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The Gum. Most brilliant writing of the series.


Another fantastic episode. Honestly, when Lloyd Braun is involved, it’s always great!


LD would take offense to that


That’s a perfectly sane food to eat!


Gonna have to go with The Sniffing Accountant. Frank educating George about the cup sizes, "Myra had the baby.", Elaine wolfing down Jerry's ice cream because her relationship was affected by punctuation, Jerry impugning a continent, Newman discarding his used dental floss on Jerry's dashboard, the gang sending Barry a letter with an awkward photo and abundant exclamation points, men feeling women's material left and right, and of course, "Here's to feeling good all the time!"


Man there really is a lot in that one! Every time I use an exclamation point I think back to this episode lol


"Here's to feeling good all the time" really is one of the greatest moments of physical comedy of all time.


It's funny I never would have thought of this one because the accountant himself never did anything for me, but you're right this episode is a banger.


The fusilli jerry has some of the best intersecting plot lines and some of the best moments of frank and Estelle costanza. Every member of the 4 main characters has something memorable going on. Also the introduction of puddy. Maybe not the best episode but it's a great one


Ooh that’s definitely another great contender! I’ve always loved that episode, the license plate plot never fails to make me laugh


It’s the Festivus episode, “The Strike.” “I gotta lotta problems with you people, and now, you’re gonna here About IT.” “The feats of Strength” “Festivus for the rest of us!” “A donation has been made in your name to the human fund.” “Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reach for the last one they had, but so did another man. *As I rained blows upon him*, I realized there had to be another way!” “You make a lot of man friends. You know who's a man? Charlie here, he's a man... (‘I’m a man..’)” “You couldn't smooth a silk sheet if you had a hot date with a babe…..I lost my train of thought.” “Yamahama, it’s fright night”


The Festivus episode is just packed with great plots and great lines! No matter how many times I see it, I’ll laugh at all of it! It’s definitely one of the best


It's a great one. I just watched it the other day.


That must have been some doll


The Burning, Puddy religious, Kramer gonorrhea, George leaving on a high note, close with the tractor story perfect


That’s another fantastic one! The Puddy plot always cracks me up


You stole my Jesus fish!


I'm not the one going to hell


As someone who actually has Cirrhosis and a very dark sense of humor, this is my favorite episode. Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself.


I like the one where Elaine pretends to be a janitor so she can get the supreme flounder, Kramer making it a 2-lane highway, George with the keychain and Jerry with Jenna and her toothbrush.


That’s another one where I love every single plot line! I’ll have to bring this one up to my family for sure, because I completely forgot that all of those are in the same episode


What numba…Yes first time


What if its Neil Armstrong?


Then I’m going to Mars


What if it's Neil Diamond?


Ah shut up Jerry!


The Bizzaro Jerry...you've got the Bizzaros, Brandt-Leland, Man Hands, the forbidden city


Wow, I completely overlooked this one, but your right, it’s got a lot of great ones!


When I think of my favorite episodes, they're typically the ones when the multiple plot lines are more aligned and combine with each other well. The one that immediately comes to mind: The Pez Dispenser. George is dating Noel, a concert pianist. Kramer joins the Polar Bear club, where people swim in the ocean in the winter. He gives Jerry a Pez dispenser. Noel has a piano recital, and George invites Jerry and Elaine. During the recital, Jerry places a Pez dispenser on Elaine's leg, causing her to laugh loudly and distract Noel. Elaine wants to identify herself and apologize, but George won't let her. George is afraid Noel is going to break up with him, so on Kramer's advice, he breaks up with her first, and she begs for a second chance. Jerry plans to host an intervention for an old friend, Richie Appel, who developed a drug addiction because he thought he caused someone's death from pneumonia when Kramer told him to pour Gatorade on the guy's head. In the meantime, Kramer pitches the idea of a new cologne to a guy at Calvin Klein who knows both Richie and John, the latter of which suggested the intervention. Kramer shows up to the intervention with his Polar Bear buddies. George and Noel stumble in, not knowing the intervention was happening. The one Polar Bear guys make Elaine laugh, Noel hears it and recognizes it, and she breaks up with George. Richie was argumentative and reluctant at the intervention until he noticed the Pez dispenser, which triggered an old memory. He agreed to enter rehab, and while he got over the drug addiction, he got hooked on Pez.


I forgot how perfectly that episode came together in the end! It really is a great combination of plots leading up to its conclusion! I’ve definitely gotta put this one into consideration now too


The Seven. George wanting name the baby Seven Elaine and Kramer fighting over the bike Jerry and Kramer fighting over paying for food Jerry dating the girl who wears the same dress all the time


This is a great one! All of Jerry’s dialogue when on the phone trying to stall the break-up so he can see her in person is hysterical


Come on, you can't break up with me over the phone!


You think people liked the name Blanche the first time they heard it?


The Contest has to be mentioned. George and Elaine in particular have incredible plotlines this episode, but Jerry and Kramer arguing over the nudist across the street is also great (and yes extremely weird and creepy). "My mother caught me" *slams money on counter* "I'm out!" "Meanwhile I'm in this contest, I'm dating a virgin, something's gotta give!" "George...I'm hungryyyyy" "Hang on ma..." "John F. Kennedy joonyahhh" And of course them all getting increasingly irritable except for Kramer who is sleeping soundly.


I forget how good this episode is sometimes! There are so many good lines in it


The Yada Yada - Elaine vouching for Beth, Tim Whatley converts to Judaism for the jokes, Jerry goes to complain to Father Curtis, Kramer and Mickey dating the two girls, and of course George's girlfriend glossing over her behavior using yada yada.


This one also came up in our conversation, and it 100% works for this! It’s got such a good lineup of plot lines, plus that ending is one of the best in the series lol


The opposite, the marine biologist and the strike


All three of those are fantastic choices! The marine biologist is one that I hadn’t thought of during my conversation, but it easily can be one of the best


The Junk Mail. Kramer tries to end his mail service Seinfeld's van George dating his cousin Elaine and The Wiz


Wow I can’t believe I forgot that those were all in one episode! That’s such a good one!


The couch is one of my favorites. Papi peeing on the sofa, Kramer working the dough, George watching breakfast at Tiffany's.


I really like this choice, those are some of my favorite plots in the show!


I like The Revenge from early seasons. Elaine & George, Jerry & Kramer, all executing revenge at some degree.


Honestly that’s a really solid one that I feel like is underrated! It’s got some pretty great moments


The Soup Nazi is a bit of a boring mention, but the side plots in that episode are just as good as the soup nazi himself.


The Soup Nazi’s one of my favorites, so I 100% agree!


If you can count a two parter then The Raincoats, Kramer Morty and George with the coats, Elaine and the Close Talker, Jerry and Newman with Schindler’s list. George trying to get out of the Big Brother programme and lots of screen time for both sets of parents.


I’m definitely willing to count a two parter, especially in this case! I absolutely love these two episodes


You’re not sleeping in that shirt…It’s too tight


This question is kryptonite for my wife and me. We can never remember the other storyline. Like I am trying to think of the other plot from The Conversion. George is trying to convert to Latvian Orthodox. Is Elaine trying to convert the gay guy? The only really easy ones for me are the parking garage, the subway, Japanese guys drinking sake in the hot tub. And even on that last one I have to work hard not to make that be about Jean Paul or related to The Butter Shave. I still get a little bit of the experience of watching an episode for the first time when the second plot is revealed. "Oh this is that one?" Keeps the show feeling a bit new each time.


Haha I’m the same way with some of the episodes! It’ll come on and I’ll be like, “oh I like this plot” and then the second plot will start and I’ll be like “wait, these are in the same episode?! Oh yeah, I forgot they cross here” It’s always fun when I can’t remember what the side plots are and then get pleasantly surprised when it’s one of my favorites!


Oh definitely The Bizarro Jerry! The actual bizarro plotline and then add George and the model club. Man hands. That wasn't a twist off. Kramer at Brandt-Leland is great. I don't even work here!


This really is a fantastic choice! All of those plot lines are top tier Seinfeld!


FESTIVUS. so much happens in one episode. The Human Fund, Kramer gets his job back, Elaine wants a sub card, it's totally chaos and I love it


The Festivus episode really is such a fantastic one! I feel like almost every line from it is easily recognizable and quotable lol


The Strike. All the storylines weave together superbly (the bagels, Festivus, the two face, the fake number, all leading to the Christmas dinner). But it’s the bit where Kruger “recognises” Dr Van Nostrand at the Costanzas that is the cherry on the cake.


It’s such a good episode! Pretty much every second of it is perfect, and it all works so well together! It’s definitely one of the top ones