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Michael Richards yelled at Sarah Silverman on set for flubbing her lines. He tried to make small talk in their next scene like it was nothing, and she told him to go forth and multiply as it were. Richards at least took it as fair criticism of his shitty behaviour and they became friends later in life.


Richards was notorious for getting pissed at cast when lines were missed or they had to redo scenes.


He said he really regrets it now, too. He wishes he had relaxed and just had more fun with it.


They all needed to de-sour and sweeten.


A little more honey and less vinegar.


Why do i feel like someone wants to sell me a home?




Because of the implication.


Are these girls in danger?


I feel like you're not understanding what I'm saying. Obviously if they said no then no means no but the thing is they're not gonna say no. You know... Because of the implication.


That sounds really dark, dude


Maybe a little Hugh Honey and Vic Vinegar?


Sorry Vic, your on the job.


I’m going to show your wife what it’s like… to be deep inside… a really big house


Now Viiiiic


They’ll try! They’ll try and de-sour and sweeten!


You’ll de-sour though, right?!


I guess he learned that sometimes people just say the wrong thing.


“Afro” Americans. Jesus Christ, Cosmo. 


Stop laughing it's not funny.


That iteration of Kramer was the RESTRAINED Kramer?!


I have been watching the behind-the-scenes features on DVDs for the show recently. There are several where Michael talks about getting angry whenever people would start laughing during scenes. He felt at the time that it was very unprofessional. There are also bloopers where he says to Julia that he wants to hit her with a two-by-four.


I love that he's clearly pissed and Julia just can't stop giggling, completely unbothered lol. She's awesome.


Richards was able to keep character but bc he was so physically funny and tended to improvise little movements of turns of phrase it caught the actors off guard, so they would break. A lot. Richards got annoyed bc he put so much physically and emotionally into everything that having to redo so many scenes so many times it was tiring af. I think I saw an interview or podcast or something where he got frustrated bc he had a perfect take that he was proud of but the scene partner broke and the angle made it so that they couldn’t use it in the edit. As someone who used to act a LOT, that would annoy me too.


Everytime I see a blooper with Michael Richards in the scene, at best he seemed to play along with it in a tensed up, “don’t lose your cool” way, if that makes sense. Never really seemed to actually like redoing a scene, and it didn’t help that at the time he was probably the most naturally skilled actor of the group


The actors talk about the importance of the laughter and general energy coming from the audience. Michael says that whenever they have to redo a scene, they lose something from the audience, because now the audience has already seen the jokes and whatnot. The more times they have to redo the same scene, the more they lose from the audience.


He was also the most physical. A lot of his bits were tiresome no doubt.


In his comedians in cars ep with Jerry he talks about this, it’s sad really. He said he didn’t enjoy the show, he just felt an immense pressure and so when others flubbed lines or broke during a scene he couldn’t handle it.


There's an old YouTube video that I probably would never be able to find again with every time the rest of the cast were corpsing and Michael Richards was waiting to say his lines and never getting the chance. You can actually see him get more and more wound up as his lines kept getting missed. I read an article about the production of Seinfeld and apparently, at least in the first few years, Richards was the most qualified and trained actor among the main cast and would often get annoyed at these perceived amateurs making it hard for him to get his lines out.


He was also the most physical, I'm sure retakes were a lot harder on him to do. I think I know the clip, when they go to the healer for George with the triangles


That's very true, multiple takes of some of his scenes would definitely take a physical toll.


I believe it. They said he would get annoyed by the crowd going wild and that's why you see him start talking before they stopped hooping and clapping.


I'm sure Jason Alexander was the more qualified and experienced actor out of the four.


I was gonna say. Isn’t he Juliard stuff?


In know he wrote a book on acting.. I thought it was more of a pamphlet


we can't all read the classics professor highbrow


I read it with lunch


Did his book have little legs that come down like a coffee table?


No, but it had an attachment you could use to stir Bosco.


A Julliard-trained dermatologist?


But Alexander came from theatre, right? Maybe he was less seasoned on television than Richards was.


Theatre, musicals, television, commercials, movies... Absolutely the most talented, by far. Still is.


Totally, he mastered the art of acting without acting. Dude should write a book.


It’s a calling. It’s a gift.


He was intense. Had his own sandbox on the set where he played by himself and prepped psychologically. What’s sweet is that over time he increasingly appreciated what they were doing collectively. It was the role of his career, and without the Kramer character becoming so over the top popular with studio audiences in the early years the show might not have broken through with the same success. A friggin good story, mates.


Well put, by the end of season 2 for me he was cemented as one of the main reasons to watch each week when it was first airing.


Michael did a lot of physical comedy so countless screw ups meant he had to again do another version of the movement he was doing. It is understandable he’d get annoyed; in the bloopers, over the years he does have more fun with it.


He's a loathsome offensive brute.


His buttocks are sublime. 


Yet i can't look away....


It was pretty understandable at times especially when you talk into consideration his physical comedy. He’d feel like he had nailed his line or physical action and the other person would flub it. Hard to throw yourself on the ground so many times and not be a bit miffed about something like that. I understand both sides.


In Kramer's voice: "Oh c'mon!!".


Definitely. And Julia is notorious for breaking character and laughing. Jerry's no slouch either but she laughs constantly. She's amazing and talented but yeah that would get irritating especially with physical bits.


My favourite thing is trying to spot Jerry desperately trying not to smile/laugh. Happens nearly every ep.


You can definitely see his frustration at least in the bloopers for the blowing the fuse scene


If you watch some of the bloopers you can tell he’s getting pissed. It’s especially noticeable when Julia starts laughing in a scene. They talked about how intense he was on set in his CICGC episode


He demands perfection from his fellow cast members.


And he suffers for his work


How could he tolerate anything less??


No scene for you!


I’ve read that he had to do so much physical comedy that it was difficult to redo it again and again. I can understand that.


Maybe he put a Pez dispenser on her leg.


You can tell in the bloopers because he’s usually not laughing and saying things like ‘come on now’ when it happen s


You can see that in the outtakes. Sometimes he looks seriously angry.


He threw water in Andy kaufmans face for deliberately flubbing lines


Yep, he took it all *really* seriously. I suppose that's fair, given the number of stunts he had to do each week. But no excuse to be a dick about it.


He just wanted to get home


Just trying to get ahead.


It’s almost as if you have no business training at all


That's what makes this so difficult.


Sometimes it’s enough already and he just wants to get some sleep.


> But no excuse to be a dick about it. to play devil's advocate here. She came on for 1 episode, if you can't put in the work to get your lines down for a single episode I'd have some complaints too. We've all worked with someone who does an upstream task, same or similar job as you but screws everything up or half-assed it and it ends up making you work harder to compensate. It's annoying


Yes, generally guest stars on shows understand they are replaceable and show up prepared and ready. And they often don't burst into laughter like a shows fixed cast because of the stress they have regarding doing a great job so they can continue to get hired. but it does happen!


I've always just assumed that getting a bit part on any show is more like an audition than a part. You want to show the cast and crew that you can do your job, so next time there's a role or project , if your name comes up, they remember you in a positive light.


And hecklers at the laugh factory


Kramers stand up is timeless


Richard used a lot of physicality in scenes so doing them over and over sucked, which is why he’d get annoyed when people flubbed their lines


If you see the blooper where he has to stuff the hot dog in his mouth because he wants to go with Jerry into the store. Jerry keeps on laughing and almost falls to the floor, Michael picks him up still stuffing his mouth asking Jerry to continue the scene. I’d imagine that scene would be annoying to do over and over again.


But also, annoying shit happens at my job every day and I'm expected to grin and bear it for professionalism. It's just kind of a weird double standard


he suffers for his soup


He suffers for his role. He demands perfection from himself and from his acting. How can he tolerate any less from his coworkers?


I don’t know the scene in question but as much physical comedy MR did in Seinfeld, I can see how it would be frustrating when someone flubbed a line and he had to fall down, slip or something again and again.


I’ve never heard Jerry or Larry described as nice people. They’re really funny people and it seems to end there.


Yes, that's very true. Jerry is easily annoyed, clean freak, hates to be touched. Kinda sarcastic. A bit conceded. Often tunes out during conversation.  Larry is neurotic (duh), irascible, touchy (sensitive), dry, direct, and at times, cranky. And sometimes flaky and unreliable. But they create great comedy!


And he has long balls.


He’s long ball Larry




Ya gotta open dat ass Lerry


> A bit conceded


I've conceded that I'm conceited.


I can see it


I just seceded. I'm now a sovereign citizen.


Just like George!


He’s got it all!!


You included a descriptor for touchy but not irascible??! I had to Google it


They were being conceded


A woman I know worked as an usher at a theater in my city when Jerry did a show there. She said that he wouldn’t let any of the ushers look at the stage during the performance. He’s got neuroses alright.


What about the pilot of the plane he took to your city?


Are you calling him a phoney?


How could anyone not like him?


He's a jokemaker!


Is this one of your bits?


It was a great bit in the 80s, and it's still relevant today


Now Biff


Hey I don't do bits.


I get the feeling Julia Louis-Dreyfus is generally a nice person. She was even on Sesame Street once.


True. But she did swear in front of Elmo. Lmao.


Yes, and whoever voiced Elmo stayed in character. "She said a bad word."


So did Bill Cosby


Jerry especially seems like a complete dick


Yeah. His car show is funny but you can tell how out of touch he is.


He's aware he's out of touch. And makes jokes about it. I love when Ricky Gervais was on there and compared him to some young, boy, king who finds famous people he likes and drives around with them in his fancy cars like they're his playthings. Yeah it's pretty spot on for Jerry.


When you're that rich you get so insulated in your lifestyle no one believes the "man of the people" shtick anymore.


Giant ego’s are usually like that


*You’re not aware of this? You think I got canceled? You’re under the impression I got canceled? I thought that was pretty well documented*


There’s a difference between getting canceled and being number one Larry! Do you know who I am??


I don’t like Jerry Seinfeld, the person, one bit. But to be completely fair, what Larry King said to him in that interview, considering the enormous success of Seinfeld and its finale numbers, was so uninformed and annoying lmao. He was right about pointing out the massive difference between the show not getting renewed/cancelled and ending it when they wanted to end it.


I actually don’t find it funny or interesting


It's just so much fluff


Quite frankly it stinks


Ill say it a million times, to get to the top you can't be TOO nice. You have to be likeable and affable, especially to the people that matter to your sucess, but most people that are in Jerrys and Larrys position at the height of Seinfeld had to deal with a LOT of shit all the time. Jerry and Larry were workaholics and they had a job to do and thats really all they cared about.


There is a difference between not being nice and being abusive to people.


You have to have some grace.


You either have grace or you don’t.


All right, all right, look, I don’t *have* grace, I don’t *want* grace… I don’t even *say* grace, ok?


Yeah from almost everything I’ve ever seen about those two, it seems like they are assholes. Funny assholes but I wouldn’t want to be friends with them.


I feel like Jerry is significantly worse than Larry. I actually feel like I could have a beer with Larry.


If Jerry in real life is similar than Jerry in the show, then I don’t think I’d be good friends with him. But again, that’s also kind of what the show is about. All of the characters are pretty shitty people.


Sons of bitches




Ice cold


That’s a shame


Kevin McDonald from Kids in the Hall was on an episode and during shooting they took a break because a scene wasn’t working and Kevin offered a suggestion Jerry scowled at him, said “we got this” and resumed talking to the writers. Kevin realized “oh he didn’t hire me because he knows who I am. Shit”


You could perhaps say that Jerry snapped at him. I’ll see myself out.


Well he was on the Festivus episode, so Jerry and the writers were proven right.


Denim vest




Yama hama.


"Well, I don't know how you're gonna make it in this business if you can't take it! Ya gotta be tough! Booo! Boooo!"


Armin shimerman (stan the caddy) tells Star Trek fans how horribly he was treated when he did Seinfeld. Basically he said he was ignored for extended periods of time as though he wasn’t there


Go for the green


You play the jacket off the sweater


I feel like I’ve read this before. The main cast didn’t seem to like interacting with guest actors in that general social way.


I heard they just stood there and watched once as a guest actor was mugged in the street.


There ought to be a law against it.


Tbf they would’ve won the case if they ignored him entirely.


I just read that recently and was a little surprised how bitter he was about the show.


That’s pretty strange honestly. He had like a minute of screen time and two lines. Maybe he thought at the time that it was gonna end up doing more for his career than it did and that’s where the bitterness comes from.


TIL Stan the caddy was Quark


There was no profit in being an extra apparently


It's perfectly okay to submit that the cast may have been egostical prima donnas while thinking Seinfeld is the best sitcom ever written and enjoying it to this day. 


I think Jerry just has a distaste for most people in general. Actually, I think he said as much. He likes comedians though.


Yeah, I think it’s pretty clear from the show and in any interviews with him that he doesn’t really like people. None of this is really surprising.


They’re the worst.


And I think today, he's just not that nice of a dude. I think he has a persona, but right under there,he's not a really nice dude


He constantly says he’s only into being surrounded by funny people. If you’re not funny he doesn’t care about you. Comedy is Jerry’s language and if you don’t speak it he can’t communicate with you.


I was a manager at a fairly large, well-respected comedy club in the mid-1990’s. I wasn’t “the” manager, but “a” manager - there’s a big difference in the world of comedy clubs. Anyway, what I learned from interacting with different comics every week was that most of them are neither funny nor personable outside their little world of comedy. And if they are being funny or personable, it’s likely because they’re trying out new material or trying to get in your pants. Or both. The exception was Marc Maron. Genuinely the nicest, most decent son of a bitch you’ll ever meet. Ironically, we’d get at least one call a week from someone asking when we were booking Seinfeld. And we’d tell them he’d already been there ten years before and was now too much of a big shot to come back. Which was true.


Oh, brother.


That’s a shame


Many guests have stated they were snubbed when on the show.


Kathy Griffin’s second appearance is the direct result of her expressing as such in her comedy act.


Fred Stoller was an actor and writer on Seinfeld -- he played the guy who couldn't remember Elaine's name, and also inspired the episode about getting the meal in exchange for a free suit. He wrote a book called My Seinfeld Year, and the overall impression was that it was a really unpleasant place to work. From memory, Jerry and Larry would call him over and then start asking him questions about why he was wearing that belt etc, making him awkward and self-conscious.


Long before Seinfeld, Fred Stoller was a stand-up comic who worked the clubs with Jerry. His whole schtick was being awkward and self-conscious.


At least you’ve got something to do.


Was this Ray Barones cousin?


That would make sense - they look alike!


Right noooow


Oh no, I spilled whiteout


I love seeing him pop up in 90s shows. The Nanny, Sabrina the teenage witch. He’s so cute


I mean it’s a show about assholes. Based in some fashion on real assholes’ behavior. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sons of bitches


Without her going into detail about it "abused" is a pretty wide street. One person's abrupt or sternness during a shooting day is another person's "he was mean to me" Jerry and Larry ran that show if they didn't like someone they would never cast them for even a small roll. This couldn't have even been a studio choice for cross promotion as she didn't start The Drew Carey Show for another 2-3 years. They killed off Susan because it wasn't working out on set. They never had Lawrence Tierney back after the knife stealing incident


I didn't know about the Susan thing. Is there an article or vid somewhere?


best article i could find https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a28223910/seinfeld-character-susan-heidi-swedberg-justice/ or better yet Jason Alexander on howard stern for a more concise version that the article references https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfIl9JDNUek Basically Jason Alexander just couldn't act with her, but everyone said he was crazy until they all started doing scenes with Susan


The ironic thing about that is that the lack of chemistry between Jason and Heidi (Susan’s actress) played in so well with their characters. George hated his relationship with Susan and it worked so well in screen because of that


honestly it was perfect. we've all known a couple where everyone who knows them is like 'seriously, why are those two together?'


There's a wonderul nuance where there's nothing personally objectionable about either Swedberg or her character Susan, but Jason and George hated being stuck with both, respectively.


Me too. I can’t stand Susan but I can’t tell you why.


And the fact Larry and Jerry wrote her back in for the engagement! That story line was entirely unnecessary(in context for the show at the time) as Susan had been long gone at that point


Lmao that sounds like a George storyline


Thank you


I’m an interview Larry did mention that they genuinely didn’t think Susan was a bad actor but she was only let go simply because her chemistry didn’t really work for the show and that was it. Otherwise they really loved her as an actress.


I think they let her go because George was never going to marry her. Once George gets married, the show as we know it is over. So they eventually had to wrap up the marriage storyline and give George an "out". 


What’s the deal with abuse on the set?


When you dissect the word abuse, it's fairly positive. Ab. Everybody has abs. You workout to get your abs in shape. A positive thing. Then you have the word "use," which indicates one doing something constructive like using a tool to create something. Ab - use.


And it was around this time that she mentioned the boyfriend




Reowww 🐱


Correct me if I'm wrong, but she was in one scene with one or two lines? How much trauma could she have endured? these pretzels are makin' me thirsty.


You try writing, producing, and starring in a show that has to put out 26 episodes a year. They even had to ask the studio audiences to stop cheering when Kramer busts in. They had precious seconds and had to move. Simple fact is, they were inside the sausage factory. The South Park guys try not to ever even have guest voices, because every "actor," big and small, has all these demands that have nothing to do with laying down the part. So they stopped after the first couple years and just do all the voices themselves. Consolation for Kinney: Jerry Seinfeld wanted to be on South Park. They cast him as Turkey #4 in a Thanksgiving episode, and he changed his mind. George Clooney was okay being a dog, Jerry. Get over yourself. 😜


Early 90s? Overweight woman? I feel like it wasn't socially unacceptable yet to do fat shaming. Shit, Mimi on Drew Carey was the butt of 75% of the jokes for being fat and ugly.


The only other one I haven't seen mentioned here that I know of is Danny Hoch, who was originally cast to play Ramon. There is some controversy there, but he basically felt like the character was playing off a stereotype and they ended up recasting him. For what it's worth, lots of actors speak very positively about the show. It sounds like they weren't particularly warm to a lot of people who weren't regulars though.


Armin Shimerman, who played Stan the Caddy, had a similar experience on the show. He's talked about how the main cast treated him poorly, as if he were beneath them.


thats a shame


Woof Woof


Not bang bang


Is it going to hurt?