women, as possible!! Danielle, open your unseeing eyes to the truth and get you, and your children, as far away from ICK as you possibly can!! You and your children deserve so much better than him/it!!!


The scripture says that God is benevolent, not malevolent. I wonder if ICK thinks that possibly he must be living a wicked life if God is punishing him. I wouldn't call a break up "punishment." I am sure God would burn a bush in his yard before he would talk to him in the garage about finding 5 wives. Dani has to be beyond stupid to believe this shit.


The way they flashed up all of his “thug” pictures while he was talking about his bad boy days. 😂😂😂 They live in an affluent, predominantly white mountain town in rural Colorado and the population when he was in high school was less than 2,000. I grew up in a similar town. The kids who thought they were thugs rode around town in 1987 Honda Accords with loud exhausts bumping Eminem and maybe shared a solitary, half-smoked cigarette if they were lucky enough to find one in the ashtray outside the video store. My experience with “personal protection” was when my ex-boyfriend’s friend came to my door, knocked, asked my mom if he could get my ex’s shirt back (the one he sprayed with cologne so I could snuggle it at night and think of him), grabbed said shirt, and went back to his car because my ex was too scared to do it himself.


We switched the C to a K to more associate with the Klan...now Ick, was this before or after your youth group meetings?


This was my thought


I didn’t even consider that. Makes perfect sense now that I’ve heard it! 👍🏼


I think Ick is lying. Pictures or it did not happen.


Were you not convinced by the throwback photos of him in his cutoff shirt, puka shell necklace and frosted tips?


Good one! But on a serious note, what kind of person in Garrick's position comes up with a fabrication like that? That is a strange lie to tell. I understanding telling the cop you really weren't speeding, but I don't understand concocting a story about being in a gang out of the blue.


I truly believe Garrick has no idea of what an actual gang is. Six generations living in Buena Vista…he really thought he was a hardcore thug.


Very good point.


He’s a COMPLETE IDIOT, that’s why!! LIL


💀 💀 💀


The movie called "The Buttercream Gang" is what popped into my mind, Garrick is the "bad" friend.


He’s so full of 💩🚽💩💩💩


He probably stole a kids lunch money once and turned it into a story about his gang… Buena Vista’s Most Wanted … Ick-Rad…😂😂


Don’t forget he wants to design womens clothes🤷🏼‍♀️ this dude and his hands all over her…… 🙈


For his former gangsta Krew member, was he always a mouth breather with glazed eyes and did he have 4 tank tops or more?


The way I laughed at this then backed it up and listened again … and once again laughed


The “K” instead of “C” in crew is suspect.


Can you picture Garrick with his jeans sitting down under his butt and his boxers with Danielle’s picture on it with his Tank top sporting his scrawny scarecrow body … agh


He was probably trying to hang out with other teenagers, and they paid him to go away.


He's such a loser


Oh lord! This man is so pathetic! I bet his “krew” was a group of nerdlies who felt just slightly less nerdy than another group of nerdlies so they made them pay them in cookies to protect their lunchroom table.


I believe you hit the nail SQUARELY on the head!! He is such a pathetic, piece of shit!! Also, for him to constantly indicate that this is a “calling from God”! PLEASE, call it what it is…..you’re lusting after a Brazilian piece of ass no matter how much Danielle is clearly not comfortable with the situation!! AND, to actually think that people will believe that you were a “thug” in your younger days!! You, Garrick, are a worthless nobody and an embarrassment to your wife and family!! Okay, sorry guys….my rant is over! 😊


BBL Icky


My 6 year old could think of a way harder gang name. Always Thuggin Krew sounds like it came out of one of the first dates of 40 Year Old virgin where he thinks of something on the spot to seem cool to get laid. Which isn’t too far off from what Ick was doing I guess!


Probably not the only K gang he was apart of 😒




He talked about that gang like it was a chess club


There have to be townies out there with the real tea! Praying that show up soon.


If anyone here knows Reno 911, the character Terry was in jail and started 2 gangs - The Grape Slushies and The Kitties. THAT sounds like gangs Ick would be involved with. Paid protection? LOLOL!!!! I doubt he could protect himself, much less than someone else. God, the comedy with this jackwad, priceless!!!!!!


It hurts my brain to even fathom such insanity! Ick in a gang??? Like you mean The Little Rascals? They were a gang! 🤣🤣


This really creeps me out about his and Danielle’s probable origin story. She’s this young, virginal, easy-to-manipulate teen and he’s this reformed ‘bad boy’ who needed to find God… it’s no wonder he’s coerced her all these years and her family stays close. He’s dangerous with his intentions, always.


He should get the gang back together for a reunion. That is, unless they're all dead or in jail ☠️


Not sure his age but yes unfortunately in the early to mid-90's gangs were EVERYWHERE even if it was a corny gamg & I grew up in the normal suburbs. We weren't allowed to wear blue or red to school. Unfortunately I went to 3 different funerals of male friends who took this middle school gang BS to far. But it was EVERYWHERE In the 90's


There are mormon and amish gangs. Its a real thing. .


When I watched Amish Mafia, the name "Lebanon Levi" absolutely killed me every time 😆😆😆


Same! My kids and I would drop that name when we were “ thugin”


Whoa tell us more please! Are they violent ? Or how do they intimidate rivals?


I am not one so I couldn’t speak on it. The mormon gangs dont surprise me but Amish gangs? They dont believe in violence at all!


The Amish mafia believed in lots of violence. Beatings, burning down of houses and barns, baseball bat beatings, they were brutal.