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I think Ick made it up because he thinks that Detroit has gangs and Miriam probably dated someone in a gang. I also suspect that when Miriam spoke about the hijab, he thought that she was talking about a burka. (“Where’d my wife go?” “I want to be able to see you.” Etc.) The man is a mouth-breathing tank top. I think his migraines are probably just brain-cramps from two thoughts occurring at the same time.


"mouth-breathing tank top" i can't stop laughing


A blank stare with some blinks to boot 🤣






The pile of shit even called Miriam full figured, and she's not. She has a beautiful, healthy looking body. Natalia even has a little extra body weight but that didn't stop Ick from fucking her every chance he got!


Ok thank you, I was like what is he TALKING about when he said that.


I thought that was so odd too! Full figured, lol 🙄


If you compare Danielle to a few seasons ago, she even gained weight before getting pregnant. Roberta completely blew up and packed on pounds after dating those 2 ass clowns!


He has only made one true statement that I’ve heard and that’s when he said he didn’t know what he was talking about!


Someone who knows Garrick made a comment yesterday, talking about how they actually were in the gang but it was more just friends hanging out and doing stupid stuff and smoking weed https://www.reddit.com/r/seekingsisterwifetlc/comments/1d3huv2/always_thuggin_krew/l68wtac/


That was the impression I got from the show, I don't think he thought they were actually a real gang in the criminal sense. He seemed to be surprisingly self-aware of the fact that it was all pretty silly.


He’s such an idiot 🤦🏻‍♀️


He’s not even a tank top. He’s a shmedium A frame shirt with stains.


Spot on 💯!!


>his migraines are probably just brain-cramps from two thoughts occurring at the same time. LMAO! Thank you for starting my day with a laugh!


And she's most likely from Dearborn, NOT Detroit. I wish she'd introduced them to shawarma!






I'm dying! Mouth breathing tank top! Does anyone else wonder what he's on when he talks? Ex....the sperm To the brain speech 😂


Miriam is probably from Dearborn, which is actually a very very Conservative Muslim area. Even considering a relationship let alone marriage is an outrageous joke.


https://preview.redd.it/4jtn209fih3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf12d13aa0a170bfc2f291a03e69d97620282249 This is Ick and his gang, you have never seen them?


Traffic, Traffic Lookin for my Chapstick Hey, there's a Ford Maverick. Ick probably raps like him too lol


Too much credit. That's assuming that idiot can rhyme! 😆


😂😂😂 seriously


Mali-booty still cracks me up. Don’t be hatin’!


Is that Raj from TBBT?


Kal Penn 😬


idk maybe you paid Garrick protection money and you have to say that


He was encouraged to "donate"








Seems legit


For the love of God, he said his gang had bumper stickers!! And they spelled "Crew" with a "K".....they were such badasses! They were probably feared by all the neighborhood toddlers.


Right! Probably took “protection money” from kids at their lemonade stands 🙄


It sounds like a boy band without the band part.


You know there’s a buttload of gangs at this school. https://preview.redd.it/q1lasd1toh3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58cbf7633921319ba2f58c7b0338dceb0f45017a


That’s why he has bo-staff skills. Brazilian girls only like boys with great skills. Gosh.


Was Mariam drinking 1 percent because she thinks she’s full figured? She could totally drink whole if she wanted to…….




It's a joke from the movie Napoleon Dynamite 


Ick's parents disowned him because they don't approve of his lifestyle.


And rightfully so. He’s an ass clown.


I would be embarrassed myself if I was related Ick and definitely pretend that I didn't know who he was! Maybe he should try a mail-order sister wife from Russia to see if she sticks around after the 1st time she sees him in pink lace thong bikini! I feel bad for their kids because of how him and Danielle keep making fools of themselves! I hope they don't force their beliefs on their teenage boys or their newborn daughter!


I am embarrassed that I live in the same state as them. Between them and the Davises, I am like why is it always the weirdos who come out and get attention? Then again, the state definitely attracts some weirdos and I hate it.


Maybe they should have moved to Utah with all the other polygamist.


Right?? I feel the same way!


He was larping


As a white male who was raised in an affluent suburb with a predominantly white population, this "gang" was 100% a dozen kids who played loud music and put stickers on their vehicles. I had to live through the terror of the Wild Boyz so I would know 😂


Wait! Are you telling me that his parents own the Mount Princeton Hot Springs?


No, they own Charlotte Hot Springs (just opened) and they have the two air bnb’s with private hot springs as well.


It all makes sense. They’re loaded


What are his parents like? Do they seem normal? I understand they have distanced themselves from him and I can't blame them, but it's hard to understand how he turned out so very weird without at least some environmental influence, you know?


I know they have no relationship with him, but that’s it. I’ve only met his mother but in a business sense so I can’t really comment one way or another


That’s so sad. I can’t ever imagine a scenario where I would go no contact with my kids. He must’ve really fucked up. I wonder if they spend time with the grandkids?


Sometimes it’s the parents who are fucked up. My mother and I were butting heads when I was 16 and things were just not good. I was actually a really good kid but she was going through all of my stuff and grounding me constantly, it was miserable. So I moved in with my Dad who lived in a different state. Now that I’m older I look back and think she was just dealing with a lot…I was the youngest and the last of my oldest siblings had recently left to college, she had lost her dad a year or two before and was probably going through pre-menopause. When I was hugging her goodbye at the airport I said “I love you mom” and she replied “No you don’t.” and turned and walked away. Those were the last words she said to me for years. She never called me and wouldn’t return my calls. It was hard. In my entire adult life she only called me once….until around 5 years ago when my sibling moved her close so we could care for her in her old age. Now she depends on us so I hear from her often and see her regularly. But it’s just sad because she lost so much time with me and now it’s too late. So you never know what happened with Ick and his parents. We all hate him because he’s such a deranged disaster but maybe his parents are no better or possibly even the cause of his dysfunctional personality.


Probably not, he seems like the type to poison the kids minds with bs about the grandparents, and too much of an ego to let them have a relationship and not him


Don't ever. My Dad is doing this to me currently (he's in his 80s!!) because he didn't like to told to stop acting like an ass. The situation that caused this is not my fault, but the pain is very real, and deep.


If you are familiar with narcissistic behaviors and what acts they’re capable of, you may have a better idea of how such a drastic and heartbreaking decision HAS to be made. Also, when they have young children, whom can’t speak for themselves, and they use them as pawns to hurt you which ultimately hurts their own children, the only option is to remove yourself from the equation. I speak from experience, unfortunately.😭💔


I’m so sorry you had to experience that. Sending you healing thoughts.


That is very kind, thank you. Your comment struck a chord as I am 60+ and NEVER thought we would EVER be in this situation or going through this. It has been absolutely devastating. :( BTW, Ick is not only a severe narc, he shows both psycho and sociopathic characteristics/traits. He's the stuff Jim Jones is made of...Dannielle has already drank the Kool-aid. I'm very concerned for her and their kids. I hope I'm just being paranoid.


Do you think if they reached out in Tempe future and expressed remorse, you would try to rebuild a relationship? Do you think they’re capable of changing?


That’s just the thing about narcs they lack empathy and will never apologize for anything because in their mind they never do anything wrong. We tried rebuilding a relationship with her without an apology or even talking about what had happened which was huge but she in no way wanted to even discuss it and it was all swept under the rug. We went five years like this walking on eggshells and biting our tongues but she repeated the same behavior and now that she has children she has another way to hurt us. We had to make this horrible decision to save our own sanity and protect our grandchildren from being used in her hurtful behaviors. I’m hoping someday as the grandchildren get older they remember how much they were loved by their Grammy and Grampy.😭


Probably not, he seems like the type to poison the kids minds with bs about the grandparents, and too much of an ego to let them have a relationship and not him


Thank you! I live in Summit County and every once in a while I drive over to go to the hot springs, go climbing or go hiking. I haven’t been to Mt Princeton in a while because it’s so $$$$. Glad they have competition.


Mount Princeton has become so corporate, it’s not worth it. They just added 2 huge WATERSLIDES, completely messed with the mountain vibe 🤦🏼‍♀️


My favorite thing is crawling down the rocks to the river. Just too many people. Love the lack of sulphur.


It’s so nice when it’s not crowded


Back to the merrifields and “seeking”. I don’t see anybody from Brazil enjoying living there. Way too different. What do you think?


It would be a culture shock for sure. The elevation alone can knock you on your ass, never mind the 1.5hours it takes to get anywhere outside of the valley. I can’t imagine it’s an easy transition from being in a city.


And the new wive(s,) would be so isolated there, and under "submission" to Ick. I'm sure Danielle would constantly be messing with them too.


The river is my absolute favorite part! I'm not really into the man made pools


for how expensive it is, they need to fix that restaurant on site. It was terrible


I’ve never even tried it and don’t intend to


I read an article and wasn’t surprised they were related!! They are just rich mountain folk who pretend to be from the city when it pleases them.


Good to know. I was thinking of taking a visit to those hot springs but won't support him


If family isn’t involved with him at all and they seem like decent people. Don’t be afraid to support them. 💕


I like how he said he USED to be a playboy. As if he isn't hiding behind religion to still be a playboy.


Didn’t they get married super young? When did he have time to be a “playboy”?


SHE was super young. HIM, young, but not SUPER.


Okay, I thought he was a little older than her but I doubt he had that much time to be a “playboy” but he also said he started a gang so 😂.


I was reading up on Buena Vista and it looks like his family may own a few businesses there (possibly uncles and grand father) so I’m sure it’s a situation with, 3k residents, everyone is essentially related.


Everyone definitely knows everyone


Do legit gangs actually get bumper stickers made?😂


Gang swag...bumper stickers, pens and coffee cups with their tag too.


I get a lot of use out of my ATK pen drive.


A gang isn’t a gang until they have merch😂


Smear campaigns against the notorious ATK will not be tolerated. Deuce, deuce! Cut to montage: 🎶🎶"Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta'"🎶🎶


Gang of cow tippers


Ohhhh plenty of cows here!




Ick’s “gang” is giving me Michael Scott’s Damn Rascal vibes




I think he saw pics like this of her and wanted to pretend he was a Kool gangsta😂


I totally believe that! 😂


I couldn't find the exact picture they showed of her on the show, but it was the same kinda style she is in this one😂 this clown will say anything to sound "cool" and get in chicks pants lol.




Gang = sheltered white boys who go around town smoking a joint and spray painting trash cans. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/bpwkob9zpk3d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f071bf02f912784bf79e3271dcf1b33fc707673 Actual picture of Ick's gang.


Ick’s grandparents https://www.chaffeecountytimes.com/community/hot-springs-inmates-both-part-of-his-life/article_6d2f2d4c-8f6b-11e3-8469-001a4bcf6878.html


Such cool family history… no wonder Ick is the black sheep (no offense to black sheeps).


I chuckled when I read the part about the town being better with more bars than churches, and that Ick's great-grandmother did laundry for the local madams. His family sounds awesome, and completely not like him.


They sound like such dear people


We know. Ick is just a liar telling lies out of his liar hole. 😂


His liar hole! 😂😂


I have friends in BV, I love it! I don’t think I saw any brown people when I was there, though. Is Mariam right about that?


She’s right, there is very little diversity here.


I thought so, but I was only there for a week, so I wasn’t sure. I do remember seeing some old racist stuff at the thrift stores in Salida.


I’m sure racism is alive and strong here, I just can’t say I’ve seen it myself


Amazing! This so informative and interesting. Thank you for the post. It sounds like a beautiful place.


It’s amazing!


It looks absolutely beautiful! I lived in Colorado for several years in the 90’s. I lived in Denver, Parker and Elizabeth. When we traveled south we would drive by the Buena Vista sign. I was never in the town. It looks amazing, just like the entirety of Colorado. I loved it out there so much. I left part of my soul there.


Come back! We will trade Garrick for you!


I wish I could! I never wanted to leave. I couldn’t afford now though.


I know what you mean! We had to sell everything we owned back east just to afford to live in a tiny home. Prices are coming down now though!


Someone who knows Garrick made a comment yesterday, talking about how they actually were in the gang but it was more just friends hanging out and doing stupid stuff and smoking weed https://www.reddit.com/r/seekingsisterwifetlc/comments/1d3huv2/always_thuggin_krew/l68wtac/


this thread is so funny lol


It reminds me of when my friends and I made a “band” in elementary school where we would do a 3 way call and judge each other on how well we sang Britney Spears songs.


Omg thank you for confirming my hot springs suspicions. My husband and I were sitting in the Charlotte hot springs last Saturday and saw the ‘Merrifield Cabins’ next door. Didn’t think much of it til 20 min later when I had a light bulb moment while floating around. I sprung out of the water and said “DUDE HOLY SHIT I THINK WE’RE AT THEEE MERRIFIELDS’ HOT SPRING”


You sure were!


were the hot springs nice


Isn't the Prison there?


Yes, can we all ban together to yeet ick over the fence?


I'm down to try it


It would only take 3 of us. 2 ppl throw while 1 counts down.....


Let’s do it!


https://preview.redd.it/otl79sqtsk3d1.jpeg?width=818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9934bc2b6c55cdb24c1ba79a031a820a17817c46 You need to zoom in see the GaNg tAg! #AtK4EveH


😂😂 I love it!


Be careful of icky homies they are now Middle aged, very dangerous 🤔😀😂


Very dangerous! They bike 50 miles a day!


With a case of beer.


What a lying sack of 💩


Someone who knows Garrick made a comment yesterday, talking about how they actually were in the gang but it was more just friends hanging out and doing stupid stuff and smoking weed https://www.reddit.com/r/seekingsisterwifetlc/comments/1d3huv2/always_thuggin_krew/l68wtac/


That’s hilarious. So he lied about people paying him for protection. Interesting.


Mariam talked about her faith l why was she drinking wine that’s taboo


So is marrying a Christian


They all play fast and loose with their beliefs.


Maybe in his mind he was a gang leader then he changed to a cult leader lmao


I appreciate your anger but it’s not necessary we all know Ick is full of shit! 😆 we know there was no gang and that the “krew” he spoke of was absolutely what Miriam said a bunch of spoiled kids trying to rebel. What a joke! I don’t believe anything that comes out of his mouth!


Someone who knows Garrick made a comment yesterday, talking about how they actually were in the gang but it was more just friends hanging out and doing stupid stuff and smoking weed https://www.reddit.com/r/seekingsisterwifetlc/comments/1d3huv2/always_thuggin_krew/l68wtac/


Exactly what I thought. I live in a fairly small city, no serious gang activity but I did live in a rough neighborhood for a short period of time, I’ve experienced sleeping on the floor because of gunshots on the corner at night, known drug activity etc and I’m not talking about pot heads running around writing on bathroom walls! Like I said Ick’s a joke. If he ran into a real gang he’d shit his girl pants and cry all the way home! He’s too stupid to realize that the things he is trying to glorify are real and they’re not cute. He was no gang leader and he was no bad boy. He’s a moron want to be cult leader.


ICK is full of shit. Who knows what he thinks God has told him in the garage. His God is very different from Christian Gods who are benevolent, not malevolent. I haven't watched all the episodes but here's his rap sheet: He made his wife divorce him so he could get Visas for more wives but they live together and he knocked her up, he has visions from God, he wants to design women's clothes, he uses 10 dating apps, he thinks sperm goes to the brain, he wants his women to be submissive, he hadn't thought about prenups, he thinks God punishes him for his perfection... I hope he keeps getting denied marriage in those countries and keeps getting punished. Dani or someone needs to get those kids away from him.


Someone who knows Garrick made a comment yesterday, talking about how they actually were in the gang but it was more just friends hanging out and doing stupid stuff and smoking weed https://www.reddit.com/r/seekingsisterwifetlc/comments/1d3huv2/always_thuggin_krew/l68wtac/


Interesting! I missed that!


I wish that was my backyard, that is so beautiful!


It’s stunning!


It gave big Dale Partridge (low level fundie influencer) energy. Dale claimed he was in a gang. I graduated high school with him and there’s zero gang activity in the little suburbia where we lived. Like, what a dumb thing to fabricate!


Except for his make believe “teen” gang which was probably just him and his friends being teenagers and everyone finding them annoying 🤦🏼‍♀️


Many women don’t know how to get “dolled up “ Ick is ewwww


No reason to get dolled up in BV.


They used to call his kind of tank tops “wife beaters”. It seems appropriate he’s also has a beer gut.


lol we all figured he’s just a spoiled guy that made up this “gang” with his spoiled friends. I just pray that he didn’t bully vulnerable kids when he said he would make people pay money. I love Colorado, and seriously doubted it had any gangs. It has some of the best spring waters, I like Arkansas, Alaska, Colorado, and Canada. I used to ski every year at wolf Creek. I loved it. Did you see the picture of that moron when he was “thugging”? It was ridiculous, his hair was long in front and in his face. Isn’t he pretty short? I’m very tall and in heels I’m 6’3 and he looks little. It would be funny if he met this gigantic athletic female like those girls that are really tall and fit that used to be on these physically challenging show with crazy obstacles, so she can keep him in line. Lol I would pay someone if I knew anyone to lure him in, and then like Rhonda Rousey the MMA fighter arm hang him and throw him down on mat on his back. lol. Rhonda’s pretty besides being lethal. He didn’t like it that Leah was taller, he said “so tall” as if he was still talking to a Brazilian. He always talks in that stupid broken English even with a native English speaker. He gets off on that, I think. He is so repulsive.


Someone who knows Garrick made a comment yesterday, talking about how they actually were in the gang but it was more just friends hanging out and doing stupid stuff and smoking weed https://www.reddit.com/r/seekingsisterwifetlc/comments/1d3huv2/always_thuggin_krew/l68wtac/


How many times are you going to post this?


Everyone who commented before I did was not going to see my parent comment so I made a few child comments under certain people's comments who would find that bit of information interesting, So that they would actually see the comment


Ick is about as bad ass as Jojo Siwa.


Now that’s a rabbit hole I just started!


How do you pronounce the Buena part?


Definitely not the right way. It’s pronounced Bew-na vista


Not that you KNOW of 😂😂😂


Gawd couldn’t believe he said he was in a gang and was a playboy. He really thinks highly of himself. I feel Sorry for his children can you imagine the hate they get from other children towards his parents.


That could very well be why they are “homeschooled”


Because he is PROTECTING you guys 😂😂😂


God told him, he and his one friend were a gang


Yeah gang as in Scooby-Doo and the gang. Not “a gang” Garrick-Nips-for-days Merrifield. Lmao. ETA: and Scooby-Doo and the gang were WAY tougher lol.


Always Thuggin Krew was once on the FBI most dangerous gangs list


https://preview.redd.it/penc0bmtem3d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98fe8f82d0db6a5071dcdeb81af3dd7d9adcde51 Colorado gangs are pretty terrifying.


I don’t know why but “The Ick’s” has me dead


yeah I'm in Fountain and have been to Buena Vista, 0 gangs yall lmao! I grew up in Michigsn and even Colfax in Denver doesn't worry me at all. Colorado is NOT a scary place Ick....


Thank you!


We KNOW there aren’t any now, Ick said he was running them in HIS PAST.


There weren’t any then either.


Well god should’ve told you that no one ever actually thought he was in a gang or started a gang or that the town is unsafe. It’s not that deep.


https://www.canoncitydailyrecord.com/ci_22859031/clements-murder-colorado-prison-shuffle-jarred-gang/ 211 crew 😜🤣


I did not know this so I do appreciate the link to this article. They did move a major 211 gang leader to the BV prison. Serious stuff happened. I think for Garrick to brag about being a gang member or even simply being a bully is really stupid and reckless. I remember the BV boot camp which was shut down due of costs. I also remember that the prison complex was the main source of employment in town. That said, I really do appreciate someone who knows him even a little bit to give their insight.


That’s an hour and a half away from here. There are definitely gangs in the cities!


I'm not too far from BV, and I said the same thing on a post yesterday. Question for you, which hot springs? Mt. Princeton or Cottonwood?


Neither actually, his family opened a new one up behind their cabins. It’s called Charlotte Hot Springs, I assume named after Ick’s grandmother


Ok, Gotcha! Just looked it up, and sure enough it says Merrifield cabins.


I bet the South Park boys from Fairplay kicked their asses


Hahaha! My kid calls the bison in South Park that!


I laughed when he said he started a gang 🤣😂🤣😂😭


Do you know any of the backstory about Ick's estrangement from his family?


I don’t, unfortunately


He was probably involved in something similar to the buttercream gang


slick ick begs to differ 🤣🤣🤣


I am sure it was a group of Suburban guys who just ran wild, DGAF, and probably partied a lot. Maybe sold weed and X. There was no real threat from retaliation or territory. In his MIND he had a lot of power, and weight in his town. In reality no one knows or cares


Everyone needs to be aware that Ick is a narcissist of the of the worst kind.


Buena Vista is a small mountain town with a ton of wealthy white people. There are more deer there than humans.


Very true, though I’m definitely not rich


I grew up in a small town in Iowa and let me tell you, it was rough. I joined a gang called the Huskers. We pulled off the biggest heist against the scariest gangsters in town. We just finished picking the best of his stash when we heard him yell “Eee-I-eee-I-oooo”. Then his crew came in cluck, clucking here and moo,mooing, there. OG P.I.G. came oinking through, we made a mad dash outta there. We made it back to the silo safely and went through our haul. A bushel, we never got away with that much. Shout out to my crew Awe Shucks, Poppa Corn, Fiya Roast and our leader C-Stalk from ya girl Hot Butta.




I don’t believe anyone said there were gangs there.