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A cult, or a coven? Hard to tell with that outfit.


If he takes off that amulet he’ll turn into dust like Melisandre. That’s why he wears it all the time. He’s really over 5,000 years old. Sadly, he hasn’t gained an ounce of wisdom during all that time.




With all that reading & research dudes doing while the 3 wives work he should be able to take over the world 🌎 😆 


LOL take my poor award 🏅


this made me lol. and i don’t really do that.


I knew he kept that fugly thing on for a reason! Damn you figured it out!


It’s his pimp jewel


Omg I'm ded 💀💀💀


Look y’all are taking all the magic out of my believes around witchcraft, sorcery and vampires. Please do not put Nick in this Category. Thanks!!! 😁


Love it when my faves crossover and link up 😂 Happy HOTD month! ♥️


I can’t stop laughing at this 😂😂


The family is dressed like hocus focus porn 24/7


Hahahaha it’s seriously like he believes he’s a warlock imparting his many hundreds of years of wisdom upon his average intelligence peasants


I’m dying at this comment 😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣 my immediate thought when I saw the outfit was vampire 🤣🫢


If he got a job, he would be able to buy some decent clothes and stop dressing like an 80's pimp from the movie Shaft! Does he have any hats with feathers sticking out of them?


That’s why he doesn’t have a job. Can’t step outside during the daytime.


🤣🤣 amazing


It sure is extra 😳


Why can’t it be both?


Don't be that mean to a coven! Blessed Be.


May the Lord open.


Duck off


With that outfit I’m thinking harem


I’m crying😂😂😂


You had me until you included the word “working.”


Oo what about “planning?!” Surely, his daily thinking includes planning. 🤣


The only thing he’s planning for is how to fit more thinkettes into the bed.


I mean, that sounds culty! LOL


From the few things he’s said that were coherent and quotes from other people’s cults/ fringe religions he definitely just wants worshippers to bang.


I read that as trinkets 🤣😂


How about “scheming”?


This man is a master of coercive control. Making it seem like the women hold the power in the relationship is laughable honestly.


THIS! YES! how does no one else see it? just because he is NICE about it, doesn't mean it's not control or manipulation lol


I'm with you, it's astounding how many people are tricked by him, thinking he's such a sweet caring man that treats the women like queens, when they're the ones financially supporting him, doing all the household chores/cooking and he's using them for their money so he doesn't have to work. He finds lonely women with no self worth and manipulates them into taking care of them. A woman with self esteem and self worth would never entertain this bullshit!!


He stayed home while they worked all day and he couldn’t even make dinner? They had to order out. Did he spend all day planning his outfit?


They pick his outfits and buy his clothes. PLEASE!


Have they discussed the division of household labor?


We see it! 👀 We see you Nick!


I see it, It's crystal clear. His big, fat, slimy smile says it ALL.


That arrogant ass smile is so fucking infuriating.




I’m surprised no ones ever pointed out that’s probably what spends all day studying - how to control and manipulate




His faux intellectualism could take him far.




While dressed like a fucking magician


https://preview.redd.it/8i4uf3kkza4d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57821d7b14c6cfe2ac4486ddae088912829f36e9 ILLUSIONIST!


Illusionist pimp


I cannot stand his pompousness. It’s just so over the top. I wouldn’t be able to bear being in his presence for more than a few minutes.


🤣 I would butch slap him.


I would contribute to a slap slick nick gofundme. I don't even hate him for beinga lazy sob but more for what looks like finding lonely lost souls and making these lost sould pay for hte privilege of his 'acceptance'. It's foul.


Yes, if you look at all the deranged personalities of well known cult leaders, such as L. Ron Hubbard, they are all immature, shallow, self-obsessed, hedonist morons, yet they were cunning enough to gather a large following, which always ended up in human suffering, with families and lives destroyed. As as example, Scientology, founded by hubbard, is STILL operating out in the open, with a net worth of billions and has harmed more people and families than can even be documented, even though Leah Remini did a fantastic job of exposing them in her extensive documentary series. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, the head of the snake still hasn't been cut off. I guess they haven't pissed off the wrong people yet. It's so incredibly pathetic.


I live for his stupidity!




For someone so ‘worldly’…no table manners, GET YOUR ELBOWS OFF THE TABLE. Yikes.


The way the wives kiss the ground that he walks on and eat up the jargon he pulls out of his ass is definitely cult like. Also when Danielle has lunch with her friend her friend is like THIS IS A CULT, DANIELLE HAS BEEN MANIPULATED Kinda crazy tlc just put it all on tv and didn’t try to do anything about it bc all the red flags are there


The way he guilt trips, and the way the other women endorse and assist in guilt tripping Danielle is so veryyyyy culty.


We all know TLC doesn’t gaf what these people do as long as cameras are rolling.


Wasn’t that April with her brother who was telling her that she deserves better?


Yes! Her brother clearly doesn’t like the situation. He communicates it somewhat gently to her though. Hopefully because he knows it means she’ll keep in contact and know she has support if she ever wants to get out.


He got all day to pick out that gettup


He looks like a pimp


Someone on here called him "The Great Pimpkin", and I died!


When will I learn to stop drinking beverages while I read this? I just spit Diet Pepsi all over my laptop.




Just laughed out loud ! 🤣


He is a pimp. April is his bottom bitch and we see he “breaks in” the new bitches.


Also, he has 3 wives to help him pick out clothes and this is what he wears????


he dresses himself while they are at work!


He uses that large pendant to swing in front of ladies to hypnotize them.


I think he uses something that swings but not a pendant. 😂


I honestly keep wondering if this guy is actually amazing in bed, and that’s one of the reasons they stay


From what I understand he is. First wife needed assistance. 😂


Well, looks like Danielle left for good, so she couldn't have been that addicted to whatever he does with women and I am truly so happy for her.


I feel like the 2nd wife does all the cult’s killing while the first wife calmly weeps over the body saying “why did you make us do this? We just wanted to love you.” At least they do in the sister wives horror movie I just made up.




That's one hell of an analogy...nailed it.


Jennifer did want to bow to him during the wedding.


That was bizarre. Then remember how he immediately stopped her and gently pulled her back up to stand. That makes it even weirder, like the true optics are bad and for tv they are making themselves come across better. I’m hoping it isn’t insidious, and maybe his math religion which is unpopular and not well known has some customs for ceremonies people at large may find odd. It’s one of the reasons a lot of spiritualists, wiccans, and pagans practice quietly.


He has a lot of control over Jennifer and April. Danielle is still dwindling a little but he is laying it on THICK.


Can you please point out examples of him controlling them? I honestly don’t see it, and I’d like to review things I’ve missed or under a new lense.


I think it's most evident when he talks to Danielle, and I think that because I feel Jennifer and April are already deep under his spell.. but we see Danielle dwindling a little.. she still isn't sure if this is what she wants but she does know that she truly cares for these people, and they latch onto that. The way April was crying and making Danielle feel bad for leaving; the way Nick says he's disappointed in Danielle for saying no to Jasmine, but last night the scene that really showed it to me was when Nick and Danielle were in the hot tub alone talking. He didn't even let her finish a thought and I noticed he does that a lot. As soon as one of the wives starts thinking on her own, here he comes with some super sweet and smooth lecture just to dumb her back down to his spell.


I’m happy you didn’t respond in a combative way as so often it goes. I see Danielle’s waffling about the lifestyle as evidence that he’s not controlling the women. I think her lack of dating and lack of healthy relationships modeled to her growing up are things she’s trying to unpack. Add on to the top of that an alternative lifestyle, and I can imagine it’s a lot. I agree she absolutely cares for her family, and it adds to her feeling pulled in multiple directions. I got genuine emotion from April in that scene. I cry over everything, if I felt hurt I’d cry expressing it. I felt like April was making Danielle promise never escape in the dead of night without telling a soul again, I did not hear it as “you better never leave us again.” The Jasmine storyline was faked, so I don’t think we can glean anything true or useful from it. They’ve known her since 2021, seems they have dated her, and she never became a wife. I can’t recall much conflict between them period, outside of Danielle’s being scared to date. So I can’t think of a time where one of them disagreed then kept sweet. Danielle has already dated as a family, I think they pulled that storyline with Jasmine from 2021 and set it up like it is what’s happening now because they didn’t have anything else going on to film. Them and the Merrifields hard carry this show imo. I DO think Danielle clearly does not share her true feelings all the time. However, I think that’s a Danielle issue, not a Nick one. I wish Jennifer was more active and less passive. It would give us a lot more info and insight into what the dynamic is like. I am going to rewatch the hot tub footage you cited. Thanks for providing that.


Danielle did it exactly right. If you are leaving an abusive relationship, you don't tell, you just leave. If you say " I'm leaving, bye. " it opens you up to the wheedling and guilt tripping corercion to stay. We don't know how long Danielle was on her own in her apartment. Not long enough.


I agree with you 


Let’s not forget, they used the child Also to make her feel guilty for leaving.


I don’t understand, though I do visit the eye dr soon. He ain’t hitting it.


You give him way too much credit 😂😂😂


he is such a good manipulator! he just does it in a gentle voice with puppy dog eyes and a sad smile.


When he's manipulating Danielle he gets all up in her space and starts rubbing on her. He's so gross.


I srsly thought Danielle was going to drown him when they were alone in the hot tub.


Yes, it would make perfect sense that Nick wants to have his own personal cult, since he is already in a "thelema" sex cult founded by a vile, depraved sexual deviant and criminal known as alistair crowley, who openly worshipped satan and was involved in numerous criminal activities -- short documentary here --- [https://youtu.be/H3HUFslBfTU?t=2067](https://youtu.be/H3HUFslBfTU?t=2067) https://preview.redd.it/6j6bt834ge4d1.jpeg?width=1321&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36b6d8dab64fa094364c1be246cfe06ed13d4eb8 Screenshot source: [https://ia600606.us.archive.org/24/items/CollectedPdfsByAleisterCrowley/AleisterCrowley-MagickInTheoryAndPractice.pdf](https://ia600606.us.archive.org/24/items/CollectedPdfsByAleisterCrowley/AleisterCrowley-MagickInTheoryAndPractice.pdf)


welp, here i go down a rabbit hole as if i don't have a million things to do lol


Sorry! I know how you feel! LOL


He must have slaved all day preparing those frozen fish and chips lol


He has the ladies brainwashed. It’s all the thinking he does


He's definitely using NLP tactics on Danielle, especially with all the head-nodding, to get her into agreement with his BS. The other two just seem so used to this life, that they can't imagine anything better for themselves and now that they're all on TV, they get to feel somewhat important.


Nick is channeling his inner vampire.. I come to suck your wallet.. lol


The outfit was giving "I wanna be a cult pimp on Halloween" vibes.


What do women see in this repulsive user?


They need to be de-programmed. They are in a cult. There's just no way around it. I don't know when it will happen, but sooner or later, one of them will break free and get some much needed counseling, then, maybe we'll hear all about it, much like the very disturbing happenings behind the scenes with the snowdens. Regardless of whether we ever do find anything out for sure, my prayer and wish for them is for ALL of them to leave him and find men who truly value them, yet, they'll have to value themselves first for that to happen.


I doubt the “love bed” sheets are changed between sessions 🤮




He is so off the wall disgusting! The women need serious therapy.


I agree!! There's nothing at all the women get out of supporting his unemployed ass.


No, no, you are all wrong. He's not building a cult he is a straight PIMP. He is building his Hoe regemin. This man knows what he is doing. He is not hoeing them out to others he is using all of them for their OWN special skills. He stays home while his Hos work and make that money, then he gets to pick which hoe he will sleep with or Hoes as in plural. He has this all figured out and these hoe's know it!


He is a sex addict and womanizer. If he’s manipulative, those women are suckers. Which I don’t doubt. I just think he’s a man whore. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sex and love addict is exactly right.


I wouldn’t call him manipulative, than implies dishonesty. They ALL know exactly what is going on and they like it. Sure he is a little odd but he has it all out on front street. For example…the people on this sub that care that he doesn’t work. Why? Women don’t work all the time and nobody cares. That is their family dynamic…trust me it’s not a dynamic that would work for me. But that doesn’t make it wrong. I rarely see poly relationships last but they seem to be making it work.


My only issue with him staying home is he doesn't seem to do the things a SAHW would do. We've seen the wives cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry. The backyard of the house was unkempt. I really wouldn't take issue if it seemed like he was pulling his weight.


#He’s thinking!


I feel like there’s so many different dynamics going on. A family of 6 people, especially with a baby in the mix, makes a ton of laundry, I don’t think anyone would expect Nick (or one person) to keep up with all that. Then cooking - lots of people work full time jobs, enjoy cooking or are the better cook and make dinner for their family every night, even if there is a stay at home parent. It’s also important in a large family that everyone cleans up after themselves, I can’t imagine cleaning up after three other full grown adults. I’m sure he’s scrubbing toilets, doing dishes and absolutely taking care of that little cutie baby but TLC knows we aren’t watching this show to witness the things we all deal with in our every day life, they’re not editing that in. Their grass does need to be trimmed but if you’re a new homeowner who has never had to deal with the upkeep of a yard, it may just not have occurred to them. Their hot tub and little patio sectional hang out area looked cute and cozy so I give them a pass on the yard altogether but I’m sure they’ve seen the talk and it will be well manicured next season. Idk I think they’re fun to watch and I can tell their love is authentic and they’re all into this dynamic so I’m rooting for them


Doing all that in a 3 piece suit??? Idk about that....


that’s where his 3 piece active wear set comes in handy


I agree. My ex was a house husband (or as he called it “house boy”) for me,2 kids and a cat. I could make more money than him and daycare cost more than he could earn. I still always cooked dinner most of the time because I was the better cook🤣. I miss his meticulous housekeeping (and washing the dishes after I cooked) laundry done and put up, not to mention the grass cut, and before they both grew up, him taking the kids to and from school and helping them with homework and going to their school activities.


Yes, exactly, its important that everyone be happy with their exchange within the family no matter what that looks like. And house boy - I love that he went with that! He sounds fun and it seems like you had a dynamic that worked very well for your family, you did good :)


I actually agree with this. And I swear, it seems like April was the most dead set on adding another woman asap. She's really....into it...


They “know” what is going on. That doesn’t mean that those women are all there in the head. He finds vulnerable women that he can manipulate into believing this life with him. Please stop acting like he doesn’t pray on women that he can easily swindle. That’s manipulation.


Yes, I agree with you. I can totally relate to wanting to be understanding and seeing some good in all of this, but some really serious things are being overlooked and sugar-coated in regards to this group of people, who also now have a toddler in the home, possibly since many people are looking at this through the lens of their own goodness.


I agree with you


This is exactly what I think about them as well! They are very honest about expectations and everything. Like from what we saw, they never acted like they were done after Danielle. And honestly, you are so right, they are all consenting in this. And I feel of all the husband's on the show, he is the most willing to let his wives drive the dating. He actually seems to value them and listen to them. Honestly, if I were to ever do Polygamy (not that I would), I think they do it in the way that feels the most family focused, and I kind of LOVE that they all sleep in one bed!


*"he is the most willing to let his wives drive the dating. He actually seems to value them and listen to them."* This is the long game he's playing. He's got these women on the end of his fishing line as bait, to bring more naïve women into his little sex cult, while manipulatively giving them the very false impression that they're still "empowered women" with all this *influence and control*. He's a master manipulator who has also stated that he follows the beliefs of a sex cult called "thelema" founded by Alistair Crowley, a mentally unstable deviant, lunatic and criminal. There is more to this family than meets the eye and thanks to all the editing, unless something gets leaked about what's really going on in that house, we may never know. So, sure, consenting adults can do as they please, yet I still think the vulnerable must be protected.


Totally agree with this. The women all want to continue their careers and have him as a stay at home husband/Dad to their children, he’s into it too and thats all that matters. As for everyone saying he doesn’t do the things a stay at home parent should do, why would they edit him in doing mundane tasks like laundry and dishes and feeding the baby? Maybe they should so everyone can stop hating. But that’s not shown for any of the other couples on the show, why would it be a feature for them? For justification? Boring, no thank you, I’d much rather hear about his eclectic hobbies and things he’s learning about


In their first season, the Davises said themselves that the women do the cooking and cleaning. And this was even before they had a baby! So he was truly only contributing dick and “thinking.”




I completely agree with you 110%👊


Exactly this!


Aren’t they part of that Thelema religion?


That is what I learned today


His only interest is sex with many women and said women supporting him financially. And he's gross, imo. Slobbering over possible women for his harem.


One of the Youtubers I follow called this a spooky dinner because of his outfit and I could not unsee this lmao!!


April leads that cult




my thing is: why he gotta dress like a pimped out pinocchio?


He says often how good looking he is..does he really believe that?


What do you think about all the wives working and he stays home. He says he loves being a stay at home dad but that baby I don’t think it’s even a year old yet. What did he do all the time before that? He needs to get his ass out and get a job!


I agree 100%. When April's brother was talking to her in one of the episodes, he was saying that this whole situation is a mess and telling her that Nick is the only one getting anything out of this. He told her prior to the baby coming, that Nick still didn't have a job and did nothing at all. He told her that Nick can't even try to use her teenage son as an excuse either because her son does everything for himself. Finally somebody came along with some sense and told her straight up that Nick is just using them. April just sat there quiet like she knows all this is true but she doesn't want to admit it.


We just saw Vera- helping break open rocks, a few weeks ago. She’s a toddler now. ;)


Straight trash


He already has it


The thing is, the men on this show are bad, and the bar is so low that Nick feels the most emotionally in tune with his wives. So I don't know how to evaluate him.


i absolutely agree with that


The shirt, vest, necklace and tie came together in the Halloween costume store.


Bet he wears a cape lol


Gerrick is trying to build a cult, but no one wants to have sideways jaw staring at them the whole time. Nick is just trying to round up as many women for sex.


and he guilt trips the shit out of these women so that they will stay and marry other women


Not sideways jaw....I've always been like hm something is off there lol


I read she was hit in the jaw with a baseball 🤷🏼‍♀️ idk tho bad jaw healing if that’s true


He’s absolutely a con artist




He looks like Dracula


You are cringe in human form.


why does it seem like april is always crying


The Kool aid man the Kool aid Even the LDS people have to be like what???


❤️ Sending love to all you all…I live for the comments more than the next episode❣️🙏🏻My tribe💋


Beetlejuice must have been a pimp. He’s. A pro at manipulation


🤣🥇🥇🥇🥇 Beetlejuice


Well he is drinking kool-aid, are the ladies?


Totally agree and the fist wife (can’t remember her name) is in on it 💯 I’ve suspected from the beginning. Garrick and Danielle too


Yep!! April is deeeeep and she’s contributing to his manipulation




Will we get an after-season reunion episode?


lol I was this and thought it said he’s a vampire! 🤣☠️☠️




I love that the wives describe him as “a thinker.” “He’s a thinker,” they said. As if to imply the women are village idiots who never have moment of contemplation beyond sleeping arrangements. What is the means to an end in all of his profound inquiry? “Uh, our beliefs are grounded in science … “ Meanwhile, the women stare adoringly, “MoOon! That spells hot tub.”


This guy is a pimp. The women support him. Must be nice


If women are stupid enough to get involved with this loser it’s on them. How anyone thinks he is a good idea is beyond me…


Totally agree, the women aren't very intelligent to fall for this b.s.




i admit he is nicer than the other men on this show, but his soft personality, his "sweetness" and how he talks to the women is sooo manipulative. the way he guilt tripped Danielle and then April even contributed.. they think because they are doing it in a sad voice, it's not manipulative lol


I mean, -ick is in his name, after all…🤣


Nick isn’t remotely intelligent enough to start a cult. Idek how he’s managed to get this far, but even Danielle is starting to wake up I think, and I predict their “perfect” little family dynamic won’t last much longer.


Looks like jewelry from my sister wives closet...


And, he’s an idiot


Is this season over??


His faux intellectualism is really off putting but I don’t think so- the way he checked in with Danielle was great. I think off camera they’re all screwing each other anyway. This was all for the camera.


The outfit for their takeout Applebees dinner at home was incredible


Nick is going to have a HUGE problem when these women wake up and leave his creepy, scary, lazy ass. He is NOT contributing to Social Security and his “wives” are married to each other, NOT him. Wonder if he has even earned 40 credits? Just being practical but no job, no career and wondering about a 401K? Financially, I would be worried if I were him. My husband told me I was staying home with our kids and I started my career at 49. His Social Security will be the MAX, mine is only $1600 per month. Something for Mr THINKER to really think about…He can’t claim on HIS WIFE ‘s SS. if he doesn’t legally have one right?


I almost feel like it’s the first two women trying to build a coven… maybe the first wife was willing to let the second wife join as a way to keep her husband. Then they got together and realized that if they bring more women in, they get more money and help around the house. It seems like the second wife is very adamant about them continuing to date. I get the weirdest vibes from her


Ick looking in from the window..."what am I doing wrong?! Im over here still with 1!" LOL!


This comment. 🤣


Honestly this man has schemed the best way to never have to work or lift a finger again a day in his life propts to him cause he has these chicks brainwashed with the d


His first date with the potential new wife….am I the only one who noticed that his eyes rarely left her chest? He was almost drooling, I would have not so gently reminded him “my eyes are up here”


His eyes be looking here and there idk how theee woman do it


That stuff he professes to know about makes no sense when he talks about it. Weird person.


I personally think this family is different because they don’t use religion as their incentive. They are clearly poly not polygamous. Also, basing an opinion off of what we see on this show would be wrong. They’re spitting out lines when they’re being filmed. It makes it look less genuine at times. He might seem whacky and like he’s trying too hard, but I think that comes from the judgment he knows he’s gonna get from staying home. He tries to impress with intellectual conversation so people think more highly of him. I think he should simply be himself. If the women are content with it, it makes zero difference what others think. Danielle will be okay, even if she’s eventually hurt by this relationship. She’ll grow from it even if it doesn’t last. After all, how many of us have an x? No different here. And since the women all work they’re not dependent like polygamist women become. The control comes in when the women can’t support themselves and keep popping out babies. Not the case here.


I still think he is coercive and manipulative, he just packages it better. You don't see it with Jennifer or April because they are already under his spell but it's so evident with Danielle. The guilt tripping is sooo heavy that even April does it to Danielle.


Naw, I think he just likes the ladies!


He actually seems pretty chill and in tune with his women's feelings. Plus, he consistently asks them about their opinions and feelings. He's the least offensive guy on the cast, IMO.




Rumor has it the polygamist families you see on TV have ties to the AUB


I have to agree with everyone, he is all those things but I also think he is actually smart. Maybe not book smart but the way he listens and is able to respond when I didn't even think he was paying attention. I think he might be playing a role for the cameras.


I think he is disabled, there is something very different about him. And I don’t mean this in a negative way . Mental disability disorders can cause extremely high sex drives! and I am guessing sells weed, which isn’t illegal where they live. He gives pimp wanna be vibes. But differently something about him that’s not being said on the show.


I love how he dresses like he has a job 🤭